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Book online «The Word of God about the mystery of humankind salvation - the mystery of incorruptibility by Lord Jesus (good book club books TXT) 📖». Author Lord Jesus

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the world, My people. My little coat resembles My Father’s; and My conduct the same; and My service the same, and My Father asks you to take after Me, as no one will be like you, Israel, if you take after Me. I want to have you as brother, and to be alive in your body, as I am, and never die with your body, so that you may never die, you that were chosen now for immortality. But if you do not take after Me, you will die, son. I have loved you and asked My Father that you may never die, neither with your body and nor with your spirit, My people given to Me by My Father, but this cannot be done without you deserving it, without you taking after Me.


I am the example that My Father gave you to look at and to take after My image and likeness, for I was also tempted in everything except sin, Israel, My people of today, and you should live likewise. How comes that? Well, I was the smallest, the most humble, the most humiliated, and the most despised among the people, as Father such as these loves. Put Me in front of you and see what you do from now one, for the one that was crucified on the cross does no longer have his own will. The one who crucified his body and the will of his body is alive in the Holy Spirit; he is like Me and does miracles in body; he raises the dead, heals of passions and saves from death many of those who look at My brother who takes after Me in the world. Stay like that, crucified, until the resurrection, as I also stayed, and you should not do otherwise. You should not take your hand out from the nails, neither your legs, nor your body, for if you take your body out from the nails, you will die, and you will no longer live within Me and My Father. This is what I told Adam too; I told him that if he did not listen, he would die and no longer live, but he did not believe and let himself be deceived. You should no longer let yourself deceived, for you saw what happened to Adam, if he stood up by disobedience. Stand like this with Me until My coming on the clouds, when I will be perfect in My appearance and when all will see Me in glory, both the living and the dead, and the heaven and the earth, and all that are seen and unseen, My people. (See the selection topic: „The coming in a visible way”, r.n.)


Well sons, be clean and receive godly nature in your body, to take after Me. I said that you shall no longer die, and I speak truly, but learn the lesson of life and do no longer give to death any opportunity among you. Be the sons of life and cleanness. Some of you do not know this lesson well, but I have the sons of My garden, for I put the law of holiness and of cleanness at the foundation of this garden. What will you do My people, when I, the Lord, will open the gates of My garden to pass through this filter? For in that day, these gates will be alive and they will need no one to prove those that are good and not good in My people. What will you do, Christian, who says that you are My son? What will you do if you are not and you will not be found as My son? There is still one moment, and these gates will be lifted up and they will do great miracles. But I prophesy you even from now to prepare to enter, and let your deed and thought be holy and your shirt clean, son, as your testing stone was lowered on the earth, and on that they the one with a holy life and the one with a dirty life before Me will be proved out.

Excerpt from the Word of God at Birth Feast of Saint John, the Baptizer, from 07-07-1994



You should be one spirit with Me, to be able to stay into you, child from Israel, to have a dwelling in you, son, and to strengthen you in your dwelling, in your body, in My temple in you. May all things perish son, but only you not perish, for you will bring everything into incorruptibility, you will bring them all to their first place, for I am in the work with you, and behold, I make the man again. This work is God’s kingdom; it is the place and the time where the man is being made, the man from heaven, worked out by My word, by the work of My word. And the day of rest comes then, and Romania will be a day of rest for Me and for you; Romania will be the day of the Lord. (See the selection topic: „The end of the world and the Day of the Lord”, r.n.)


Blessed be the land of Romania, and the heaven of Romania, and its heavenly body. Blessed be the day of Romania’s resurrection. Blessed be the work of My word over Romania. May you be blessed, My people Israel, by which everything is being make during this time, and those that are being made, are made invisibly, so that they may be seen worked out in the time of seeing of those that are not seen.


