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my work, Son of the Father, as You have also kept me close within the things that are not seen of Your creation, of Your Being, so well covered from the face of the people, like Your saints who spend with You and near You in heaven and on earth, and this is not seen by the man’s eyes, oh, it is not seen, Lord, and because of this separation we have great pain, as this is what man has wanted and worked between him and God and he has kept hiding from God and going far and far away with his obedience from the Lord until he has no longer had the Lord with him, and man started doing this even while he was in paradise, Lord.


Oh, how great the paradise had to be, and how small the man has made it to be! Man has no longer had any paradise if he had no longer loved it, Lord! Man has remained without rest, and still he had no longer loved the paradise to bring it back again over his troubled life, for he who forsakes the Lord commits hidden works and hides with them, and man does no longer have a paradise because of this, as because of his hiding in him man lost the paradise, and he keeps on losing it, poor of him. Oh, man hides in himself with his ugly things, for if they were beautiful, man would not hide with them and would shine with them outside of him instead, Lord.


Oh, man likes to reign himself, and not You, Lord, and I was crushed with mourning on earth under those who reigned upon people as kings, as king Ahab was who worshipped his idolatrous woman, with whom he turned away the people of Israel from worshipping One God in order to worship the creatures. I caught fire and pain, zeal with fire in it, and I took with me Your power and dominion and I started to make miracles to scare with them the lawless ones. I closed the heavens and I called fire from heaven so that the miracle of my prayer may be seen clearly over the sacrifice on which I poured out water three times, but the fire did not started over the sacrifice brought to the priests of Baal, and it consumed my sacrifice soaked with water, and then by prayer with sacrifice, I brought rain on earth and I stopped the drought with my prayer full of the zeal with fire, and the saints left for the Christians prayers full of spirit in order to teach them to pray with fire, and the Christians of today still cannot make any miracles by their prayer. Oh, I was not praying with the book, but with the zeal I was praying and speaking with You, and I hoped for You to come and fulfill, Lord, those that I was asking from You, and this is how I was working great miracles in Your name. I stopped over in time of drought at Zarephath in Sidon in the house of a poor widow, and I multiplied in her house the drop of meal and the oil in the pot; I brought to life her son who died and then I came out and prophesied to Ahab his shameful end by which both he and his Jezebel perished: Ahab was shot by an arrow in the battle against the Syrians and died in the evening, and Jezebel was  eaten by dogs, (see 1 Kings: 22/34-35; 2 Kings: 9/33-36), and this is how the word was fulfilled, Lord, as I suffered much from those who had departed Israel from You, the true God, and I sought to built faith in You upon the people of Israel, because I was an offspring of the priestly seed of Israel, and when I was born my father saw angels of fire wrapping me up and giving me food with flame of fire, and this is how You gave me to eat through the angels; You nourished me since I was a baby, and I was growing up, I was walking through the wilderness and I was praying to You, Lord, standing before You. The kingdom of Israel was broken in two parts and there were unworthy kings upon it, and I was suffering for it and for You, Lord, and who else suffers on earth like me when he sees so much iniquity with the rulers everywhere, and when he sees so much separation from God over the multitudes?


Oh, I get up, for the zeal consumes me completely, only for You to want to bless me and to protect those with their heart for You, and to rebuke those who deceive You day and night, even if they recognized You as their God in heaven and on earth, for behold what the rulers do, and behold what the servants do at the altars. As they have noting from You upon their lives, and all give themselves over to the idol services as it was at that time, they worship the creatures, Lord, and it is worse on earth now than in Sodom and Gomorrah, oh, much worse, Lord, and all Your commandments are trampled down, and people do not know that they do this, and there is no more holy teaching on earth to wake them up.


