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disease, which we perform often.

So why would the act of “washing our robes” so frequently be needed? I believe that frequent repentance is necessary to enjoy a close communion with GOD, because GOD is so very HOLY and we are so very sinful. We need to repent regularly to stay close to GOD. Every time we approach the LORD JESUS in prayer, we should first seek repentance through the precious blood of CHRIST. If we want to have our petitions heard and to partake in a close relationship with a HOLY GOD, then we need to be regularly repentant. Now is the time to keep our robes clean.

Your friends in Christ, Susan and Sabrina.


Words Given by the LORD JESUS to Sabrina, May 30, 2011:

Write it down My daughter, these are My Words.

The time is coming, the hour is approaching. I, GOD, JESUS come for My bride. She is ready and waiting. She is My beloved, My bride, bought and paid with My precious BLOOD. My BLOOD is shed for the whole world, I have given My life for every individual and each one is paid with My precious BLOOD.

Come to Me now. Now is the time. If you still think there are also other ways to My KINGDOM, you are deceived grandiose. The devil has you in his claws and he does not let go. Now is the time to come and to get serious with My SACRIFICE.

There is no other SACRIFICE, let this be clear. I AM is the only way to the FATHER and to My KINGDOM. “I AM” is the only way, paid for with My BLOOD!

Let this be clear: THERE IS NO OTHER WAY! THERE IS NO OTHER WAY! THERE IS NO OTHER WAY! “I AM,” JESUS is the only blood paid way to the cross, to grace, to salvation, to justice, to righteousness.

Without My BLOOD as your cloth, as your cover, you cannot enter My KINGDOM! I AM the only way! Let yourselves no longer be influenced and dragged along by the devil in his crafty plan by believing that there are also other ways! Not so!

“I AM,” JESUS is the only way! No sorcery, no divination, no yoga, no other spirits or powers, or entities that teach you, no other guides! “I AM” is the only way to the FATHER and to My KINGDOM. Let this be clear.

Stop with this form of idolatry! There is much idolatry in My church. Be still and know that I am the only GOD! There is no other GOD, there is only ONE and that is Me. Stop every form of idolatry in My church, in My house. You will all be left behind. How can you like this be part, or even believe that you are part, of My bride.

How can you be pulled like this by other spirits of the world, by seducers who seek your perdition? This comes from the pit of hell, boiled out in the deepest darkness. I tell you, many of you will be left behind with your idols. Shout at them, listen to them, ask them to save you, and then see what will come of it!

I, GOD am furious about this matter, since it is an abomination, an absolute abomination in My Eyes, in My house. My church must be based on My SACRIFICE, on My precious shed BLOOD, that is the foundation on which you must build. There is no other foundation than this.

Build on My BLOOD! Or all your works will be burned like chaff, and straw in the fire. Stop with the idolatry in My house. Search your rooms and see what is not of Me. Search your homes and see what is not of Me. Search your hearts and see what is not of Me. If I cannot possess every corner of your heart, soul, and body, you are not worthy as My bride.

Then your works for Me will be burnt. Then you will be cast into outer darkness. Harsh Words? Read My Word. I tell you nothing new.

It is time, and now is this time, that My house is cleaned. My Body must be cleaned, you are My Body. Clean yourselves. This is only possible with My precious BLOOD. My BLOOD is the only thing that cleans.

Ask Me and My SPIRIT to search your rooms, to bring everything to the light. Ask Me for insight and wisdom, so that I can fully rule in your hearts. Ask Me and not the deceivers of this world. DO NOT go for advice and answers to the spirits of the world.

DO NOT play with My SPIRIT and with your salvation. My SPIRIT does not allow HIMSELF to be mocked. HE is the ALMIGHTY. He is your GOD. HE is everything! You cannot have HIM and the spirits of the world in the hidden corners of your hearts!

