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Book online «2007.11.21 - The Word of God at the Synod of the holy archangels, Michael and Gabriel by Lord Jesus (bookstand for reading .TXT) 📖». Author Lord Jesus

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Shepherd. Oh, how hard it is for the Christian who separates you from Me to put you down and then to judge you, for one like that forgets about My foremost work in those who are bearers of God for man, for I am He Who said to the working disciples: «I in you and you in Me», as I have also told you. Then, and now, I have gathered disciples and then I took them with Me wherever I was going, as it is written about the Lamb of God and about those who walk with the Lamb. I have taken some of them out of their ranks and brought them down to the spirit of My humility and I have made them My disciples, and I have also taken some of others from their families and showed them their happiness telling them: «Blessed are those who leave father and mother, wife and children, ranks and possessions, to walk with Me and to preach Me to the people, confessing Me from margins to margins, disciples of the preaching of the Gospel of the kingdom of God on earth with the people». Oh, happy are those who do not stumble over anything to come and work for Me then and so that they may become an example of self-denial for all those who want to leave death and its fruit and then to take on them the garment of life, the way with the light on it and which does not hide them, but it rather brings them into the light as My followers, as I worked with Moses, by taking him out of his house and clothing him within My word of fire and making him into the flame of the Holy Spirit, working before Pharaoh, who had been keeping My people Israel in bondage; and furthermore, I made him the savior of his brothers, who were sighing in Egypt for the atonement of their sin of brother betrayal, a sin committed out of envy.


I want to cleanse away the sins of My people made in the spirit, well, children sons, for you stand before Me like the most childish of all that are My people from everywhere, and that is why I have called you children-sons. Once I spoke through My word that I work to make Christians, and then to make the Christians into My children, and I have not been able to do this up to this time, because the sin of envy, sin made in the spirit, with the man’s earthly mind, keeps the man great upon Me and I cannot be his God, just as I could not be Adam’s God after he was envious of Me to surpass Me in greatness then and to be greater than Me, and he was, for he threw Me away from him and he has got his own freedom, and by it he committed sin against Me, and thus Adam did no longer want to be with Me.


The angelic hosts have stood in awe under My word now, for I am speaking with great power of word, and the angels are careful, and I am moving above the throne of cherubim and seraphim in which I am sitting here now, for they tremble under My body and word, and the heavenly powers are shaken and are answering and serving My work with you, My people, and I have before you those who are giving you My speaking with you. Woe to those who try to humiliate them by the work of the evil spirit served by man! Woe to those who kneel them down to make them move in elbows and knees, according to the will of those who humiliate them this way, those who stay humbly as the stairway of My coming to keep Me between heaven and earth and to work out My coming about which I spoke about two thousand years ago in the word of the Gospel of My kingdom over the earth and over the man! Those who sinned against Me, not knowing that I was the Son of God, coming down from heaven for man, they were forgiven by My love, but those who have sinned in this way from that time on and up to this day, after I proved Myself as true God by My resurrection, they have sinned against the Holy Spirit, with Whom I came to work before the man by signs and miracles of the faith of the people who were meeting Me on the way, and behold, those who have committed the sin of contempt against those whom I have made them into My stairway of coming with My salvation by the word upon man, they are against God, the Holy Spirit, not against them, and that is why I said: woe to those who try to humiliate them by the work of the evil spirit served by man, kneeling them down for their will, and I said mysteriously, and now I am saying it openly that the exoneration from some kind of guilt is not done by accusation, by throwing the blame so that some others may be guilty, but it is rather done by love, by faith and then by forgiveness that comes from God and not from man, and this science and forgiveness work through the prophesying spirit, by My revelation in those who have God in them. Amen.


