2013.07.22 - The Word of God at the 22-year celebration from the lying of the foundation stone of the Holy of Holies of by Lord Jesus (speld decodable readers .txt) đź“–

- Author: Lord Jesus
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Oh, church of the Romanian people, you have not wanted to be My way to the people. You have not wanted to give Me as Teacher over those who do not have growth from heaven upon them. Oh, how much glory you would have had, oh, how much! It would have been no one to go before you if your spirit had been one with My Spirit, with the spirit of this word of resurrection and eternal life in it, and we would have raise the man from sin, I and you; however, you have been ashamed to do this, and you have not been ashamed to open to the foreigners to God and to you, who come and keep coming, but they do not come to unite with you, but you to unite with them instead, (With the Catholic Church, r.n.) and that is only to stain your little dress and break to pieces your crisma[4], the swaddling cloth of christening, which you do not longer know how to wear over your little shirt of christening so that you may remain a child for My kingdom and no to grow up without counseling and thus to give yourself to immorality or let yourself wooed by gods foreign to the life from heaven. Oh, you came out of your swaddling clothes and have grown up and you have no longer listened to the saints and fathers, who have left ordinances for you not to be violated, and you do no longer know to keep your little shirt of christening and the swaddling cloth over it, that is the crisma that keeps you tight to Me to grow righteous and to be a righteous church and not to change your way and your walking, as you did and still do. (To change the feast of the Lords’ Birth – the Passover, to the Catholic rite, or both to establish a certain date, 1st Mai, for this feast, r.n.)
Oh, here it is what I am going to tell you: I have taken from your midst a good and faithful sprout and I grafted him with the gift of the Holy Spirit by the word and by heavenly anointment and I have made him great within My spirit and mystery on his head and I spoke through him (Irineu, r.n.) the blessing of the new beginning, but you have persecuted him and pulled him out from where I planted him to grow in him the spirit of confession, working in a bad time where there will no longer be light on earth. Oh, I have not meant him to be great upon you, but instead I wanted him to be for you, oh, servants of the Romanian people church! I have prepared him for you, I have been preparing him even from his birth, and I have walked with him in secret to give him the Holy Spirit for you to have in bad time, and when the time is too hard for you. Oh, and many of you will see how much joy you will begin to have when he will show his love and faithfulness, just as he showed you when he turned his back to Me at your request of his separation from Me and from My people, and he chose you, and the separation was done, and after that years in a row he had stayed secretly near with his spirit and love for My word, by which I had guided him step by step and with which, behold, I have been feeding and covering you under it so that satan may see that you have a Shepherd upon you and that you may perish being destroyed by the thieves of souls who want to destroy the Orthodox faith completely and to bring as many as possible to deny their little shirt of christening and their faithfulness to the covenant of the saints left through the church; however, I am telling you that many have forsaken and remained covered above with the garment of the Orthodoxy, the garment of salvation through Christ. Oh, what do the saints and the fathers say, what do the ancestors say when they see from heaven what the church does in the Orthodox Romanian country? Oh, what are you doing? Behold, you mix the things and this does not do you any good, and it makes Me have tears in My cheek. Oh, no one knows what you are any more, for it is written: “Bad company corrupts good character,” for one you call yourselves and do another. When the people of Israel united on its way with those who were foreign to Me and to it, then My people perished in great number and it did no longer enter its kingdom prepared by Me; they did no longer enter Canaan. When you are joining now with those who do not have Me as their God but they have satan instead, then do you still remain? Are you someone else than they are, more than those with whom you come together to make a display of mixture face to face with the saints who left down written ordinances for you not to do so? Oh, you were not supposed to make a display together with the world and with its heads, church of the Orthodox Romanian people! Oh, it is very ugly what you have done! Behold what you do with your freedom with respect to Me and to the saints! You work on your own. You have not wanted to have upon you the spirit of prophecy, to have it as your guide and not to go wrong on the way. Those consecrated to God cry like Me because of you when you violate them with those who are foreign to your faith from the fathers, the faith from the saints. Oh, do not take those who were consecrated to God from the fathers, do not sell them to the violation of the commandments, because you commit sin when you do this, oh, church of the Romanian people. You do this through the rulers you have upon you, and the whole church is guilty if the rulers upon it go wrong. Even if you, those who are rulers over the church, even if you say that this word is not the God Word, you should still know that those who are consecrated from the fathers to Him belong to the Lord, and they are not yours to have dominion upon them for your enemies and for your tables that you have together with them! Oh, how hard it will be for you to answer if you do not stop from this lawlessness in a place dedicated to God, in the holy place of the Lord!