Oh, I am asking You, the Good One, with burning prayer I am asking You to give me time of miracles to work with them for the people’s turning back to You, because the prayer full of zeal has to be fulfilled, and I am telling the sons of the people of Your word that it is not possible that the prayer full of the zeal for God and for the people not to be fulfilled; it will surely be fulfilled, and the heaven is waiting and the saints are waiting as well for Your help, their prayer always together with the prayer of those in heaven, for I, Lord, have in my schedule of work for this time the fight for the destructing of the antichrist, Your enemy and the enemy of Your Christians, and I am consumed with zeal to bring into fulfillment those that are written for Your victory and for my work with You during this time from the end of the time, (See the selection topic: „The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast”, r.n.) and we have, the people of Your word as great help on earth, and I want in this way to turn back to You and to the saints the people, the fathers, and the children, as it is written for me to do and to fulfill. Since I was born and up to this day, this is what I have been waiting for; that is to fight against antichrist, Lord.  Oh, bless this moment of mine as soon as possible, Lord!


Oh, arm the people of Your word of today with the graces of Your saints and call this moment upon it so that Your age may come on earth as in heaven, Lord! (See the selection topic: „The end of the world and the Day of the Lord”, r.n.) The people stay far from You and perish because of their lack of knowledge. Oh, help them and help me to turn them back to You too, as it is written for my work of today with You, Lord.


Oh, make me a worker of miracles upon people, to make them find You out and to know You in this place where You set the word of Your coming with the saints and its trumpet calling everywhere on earth! Oh, make those who walk with You on the way, make all the people see You for a moment, as they saw You, as they saw us, You, Moses and me, as Your disciples saw us on Tabor, when You removed Your veil and revealed Your brightness, Lord!


Oh, sons of Jesus Christ, the Word, Who speaks to you and upon you to give Him further over the earth, oh, little disciples from the end of the time, catch powers, sons, as together with you I have to put down the enemy antichrist, and the Lord Jesus Christ is with us in this battle for the victory of His enemy. Receive from my zeal of fire, as the Lord feeds you with fire, even if you do not know this about His food upon you. The prayer full of zeal is being fulfilled, and let us come together for it and with it, as we have to win over the world on the side of the Lord and we have to save it from the destruction which it works for itself with every passing moment, not knowing what it does and what it does to itself.


I am praying to Christ for you and I am saying: the fire with which You had fed me even since I was a little child, take it and feed them with it, too, and set them with power near me, Lord, so that we may prevail against the antichrist, for You are our God, and we are Your people, we are Your work, and we call and praise Your name. Oh, Lord, bring peace to Your saints, for Your saints wait for it! Amen.


— Oh, what great love, how great! Oh, how much love you have, prophet! Behold, I unfold My mystery and say: the entire love does not leave man to die, and he who has loved has not died. Those who love do not die, and this is the mystery of those who do not die, and they carry their body and pass with it into those that are not seen and work and they go much with the Lord on earth and do the Lord’s work. Oh, those who love only the Lord are great and immortal in their body and spirit, and you lived only for Me, great prophet. Oh, I cannot refuse the will of your prayer. The fire made you great; it grew you up and it kindled you in prayer and this is how you stayed before Me. Who does something else on earth has weak love and is small in his life.


Therefore, I urge you, people of My word, and I teach you not to separate from My Spirit and from the prayer before Me; you shall not separate, neither when you pray, when you work or labor for My glory with you, neither when you eat or walk, or rest; oh, you shall never separate from prayer, and then you will be like fire, you will be like Elijah, the son of the holy fire, which goes in a chariot of fire between heaven and earth, as this it was written for him, to work, to be and never to die, and with his fire to burn the iniquity on earth. (See the selection topic: „Enoch and Elijah”, r.n.)


I am leaving you now, My people, I am leaving you to go and rest with a feast on a day of Sunday, the day of My prophet among the saints. Oh, get used to be able to do what I have taught you on this day of teaching. Oh, share My teaching and sound it loudly everywhere, son, for I am giving you so that you may also give further, and so that it may work on earth.


Oh, peace to you, sons, on a day of great feast among the saints! I am giving you much blessing in your work with Me for the beauty which you have set with your little hands over the face of the little village of My today’s word and for My glory with you before men, oh, sons, and we will have a great and renown feast, and you will be

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