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as readily as I will be away with MY bride and MY Wrath will be pouring out over the earth.

The day of MY Return for MY bride approaches. Yes, it is coming. MY Words are Truth, Truth everlasting. I am coming soon to claim MY Just Rewards: MY bride and to take her home with ME. I have earned her this spot in heaven with MY Blood-bought ransom. This Ransom was enormous. I gave ALL. It was all I could give. It was a large penalty to pay: GOD WHO becomes man and dies for HIS lost children. This was Love, untold beauty, unimaginable sacrifice: to leave MY Place in the Heavens above and to enter into the world of flesh and to take on evil men.

I received stripes, many stripes. MY Flesh was torn off and mutilated beyond recognition. No man understands MY suffering. These Roman soldiers and onlookers jeered and cajoled. They laughed and spit at ME. It was a most humiliating time. MY children, MY Love poured out. I gave all. It was truly a gift to humanity to save lost souls and to revive lost hearts.


Later this same day July 2, 2011:

Today MY daughter, write these Words down:

The people believe MY coming is off into a distant future. I want to address this with you MY children. Why do you doubt MY Words, so many Words through MY many children whom I have sent out among you? All these children I have sent out have allowed ME to use their lives for this purpose, yet you doubt. What advantage is there for them to the world to do this except to faithfully serve ME? Yet you continue to doubt.

MY children, these Words to you are a gift, a gift of warning to make you aware of what is coming soon and to send you back to MY Word, MY Holy Book! Dig deep into MY Word, open and caress the pages, look lovingly through the pages. MY Words of Truth are as fine gold, fine disappearing gold in a very lost world. Cherish MY Book and MY Words. They were written with you in mind: to keep you focused on MY Truth; to help you prepare for MY Return for you; to make you clean and ready to leave this world, come apart from it and to come with ME where holiness is the only way.

MY World is nothing like this world in its thinking. We could not be further apart in our goals. You must come apart, be different, think differently, think clearly, seek Righteousness, seek Truth, seek ME your GOD. I am RIGHTEOUSNESS. I am TRUTH. I am RIGHT THINKING. Evil is only here for a short time and then it will be put away and MY Ways will rule and reign. So do not buy into the ways of this crumbling, decaying world.

The world around you seems so inviting, so long-lasting, but it is dying and evil. Wake up MY children! There is not a long future ahead to embrace. You are clinging to lost hope when you believe this. There are only minutes on the clock and only two directions to move in. Come away with ME, turn, repent from your sin, and cling to ME, your ONE TRUE SAVIOR. The other choice is to disregard ME, MY Book, MY Signs, MY messengers, and to cling to the lost, failing world, and to MY enemy who wants to destroy you for eternity.

 You must choose. No choice MY children, will be a choice against ME. So you are choosing even when you disregard MY Warnings and believe all is well.

I know ALL men’s hearts. I know who reads MY Words. I know who regards ME. I know who trembles before ME and whole-heartedly fears and respects their GOD. I know who doubts in ME. I know who has little respect for MY Awesome Sacrifice on the Cross for them. I know who blasphemes MY Holy Name in their daily speech, and who blasphemes MY SPIRIT. I know all about you. Soon you will know all about ME, whether you are right or wrong with ME. You will know your GOD. How do you plan to know ME: as BELOVED SAVIOR or as RIGHTEOUS JUDGE WHO will condemn your total lack of respect and regard for MY Holy Sacrifice for you? You decide. You have little time.

A dark world is forming around you. Wake up and see for yourself. Stop living in denial because it has been okay for you in the past. Visualize death: this is what the world offers soon. I am coming to save whoever wants MY Salvation. Join ME in the air or stay behind.


John 14:6. Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.


Letter Spoken by the LORD JESUS to Sabrina, July 2nd, 2011:

MY dear children, I come soon on the clouds. Those who belong to ME will follow ME on the clouds. MY angels will guide you. They will bring you safely in MY HEAVENLY KINGDOM, MY KINGDOM OF HEAVEN.

Everything stands ready now. Everything has been brought in readiness to welcome MY bride. O’ I long for MY bride, she is MINE and I am hers. She is MY beloved price, the price that I, GOD paid with MY life.

She is MY Life. She is everything to ME, MY beloved. She is MINE, MY beloved. I so love her heart. Her heart is clean, pure, for ME.