And as for you, faithful bishop, who accompanied Me twenty two years ago when I laid the new stone for the renewal of everything, and on this foundation I have built the work of My Father for the new birth of the world and for the founding of the new Jerusalem on earth, as it is written for it to come and to be with the people, I am telling you: call Me with tears in your cheeks, call Me to help you to wake up many before darkness comes into to be visible. I know that you are put in chains to the place of My word and to the people of My word; however, I am coming to you with the word and I ask you with tears in My cheek: Call Me with tears so that I may wake up many, for you have chosen to remain among them, to show your holy Orthodoxy and to endure hoping in My coming with the revelation of the truth of My word over those who do not believe that I am this word. You do no longer have power now for Me and for My new and holy confession for a holy life, but you can cry, and I give you power to cry and to call Me to come and help the church of the Romanian people while in need, for she sleeps, she sleeps and does not watch for My coming.
I am bringing you now here, near the spring, and I am bringing you mysteriously on this day of memorial, and, behold, the saints and the fathers lay a blessing hand on your head, to have their power when all need it in time of trial over the church of the Romanian people, who does no longer know his color (White, r.n.) and his law from the fathers. Oh, the helm over the church of the Romanian people is far, far from Me. All the servants on the top will be much despised, soon, soon, after they will have seen their disappointment from their mixture with satan’s pagans, and they will need holy help, for they all have crushed the holy law upon them, which protected them from above from the fathers.
I am bestowing on your head the great blessing of the fathers from heaven, from the eternal life of those who love heaven on earth and I speak over your little heart and mind the peace from above, for there is no longer pace anywhere but only in My word, by which I speak over the earth and with it I mysteriously rule over the world. Oh, peace to you! From the midst of the people of My word, from near the spring I am telling you this: peace to you! Moreover, you are to speak in secret and you are to confess before all the saints and say: «Blessed is the Lord Who dwells in Jerusalem!», into midst of the Romanian people, as it is written into the Scriptures about the place of My dwelling. Amen.
Oh, peace to you, people of My word! From your midst I have blessed the word of this today’s feast, the memorial of the laying of the foundation stone of My new building, of the renewed church, for I have built a people for Me and I have been leading it to My victory with it against the whole unbelief on the earth, and I dwell in My holy tabernacle into its midst, as it is written. Amen, amen, amen.
Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).
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[1] God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note.
[2] Translated by I.A.
[3] Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Style_and_New_Style_dates) are sometimes used with dates to indicate either whether the start of the Julian year has been adjusted to start on 1 January (N.S.) even though documents written at the time use a different start of year (O.S.), or whether a date conforms to the Julian calendar (O.S.), formerly in use in many countries, rather than the Gregorian (N.S.)
The Church Calendar (in Romania) up to 1924 was the same as that of Nicaea, based on severe apostolic canons, but in 1924, the Scripture of the prophet Daniel was fulfilled: «the people made bold to even change the times», when the primate metropolitan - of that time, Miron Cristea, (Primate metropolitan = (in the past) a title given to the first metropolitan of a country; today it would be equal to that of a patriarch) introduced the Gregorian Calendar (Catholic) as result of a „pan-Orthodox” congress that took place in 1923, in Constantinople. At that congress, the patriarch of that time, Meletie, proposed the acceptance of the „revised” Julian Calendar, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revised_Julian_calendar) which was in
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