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Book online 芦Wisdom of Verity by Mehmet Otan Alpay (spiritual books to read txt) 馃摉禄. Author Mehmet Otan Alpay

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the third portal of the heaven, one in the fourth portal, and one in the sixth portal, and the exactness of the year is accomplished through its separate three hundred and sixty-four stations.

82:5-6 Owing to them men shall be at fault and not reckon them in the whole reckoning of the year: yea, men shall be at fault, and not recognize them accurately. For they belong to the reckoning of the year and are truly recorded (thereon) for ever, one in the first portal and one in the third, and one in the fourth and one in the sixth, and the year is completed in three hundred and sixty-four (364) days. 14. Mountain of Moon

 軟軜塥軔 軙埽軡堍軔
Turo d-sino
Tura d-sina
Its meaning :"mountain of moon"


Tura : "Mountain"
d : "of/belong to/regarding to"
sina : "Moon"

Connection from  Qur'an:

Muminun 23/20:

賵賻卮賻噩賻乇賻丞賸 鬲賻禺賿乇購噩購 賲賽賳 胤購賵乇賽 爻賻賷賿賳賻丕亍 鬲賻賳亘購鬲購 亘賽丕賱丿賾購賴賿賳賽 賵賻氐賽亘賿睾賺 賱賾賽賱賿丌賰賽賱賽賷賳賻
And tree, comes up/grows from Tur-i Sina. Oil is in the scope, which burgeons with pigmentation, for those who add (it) to their structure.

Connection : Noor 24/35

丕賻賱賱賾侔賴購 賳購賵乇購 丕賱爻賾賻賲侔賵賻丕鬲賽 賵賻丕賱賿丕賻乇賿囟賽 賲賻孬賻賱購 賳購賵乇賽賴郦 賰賻賲賽卮賿賰侔賵丞賺 賮郦賷賴賻丕 賲賽氐賿亘賻丕丨賹 丕賻賱賿賲賽氐賿亘賻丕丨購 賮郦賷 夭購噩賻丕噩賻丞賺 丕賻賱夭賾購噩賻丕噩賻丞購 賰賻丕賻賳賾賻賴賻丕 賰賻賵賿賰賻亘賹 丿購乇賾賽賷賾賹 賷購賵賯賻丿購 賲賽賳賿 卮賻噩賻乇賻丞賺 賲購亘賻丕乇賻賰賻丞賺 夭賻賷賿鬲購賵賳賻丞賺 賱賻丕 卮賻乇賿賯賽賷賾賻丞賺 賵賻賱賻丕 睾賻乇賿亘賽賷賾賻丞賺 賷賻賰賻丕丿購 夭賻賷賿鬲購賴賻丕 賷購囟郦賷郅亍購 賵賻賱賻賵賿 賱賻賲賿 鬲賻賲賿爻賻爻賿賴購 賳賻丕乇賹 賳購賵乇賹 毓賻賱侔賶 賳購賵乇賺 賷賻賴賿丿賽賷 丕賱賱賾侔賴購 賱賽賳購賵乇賽賴郦 賲賻賳賿 賷賻卮賻丕郅亍購 賵賻賷賻囟賿乇賽亘購 丕賱賱賾侔賴購 丕賱賿丕賻賲賿孬賻丕賱賻 賱賽賱賳賾賻丕爻賽 賵賻丕賱賱賾侔賴購 亘賽賰購賱賾賽 卮賻賷賿亍賺 毓賻賱郦賷賲賹
Allah is the (Life Giving) Light/Energy (Noor) of the skies/(7)dimensions and the land/wideness; likeness of His Noor is the radiance of an oil lamp in a transparent layer, the oil lamp is in a bell jar, (and) the bell jar is a star of pearl, which is lit from a blessed olive-tree that has no begining or ending, the oil whereof almost irradiates though fire/energy touch it not -- (life giving) light upon light -- For the one who choses the luminousness, Allah transmits to His Light and Allah sets forth parables for mankind, and Allah is the Knower of everything ('Aleem).


