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Book online ยซI AM COMING! Volume 4 by Susan Davis, Sabrina De Muynck (lightest ebook reader .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Susan Davis, Sabrina De Muynck

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I want you to stay ready at all times, because I approach and you do not know the hour I AM coming. Many try to guess, but you must stay ready at all times. MY Coming is near.  

Yes children, I will arrive soon. Many will not know their LORD at the time I arrive. Their hearts will be far from ME. Their minds will be fixed on the world and the things of the world, far from ME. Soon they will realize that what I have promised for so long will have come to pass and they will be left because they underestimated ME and MY Words. They disregarded MY Truth and MY Warnings. As if the things I have outlined and described in MY Book were nonsensical, untrue, or not worth considering.

MY children it is dangerous to toy with the Words of GOD and to trifle with MY Affections. I have given you all good things in this life. I have made available many benefits but yet you perceive ME as not worth knowing, not worth acknowledging, not worth believing, not worth trusting, not worth heeding.

Children, you will underestimate ME one too many times on the Day of MY Great Arrival, when I make MY Appearance with a fleet of angels at MY Sides in sheer beauty and incomprehensible radiance, I will appear. You will be dumbstruck because you did not believe MY Words and were not prepared and will be left.

Your sorrow will be overwhelming in that instant. You will know the sting of rejection and it will come from your CREATOR, the ONE WHO gave you life and breath and that is WHO you will be rejected by.

You think this not important to you right now as the world in front of you seems too real, so inviting, so comfortable. But let ME tell you children when you realize at the moment it happens you have been left and rejected by your very MAKER and your LIFE GIVER. You will feel utter devastation knowing the ONE WHO formed you and knows you more intimately than anyone else has left you to face the worst. Your shock will be great. Your heart will melt in its chest and you will sink to the depths of misery knowing the loss of coming with ME to MY Kingdom, escaping great horrors on earth, and missing the greatest celebration in the history of mankind.

This will be your loss. Many will face this reality as many refuse to listen, to believe, to prepare, to trust, and to read MY Holy Book. These people do not regard MY Words and MY Signs. I have put out many advanced warnings and these have come about just as I said they would, yet you are not watching and paying attention. You have better things to do than to watch for your LORD, your GOD. Almost anything is more important to you than watching for ME and recognizing the lateness of the hour. You will suffer great loss and you will soon discover MY Warnings were true, your doubt and disbelief that you cling to will not save you from what is coming.

Many believe MY Words. They will ride the wind to freedom. MY HOLY SPIRIT will bring them out. If you do not know MY HOLY SPIRIT, you will be left behind. I AM trying to warn you and make you aware of what is coming.

Children why do you sleep so soundly? Awaken. WAKE UP! Dark clouds are moving in. Trouble is coming. I AM the only Escape. I AM the only Light. I AM the only Rescue Mission planned for what is coming on the earth, onto mankind. Know MY Name. Know ME. If you don't find out about ME and know ME as SAVIOR, LORD, MASTER, then you will be lost. This is Truth. There is no other Truth, I AM Truth. โ€œI AM!โ€

Find ME. Spend time with ME and I will save you. This IS the message. If you are not hearing this message with others then that message is not right because this IS the message that I AM putting forth. Test the spirits. If you are not hearing the message of soon rescue then the message is unreliable because these are MY Words of priority! Get ready, make ready. MY Coming is near.

I invite you to leave earth with ME. I will take anyone who wants to come but first you must believe that I exist. Now is the hour of your redemption. Will you grasp MY Hand? MY Hand is the One with the Piercing. Reach for It. Save yourself.



Letter Given by the LORD JESUS and Received by Sabrina on August 2nd, 2011:

Write it down MY daughter, these are MY Words.

The time is coming for MY very soon coming. โ€œI AMโ€ approaches the earth with quick steps. โ€œI AMโ€ comes to pick up MY bride. โ€œI AMโ€ is coming.

The end of all things is at hand. The end as described in MY Holy Book, the Bible. This is MY Holy Book and everything happens as I have planned it before the foundation of the world. Everything is fulfilled as recorded from before the foundation of the world.

I, GOD, have knowledge of all things, present, past, future. I tell you, the future without your GOD does not look good. Still people walk back and forth to satiate themselves in this dark world, with dark worldly things. They are not suited in their thoughts and actions towards ME.

The world has forgotten her GOD, her True, Only GOD and is now slave to her worldly gods, who are not real gods, but idols, coming from the deepest layers of darkness, a place called hell.

