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You cannot even see him.

Fill your lamp and let ME give you new eyes to see MY Word more clearly, to be bold in spreading MY Word, to come to ME in humble repentance, to follow the one and only true path—the narrow road. Only those who have escaped the ways of the lukewarm will be ready when I return for MY church.

I am coming for a church that is filled with MY HOLY SPIRIT Fire and not the cold and dying church that loves ME not.

O’ church of the living dead: come to ME before this great hour of disaster is upon you. Break free of your bondage to the traditions of men and the workings of the devil. He has you securely in his grip. You are greatly deceived. Take your blinders off and turn to ME for eye salve so that I might show you Truth.

The hour is short. This world is dying. Soon I will return to remove MY church, those who love ME more than the world. Turn to ME before it is too late. Turn while you are still able. Evil man is rising. Don’t be caught unawares. MY Warnings are sure and MY Word is True.

I am a GOD WHO does not lie. MY Word is coming to pass, just as I said it would. Read MY Word. See that I am a GOD WHO is true to HIS Word.

FAITHFUL FRIEND WHO sticks closer than a brother,


John 10:10: The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

Job 8:13-14: 13So are the paths of all that forget GOD; and the hypocrite's hope shall perish: 14whose hope shall be cut off, and whose trust shall be a spider's web.

Psalm 16:11: THOU wilt shew me the path of life: in THY Presence is fullness of joy; at THY Right Hand there are pleasures for evermore.

Matthew 25:3-4: 3 They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: 4 But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.

Matthew 6:24: No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve GOD and mammon.

Matthew 7:15: Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

Proverbs 18:24: A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.


Getting To Know Me And My Ways - This Is The Meaning Of Life

Word of the LORD:

“You have two directions—only two—you either follow ME fully or you go with MY enemy…”

(Word received from the LORD by Susan, May 14, 2012)

Listen closely as I give you Words:

Daughter, I am coming and MY Time to collect MY children is drawing near: so many do not know ME, so many do not even care to know ME.

I am a GOD worth knowing. I created each child. I have put forth great effort in the creation of MY children. All MY children I love as only a father would love his own. Too many believe otherwise, that I am distant, far off, and aloof. This is not the case at all. I am really quite accessible, if only people would pursue ME. If only they would seek MY Face. Get close, come to know ME—really know ME.

There is nothing greater and more important than knowing GOD and getting to know ME and MY Ways. This is the meaning of life. All other pursuits are meaningless and out of the Will of GOD: the Will of the ONE WHO Created you.

Why walk outside of the Will of your CREATOR for your life? Your self will apart from MY Will is the will of the devil. Yes, it is your freewill to choose to walk the broad road and not the narrow way. You walk hand-in-hand with the devil whether you realize it or not.

To be out of MY Will is to be in the enemy’s will and that is playing with fire and will lead to your ultimate destruction. To be completely and securely in MY Will you must surrender your all to ME, repent of your sins from a remorseful heart. Let ME fill you with MY SPIRIT. Allow ME to come into your life and bring you to a complete filling of MY SPIRIT, a full oil lamp. There is no other way.

You may seek after other routes, but only one leads to MY FATHER and that is through ME, the LORD and SAVIOR of mankind. All other paths lead to destruction.

Children, I am a GOD WHO is humble. I was willing to lay down MY Life for you in a humbling fashion to surrender all for your sin, to cover your price, to ransom you, to defeat the hold of MY enemy on your life, to release you from eternal bondage, torment, and destruction in hell.

You have two directions—only two—you either follow ME fully or you go with MY enemy and he is your father, the father of lies. Until you lay your life at MY Feet—you belong to the devil.

When MY children spend time with ME but refuse to give ME their all in a full surrender, they are still engaging with MY enemy. You cannot come into MY Kingdom unless you turn your life over to ME fully.

I am a Jealous GOD. I do not share with other gods. Either MY children belong to ME from a full surrender and pursue ME in their hearts daily or they belong to the devil, their god. He rules their heart and they are far from ME acting in the will of the one they have chosen. They worship the devil and his ways when they are outside MY Will.

There is no middle ground or halfway. MY children are either surrendered fully or they are not part of ME: MY SPIRIT does not move through them and they work against MY Kingdom and do the will of MY enemy. This is pure evil; although few see it and few find the narrow path into MY Kingdom.

There is only a small remnant who will come with ME out of the earth when I call MY church home. Only those who submit to MY Will fully, only those who willingly lay down their lives and step off the broad road of the ways of the world and MY enemy. Few are willing to do this. Therefore few will inherit the Kingdom of heaven. Read MY Book. I have made this point clear.

You cannot alter the Words in MY book. MY Truth stands. Few find the narrow path. Do you wish to be one of them? Come lay your life at MY Feet. Let ME use it to reach others. Allow ME access to your life so that I can fill you with MY SPIRIT, make you complete and lead you to tranquility and peace, the peace that passes all understanding. This is the purpose of your life: to love and serve ME, your CREATOR and to be made whole and complete through the filling of MY SPIRIT.

Let ME bear your burdens. Your life was not meant to be lived in fear. Cast your cares on ME. Make ME your GOD, worship ME, and I will deliver you out to safety.

The hour is short; you have precious little time left. Don’t choose against ME.

I know you. I created you. Don’t separate yourself from ME for eternity.

I am your Loving FATHER,

RULER of Heaven and Earth.


Psalm 42:1: As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after THEE, O GOD.

Matthew 7:13: Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

Matthew 7:21: Not everyone that saith unto ME, LORD, LORD, shall enter into the Kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the Will of my FATHER which is in heaven.

John 8:44: Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

Mark 10:45: For even the SON of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give HIS Life a ransom for many.

Matthew 7:14: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Exodus 15:11: Who is like unto THEE, O LORD, among the gods? Who is like THEE, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders? 

3. The Hour Of My Return Is Closing In


Word of the LORD:

“All that I promised to happen in MY Book are coming together before your very eyes…”

(Words given by the LORD to Susan, May 17, 2012)

Listen carefully as I am about to give you new Words:

Children listen to ME. This is your LORD.

The hour of MY Return is closing in. If you are watching you already know this. MY children, you cannot deny that the world has become dark and evil. All are turning their backs to ME in unison. Only MY remnant bride remains untouched. She is small in number—very few pursue ME on the level I require; all others hunger after the world. The world holds them too tightly in its grip.

Soon, I will put aside the few who really seek ME and I will leave the rest to face MY Wrath and the vengeance of MY enemy. Mankind will suffer in this, the last hour. These days are about to come to fruition. I am giving you ample warning. I am supplying you with an abundance of signs and messages from those I have sent ahead to warn.

MY Words and MY Warnings have been clear, so many choose not to regard them. Very few seem to be alarmed by what is coming to this earth. Already the affects are being seen from the lifting of MY Hand of protection over the earth.

Children, come to your senses. Look around. See that MY Warnings and Messages are coming to pass and all that I promised to happen in MY Book are coming together before your very eyes.

Pull off your blinders. Look around. Read MY Book. Seek ME through humility and prayer. I will show you Truth and lead you down MY Safe Path. All other paths are marked for death. Leave the world behind. Seek ME for Truth and Safety. Humble yourself. Repent of your sins. Surrender your life completely to ME. I will save you. I am willing.

You cannot save yourself. No one can save you but ME. It is MY Blood spilt on Calvary that has paid your ransom for a lifetime of sin against a Holy GOD. Let ME secure your future with ME for eternity. Come with ME when I retrieve MY bride.

I am ready. Are you? Are you coming out to safety? Ask yourself

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