Moon is one of the 7 mountains.
Menorah is a seven-branched lampstand used in the ancient Tabernacle in the desert and Temple in Jerusalem. It symbolizes the area of wideness (the land concept) which is from "Sun" to "Saturn" (light holders) and "Earth", where the Lord's throne is at. 

18. Fragrant Trees (the ones from a single root):
from book of enoch

24.1 And from thence I went to another place of the land/wideness, and he (Raguel) showed me a mountain chain of fire/energy which burnt day and night.

24.2 . And I went beyond it and saw seven magnificent mountains all differing each from the other, and the stones (thereof) were magnificent and beautiful, magnificent as a whole, of glorious appearance and fair exterior: three towards the east, one founded on the other, and three towards the south, one upon the other, and deep rough ravines, no one of which joined with any other.

15. Creation of Eve

Bereshith/Genesis 2:21
讻讗. 讜址讬旨址驻旨值诇 讬职讛止讜指讛 讗直诇止讛执讬诐 | 转旨址专职讚旨值诪指讛 注址诇 讛指讗指讚指诐 讜址讬旨执讬砖讈指谉 讜址讬旨执拽旨址讞 讗址讞址转 诪执爪旨址诇职注止转指讬讜 讜址讬旨执住职讙旨止专 讘旨指砖讉指专 转旨址讞职转旨侄谞旨指讛:
Translation: And YHWH/Angelic structure of Eloh'im caused a deep sleep to fall upon man and he fell asleep, and He took one of his sides and closed it's place with flesh.

诪执爪旨址诇职注止转指讬讜: of his sides/from the other side of his. It means the other side of the man. Man is the symbol of nephesh/breath/soul/alive form. It is clear that Adam was created from fertilized egg in the soil, this information is specifically given inside Qur'an and Old Testament (Torah).

Earlier teachers of jews gave many meanings to this word, such as it meant one face/side of its body. Similar meaning is given to this word as "the side" in Exodus, example 26-20: "And for the side (讜旨诇职爪侄诇址注) of the Tabernacle." For more examples, look: Gen. Rabbah 8:1, Eruvin 18a, Ber. 61a.

On the other hand, this expression can symbolize the character difference. Also It can be seen as eternal unification between male and female genders. 

Parallel verses from Qur'an:
Surah Al-'A`raf 7:189
賴購賵賻 丕賱賾賻匕賽賷 禺賻賱賻賯賻賰購賲 賲賾賽賳 賳賾賻賮賿爻賺 賵賻丕丨賽丿賻丞賺 賵賻噩賻毓賻賱賻 賲賽賳賿賴賻丕 夭賻賵賿噩賻賴賻丕 賱賽賷賻爻賿賰購賳賻 廿賽賱賻賷賿賴賻丕 賮賻賱賻賲賾賻丕 鬲賻睾賻卮賾賻丕賴賻丕 丨賻賲賻賱賻鬲賿 丨賻賲賿賱丕賸 禺賻賮賽賷賮賸丕 賮賻賲賻乇賾賻鬲賿 亘賽賴賽 賮賻賱賻賲賾賻丕 兀賻孬賿賯賻賱賻鬲 丿賾賻毓賻賵賻丕 丕賱賱賾賴賻 乇賻亘賾賻賴購賲賻丕 賱賻卅賽賳賿 丌鬲賻賷賿鬲賻賳賻丕 氐賻丕賱賽丨丕賸 賱賾賻賳賻賰購賵賳賻賳賾賻 賲賽賳賻 丕賱卮賾賻丕賰賽乇賽賷賳賻

He is who created/designed you from a single breath/soul; and rendered it's spouse from the soul, so that he might find serenity/comfort in her. When he covers her, she takes over a light burden, then strolls with it; but when it got heavy, they both appeal to Allah - their Lord, (saying): "If you give us a good one, we will certainly be grateful."