These are the things MY children run after. They see no distinction anymore between good and evil, anything can, anything is allowed, and anything is good. So this world runs to her end with destination hell.

I want to address MYSELF to MY children, MY true children, who have not yet forgotten their GOD and still have a healthy fear in their hearts for their GOD. These are MY true children. They have not forgotten ME yet.

I want to tell you: Do not be envious of the wicked. Do not be envious of their prosperity. Do not be envious of their big buildings, cathedrals, and multi-media buildings, and organizations. Do not be envious of her huge skyscrapers, towering above the clouds.

They are like wax in MY Eyes. One movement with MY Hand and they crash as ash falls under the fire. They serve mammon with their wealth, prosperity, and prestige. If they do not repent and turn their eyes on ME with all their prosperity and serve ME with all their prosperity, they will soon perish as a garment that is rolled up and thrown away.

That fast, they will perish, for Behold, โ€œI AMโ€ is coming on the clouds! Wake up world! Wake up MY children. NOW is the time to serve your GOD. NOW is the time. Soon it strikes midnight and many, very many, I will find sleeping.

I will not wake them then anymore, I do everything NOW to wake up MY children NOW. MY bride warns MY people. Many of MY children work hard to awaken others. I, GOD see it yet all.

But on that day, at that moment, at that hour, many will sleep and wake up horrified, when they notice the metamorphosis this present world has undergone, as MY bride will be removed, carried on high. Then they will lament and mourn, O' great will be the dismay. Great the grief, great the despair. Their prosperity and large buildings will offer them no consolation then. Empty cold buildings will it be and even the walls will be silent.

Everything will be in ruin. No one can realize the magnitude of the catastrophe that is coming, no one. Only MY FATHER and I know the magnitude of what is coming. It stands at the door. The door is even ajar, the horrors are waiting impatiently to be released and keep house in this world, on MY planet earth.

She will be completely destroyed. No soul will be able to escape the horrors the antichrist will bring upon this earth. O' it will require big faith and courage to stand for your GOD still.

Why do you not come now? Why do you challenge yourselves to wait? Another day, enjoying one more time the sin, and then the next day just the same, while your conscience gnaws, and gnaws, and gnaws, while you give yourselves over in numbness to the lust and attraction of the sin in this world.

Everyting is good these days, without GOD in the middle. Everything is allowed these days, without taking into account MY HOLY BOOK! Where are your senses? WHERE church? Oh yes, I also speak to you, to you who call themselves the church of JESUS.

I AM nothing but a name in your church, for I cannot even enter your building, because of the horror that comes to meet ME every Sunday, every time you meet. I see worldly horrors in MY HOUSE, worldly horrors!

I tell you, you will not escape the horrors of hell, O' she will devour you with much pleasure, as you despise MY Word now and exchange it for a gospel created in this world. While MY WORD IS HOLY! BE HOLY, for I, GOD, am HOLY and without HOLINESS no one can enter MY KINGDOM, is that clear?

Read MY WORD, maintain MY WORD, very simple and uncompromising with the world or people from this world. I, GOD do not allow it and will not accept it when you stand before ME for MY THRONE. I will say: โ€œI NEVER KNEW YOU, YOU WORKERS OF LAWLESSNESS! GO before MY FACE to the eternal damnation, prepared for the devil and his angels.โ€

The time is extremely short, extremely short, the door of desperation is already ajar. What will you do? Choose NOW for your GOD, for ME, JESUS, for I have opened the door to MY FATHER'S HOUSE there on the cross.

Matthew 25:34. Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:

Proverbs 14:27. The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death.

Matthew 6:24. No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

Psalm 102:26. They shall perish, but thou shalt endure: yea, all of them shall wax old like a garment; as a vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed:

1 Peter 1:16. Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I AM holy.

Matthew 25:41. Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:


Our dear sister Lillian of Africa sent Sabrina this message on August 1, which the LORD wanted us to include in this letter:

Last night, during our prayer meeting, while praying I received a vision from the LORD. This is what I could see in the vision: I saw a landscape and people moving around. This place was darkened by clouds as though a great storm is to pour out. The LORD then gave me an interpretation of this vision: "There is a storm coming. Allow ME to be your SHIELD, SHELTER, and ROCK of REFUGE. Come to ME, MY children."

Now, immediately after this message the LORD JESUS gave me words then I was later addressed by GOD THE FATHER. This is what the LORD said: "Yes MY child, darkness is coming on this earth. Evil has formed, for satan is to fall upon the earth. It is time MY children. It is, indeed, time. Take heed and prepare yourselves to come with ME. The time is now.

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