I bless you with health of spirit and body. Repent of your past sins and do no longer look to them and do no longer come down from heaven, My people, as the woe is coming and you are weak and not faithful. Let Me keep you into My hand, for I do not want to lose you. And you do not want it otherwise too. Do not be afraid, and remember Me in the time of fear, and I will be with you and you will not perish, Israel. The time for the fulfilling of the prophecies is coming, and you shall not do like those of Nineveh, for I sent Jonah and the city repented, and after a while it pondered that I, the Lord, was lying, if the city did not perish, and they indulged again in revelries and pleasures, and then I gave that city over to perishing. Not so, Israel; hold on to Me, son. Do not listen to the whispers outside My work, and stay inside and pull the door behind and be perfect and clean and holy. Your holiness is the fulfillment of those prophesied by now. Your holiness, Israel, will work the path for the fulfillments of the incorruptible age, and the flesh will speak then and confess you, the one who are waited, as it is written that the nature waits for the revealing of the sons of God.


May you be blessed, My son Israel, and stay around the candle, with the cup of oil, with the clean candle and with a living heart of faith and peace! I will be with My glory above you, and the people of the sons of God will be revealed to you. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God to the Christian people, from 16-10-1994


I am the Lord, the One Who fills the earth and heaven with the voice of My word, but who you Christian, hears Me? For no one has ears to hear, the world has no faith in the work of God, the one from the beginning and end, the one of the seven ages and more, and here, this prophecy of seven times was fulfilled and if it was fulfilled it was ended and I started from the beginning to place cleanness on earth, to place a new man on earth, the man born of the word. I do not place a made-man, but this time I place a man born by the word. I count again from the beginning, I only count a little, a little bit, and a bit and then I do not count any more, for the time will roll and it will not called time any more.


Well sons, since when has the time begun to be counted? Behold, I tell you a mystery today, that the time has been counted by man and its counting began after the man had been placed on the earth, after I had taken the man out of Eden, and after the man had received knowledge, father. The man was otherwise in Eden; not as he is now, sons, and the man in Eden is a great mystery. That is why I have always come and asked you, son of today, not to seek to know anything about those from the earth any longer, about those of the man, for the man was otherwise in Eden, and he did not know what the man on the earth knows. The man was created otherwise, not as he is now. And only after he became otherwise than he had been in Eden, only after that it came for the man to count, and he has been counting his time; he even counted his time in Eden, but after that, sons, after he tasted from those that were forbidden, the man knew what God knew.


The time, you sons, has been counted starting with the getting of man out of Eden, and here, one is the law of paradise and other is the law of man on earth, and great mystery carries this stone on which you are placed by the word, and in your stone is carved, Verginica, My last trumpet. (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets[12]”, r.n.) Verginica, it is your stone, and on this foundation it is written ‘ending’ over the time of man, sons. It is hard to understand as it is in heaven, even for you it is hard to understand, for you are still on the way and because I still continue My way to the visible coming. In heaven, you sons, it is not spoken the same way. For with the heaven there is another law; it is a law of heaven with the ones in heaven, who received their soul and body as in heaven. This mystery is difficult and deep, but we are on its way, sons, and we will reach its end and it will be discovered and the Scripture for the redemption of the bodies will be well-known, the Scripture one from Eden, eternal and unshakable, for the Eden is waiting the ones on the last, who have the key from God. Amen.


Behold, the time by now has spun and its spinning came to an end, for you, sons, are called a new beginning in heaven, as it was the promise in the Scriptures about the New Passover that the Lord establishes in His kingdom, as here is a heavenly kingdom. The heavenly kingdom means there where all eat the Lord’s Passover. Youth without old age and life without death is there where every day the Lord’s Passover is eaten with holiness. This mystery is awful for the evil spirit of life without death, as the life without death is the Lord, Jesus Christ, without end in the man. And be careful, My children, to look well resurrected through this everlasting Passover of the celebration of the Lamb of God, as you overcame by the Blood of God’s Lamb. You should not be from the earth, for the mystery that comprises you is great. You are the sign of God through the times, and take this sign to all the margins, for the Lord’s judgment is written by God to all the margins. Amen. (See the selection topic: „The sign of the Son of Man”, r.n.)

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