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to happen so soon. Children look around you. Please sit up and look around. The world is coming to a bad end. If I did not come to remove MY beloved, this world will not be a hospitable place for her to live.

Children awaken! You sleep so soundly, as if there is nothing to be alarmed about. MY children, there is much to be alarmed about or have you become so cold to MY Ways and so accepting of the world’s ways that you no longer can embrace Holiness as Truth?

This world walks in utter corruption and wickedness. Have you so thoroughly lost sight of what MY Standard of Holiness is that you are able to so embrace such consuming evil of the world around you? Children, your sensibilities have been dulled and your view of the pure and precious has been so stymied that you accept so much filth as acceptable and allowable in your homes and your lives.

Your hearts have become corrupted as you explain away your right to dance with the devil. Children this is putrid before MY Face. You call yourself by MY Name and you have aligned yourself with the wicked in every other way. I am warning you to seriously repent, humble yourself, and surrender to ME, before it is too late.

The world has breached MY ability to tolerate the sin that overflows before ME. It is beyond MY ability to tolerate anymore. You cannot see how evil the world has become because you are so indoctrinated to this evil world system. It all seems so fine and right in your eyes. Well it is an abomination before MY Holy Face and the hour arrives for MY Wrath to pour out over this world that plays so intensely with evil and puts its fist in the air shaking it at ME, its GOD!

The hour of MY Return is closing in and you sit on your hands as if all is well. Children, there are so many things going on that you seem to be oblivious to: the world powers are all uniting against ME, a HOLY GOD; the earth shivers and quakes in anticipation of MY Coming; the world is coming down against the apple of MY Eye, the bearer of MY Commandments; the world is uniting against MY Truth and MY Ways!

Why do you hide your heads in the sand so? What seems so right to you that you cannot see what is coming? There is a world around you that no longer accepts Holiness as the great standard to live by. Why can you not see this MY children? Is this so acceptable to you that you long to stay on this path the world is taking many years into the future? Because I see in your hearts that this is what you want to believe.

I have given you MY Warnings in MY Book, but you disregard them. You are not listening or paying attention. Your world pursuits are so much more interesting. Children, if you are not careful, the pursuit of the world that takes precedence over an intimate relationship with ME, your GOD will put you right into the arms of MY enemy and it will be an eternal relationship because I am looking for those who only have eyes for ME, their LORD.

Yes, the hour is late, later than you think. Don’t be caught off guard, because MY Coming will be swift, like a thief in the night. You must watch and wait attentively or you will be left and the shock will be real of the event that has just taken place. So many will be stunned when they find that MY Words of warning were true in MY Word: just as in the days of Noah.

Do not be found slumbering when the BRIDEGROOM returns. Go and seek oil for your lamp now. Now is the hour to have your lamp in good working order. This is the hour. I can and am willing to receive you if you just cry out to ME. Spend time with ME, forsaking all others as this is the relationship I desire from MY children: to put ME above all other pursuits in their lives—even above their children and spouses. Does not MY Word outline this?

Come to the secret place now and get to know your GOD before it is too late. I am weeping over you children. Your GOD weeps over the many, who will be lost because they refuse to look for ME, their GOD. So read these Words with fear and trembling. I am not a GOD WHO will be mocked. You are in the end times. Make your way to MY Heart. The hour is diminishing.

I am the LORD WHO Saves. I am the LORD WHO Loves.

Come and find out about MY Love. This is the LORD WHO Pleads.

GOD of the Heavenlies JEHOVAH NISSI.

Exodus 17:15. And Moses built an altar, and called the name of it Jehovahnissi:

Zechariah 2:8. For thus saith the LORD of hosts; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye.

2 Timothy 4:3. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

Matthew 25:5-13. 5While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. 6And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. 7Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. 8And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out. 9But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. 10And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. 11Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. 12But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not. 13Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.

Galatians 6:7. Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

Psalm 91:1. He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.


Love Letter (170) Dictated by JESUS to the Bride of Christ Given to Susan, September 28, 2011.

Daughter, write these Words down:

MY Coming is so close, the people would be amazed. They are not ready. They believe MY Coming is far off. It is not.

