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their only hope. I will break the tide. I will come for MY people, those who truly love ME and repent of their evil ways. Justice will be served.

You will know I am God. Time is short. Your King is coming on blinding white doves, beauty indescribable, heavenly beauty. The dawn will break over the horizon. And MY beauty is splendid, breathtaking for those who are ready. Today you choose. The choice is yours. I lay it before you: life or death. The choice is easy but you make it hard.

I love MY children. MY children know MY voice. I am calling them to come home. Come home to a safe Kingdom. Land of milk and honey, honey that drips, wine that tastes sweet. It is theirs for the taking if they surrender their hearts to ME. I am a gentle loving God, kind, a deliverer. I am strong, a strong tower supporting them.

It will be time for ME to come and I won’t hesitate to move when it is time to get the bride. I won’t hesitate. MY moniker is love. I love MY bride. She is waiting. I know MY bride. I know who waits. Only those who wait will be ready and taken. I know MY people’s hearts. Some make ME very sad.

The hearts that are ready, they will be the ones I deliver. This is not hard, for this is truth. Have I not said it in MY word. MY word is clear and uncomplicated. I would rather you be hot or cold but you are not and I must spit you out. These words are serious. It has been said by ME before, nothing is new. The world drifts from ME.

Time is short. The plagues will begin. MY people have no idea what it will be like. Life will never be the same. The hour is coming, choose life or death: simple choice. This is MY word to MY people from MY messenger. I use MY messenger to give MY words.

The beauty of MY love cannot be measured or comprehended. Men do not know what they are rejecting. This world offers them nothing but pain and suffering.

I am coming. Time is short. They will know I am God. Time is short. When I deliver MY people they will see that I am LORD. It will happen quickly. I come and then evil will rage. Soon the world will need to choose life or death. They must choose ME if they want to live. I give all for them. Didn’t I die? They are disillusioned by this world. How am I to reach them? I only have to plead. They think I am a GOD who won’t follow through with what I have to say. But MY word is true. It will happen. They will be amazed. Only those who are ready will go, MY precious ones who love ME. I love them and they will never see destruction. Warn them sister, MY bride.

This is your LORD. Time is short. Time is running out. The clock is ticking. I must come soon. Life will never be the same. Choose glory or destruction. You have the power to choose. Life is in your hands. I will not wait forever on MY people. This is serious. The world will stop. The destiny of the world is death. If you stay you will die. If you leave, you must leave with Me. You must choose life or death. I come quickly. MY hour is near, the hour I retrieve MY Bride. She is ready. All is ready. The hour is close at hand. Be ready. Look for ME. I cannot wait much longer for a doubting generation. Only the pure of heart will see MY face, MY beautiful face. MY heart is broken for those who will be lost.

Save yourselves, turn and surrender. The hour is close at hand. All will be dark soon, but the Bride will be safely put away. Be the Bride: turn, repent, come to ME. I am gentle. I am kind. MY words are soft and tender. I am a gentle God. MY people see, MY people know I am love. I spare no expense for MY children. Love is MY moniker. This world is going to die out soon. Soon it will all be over. Repent while you still can. Please come to ME, I am waiting. These are your last opportunities. You choose: life or death.


5th Letter. Sept. 2010.

I am coming soon. The world will never be the same. The people think they have forever. They do not. I will be here before they realize. It is coming fast.

These are MY words, true and simple. Watch for it. The people need to know I am coming soon, very soon. Very soon it will be over. People will choose. Will it be ME or the adversary? I am the choice to make if you want life and peace. Choose ME, choose life.

We have very little time left. The hour is closing in. Choices must be made. Choose love or choose death. Why is this choice hard? I offer life eternal. Please choose life. No one comes to the Father but by ME. I am the way, the truth, and the life. Your choice is simple but you choose death if you don’t choose ME.

We can run, we can fly, we can live together for all eternity. Make your mind up: the hour is now and time is closing in. The world will all end, all is ending. This is the final hour. Choose life or choose death. I am life. The world is death. To live is to know ME, everything else is death. Everything else is temporal.


6th Letter. Sept. 2010.

Write it down MY dear. This is what I have to say today. Your question about 2011, this is what I have to say. You will be gone by 2011. The world will become dark. And yes, you can know the season. I had said to the LORD that you can’t know the day or hour but you can know the season.

