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Book online «The American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia by William James Miller (free novel 24 .txt) 📖». Author William James Miller

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which He above all others is worthy. Thus we have the word applied almost exclusively to what we now call Public Worship. By this is meant the united homage of the members of the Church rendered to God as their Almighty King. And it is to be noted that whilst God accepts the worship of each individual or family, yet He loves more the Public Worship of His Church, for we read in the Book of Psalms, "The Lord loveth the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob." While this is very manifest to any careful student of the Bible, yet in these our days there is nothing so misunderstood as the nature and obligation of Public Worship. So much so is this the case it has been declared that Worship is a "Lost Art." This has come to pass, no doubt, from the misapprehension of the purpose of this "assembling of ourselves together." The common idea is that we go to Church to "hear preaching." But preaching is not worship, nor is it the chief purpose of our coming together in the House of God each Lord's Day. We come together to worship, and the true idea of worship is to give, to render homage. Worship is an unselfish offering. It is giving God the praise. It is the grateful homage of grateful creatures to Him who {281} has blessed them and preserved them. Preaching is but an incident of such an assembly gathered for such a purpose, and oftentimes is not really necessary. It is also to be noticed that the Church's true worship is the Holy Communion; all other services are but adjuncts to the one service appointed by our Lord Himself. In the Primitive Church an ordinary Christian would not have considered that he had kept the Lord's Day as a day of worship if he had not attended a celebration of the Holy Communion. When, therefore, our people grasp these Scriptural ideas, then no longer can it be said that worship is a "Lost Art" among the American people. (See HOLY COMMUNION; also RESPONSIVE SERVICE.) X

X.—The letter X resembles the shape of the Cross of St. Andrew, which has come into quite prominent notice as being the badge of the BROTHERHOOD OF ST. ANDREW (which see).

X P.—These letters belong under this head only in appearance as they are in reality the first two letters of the Greek word Christos, meaning "Christ." The X is the Greek letter Chi and is equivalent to the English letters "ch"; the P is called Rho and is the same as the letter "r;" they thus represent the first three letters of the word Christ. These two Greek letters are used in Church decorations either separately or as a monogram, as a symbol or emblem of our Lord. {282}


Y Cross.—By reason of its shape, the Cross embroidered on the CHASUBLE (which see) is called the Y Cross, and is intended to represent the outstretched arms of our Blessed Lord on the Cross, and symbolizes the Sacrifice which He there offered for the sins of the whole world, of which the Holy Eucharist is the perpetual Memorial.


Yule.—The old English name for CHRISTMAS (which see). A word of doubtful origin.

Yule Tide.—The season or time of Christmas.


Zealot.—One of a fanatical Jewish sect, which prevailed in the time of our Lord. In the New Testament, this name is given to one of our Lord's Apostles, namely, ST. SIMON (which see).

Zuchetto.—The name give to a skull cap worn by the clergy instead of the biretta; when worn by a Priest the color is black, but that worn by a Bishop is purple. {283}


  Ablutions 5
  Absolution 5
  Absolution, Declaration of 6
  Absolve 6
  Abstinence 6
  Acolyte, his duties 6
  Adult Baptism 7
  Advent, Season of 7
  Advent Sunday 8
  Affusion 8
  Agape 8
  Age for Confirmation 84
  Agnus Dei 9
  Aisle 9
  Alb 9
  Alleluia 9
  All Saints' Day 9
  Almanac, Church 10
  Alms Bason 10
  Alpha and Omega 10
  Altar 11
  Altar Cross 11
  Altar Lights 11
  Altar Linen 12
  Altar Rail 12
  Altar Vessels. See Vessels, Sacred 267
  Ambulatory 13
  American Church 13
  American Church, meaning of the term 13
  Amice 18
  Anaphora 18
  Andrew, Saint 18
  Angel, one of N. T. names for Bishop 19
  Angels. See Holy Angels 133
  Anglican Church 19
  Anglican Communion 20
  Anglo Catholic 21
  Annual Address, The Bishop's, 37
  Annunciation, The 22
  Anointing the Sick 22
  Antependium 23
  Anthem 23
  Antiphon. See Anthem 23
  Antiphonal 23
  Apocalypse, The 24
  Apocrypha 24
  Apostle 24
  Apostles' Creed 25
   Doctrine 25
  Apostolate 25
  Apostolic Fathers. See Fathers, 109
  Apostolic Succession 25
  Apse 26
  Apsidal 36
  Archbishop 26
  Archdeacon 26 {284}
  Articles of Religion, XXXIX, 26
  Articles of Religion not a Creed, 27
  Ascension Day 27
  Ascription 27
  Ash Wednesday 28
  Assistant Minister 28

