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I have, and to be Yours and not mine. But I became conceited. Oh, how could I do this? There was no one on the earth that I may rise myself above. I arose against You, Lord. I wanted to be like You and more than You. You put me into the paradise from Eden and You gave me everything that You made for the man and I got haughty in my thought that I was ruler over everything and I said to myself: «I am God and I sit on God’s throne». Because of my beauty, my heart became haughty and by my haughtiness I lost my obedience and wisdom, as it is written into the Scriptures about my deed, about the haughtiness of my heart in the paradise from Eden. When You saw that I turned my haughtiness into my wisdom, You took care of my life and gave me a commandment: «Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat: but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat of it; for in the day that you eat of it you will surely die».


You came from heaven two thousand years ago, to work and to lift the man up to the place where I fell from. You have not eaten for forty days and forty nights for me, who has eaten without Your will from what is Yours, sinning with my haughtiness and with my disobedience to God. You have not eaten for forty days and forty nights, and You let Yourself be tempted by the evil spirit more than I was, but his temptation was overcome in Your body. You overcame what I had to overcome. I was the one that I brought the evil spirit into being, and You crushed the power by Your humility and by Your obedience of Your Father. You have cried with a godly tear for forty days for me, as You have been looking for me for seven thousand years. In any man You want to find me, for You want me the same way I was before my haughtiness. You want me in every man as I was when You established me at my beginning in the paradise from Eden.


Here I am, Lord. I am in Your coming and I tell the human race that the man does not have to eat meat, and no living creature has to eat meat. I am the first created man and I went wrong for the whole human race, which have been going wrong through me.


I confess my sins from Eden. The knowledge belongs to God; it does not belong to man, and I went wrong touching through the woman those that belong to God, and taking and eating through the woman.


I am made out of the Romanian clay, and I am Romanian, and I am the first man created out of the dust, who appeared first out of the water from the creation of the heaven and the earth.


Lord, may Your will be upon the Romanian land, as it was in the beginning of the earth! My spirit cries for every impurity that has been established over the earth by my disobedience from my beginning. My spirit is waiting for Your coming, Lord, Son of the Father and Son of the Man, Who comes with the mystery of incorruptibility of the man, which I lost for me and for every man. But You are the Redeemer Who comes, and there is no man to perceive God, the One Who is and Who comes, Who died and was resurrected for every man.


Forgive me, Lord that You called me, and I came at Your word, for You are my God. Blessed is the man, who totally listens to God’s voice.


Lord, cleanse me of my guilt, which has been falling on the entire human race, for I have come out with it before the heaven and the earth, so that it may come afterwards the fulfillment of the promises of Your coming, in a work of new heaven and new earth, on the Romanian land, which You stand on, and speak the word of Your coming, calling all the nations of the earth before You, for the great day of the redemption. Amen, amen, amen.


− Oh, My people of today, the first created man answered Me and came when I called him. You should also come in the mystery of My word and stay in it, for you are the visible fruit of the mystery of My word and you are waited by the first man built and by all his descendants. I am the One Who brought into being everything from nothing, when I created them. I did not create them to eat each other. I did not say that they should be meat for food for each other. I want to repair the damage that the first created man did to me, and after him every man who has been coming out of him. I come and pour out of the Holy Spirit over the spirit of the people, and you, My people, are the root with which I do My work for the fulfillment of My coming and of My promises for the redemption of the bodies. Amen.


Oh, Israel, My book with you is wonderful, and you will see with your own eyes its seal, the seal that I opened to become a book with you on the earth, the book of My second coming from near My Father, the book of the new heaven and of the new earth, the book of the resurrection of the creature, the Book of the Truth. Amen. (See the selection topic: „About the Book of the Lamb - The Book of Life”, r.n.) Blessed is the man who listens to My voice from this book, as the time of My coming is near. Blessed is the man who serves Me in the way of My coming, as I am close to My coming and the book of My coming goes all over the earth before Me. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the remembrance of the Adam’s expulsion from heaven, on 01-03-1998




The selection from the Word of God about fasting since 1998 until today will be published immediately after the ending of translation, r.n.



