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Book online «1995.03.04 - The Worf of God for Romania by Lord Jesus (simple e reader TXT) 📖». Author Lord Jesus

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after its life and to make out of it a model of life without death upon you. Oh, Romanian son, how little you are! Why are you so little, so spiritless? Oh, the sin is not good. It has separated you from Me; it is not good. It has separated you from cleanness and united you with the immorality, Romanian son.


My word comes on the wind; it comes with the wind; it comes with Me to you in the still breeze, Romanian, My people. It comes in a gentle breeze, as it went to Abraham, to Moses, to Elijah. I speak otherwise with the pagan world. I speak by deeds with the pagan world. I proclaimed and I still proclaim today by the prophets. I proclaim plagues over the pagan world, and the word becomes deed. I speak to the world by thunders, but thunderbolts, by flood, by earthquakes, by fire, by a bad slap, by lack of wisdom upon the world.


Oh, Romanian people, I have nothing to do with the people with schools; I have no work for them. The school is holiness, and those that are learned from the earth do not have the training of holiness and its work. I can do nothing with those that have schools; I cannot. I can teach them nothing but about Saul who had education and persecuted Me because of his so much learning, and after that I appointed him to preach Me to those of other nations and I humbled him becoming Myself a victor in him. This is how I overcame Saul, the one that was educated on earth. I have nothing to do with those that are proud, with those that are haughty in their mind. I need a poor man in his spirit. The one that is haughty is a god to himself. I have nothing to do with the haughty one. I have nothing to do with the one that is dyed, with the one that is made-up, as dying is a dirty thing that covers the wickedness, the ugliness and the lying, so that they may not be seen. Make-up is a dyed countenance to cover the ugly face. I stay hidden from your face and wait the moment of your redemption, Romanian, My Christian. Wake up! Do you hear My voice?


Wash your sin away Romania, and repent! I am ready to forgive your sin!


I have in you a man that is anointed by Me, a man in My plan from over you. I made a wonderful thing in you and I brought you a little white stone, and I want to write your name on it, and I want you to know My spring. I have in you a little white and holy stone with many eyes in you, and I have the seven godly spirits written on it, and on its top is written: The Word of God. And I have had during this time a witness at the rock of this spring, to give you a rock of spring, Romanian people. I took this witness and I commanded him to strike with the staff into this rock, so that the river of life might spring out before you, My people, Christian Romanian. I have a son that is anointed by My word of nowadays from the sons of the church of the world. (Bishop Irineu-Bistriţeanul, r.n.)


Oh, My Peter of today, the one that put My church on the rock by your testimony! Oh, Irineu, a word of peace over the church, My Peter of today, I thank you because you came on the water to Me, but you doubted on your way to Me. But I will strengthen the water under your feet and you will not sink. I thank you that you helped Me to raise My church on its first stone, on its first deed. Peace to you! Your name means peace. Peace to you, My anointed one of today! I thank you son; I thank you with all the heaven, with My twelve apostles, who laid down the foundation stone for My church; I thank you that you listened to the courage that I gave you, and raised My church to its place, so that I may put it into the lamp stand. (See the selection topic: „The true church[6]”, r.n.) My church from the beginning was ruined as there was no one to put it back on the stone. I thank you and I call you My blessed one. I call you too blessed for your purpose from Me. Behold, some have spoiled the church, and others have built it back. When I could, I made of you a hand stretched out to the church of the world. I anointed you and I put you on the throne of the church and I made of you a hand stretched out to the church of the world. When I could, I made room for Myself. I can no longer stretch the hand out to the church of the world that has departed from Me. I am ashamed with it before My Father. It is full of sodomy, masturbation, fornication, belly and lawlessness. Only the belly and the lawlessness were left out of it. Look, I will give it something more; I give it the book of My word of today, My seat of judgment and I ask her: why did you leave Me? Why did she let herself bought by the spirit foreign to Me?