 Her heart only beats for ME. She lives just for ME. I, GOD am very happy about MY bride. She will soon enjoy the many myriad blessings that I have laid aside for her, O’, so many blessings. We will enjoy for ever and ever, MY bride and I, purity, cleanness, glory, ecstasy, delight, joy, and a deep intimacy with your GOD forever.

We will dance, MY bride and I, dance until forever and ever. An eternal dance of joy and delight! O’ MY bride, hold on, your GOD is coming! Your GOD comes on the clouds! Just a very and very short time and we shall rejoice together at the wedding table that is now already covered.

MY TABLE is ready to receive MY bride and to provide her with the finest of the finest out of MY HEAVENLY KITCHEN. Yes MY children, out of MY HEAVENLY kitchen, where the angels fully prepare meals for MY bride. They will serve you and I will serve you. I, JESUS, look forward to serving you, MY bride. It is MY greatest pleasure.

O’ MY children, do you not see how much I love you? Do you understand the deep love that flows from MY HEART for all of you? Can you follow the sound of MY Heartbeat? MY HEART beats fast for you! MY HEART is delighted when I behold MY bride. She is where I, JESUS lived for. MY Love is for everyone, I am the bridge to the FATHER for all, but MY HEART beats for MY bride, as I, GOD do not want that anyone should perish.

There is place provided for everyone in MY KINGDOM. Everyone is welcome. But that choice you must make yourselves. I, God, have provided a place for everyone, as I do not want that anyone should perish. If I care for the sparrows, how much more for MY children, for whom I let flow MY BLOOD, for whom I let MYSELF be beaten, for whom I sweat, and sacrificed tears and blood. I, GOD have suffered horribly for all mankind.

Everyone is welcome. I love everyone. MY HEART beats for everyone, but I have not robbed you of your will. You still have a free will. This is still the time of grace. I call it out from all sides and corners of the street: BE READY TO MEET YOUR GOD!

But are MY people ready? Is she really ready? I think not. I do not see it. I do not hear and taste it. If someone does not taste ME, smell, see, hear, they are not part of the bride. MY Bride is delighted when she hears MY NAME, she is delighted. I see a lot of MY children who are just delighted when they walk in the world, when they look forward to being satisfied with the ‘good’ of this world.

I tell you, this world has nothing good to offer, only perdition and murder, murder of MY children who let themselves be carried away by the seductions of this world, the amusement, the entertainment, the drink, the drugs, the alcohol, and most of all: the money.

Property, wealth, selfishness, mockeries of MY WORD, no respect between each other, revelries, pride, all these things bring you to hell. Many people avoid this word, but it is and stays a real place, the hell, created for satan and his demons, but now populated by many of MY children. This breaks MY HEART, but I wanted to give you your own choice and that choice you abuse and this brings your eternal perdition and loss, loss of what I have laid aside for you.

All MY Beauty, all the splendor, that I have prepared, that I wanted to share with you, you choose for the temporary entertainment, for the temporary pleasure, for the temporary. But I tell you, the eternal after the temporary, will not stop. There will be no end to the suffering. There will be no end. Here on earth you always have hope. There is always a new day. There is always the sun that will shine again. In the hell, that place of darkness, the sun never shines. In the hell, that place of torture, there is no hope of a new day.

Think of a day without hope, think of a life without sunshine, without freedom, without joy, without light. Suffering for ever and ever, no hope, no love. Nothing but despair and darkness and suffering, that is the hell, a place where the smoke of the tortures rises and descends again to consume them again in their suffering.

HELL is a real place. She really exists. MY WORD says so. And many souls who are now in this place, in this place of torment and torture forever, do not have a shred of hope, nothing.

So MY bride, use your last hours on this earth to warn MY people, to tell them about this place of torment and suffering. You are MY last hope for many on this earth. You are MY eyes, MY mouth, MY hands, and MY feet, so go and preach MY WORD!

The task that I have given to MY disciples, I also give to you: GO and make many to be MY disciples and baptize them in the name of THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE HOLY GHOST.


Luke 12:37. Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them.

Matthew 18:14. Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish.

Luke 12:7. But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.

Matthew 28:19. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

Matthew 20:28. Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.

Please, the Lord wants to me to add this:

Revelations 6: 14: And the

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