  Banners 28
  Banns of Marriage 29
  Baptism, Adult. See Adult
  Baptism 7
  Baptism, Holy 29
  Baptism, Conditional 30
  Baptism, Infant. See Infant Baptism 145
  Baptism, Private 30
  Baptism Should be administered in Church 30
  Baptismal Regeneration. See
  Regeneration 227
  Baptismal Shell 31
  Baptistry 31
  Barnabas, Saint 31
  Bartholomew, Saint 32
  Bason. See Alms Bason 10
  Belfry 33
  Benedic, Anima mea 33
  Benedicite 33
  Benediction 34
  Benedictus 35
  Betrothal 35
  Bible, The English 35
  Bible Reading Church 166, 238
  Bidding Prayer 36
  Biretta 36
  Birthday of the Church 275
  Bishop 36
  Bishop's Charge 37
  Bishop Coadjutor 38
  Bishop consecrated by not less than three Bishops 16
  Bishop, Derivation of the Word 36
  Bishop, Election of 38
  Bishop, Missionary 39
  Bishop, The Presiding. See Presiding Bishop 218
  Bishop's Resignation. See Jurisdiction, Resignation of, 158
  Bishop's Visitation 39
  Bishopric 40
  Black 40
  Blessed Virgin Mary 40
  Blessing Church Furniture 34
  Blessing of Peace 41
  Board of Managers 41
  Board of Missions 41
  Bounden Duty 41
  Bowing 41
  Bowing at the Name of Jesus 41, 136
  Breaking of the Bread 42
  Brotherhood of St Andrew 42
  Burial 43
  Burial Office when not to be used 43
  Burse 43

  Calendar 44
   Origin of 83
  Candidate 44
  Candlemas 44
  Canon 45
   Law 45
   of Scripture 45
   of the Liturgy 45 {285}
  Canonical 45
  Canonical Hours 45
  Canonical Residence 46
  Canticle 46
  Cantoris 46
  Cardinal Virtues. See Virtues,
  Cardinal 271
  Cassock 46
  Catechism 47
   Divisions of 47
   an Unfinished Fragment 47
  Catechumen 48
  Cathedral 48
  Catholic 48
  Celebrant 49
  Ceremonies. See Rites and Ceremonies 232
  Chalice 50
  Chalice Veil 50
  Chancel 50
  Chancellor 50
  Change of Church name 14
  Chantry 50
  Chasuble 51
  Childermas 51
  Chimere 51
  Choir 51
  Choir, The Vested. See Surpliced Choir 249
  Choral Service. See Even Song 103
  Choral Service not "Romish" 103
  Christen, To 52
  Christian 51
  Christian Name. See Name, Christian 194
  Christian Unity. See Unity, Church 263
  Christian Year, Divisions of, 52, 53
  Christian's New Year's Day 8
  Christmas Day 54
  Church 55
   an Institution …. 161
   Introduced into Britain, 19
   Building Fund … 56
   Catholic 56
   Chronology 57
   Club 58
   Colors 58
   Congress 59
   Militant. See Church Catholic 56
   Missions House 60
   of England not founded by Henry the Eighth 20, 179, 233
   Temperance Society 61
   Wardens 62
   Year, See Christian Year 53
   Year preaches the Gospel 53
  Churching 62
  Circumcision, The 63
  Clergy 63
  Clerical 64
  Cloister 64
  Coadjutor. See Bishop Coadjutor 38
  Collect 64
  Comfortable Words 65
  Commendatory Prayer 65
  Commandments. See Decalogue 77
  Common Prayer, Meaning of 64
  Communion, Holy. See Holy Communion 133 {286}
  Communion of Saints 66
  Compline. See Canonical Hours 45
  Confirmation 66
  Confirmation not joining the Church 156
  Consecrate 68
  Consecration, Prayer of 68
   of Church Buildings 69
   of first Bishop
   on American Soil 17
  Convention 69
  Convocation 69
  Cope 70
  Corporal 70
  Cotta 70
  Council 70
  Credence 71
  Creed 71
  Cross, The 72
  Crucifier 73
  Cruets 73
  Crypt 73
  Curate 73

  Daily Prayer, The 73
  Dalmatic 74
  Daughters of the King 75
  Days in Holy Week, their significance 138
  Days of Obligation, List of 75
  Deacon 75
  Deaconess 76
  Dean 77
  Decalogue 77
   Translation of 78
  Decalogue When added to Communion Office 77
  Decani 78
  Dedication, Feast of 78
  Deposition 79
  Deprecations 79
  Descent into Hell 79
  Diaconate 80
  Dies Irae 80
  Digest of Canons 80
   List of Titles 80
  Dimissory Letter 81
  Diocesan 82
  Diocesan Convention 82
  Diocesan Missions 82
  Diocese 81
  Diptychs 83
  Discretion, Years of 84
  Dispensation 84
  Divine Liturgy. See Holy Communion 133
  Divine Service 84
  Divisions among Christians not Sanctioned by the Bible 264
  Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society 85
  Domestic Missions. See D. and F. Society 85
  Domenical Letter 87
  Dossal 88
  Doxology 88
  Duly, its ecclesiastical meaning 88

