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her to a virtuous woman. The description it gives of such a woman inspires confidence in the organization and helps us to love and appreciate it.

The description was given to King Lemuel, whose name means “belonging to God” or “sacred to God”. The virtuous woman was described to him by his own mother. As mother to a king, she occupies the relation of a queen to her great Husband, Jehovah the King of eternity, the Father of the “kings of the earth”. So she can rear and instruct kings sacred to God. By her description she shows what we ought to look for in His Theocratic woman or organization. “A prudent wife is from Jehovah,” and the Theocratic woman or organization is His creation and was made for our motherhood.—Prov. 19:14, AS.

Showing loyalty to her Husband, she warns her children against overindulging in intoxicants or drinks which stupefy and benumb our powers and senses. Why? Lest her children be overcome and deprived of a sound mind and forget the law of God. (Lev. 10:8-11) She builds up the stature and strength of her sons and daughters by feeding them with food. It does not matter that she at times has to import the food from afar, like merchants’ ships coming from distant ports. So, to feed her children in outlying territories or distant lands, the Watch Tower Society imitates her by bringing workers from distant points to the Bible School of Gilead and sends these missionaries back or sends them to other distant points that by these she may feed spiritual nourishment to all her children. All those who serve her, whether they be directly her children or not, she feeds and strengthens for service, for, it is written, she gives “a portion to her maidens”. (Prov. 31:15) She rises early while it is yet dark in order to have food ready on time for all her household.

Besides feeding, she also sees to the clothing of her children. She works up materials with which to clothe them, that they may be presentable with a godly, Christian identification of which they need never be ashamed. She clothes them with the identity of witnesses of her Husband, Jehovah. So “she is not afraid of the snow for her household”, for she knows God’s children by her are well clothed to bear the cold hatred of this world. She is always providing for their well-being in the future, looking ahead to what they will need in time to come, that she may “rejoice in time to come” at having met the needs.

She “looketh well to the ways of her household”. Hence it is an orderly, well-conducted, industrious and godly household, of which it is a blessing to be a member. In this behalf it may be necessary sometimes for her to use the rod and administer a reproof to one or all her children. But by letting us go our own way it would never work to our eventual success or bring honor to her organizational methods. She knows that “the rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame”. (Prov. 29:15) She does not want to be ashamed of how she brought up God’s children and she does not want us to be a grief and reproach to him. At the same time “she openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness”. (Prov. 31:26) Thus by reproof and by kindly counsel she gives wise teaching and maintains God’s law.

In organizational operation and structure the world may not think she is beautiful of feature or graceful and it makes fun of her primitive simplicity characteristic of apostolic days. Ah, but she fears Jehovah, and that is what makes her wise and virtuous and wins her lasting praise from Him. She has a big love, stretching out her hand to the poor and reaching forth her hand to the needy; and so she instills in her children generosity and neighbor love. She wants them to share with others the spiritual blessings from their heavenly Father, imparting to the poor and needy the food of his Kingdom truth and clothing them with garments to identify them with his King.—Prov. 31:30, 20.


In this world it is customary to speak of a high school, college or university from which a person graduates by the heathen expression “alma mater” (fostering mother). But the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead is not the great mother organization of the Gilead graduates. The Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society is not the great mother organization of Jehovah’s witnesses who have received the Kingdom truth through it and who cooperate with it world-wide, using it as their legal and business servant and advisory governing body. No; as Jehovah’s witnesses we represent something greater than these minor visible organizations. The great “mother” is Jehovah’s universal organization, which he created and of which he is the faithful Husband. (Isa. 54:5; Gal. 4:26) By her he brings forth his beloved children for his purpose. By her he gives us law and instruction, provides for us, guides us and looks out for our welfare with a view to our everlasting life. In her we find fulfilled all the traits of a virtuous woman so lovelily described to King Lemuel. Just now, when God’s kingdom is the paramount issue, his “woman” is chiefly concerned with bringing forth successfully to kingship with Jesus Christ in heaven the remnant of his royal “little flock”. Yet she is interested also in the many, many “other sheep” who will eventually become her earthly children in God’s image and likeness. Her heart is big enough to hold a love now for them all and to gather all these “other sheep” to her warm, loving bosom.—Luke 12:32; John 10:16.