Surah An-Nisa 4:1賷賻贀丕 丕賻賷賾購賴賻丕 丕賱賳賾賻丕爻購 丕鬲賾賻賯購賵丕 乇賻亘賾賻賰購賲購 丕賱賾賻匕郦賷 禺賻賱賻賯賻賰購賲賿 賲賽賳賿 賳賻賮賿爻賺 賵賻丕丨賽丿賻丞賺 賵賻禺賻賱賻賯賻 賲賽賳賿賴賻丕 夭賻賵賿噩賻賴賻丕 賵賻亘賻孬賾賻 賲賽賳賿賴購賲賻丕 乇賽噩賻丕賱丕賸 賰賻孬郦賷乇丕賸 賵賻賳賽爻賻贀丕亍賸蹥 賵賻丕鬲賾賻賯購賵丕 丕賱賱賾侔賴賻 丕賱賾賻匕郦賷 鬲賻爻賻贀丕亍賻賱購賵賳賻 亘賽賴郦 賵賻丕賱賿丕賻乇賿丨賻丕賲賻蹨 丕賽賳賾賻 丕賱賱賾侔賴賻 賰賻丕賳賻 毓賻賱賻賷賿賰購賲賿 乇賻賯郦賷亘丕賸

O Mankind! stay away from evil/depend on taqwaa-refrain from your Lord, who created you from a single soul and designed/created its spouse from the soul and produced/spread from these two, many men and women. Depend on taqwaa-refrain from Allah, (so) you can wish one another for His (name's sake) and refrain from doing evil against wombs. Indeed, Allah is (the) watcher (Raq卯b) over you.

16. Freedom of Speech

 Freedom of speech is given in Qur'an, Surah 39: Az-Zumar verse 18. Also it is explained within 'taqwa/guarding against evil' concept;