  Eagle 89
  Early Communion 80 {287}
  East, Turning to, Origin of Custom 90
  Easter Day 90
  Easter Even 92
  Easter Monday and Tuesday 93
  Easter Tide 93
  Eastern Church 93
  Eastward Position. See East, Turning to 90
  Ecclesiastical Year. See Christian Year 52
  Ecumenical 94
  Elder 94
  Elements 94
  Ember Days 94
  Emblems 95
  Emmanuel 96
  Epact, The 97
  Epiphany, Feast of 97
   Commemoration Threefold 98
   Sundays after 98
  Episcopacy 98
  Episcopal Ring 231
  Episcopate 100
  Epistle of St. Barnabas 32
  Epistle, The 100
  Epistle Side 100
  Epistoler 101
  Eschatology 101
  Espousal 101
  Essentials of Christian Truth and Order 19
  Eucharist 101
  Eucharistic Lights. See Altar Lights 11
  Eucharistic Vestments 101
  Evangelical 102
  Evangelical Canticles 102
  Evangelists 103
  Eve or Even 103
  Even Song 103
  Examination for Holy Orders, List of 103
  Excommunication 104
  Exhortation 104
  Expectation Sunday 105
  Expectation Week 105
  Extension of the Incarnation 144

  Fair Linen Cloth 106
  Fair White Linen Cloth 106
  Faith 106
  Faithful, The 107
  Faldstool 107
  Fasting 107
  Fasting Communion 108
  Fasts, Table of 108
  Fathers, The 108
  Feasts or Festivals 110
  Feria 110
  Filioque 111
  First American Bishop 16
  First Principle of English Reformation 262
  Fish 111
  Flagon 111
  Font 111
  Foreign Missions. See D. and F. Society 85
  Forms 112
  Forty Days, The Great 113
  Fourth Sunday in Lent 114
  Fraction 114
  Free and Open Churches 115
  Frequent Communion 115 {288}
  Friday 116
   as Obligatory as Sunday, 116
  Frontal 116
  Fruits of the Spirit. See Spirit, Fruits of 242
  Funerals 117

  Gehenna 117
  General Clergy Relief Fund 117
  General Confession, The 118
  General Convention 119
  General Councils, List of 70, 71
  General Thanksgiving 120
  General Theological Seminary 120
  Generally Necessary 120
  Genuflexion 121
  Ghost 121
  Ghostly 121
  Ghost, The Holy. See Holy Ghost 135
  Gifts (Sevenfold) of the Holy Ghost 121
  Girdle 121
  Girls' Friendly Society 122
  Gloria in Excelsis 122
  Gloria Patri 123
   not a vain repetition 123
  Gloria Tibi 123
  God Fathers and Mothers. See Sponsors 243
  Golden Number 123
  Good Friday 124
  Good Shepherd, Sunday of 125
  Gospel—meaning of the word 126
  Gospel Hymns 179
  Gospels, The Four 126
  Gospel, The Holy 127
  Gospel Side 127
  Gospeller 127
  Government, Church. See Episcopacy 98
  Gown, The Black 127
  Grace 128
  Grace of Baptism Threefold 29
  Gradine 128
  Gradual 128
  Greek Church. See Eastern Church 93
  Green 128
  Gregorian Music 129
  Growth of the Church 17, 129
  Guardian Angels. See Holy Angels 133
  Guild 131

  Habit 131
  Hades 131
  Hallelujah. See Alleluia 9
  Heaven 132
  Hell 132
  Heresy 132
  Heretic 132
  High Celebration 132
  Historic Episcopate 133
  Historiographer 133
  Holy Angels 133
  Holy Communion 133
   every Lord's Day 115
  Holy Days and Seasons. See Christian Year 52
  Holy Ghost, The 135
   Procession of 219
  Holy Innocents' Day 136 {289}
  Holy Name, The 136
  Holy Orders 137
  Holy Table. See Altar 11
  Holy Thursday 1 37
  Holy Week 137
  Homilies, The 138
  Hood 138
  Hosanna 139
  Hours of Prayer. See Canonical Hours 45
  House of Bishops 139
  House of God 139
  Housel 140
  Humble Access, Prayer of 140
  Hymn Board 140
  Hymnal, The 140
  Hymns 141
  Hypothetical Form 142