About almsgiving


                        Selection of the texts from the Word of God on this topic



… Here is what the Lord says: do merciful deeds, as many as you can, and from the sinner one should take and not give. And behold, the Lord said: do not give anything to the sinner.

Excerpt from the Word of God, on 12-07-1974



… You should have mercy. This is the heavenly wealth: you should put all of your relatives into God’s wealth. With your mercy you redeem those from the pond, those from hell. Your earthly possessions are of no good to you. Mercy redeems the living and the dead from the sins. Mercy, did you hear?

Excerpt from the Word of God, on 16-08-1974



… The poor from My people who receive mercy, you should reward My mercy by praying for the one who gave to you and for the dead to whom it was given. Do not be like the gipsy from the door of the church, who ask for alms, and do not pray for the one who had mercy on him.

Excerpt from the Word of God, on 14-01-1975



Sons, you should do merciful deeds to the poor, for if the rich man receives, he takes it home and gives it to the pigs. If he likes the pork meat, let him grow the pig with clean food, so that he may also take with his spoon from his food, and when the pig escapes and eats any dirt, you should read what is written into the Holy Scripture.

Excerpt from the Word of God, on 29-09-1988



Do not give out of mercy to drunkards, fornicators, smokers, and to those who blaspheme God by trespassing. Do merciful deeds also to those from the word, but only to those who listen and receive the Word of God now and again.

Excerpt from the Word of God, on 02-07-1992



Sons, the dead come to life at the voice of My word. Only those that are haughty do not want to come to life, but they will stand before Me whether they like it or not, and they will melt like wax, as I am the First and the Last, and I come with much power and with much greatness, as it is written into the Scriptures of My second coming from heaven on the earth, for the earth is My footstool. Amen. The man says in vain that he took My earth from under My feet. Soon, soon, every man will see that he is weak and will receive Me whether he wants it or not, because I come and I am clothed in the garment of justice. Amen. But you, sons of My greatness, I have always taught you to keep away from My judgment, doing My will before Me. Do many merciful deeds, as much as you could, as mercy is a candle with oil, a burning candle[9]. Give Me over as a gift to every man who reaches out his hand for heavenly food. Also give Me to the one who is ashamed with Me and who does not reach out his hand but only stealthily. Give God as mercy to all who do not want the heavenly food, as I, the Lord, give them the bitter bread of anxiety to those who are careless of the soul. I make them all anxious to the hearing of My word, and a fire will be kindled all around and it will threaten the earth with fire and judgment, but My country with My manger in it will be the throne of My word, out of which a word of consuming and cleansing fire will flow over the man and over the earth. (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic fire[10]”, r.n.)


Give God as mercy, messenger sons of My coming. I am the Word of God for the coming of Christ, the Son of the Father, and I share Myself through you as My coming upon every man. I call out the trumpet. The word is the trumpet, and Michael, My angel, is the angel of My gift upon you. Let My word come to you from one margin of the heaven to another and let the iniquity on the earth burn, as I make a new haven and a new earth, and a new and just man between heaven and earth, and the haughtiness will fall into the abyss. Amen.


I come with the good and eternal news for you; I come with a glorious time upon you, sons, and emperors and kings will follow you, as My great power and high glory will be with you and on you, and those, who did not love you because of Me, will lament, and the rich people, who did not do merciful deeds for God, will lament, as My coming had called out to them, but they had hidden themselves under their richness and left the right way. Behold, it is written: «They will build houses and will not dwell in them; they will buy fallow lands and will not have them; they will plant vineyards and will not eat of their fruit».


Oh, children of My coming, I am with the time from heaven upon you, an endless age, not with a time as on earth. Give this mercy to those who want to become sons of the Father, as to those, who believe the word of My

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