However, what we see exemplified in God’s woman, his heavenly universal organization, we should look to see in his visible organization. Why? Because his higher, greater universal organization uses it as her earthly instrument. That is why we do see those motherly traits, those traits and acts of a virtuous woman, in the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead and in the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, because these profess to represent and serve God’s woman. We thank God for providing and using them. So we stand up respectfully and bless his faithful organization, his queenly “woman” in heaven which makes all these loving provisions for us as children of God.—Prov. 31:28.

If we have an appreciation of all these truths, what shall we say is the way of success? All the examples and the teachings of the Word of God agree that it is the way marked by faithful, loving obedience to God and to the commandments he issues through his Theocratic organization. Hence keep in touch with the central organization, God’s Theocratic “woman”. Keep in tune with it by accepting the Theocratic organization rules and instructions which God issues to us through it. Never forsake these, but be teachable, as trustful children. Hold fast to the Bible.

Serve God where he places you. Remember that the great Director of the organization knows his tools or instruments. He knows which to use and where and how to use it. So lend yourself to his use when he chooses you. His choice of you is never accidental and unpremeditated. Go to the territory or position to which he designates you. Show your fitness for the place to which you are thus assigned. Work in unity with the organization as a whole. Draw all the good out of whatever reproofs are administered to you for your proper conduct. Carry out instructions with all respect for the great “mother” organization. And never quit your assigned work of your own accord. Build up your ability and competence for the work by staying with it and familiarizing yourself with it more and more. Take to heart the apostle’s organizational instruction to the young overseer Timothy: “Ponder over these things, be absorbed in them, that your advancement may be manifest to all persons. Pay constant attention to yourself and to your teaching. Stay by these things, for by doing this you will save both yourself and those who listen to you.”—1 Tim. 4:15, 16, NW.

In this way you will prove yourself a worthy child of God by his “woman”. You will show what he can make of you by his instruction through his “woman”. Thus you will have a part with Jesus Christ in vindicating Jehovah’s rightful sovereignty over all intelligent creatures who live in the universe. That is what spells the highest success for you for all life to come.”

My friend, I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this book, now it’s time to kiss and say good-bye. This was my first attempt to write or compile such a book. But still, on a positive note, the quest for progressive enlightment shall never end, nor has everything been touched in this book. I give all respect to Jehovah and his earthly visible organisation for helping me know the truth. I’d also like to thank the spiritual guidance my parents gave me from youth up. I only wrote few pages of my own initiative while more than half the book is largely the material from the Watchtower and Awake magazines published by Jehovah’s Witnesses under the label or registered name of The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society.

I don’t want to go back and touch the issue of human imperfection all over again. But I sincerely hope that you’ve enjoyed everything and that now the ball is in your court. I’d like to once again apologize to any who may have been offended by anything in this book, if that may be the case. If any would like to send some grievances they are more than welcome to do so at this e-mail:, and not necessarily to the Watchtower Society or the Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses, as I do not claim to have written this book under their authorization. But if any would like to thank, they are also welcome to do so, even if they may want to directly thank the Watchtower Society, and not me as an individual. But the greatest thanks should be directed to Jehovah by the way we choose to live our lives, as he is the greatest Doctor of human imperfection.




























































































































Text: Largely by the Watchtower Society
Editing: Teboho Kibe
Publication Date: 08-04-2013

All Rights Reserved

I'd like to dedicate this book to my parents, my siblings, my JW friends. I'd like to thank my high school Azara in Lenasia for having produced a good writer like myself. I'd also like to dedicate this book to all the 'colpoteurs' or all spiritual foot soldiers out there with regards spreading the kingdom message!!! This book, I actually dedicate to the whole world or everyone out here.

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