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Book online «I AM COMING! Volume 3 by Susan Davis, Sabrina De Muynck (ebook smartphone TXT) 📖». Author Susan Davis, Sabrina De Muynck

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missed, of chances lost. It will all be gone and you will wake up to Truth, as you will be forced to make the hard choices. You will have to choose to die for Me. My enemy will not share you with Me.

He will not tolerate those who decide too late they now want to be with Me. They will be forced to make a very difficult choice. My enemy will bear his ugly sharp teeth and the world will soon see a side of evil they never dreamed possible. It will be ruthless, bitter, and frightening. Darkness will be all-consuming and the world will be a frightening, dark, gloomy, horrifying place.

All remnants of a world that was established on justice, safety, security, and hope will have left with My bride as she will no longer be on earth. This loss will be great My children, as My Light pulls away from earth and darkness covers the earth. The loss will be nearly impossible to bear.

The people do not believe My Words. I spoke of this in My Book, that the people would be stiff necked and doubting. My Words speak truth. Stiff necked people: look at the world. Compare it to My Word. Wash yourselves with My Word and know the truth of My Words spoken so long ago. It is come to pass. Now is the time children. Clean your hearts out, prepare your lives to be readied for My Return, My Promised Return. The hour is now for the preparation. Come, be clean in My Word, My Truth, My Blood. Surrender your life to Me. I will take it and protect you. The storm is coming. Make ready. This is the hour of your preparation. Do not wait. Begin your preparation, Surrender, lay your life before Me. Come to Me Now. I am waiting.

Do not regret your decision to put off coming to Me in full surrender, because your love for this world and your life is too great.

It is time My children! It is time! It is time! These Words are My words.

I am the great I AM. I am today, tomorrow, forever. Jesus.


Letter received on April 17, 2011 by Sabrina from the Lord Jesus for you:

These are My Words My daughter. My world lives in despair, desperate to satisfy their own lusts, a search for satisfaction of their own flesh. This physical body is only a shell, a temporary stay. The true person is in your soul. That is the person you really are. This is the person you must take care of. This is the person who must find and know Me.

Why then My children do you run into this world without searching for Me? I see many of My children who do not know Me, although they claim they do. Yet I do not see their names written in My BOOK, THE BOOK OF LIFE. They are not My children, but children of the devil.

They are here to drag others into their web of lies and deception. These are children in the church and outside the church. Those who claim to know Me, woe unto them, so they do not fall!

I have given My HOLY Word for education, for knowledge, and support. My Word contains all truth. My Word is a daily guide in your life. My Word contains My Commandments, so you would know Me and so you would learn to live in awe and respect for your God and people.

And yet, I see many of My children who claim to know Me, and yet they rarely read in My Word, yet they rarely fill themselves with study from My Word. How can this be? Woe to them who claim to know Me, yet never fill themselves with My Word, My HOLY Word, the Bible, written by My prophets under the leadership of My HOLY SPIRIT.

These are His Words. This is His HOLY Word. My Word is filled with directions for this life and for the life in eternity with or without Me. Read My Word My children, read My Word! Read My HOLY Word.

Do not fill yourselves with words written by carnal men, but come to Me and learn to know My Word. Many books are good and constructive and instructive, but if this has priority over My Word, you cannot even understand these books written by people to build you up.

Feast on My Word, come My children, now is the time for complete surrender, surrender in My Word and surrender in worship and surrender in prayer. Surrender in everything. Worldly things are totally unnecessary if you do not know your God. Worldly things are even devilish if you do not know your God.

You are a light in this world. But many of you are not simple because you do not know Me. Which one of you comes to Me daily in worship? Which one of you fills yourself daily with My Word so you can start the day under My direction?

Whose voice do I hear coming to Me every day? To whom can I speak to everyday? Who takes the time to hear My Words? To hear what I, God have to say? I do listen to your prayers, but I, MYSELF have much to say also. I wait for My children who take the time for Me. These are the last days and the laborers are few.

Who is willing to lay down his life for Me? Come to Me and search My Will. I speak to any of My children, to all My sheep. But it is up to you to take enough time to hear My VOICE. I often do not have the opportunity or the time to speak to you.

Who is willing to lay down his life? Who is willing to take time? Who is willing to listen to My HEART? I, Jesus, have much to say. The listening to My VOICE is not difficult, it is a matter of the heart.

Are you willing to sacrifice yourselves in time, in worldly things that draw, in family that pulls you, in work that absorbs you, in hobbies that you need to relax, in voyages to get away for awhile?

Who is willing? The time is short and laborers are few. Come, My children with a moved and open heart to Me and I, Jesus will richly reward you if you lay down your lives and come with a completely open and devoted heart. These are the last days, COME!

Who is willing? Examine your hearts and come to your God and see what is more important, the fulfilling of your business in this world or the fulfilling of My Will in your life? What is more important?

This choice is very important. It is a choice that will determine your whole eternity, an eternity with deep intimacy with Me or a life in eternity as your relationship with Me in this life now. Everything has its value. Everything you do in this life now with or without Me has its eternal value.

Consider this very well, for behold, the time is short. I, Jesus am coming and My reward is with Me.

Psalm 6:4. Return, O Lord, deliver my soul: oh save me for thy mercies’ sake.

Matthew 16:26. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

John 8:44. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

John 17:17. Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

Matthew 9:37. Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few;

Romans 13:12. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.

Revelation 22:12. And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.


PART 57: Two letters from the LORD given to Sabrina and Susan both speak on time swiftly running out, turning to the LORD, and preparing NOW for HIS return before it is too late.

Dear Friends of Christ:

This is what Matthew 7:21-23 says: Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I NEVER KNEW YOU: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity.

Jesus is talking to the church here, and although the people the Lord spoke to were engaging in activities as His followers, yet Jesus cast them away. Where did they go wrong? Perhaps they weren’t grasping this: Mark 12:30, And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.

You exist and were created for the purpose of being a companion to the Lord. You might want to ask yourself: What percentage of your week do you spend on this relationship? I used to think that God was just there to connect with for the “big problems” in life. I was so wrong. The HOLY SPIRIT is all about the details. He wants us to connect with HIM even about the little things in our lives. You can’t do this without a relationship with HIM. It would be impossible. That is what He wants.

So where are you? Do you call on God for help with only life’s big stuff or the daily details? Are you casual acquaintances or DOES He KNOW YOU?

Your friends in Christ, Susan and Sabrina. 


Letter received from Jesus to Sabrina on April 22, 2011:

The world is coming to an end. My light, My bride, will soon be taken away from this world.

She continues turning: the world, everything just goes, as people do not focus their eyes on Me or keep them focused, therefore this world just continues turning as “normal.”

But I tell you, this world does not turn normally anymore. She is completely subject to perdition and many already live in despair. I give My signs and I give My miracles in this time, yet many close their eyes to Me, for all that I, God show them in the universe, in nature, in society, in the financial world.

Even the animals know that their God is coming, but people are blind to this reality. Everything is out of order, everything functions in disorder in this world, yet people remain blind and disinterested, as they do not want to think of their God, they do not recognize Me in all this.

People always have a reason to not see Me or want to see, since they are not filled with My SPIRIT. My children, go out

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