This has been a year of preparation for the bride for the LAMB; the LAMB to receive HIS flock into a beautiful pasture, a place of rest and comfort, of divine eternal healing, of eternal prosperity, wholeness, completion, enjoyment of GOD, WHO is the TRINITY: FATHER, SON, HOLY SPIRIT.

Run the swift, to meet ME in the air! Come to meet ME. Your GOD waits on you to prepare yourself. Put on your lovely garments. Make yourself clean in MY Blood and by the washing of MY Word.

Immerse yourself in MY Beauty, an eternal gift from the FATHER for the bride. Rise up beautiful bride. Come meet your BRIDEGROOM WHO longs for you, your completion, Your eyes meet mine, keep your gaze locked on ME, your ETERNAL LOVE, LOVER of your soul.

These Words wrap around your soul and speak life into your spirit.




'Porn makes Me angry' WORDS FROM THE LORD JESUS.


Son, son, My son Keorapetse Sebokolodi stop, stop, stop this sin. These words you are to share with everyone else. Yes son, these are for all My children, all My children, all of them. Each and every single one of you, listen to ME.

These sins, these ‘minor’ sins you think little of, those little sins you think are okay. Each little lie, each white lie; each perverted glance; each perverted little stare; each harmless thought; each of those things: cursing, cussing, fingers, gossip, ‘little’ ‘little’ sins you think nothing of. It is sin MY children. It is sin and no impurity will enter MY kingdom.

Do not lie, cheat. Cheating! My young ones, cheating in the work place, cheating in the schools, My little ones, lying about your homework. Do not, do not.

Do what I, your LORD JESUS would do, you know ME, you know ME. I knew no sin, while I walked the earth, I knew no sin. Do not allow the enemy to get into you, trap you. He wants your soul, desperately. As a hungry lion goes after its prey so shall he. He is on the loose, out to destroy your family, your lives. I love MY children and he hates them. My children, yes I love them, I want to nurture them, treat them as kings and queens. Give them MY Peace, MY Joy, MY Love, but the enemy wants to destroy them, all of them. It can only be, ONLY BE, that the enemy destroys MY children when MY children allow him to.

Like I need permission from you to control your life, so does satan. You give him power and permission to do what he only knows to do so well; kill, steal, cheat, destroy, murder, lie, deceive. My children are you not tired? How much longer do you want to suffer? Fight MY children, ask MY SPIRIT to fight for you. You need not lift a single finger with ME on your side. The enemy has no power! I want you to understand he has no power!

How much stronger than you is an ant beneath your feet? Can a worm destroy, break, and crush the beak of an eagle? Does a rabbit run after a lion? No! So as do these have no power over their hunter so does satan have not a single bit of strength against I, his CREATOR and his DESTROYER.

My children, I have given you MY Power, MY Power is great, use it. I am warning you, MY Time is at hand. It is here. Woe to anyone who tells a “little white lie” big enough to keep him on this earth when I return.

Porn, porn makes ME angry. So angry MY children, it makes ME sick. I created, gave men sex to please ME. Between husband and wife alone, not to be viewed by the whole nation! This world makes ME sick. I tell you the truth, not even Sodom and Gomorrah could ever reach to heights of this generation’s sin! You are all living in sin, on sin, through sin, with sin and by sin. Only a few, few, few please ME. What has this world come to? Do you believe that I, GOD, will put up with such? No MY children. No, no, no, I cannot. I will not. You know not WHO I am. I am Holy. I expect you to be Holy. Be Holy. It is a command, not a request. Not a request. I, GOD, will not negotiate with people, I won’t.

Do you think you know better than I? That you can run this world? That you run this world? Your own countries you fail to keep in order, but you believe you are above MY Thoughts and Ways. No , no, no, no way. No, no, no. This is it. It is time to choose, time to choose. Don’t wait. The enemy does not think twice before choosing you. Don’t wait another second. I am coming, MY children. “I AM” is coming. I am here. I am here now. I am here. I am here. LISTEN, OPEN YOUR EYES. Do not be like MY people who rejected ME. Do not.

I am coming! Woe to you all. Woe to those who will miss MY Coming,

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