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Book online «Intimacy with GOD by Esher Shoshannah (the unexpected everything txt) 📖». Author Esher Shoshannah

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Jesus Himself stated that He is the Word of God (John 1:1). His very words are "life and spirit" (John 6:63)! Praise God for spiritual, soul and physical health, all found in the One who is "ruddy"! He who was pure became totally impure for us at the cross. But thanks be to God for the victory of His blood over our sin! He rose in purity so we might possess His glorious, dazzling, clear, eternal purity in our souls! Hallelujah! It is progressive in this life! We are becoming more and more like Jesus. Not until heaven will we experience it completely.


"...chiefest (Heb. - "to look; to behold") among ten thousand."

If all the human race could stand together, her Beloved would stand out amongst them all! There would be no reason to bother looking with interest at any other! Do you feel this way, my dear surrendered reader? Does Jesus really stand out so much in your heart and mind that others become truly insignificant in comparison? I really enjoy reading the first words of Heb. 12:2. After reading about all of the others who lived by faith in chapter 11, the Holy Spirit directs us to the One who not only is the greatest example of living His life by faith and overcoming but He is faith itself. He possesses it and gives it away to all of us so that we can bless Him (Romans 12:3).

The term "ten thousand" is actually "tens of thousands" and in the Hebrew, it is used as a superlative. In other words, He is the best, the greatest, unsurpassable, outstanding, indescribable among an incalculable number of others. Jesus, the Beloved of the Father, is the eternal dazzling light to her soul. He is the sum total of her existence, nothing else matters. The bride gives us a wonderful overall description of her one and only Love. Is He the, "chiefest among ten thousand" to you? Is He your everything? What follows are the holy particulars of why He alone is all glorious!


 PRAY WITH ME: "O my King I must bow down and kneel before Your glorious person. O dear, dear, Bridegroom of my heart, I am filled to overflowing with 'first love' love for You! O my Lord, may this love continue to flow, I only ask that You increase its width, depth, length and height by the filling of the Spirit who resides in the temple of my body! O my Light, You are dazzling with beauty and the brightness of Deity. You radiate all that is good, right and perfect! You uphold all things by the Word of Your power and to think You tenderly hold my heart in Your nail pierced hand. O my Husband this is too much to contemplate. I will just sit quietly in the arms of Your presence meditating upon Your glories! In Jesus’ name, amen."


V.11 "His head is as the most fine (pure) gold, his locks are bushy (wavy), and black as a raven."

From the well of her overflowing heart bursts forth all the cherished secrets experienced in her relationship with the Beloved. Words filled with Him flow freely from her lips. The bride glows as she declares, "His head is as the most fine gold..."! Gold symbolizes absolute authority, honor, power and strength and the right to rule (read Dan. 2:31,37). Gold, when put into the hands of unregenerate man becomes his god, but when God is the center of man's life then it is looked upon as being good, "...the gold of that land is good." (Gen. 2:12).

The temple within, where God's presence would reside, was overlaid with gold, even the floor (I Kin. 6:21,22,30). The heavenly city is described in Revelation as "Having the glory of God...and the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass...and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass." (Rev.21:11,18,21). Pure gold represents the manifested glory of God. It represents God Himself! A transparent life is a life lived honestly before the Lord. You quickly admit your weaknesses and sins to the Lord. You don’t pretend to be something you are not. It is the humble life (I Pet. 5:6,7).


PRAY WITH ME: "Lord, You alone have the right to rule over me. I welcome Your Lordship into my life. Let the pure gold of Your glory permeate my soul. May the gold of Your power and authority daily control and lead me! Lord make me to live a transparent life! In the name which is above every name, the Lord Jesus Christ, amen."


Later, In v.14 she will describe His hands as gold and in v.15 His feet are gold! Here, the head of her Beloved is gold. His thoughts, His words, what He sees, what He hears, He is the Omniscient God! Jesus is God (John 1:1,3; 8:58; 10:30,33; 20:28)! She is saying to us and to the Daughters of Jerusalem, "He is my God and He has absolute authority over my life! This is my joy and contentment. His strength makes me feel so safe, for my enemies must fall back in defeat when faced with His strength, power and presence. He is God and His every thought to me is pure, just, holy and righteous! His Spirit puts wonderful, godly thoughts in my mind by which my thinking is transformed (Rom. 12:2)! This is why I hurt so deeply! I dishonored Him by hesitating to go with Him and now depression, sorrow and guilt have filled my mind. But even now, as I speak of Him, I feel a lifting of the heaviness beginning, O praise His Holy name!"


"...his locks are bushy, and black as a raven."

He has a full head of black hair. He is still young looking. To His own He is ageless. He remains eternally the same for His Bride, powerful, handsome, glorious! Jesus, the Son of Man, sitting on the throne as God in Heaven, will never change physically as He did while on earth. Praise God, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever." (Heb. 13:8)! Your heavenly Husband will never change, never grow old or weary; He will always maintain that all consuming "first love" love for you His bride! Hallelujah!