Clean My house! Clean My house! “I AM” am a jealous GOD! I have paid the price by putting off My life and everything, by receiving the beatings and injuries received in your place. There is no other. “I AM” did it for you. Therefore know that I do not share a place, not even a hidden corner, with another.

Be fully filled with Me and with My SPIRIT, every day again. “I AM” am a jealous GOD and I only come for My bride.

Ask yourself the question: Am I ready as HIS bride? Can I say with certainty that there are no other gods, no other answers, no other sources in my life to fill me? Am I the only source in your life?

If so, you are ready as My bride. If so, you live according to My WORD and you do as I say. If so, you know Me.

Hear what I say church! Hear what I say!

1 Samuel 15:23. For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king.

2 Chronicles 33:6. And he caused his children to pass through the fire in the valley of the son of Hinnom: also he observed times, and used enchantments, and used witchcraft, and dealt with a familiar spirit, and with wizards: he wrought much evil in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger.

Revelation 18:23. And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.

Isaiah 44:8. Fear ye not, neither be afraid: have not I told thee from that time, and have declared it? ye are even my witnesses. Is there a God beside me? yea, there is no God; I know not any.

Galatians 4:9. But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage?

Colossians 2:8. Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

Galatians 1:6. I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:

Exodus 34:14. For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.:


 Letter 115. Received from the LORD JESUS by Susan on May 29, 2011.

Daughter, I am ready to give you a letter. My daughter, these are My Words, write them down:

This world is slowing to a stop. This world will end as we know it. Soon, My Truth will win out! This evil world will stop and My Truth will succeed. My World will succeed. I will assume My Rule as KING of Kings and LORD of Lords. I will take over from evil.

The world will see the end of evil and My Kingdom will prevail. I will prevail! I am a GOD of fortitude, strength, and great power. I will use it to vanquish evil. You do not want to be set against Me. You do not want to be found guilty before Me. I judge with Righteousness and a swift Hand of Truth. My Way is perfect. I judge with absolution. No one can stand before Me and withstand My Truth without My Blood-bought Covering. Without this Covering, you will be judged and found guilty in your sins.

Come under My Covering. Let Me bring you under My Blood Covering. Let Me bring you to My Truth. I want you to be saved. I want you to find Me worthy to BE your LORD and MASTER. I want you to come to Me in surrender. I want full surrender. This is the key to your salvation, to your security, your eternal security. I am asking you to give Me everything, all your plans, your future, your life, your all, most especially your heart.

I am looking for a deep commitment. I am looking for you to dig deep and pull up your heart and put it into My Hands, not knowing what it means for you to surrender all to Me, just trusting that I will do what I say I will in My Book: bring you to a good end, bring you into My safe haven, My Kingdom. This will be the outcome of your surrender: peace of mind and eternal security.

You do not believe, but where do you turn for such long term security? You turn to other men, men who are mortal and fallible. You turn to money, money that is here and then quickly gone. All is false security, bringing false hopes. Listen to men around you and you will learn death, hopelessness, and destruction.

I am coming for a pure bride. Lay your life down and I will give you My Life in exchange. I will bring you to the purity I require to come into My Kingdom. You cannot do this apart from Me. There is no one who can face Me in their own purity. All is filthy rags before My Face, My HOLY FACE. You will not survive My Wrath with your sin in front of My HOLY FACE. You cannot withstand this. You will not be allowed into My Kingdom. Only My Blood Covering will suffice, all else is filthy rags.

This is My Truth. If you do not believe Me, read My Book. Find Truth between My Pages. There is no other truth. The hour is diminishing. Time is running out. Get under My Blood Covering. Do not delay.

These Words were spoken by TRUTH. The ONLY SOURCE OF TRUTH.


Isaiah 64:6. But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.


PART 67: This has three letters: one from JESUS describing the bride and HIS love for her; the second letter is from JESUS and HE is pleading with people to get ready because the time is very short; and a third letter is from the FATHER...

...making a formal invitation to

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