  I. H. S 142
  Immersion 142
  Immovable Feasts 142
  Imposition of Hands 143
  Incarnation, The 144
  Incense 145
  Incumbent 145
  Infant Baptism 145
  Inhibit 146
  Innocents. See Holy Innocents' Day 136
  I. N. R. I. 147
  Institution, Office, of 147
   Letter of 147
   Words of 148
  Instruction 148
  Intercessions of the Litany 148
  Intermediate State 148
  Intonation 149
  Intone 149
  Introit 150
  Invitatory 150
  Invocation, The 151
   before the sermon 150

  James (St.) the Great 151
  James (St.) the Less 152
  Jesus, The Holy Name of 152
   Derivation of the word 153
  John Baptist, Saint 153
  John Evangelist, Saint 154
  Joining the Church 155
  Jubilate Deo 157
  Jude, Saint 157
  Jurisdiction, Episcopal 158
   Missionary 158
   Resignation of 158
  Justification, Cause of 159

  Kalendar. See Calendar 159
  Keys of the Church 159
  Keys, Power of the 160
  Kindred, Table of 160
  Kingdom of God 161
  Kissing the Stole 162
  Kneeling 162
  Kyrie 162

  Lady Day 163
  Laity 163
   Why so called 64
  Lamb and Flag 163 {290}
  Lambeth Conference 164
  Lammas Day 164
  Last Things, The Four 164
  Lauds 164
  Lay Baptism 165
  Layman 165
  Lay Reader 165
  Laying on of Hands 165
  Lectern 166
  Lectionary 166
  Lent, Season of 167
   Why observed forty days, 167
   Sundays in 168
  Lesser Litany 169
  Lessons, The 169
  Letter Dimissory. See Dimissory Letter 81
   of Orders 169
   of Transfer 170
  Lights on the Altar 170
  Linen Cloth, See Fair Linen Cloth 106
  Litany, The 170
   Divisions of 171
   Desk 172
  Liturgical Colors. See Church Colors 58
  Liturgy 172
  Liturgies, Table of 173
  Lord's Day, The 175
   not the Sabbath 235
  Lord's Prayer, The 176
   When said by Priest alone 176
  Lord's Supper, wrong use of the term 177
  Lord's Table, The 177
  Low Celebration 177
  Low Sunday 178
  Luke, Festival of Saint 178
  Lych Gate 179

  Magna Charta 179
  Magnificat 180
   Daily Memorial of Incarnation 180
  Maniple 180
  Manual Acts 180
  Mark, Feast of Saint 181
  Marriage 181
   Sacramental 182
   Vow 35
  Mary. See Blessed Virgin Mary 40
  Mass 183
  Matthew, Feast of Saint 183
  Matthias, Feast of Saint 184
  Matins 185
  Matrimony, Holy. See Marriage 181
  Maundy Thursday 185
  Meditation 186
  Membership, Church 186
  Mensa 186
  Mercy to Babes 146
  Michael (St.) and All Angels 186
  Mid Lent Sunday. See Fourth Sunday in Lent 114
  Militant, Church 187
  Ministry, The 187
  Ministry of the Holy Angels 133, 186
  Miserere 188
  Missal 188
  Mission 188
   Parochial 189
  Missionary 189 {291}
  Missionary Bishop. See Bishop, Missionary 39
  Council, See D. and F. Society 85
  Missioner 189
  Missions 189
  Mitre 190
  Mixed Chalice 190
  Mode of Baptism 8, 259
  Morning Prayer 190
  Morse 191
  Mothering Sunday 191
  Movable Feasts and Fasts 191
  Music, Church 192
  Mystery 193
  Mystical Body of Christ 193

  N. or M. 193
  Name, The Holy. See Holy Name 136
   The Christian 194
   why it is given 194
  Nathanael 32
  Nativity of our Lord 195
  Nave 195
  Neophyte 195
  New Birth 195
  Nicea, Council of 195
   did not originate the Creed 196
  Nicene Creed 196
   when introduced into Liturgy 196
  No strolling, irresponsible preachers 81
  Nocturns 196
  Non-conformists 196
  Nones 197
  North Side 197
  Nowell 197
  Nunc Dimittis 197

  Oblation 198
  Obligation. See Days of Obligation 75
  Obsecrations 198
  Occasional Offices 198
   Prayers 198
  Occurrence of Holy Days 199
  Octave 199
  Octaves set forth in Prayer Book 199
  Offertory, The 199
   Sentences 200
  Office, ecclesiastical meaning 200
  Offices of a Pastor 208
  Open Churches. See Free and Open Churches 115
  Ordain 200
  Ordination 200
  Order—its ecclesiastical meaning 201
  Orders, Holy. See Holy Orders 137
  Ordinal, The 201
  Ordinary 202
  Organizations, Church 202
  Organizing a Parish 203
  Organs 203
  Orientation 203
  Ornaments 203
  Orphrey 204
  Orthodox 204 {292}

  Pall 204
  Palm Sunday

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