Think of it, since I am going to have a body like His glorious body (Phil. 3:21) then I will never grow old either in eternity! There is another description of Jesus in Rev. 1:12-16. It is an awesome and fearful description. This is the Jesus of judgment! This is the Lamb ready to pour out His wrath (Rev. 6:16). Thank God, we will not have to deal with Jesus the wrathful God (read John 3:36; I Thess. 1:10). O how beautiful and forever youthful Jesus is for His bride! That's love!


PRAY WITH ME: "Lord Jesus, I worship and adore You. Can it be true that You will never lose Your Bridegroom's intensity of love for me? Yes, yes, yes for You cannot lie, You are God! Millenniums will pass and Your Bridegroom's love for me will not diminish one degree! Forgive me for ever hesitating when You called on me to go with You."


V.12 "His eyes are as the eyes of doves by the rivers of waters, washed with milk, and fitly set."

O my dear surrendered friend, sit quietly next to your Lord. Place your hand in His nail-scarred hand and just sit there in His presence with your eyes closed, praising and loving Him in your soul and spirit! Listen quietly for Him to whisper into the ear of your heart, "My beautiful one, My sister, My dove, My bride I love you, I will never cease loving you. You alone are the portion of My eternal joy, O blood-bought one of My heart (Deut. 32:9; Heb. 12:2; Zeph. 3:17; I Pet.1:19)!" 

She remembers so vividly how He would take her face in His hands and lift her head so her eyes would meet His. O how often He would do that and her heart would melt. Those Bridegroom eyes spoke so forcefully with tender affection of His pure love and compassion for her eternal welfare. In her mind she can see those eyes of her Bridegroom. When His eyes “spoke” a loving obedience flooded her soul. Every time she looked into those eyes the things of the world became meaningless or less important. That gaze of His was penetrating her thoughts again; she was changing. It was as if she were seeing it for the first time! She could feel a subtle transformation taking place by just describing her Love! He truly has doves eyes for you dear surrendered believer. Look at those eyes through the window of the Word of God. You see in those doves eyes His sacrifice for you (Lev. 1:14-15). Because of your hesitation, you will see a sad mourning in His gaze (Nah. 2:7). He missed you so much (Isa. 38:14) and you were oblivious to the pain which pierced His longing, lonely heart for your fellowship on life's journey.


" the rivers of waters..."

As her mind is flooded with thoughts concerning the joy of His doves eyes, she sees streams of living water flowing from His gaze to her heart. He was forever, infinitely filled with the Spirit! Every time their eyes met, brilliant streams of love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance flooded her soul. The very remembrance of just a glance from His eyes brings renewal to her spirit and soul! A strange and beautiful change sweeps over her as she describes Him. The water of the Word is washing away the pain (Eph. 5:25,26; John 15:3)!


"...washed with milk..."

The milk of his eyes speak to her of nourishment, satisfaction, purity and refreshment. In her heart she has turned back to Him with a new resolve. The battered bride sees the milk in those eyes: pure, white, sincere (I Pet. 2:2). She knew in her soul that His motives were always completely trustworthy towards her. Although practical fellowship with Him ceased, she was still safe in His Omnipresence for these words were forever etched in her heart from His lips, "...I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." (Heb.13:5). Excitedly she says, "Oh, He is near! I can feel the power of His presence drawing me!" And she was right, for in just a few moments (6:2) she will be restored to that blessed, Holy Spirit filled intimacy with her Beloved! O how this brings comfort to her heart. The darkness of depression and guilt begin to abate as she continues sharing these marvelous descriptions of her Beloved.

The bride cannot contain herself as she speaks animatedly to the daughters, "Something is happening to me! I feel it. Healing, I am being healed! My heart is being healed! O praise His glorious healing name! Jesus! Jesus! I love You! You alone! O what patient grace You have even for someone as me. Me who failed you so terribly, yet Your Words, those Words of pure spiritual milk are healing me! I can feel it! I can feel it! Hallelujah!"

The Daughters of Jerusalem knew they were watching a miracle in progress! "It is truly the bride!" they said in absolute astonishment. They were awestruck and pleaded with her to go on with the description of her Beloved. Their spiritual hunger was overwhelming! They couldn’t get enough. Something strange and wonderful was happening in them also! There was a long pause, then she whispered to them, "His eyes, His eyes they are..."


"...fitly set"

This Hebrew verb for "fitly set" is used over 1090 times throughout the O.T. and has a multiplicity of meanings such as: to "sit", "remain", "dwell", "stay", "be enthroned". It is used when speaking of Jehovah being enthroned in Heaven (see: Psa. 22:3; 80:1; 99:1; 113:5; 123:1; Isa. 37:16). Her heart races with waves of love for Him. She knows that His eyes continually dwell on her alone. She will never be out

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