Son anointed by Me within this time; anointed by God’s word! I do not write to you staggering. My enemies and yours rejoice in vain over you. I do not appoint you staggering, as the man of the worldly church has taken away My spring from you and has taken away your steps. If you tell Me now that you do no longer believe the work of My word, I do not write you denial, but I write it to those that love to hear you saying that you deny the work of My word. Your heart does not resemble their heart. You do not have any room as you are among the people. The people do not know what God is, but you know from Me what God is and what life is, life without death. Oh, only if the man of the church knew from Me what God is and what life without death is! Life without death is holiness in body, in mind and in soul; it is a life of eternal Eden in the body. This means life without death. The man, who loves his life, listens to the word of God, believes it and fulfills it. I would like son, to reconcile Romania to Me, Son of God. I would like Romania to come to repentance and to make out a birth certificate from above, from water, spirit and blood; an agreement of reconciliation to God. I would like My Romania to know and to believe that you are My anointed and you are My word upon it. Oh, what a beautiful salvation I wanted and want to do through you upon My Romania, My chosen people! I do not tell you any more «Get up and come!», as you are a slave and you cannot, but I tell you to stay with Me, with Me into you, until I will give you back the path to My spring. I thank you for your work with My word, as I reached out My hand, so that the one who wanders away without Me may get up out of his downfall. I thank you son for the sufferance of your spirit, inflicted by those that are not faithful to My word. I thank you seventy times seven, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. And I will work with the whole heaven over Romania, My chosen people, and every Christian will be called Romanian, as I have My sign in the Romanian people; I have the people of My word, the mountain of My Zion, and all the nations will receive My law from this mountain, from My Siloam of today, and I will baptize the one who believes, in the healing water of the new Siloam, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will baptize some by the water of the Holy Spirit, and others by the fire of the Holy Spirit. I will work by water and fire upon the wheat and chaff and I will strengthen My work and I will undo its scroll. The heaven is waiting for the unfolding of the scroll of book.


Romanian, Christian Romanian, take your Romanian costume on you! Take, Romanian son, your baptismal garment on you and stand before Me, as I come to you, Romanian people and I will raise from you a people of apostles of God’s word! Amen, amen, amen.


My watchmen, I stay a little longer above My manger. I still remain with My Israel; I stay a little longer. I still have a little word upon Israel.


Israel, what are you doing, son? Oh, I have always cried because you did not want to read the Scripture, and I have always told you to read it, and I have always asked your rulers to teach you the lesson of the Scripture. If you had read the Scripture you would have seen what sin was and you would have no longer done it. You are ungrateful concerning the Scripture and you will not be able to tell Me that you have not got the Scripture. Behold, My book of today is one with the Scripture. That is why I have come with this work, as you did not want to read it and to understand the Scripture. In the Scripture it is written well about the sin and about the reward of the sin. There is also written that the repentance is the end of the sin, but not only for a while. Did you know that it is written so in the Scripture? I knew that I needed you to be holy, and that is why I asked you to read the Scripture and to stay with Me in a spirit of repentance.


The sinful woman was not convicted by anyone, and I also told her: «Neither do I condemn you. Go your way. From now on, sin no more». This is what you also had to do when you came to Me to forgive you. You should sin no longer then, Israel. I did not condemn you, but you should have not sinned any longer afterwards. He, who came to Me, came not to sin anymore, but you have sinned after that and have committed shameful deeds before the heaven, as you were to destroy all My work, if I was not working as in heaven with justice. It is otherwise with Me. To be Mine means not to sin anymore; not to live within the lusts and fleshly desires; this means to be Mine. Otherwise you belong to the flesh. Behold, you have reasons for crying and I will wash your garment with your tears, son. Yah! As you do not cry. You should cry and get up in the last hour, son. I see today that you still have a shameful lust in your mind. Saint Martinian threw himself into the fire to cast the body of the shameful lust away from him. And what do you do? You confess that you have a shameful lust. I come and tell you to clean yourself through tears and heavenly love and not by fleshly love and shameful folly.  Oh, why do you not want to die? Behold, you have not died by now and you have not crucified yourself by now. I told you son, to die, and you did

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