Write it down. I am coming soon, so very soon. The people do not see what is happening. They are blinded. We shall depart soon. You will see. It will come quickly.

I will work everything out. You will see. It will be glorious for MY people. Many will be left. It will be a sad time for them. I have been clear about MY coming. It should not be a surprise. All is ready for the greatest banquet of all time. You are coming too MY love. This shall be a glorious time for heaven. All is ready and waiting.

The angels are standing ready. Tell the people time is up. We shall be there soon. All is getting dark. The dark clouds are forming. The darkness comes. These are dark days ahead. Warn them.

These words are true. I am waiting patiently on MY people. I won’t wait forever on them. Many will find out and it will be sad for them. Some are preparing now and will be ready for ME.

I am an honest God. MY truth stands. All is ready waiting for them. Take this seriously, because when I come all will know. Sad for those left.

Tell the people it is coming. Get ready, be prepared. I won’t wait. These are MY words.

Write it down. The people need to be ready. These are MY words. I am careful with MY words. Time is up. It is ready. Be ready for the greatest ride of your life. Spring beauty all year, that is what heaven is like. The angels wait for the bride. All is ready. Standing ready the heavens are breathless for MY word to come get the bride, she is ready. I am ready.

We shall be together soon. It will be glorious, so glorious. The hour is now. The season is now.

I am coming very soon. We will run, we will fly. It will be grand a sight, a spectacle for all time, when MY people come home. The heavens await the greatest sight ever. All is ready.

MY patience is up. I can wait no longer to receive MY bride, MY glorious bride. She is a beautiful sight. All is ready. I am ready. It will come like a stream flowing from heaven, when the heavenlies open up. When I come down from heaven, the Bridegroom on wings of eagles, white horse, white doves, beauty unimaginable.

Write it down. The beauty will never stop. It will never end. The days of eternity are beginning for the bride. She is glorious. We will unite and be together. Forever these are MY words. I am your Lord. I am your Lord, Maker, Keeper, God Everlasting, Truth, Strong Tower, Love Everlasting, Power over the universe. I am Maker, Lover, Father, Brother, Son. I am God. We shall run, we shall fly. You shall change. Your lives will change. It will be glorious. You will be in MY keep. I take care of MY children. MY words are true, this is truth. Write it down.

The heavenlies open up, all will see. Few will go. It is sad, so few are ready. But, I must come. It is MY hour, MY destiny to claim MY bride. I have waited for this hour. All is ready. MY bride awaits. I come for those who are waiting and ready. It will be soon. The hour is now. Now is the hour.

Many will be left. They will know it was ME. What a dark day for them. This is truth. I cannot wait forever on MY people. Tell them this. MY bride finds it worth waiting. She stands ready. I will come to receive her unto Myself. It will be glorious for both her and ME. We will fly as doves to their lattices. I will retrieve MY bride and she will be ready for ME.

They will divide Israel. You will see and you will come with ME before I pour out MY wrath on the world. Pray for your loved ones like never before. The hour is closing in. I come to take MY bride and I will put her in a safe place.


Words given to Sabrina:

Tuesday 7th of September, I was already touched greatly in the morning, so I knew the Lord would speak to me in a special way.

In the afternoon, I was reading in a book where the Lord has said to a person that first the rapture would happen and then the 7 years of tribulation.

I was like, Lord how is this possible, because You told me the last year, 2010, that we are already in the tribulation?

The Lord’s answer: “The rapture is delayed. Trust on the hearing of MY Voice. The intention was that I came for MY bride just prior to the 7 years of tribulation. But MY Father has decided otherwise. The rapture is delayed for a short time.”


Letter from God received on Tuesday 7th September 2010.

For Susan & me, The Lord was talking in plural form, so when He says ‘You’, He means you & me.

“Write it down, MY daughter. You are not crazy, you hear MY Voice and I have given you Susan as support. Encourage each other in these days with MY words. Let nothing distract you, you both hear MY Voice. I shall use you as a mighty duo in MY Hands. Much I shall reveal to you. Only listen to the hearing of MY Voice and don’t let yourselves be distracted by nothing. Don’t worry about a thing or human. Only act out of MY love, if you stay in MY Word & words & believe, you are walking in MY love. Don’t let nothing distract you, do everything that I tell you. I have searched & I have found, MY chosen people in these last days. Please obey at the hearing of MY Voice. People do not realize how late it is. MY Father longs to give the sign,

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