Behold, I speak out a mystery to you, My people, for I have stayed long with you to teach you, if I took you into My bosom in this day of glory of My angels. Oh, son, when satan stood face to face with Me and tempted Me threefold, after I got out of the water of baptism at Jordan and when the heavens were opened for My Father to speak that I was His beloved Son in Whom He was well pleased on earth, I came back from the river Jordan full of the Father and of the Holy Spirit and the Spirit led Me up into the wilderness, and there I did not eat forty days, and then I went hungry. When satan saw that I was hungry, he tried to have a hold over Me and he said to Me: «If you are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread». However, I answered him, «Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God». Then satan took Me to an exceedingly high mountain to see his kingdom for a moment and he said to Me: «This dominion was given to me and I give it to whomever I want; fall down and worship me and it will be Yours». However, I answered him: «Get behind Me, satan, for it is written, “You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only shall you serve». And again, he tempted Me the third time up there on the pinnacle of the temple, and satan said to Me: «If you are the Son of God, throw Yourself down, for it is written: ‘He will give His angels charge concerning You,’ and ‘On their hands they will bear You up, so that You don’t dash Your foot against a stone». Again, I answered satan the third time too, and I said to him: «You shall not test the Lord, your God». (See also Matt. 4:3-10) And when I told him this, satan left Me, and I went into Galilee, into Nazareth and everywhere, and I was preaching about Me with the power of the word of My kingdom and all were marveled, and the Father was in Me. Oh, behold, My people, what God means in man! Learn, son, learn My work upon you, for the prophesying spirit knows satan and when he is satan, but the human spirit does not know him, and satan leads the man into temptation, well, well sons. Oh, do not take, My people, after the one who denigrates the man, for the man does not have this right. I, the Saint of the saints, have spoken this, son. However, you should take after the man who rebukes you for your getting wise, but do not take after food to worship satan for bread, and do not take after the goods of the world to long for them and to worship them and their master, and do not bow to test God either, for it is written: «You shall not test the Lord, your God». My people, receive My exhortation; receive it and seek first to remain and seek not to commit sin by not fulfilling My word. I have only and only teaching for you, for behold, My work of coming has got now enemies in your midst, My people, and My way on to the earth has been denigrated, and I will get up now for Me and try to cleanse from darkness those who work, either willingly or unwillingly, to make a spot on My work in order to test your faith and the faith of many who get comforted from My river of word, My people.


Oh, children from the gates, wounded by the unfaith of My people and by its evil spirit! Oh, sons, your sigh is in Me, as I am the One Who sighs in you for My work, stricken by the fruit of the spirit of murmuring and discontent from the Christian. Oh, sons, you have been despised and denigrated now by those who think that they are strong by themselves, by their haughty and searching mind, by the truth, which they think that it is truth, by their own imagination, but their imagination is from the devil, and many use it as a spiritual gift, and this is how they go wrong against Me and this is how they serve the devil and they do not know what they do. Oh, the clean man cannot call you adulterers. The one, who is clean, does not oppress the immoral one either, but the one who is not clean calls you immoral in order that he may cover by this his steps without God, his self-will, children sons. Oh, it does not matter sons. Those who are despised on My way with them, they are those in whom I rest with My coming and from where I watch for My people, but the world in the man cannot love Me in you, and it cannot love Me especially when I speak to the man about his evil works, those that are far away from Me by themselves.


Oh, My people, from the time of those fifty years of word, now, when I have come again from the Father to man! Oh, My people, this word and its work of descent down to you has its foundation laid by Me even from the time of Verginica[3], (Verginica - the diminutive to her real name: Virginia, r.n.) while I was bringing closer those on whom I relied with the spirit of the holy faith and of the love from above. However, because I relied on them further with My exhortation and watching for the holy way in My people, after I took My trumpet away to heaven, these children were despised by those who loved themselves from among the people and they were wicked in their soul, but they loved Me and took mercy on Me by their mercy, and they raised disciples for Me to the  faith, and this is how I have raised for Myself another people by the work of their love, by which I want to lift again to My bosom those who were My people in My time with Verginica and then they left Me for their things. Oh, My people, by the love of those who loved and served Me and by their clean spirit, I have raised a new people for

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