Zumar 39/10-20:
賯購賱賿 賷賻丕 毓賽亘賻丕丿賽 丕賱賾賻匕郦賷賳賻 丕侔賲賻賳購賵丕 丕鬲賾賻賯購賵丕 乇賻亘賾賻賰購賲賿 賱賽賱賾賻匕郦賷賳賻 丕賻丨賿爻賻賳購賵丕 賮郦賷 賴侔匕賽賴賽 丕賱丿賾購賳賿賷賻丕 丨賻爻賻賳賻丞賹 賵賻丕賻乇賿囟購 丕賱賱賾侔賴賽 賵賻丕爻賽毓賻丞賹 丕賽賳賾賻賲賻丕 賷購賵賻賮賾賻賶 丕賱氐賾賻丕亘賽乇購賵賳賻 丕賻噩賿乇賻賴購賲賿 亘賽睾賻賷賿乇賽 丨賽爻賻丕亘賺 賯購賱賿 丕賽賳賾郦賷郅 丕購賲賽乇賿鬲購 丕賻賳賿 丕賻毓賿亘購丿賻 丕賱賱賾侔賴賻 賲購禺賿賱賽氐賸丕 賱賻賴購 丕賱丿賾郦賷賳賻 賵賻丕購賲賽乇賿鬲購 賱賽丕賻賳賿 丕賻賰購賵賳賻 丕賻賵賾賻賱賻 丕賱賿賲購爻賿賱賽賲郦賷賳賻  賯購賱賿 丕賽賳賾郦賷郅 丕賻禺賻丕賮購 丕賽賳賿 毓賻氐賻賷賿鬲購 乇賻亘賾郦賷 毓賻匕賻丕亘賻 賷賻賵賿賲賺 毓賻馗郦賷賲賺 賯購賱賽 丕賱賱賾侔賴賻 丕賻毓賿亘購丿購 賲購禺賿賱賽氐賸丕 賱賻賴購 丿郦賷賳郦賷  賮賻丕毓賿亘購丿購賵丕 賲賻丕 卮賽卅賿鬲購賲賿 賲賽賳賿 丿購賵賳賽賴郦 賯購賱賿 丕賽賳賾賻 丕賱賿禺賻丕爻賽乇郦賷賳賻 丕賱賾賻匕郦賷賳賻 禺賻爻賽乇購賵郅丕 丕賻賳賿賮購爻賻賴購賲賿 賵賻丕賻賴賿賱郦賷賴賽賲賿 賷賻賵賿賲賻 丕賱賿賯賽賷侔賲賻丞賽 丕賻賱賻丕 匕侔賱賽賰賻 賴購賵賻 丕賱賿禺購爻賿乇賻丕賳購 丕賱賿賲購亘郦賷賳購 賱賻賴購賲賿 賲賽賳賿 賮賻賵賿賯賽賴賽賲賿 馗購賱賻賱賹 賲賽賳賻 丕賱賳賾賻丕乇賽 賵賻賲賽賳賿 鬲賻丨賿鬲賽賴賽賲賿 馗購賱賻賱賹 匕侔賱賽賰賻 賷購禺賻賵賾賽賮購 丕賱賱賾侔賴購 亘賽賴郦 毓賽亘賻丕丿賻賴購 賷賻丕 毓賽亘賻丕丿賽 賮賻丕鬲賾賻賯購賵賳賽 賵賻丕賱賾賻匕郦賷賳賻 丕噩賿鬲賻賳賻亘購賵丕 丕賱胤賾賻丕睾購賵鬲賻 丕賻賳賿 賷賻毓賿亘購丿購賵賴賻丕 賵賻丕賻賳賻丕亘購賵郅丕 丕賽賱賻賶 丕賱賱賾侔賴賽 賱賻賴購賲購 丕賱賿亘購卮賿乇侔賶 賮賻亘賻卮賾賽乇賿 毓賽亘賻丕丿賽 丕賻賱賾賻匕郦賷賳賻 賷賻爻賿鬲賻賲賽毓購賵賳賻 丕賱賿賯賻賵賿賱賻 賮賻賷賻鬲賾賻亘賽毓購賵賳賻 丕賻丨賿爻賻賳賻賴購 丕購賵郇賱侔郅卅賽賰賻 丕賱賾賻匕郦賷賳賻 賴賻丿侔賷賴購賲購 丕賱賱賾侔賴購 賵賻丕購賵郇賱侔郅卅賽賰賻 賴購賲賿 丕購賵郇賱購賵 丕賱賿丕賻賱賿亘賻丕亘賽 丕賻賮賻賲賻賳賿 丨賻賯賾賻 毓賻賱賻賷賿賴賽 賰賻賱賽賲賻丞購 丕賱賿毓賻匕賻丕亘賽 丕賻賮賻丕賻賳賿鬲賻 鬲購賳賿賯賽匕購 賲賻賳賿 賮賽賷 丕賱賳賾賻丕乇賽 賱侔賰賽賳賽 丕賱賾賻匕郦賷賳賻 丕鬲賾賻賯賻賵賿丕 乇賻亘賾賻賴購賲賿 賱賻賴購賲賿 睾購乇賻賮賹 賲賽賳賿 賮賻賵賿賯賽賴賻丕 睾購乇賻賮賹 賲賻亘賿賳賽賷賾賻丞賹 鬲賻噩賿乇郦賷 賲賽賳賿 鬲賻丨賿鬲賽賴賻丕 丕賱賿丕賻賳賿賴賻丕乇購 賵賻毓賿丿賻 丕賱賱賾侔賴賽 賱賻丕 賷購禺賿賱賽賮購 丕賱賱賾侔賴購 丕賱賿賲郦賷毓賻丕丿賻


Say (by me): "O My servants who trust/believe! depend on taqwa-refrain from your Lord; for those who do good deeds in this earthly life, there will be good (things for them), and the land of Allah is wide(ness); only the patient will be paid back their wages without account." Say: "Indeed, I am commanded to serve Allah (and) 'being sincere towards His religion/allocate the system to Him'. And I am commanded to be like the former Muslims." Say: "If I react against my Lord, I fear the torment of a great day." Say: "I (only) serve Allah, allocate the religion/system to Him. You may serve whatever you like beside Him / You may serve Him any way that you like." Say: "On the day of resurrection, surely those will be in frustration, who will lose themselves/their breaths/souls and their families. Such is the obvious frustration. They will have fiery shades above them and shades beneath them; Allah warns/frightens His servants with it. O My servants, then depend on taqwa/guard against evil-refrain from Me. For those who avoid serving the taghut/performer of overflow & furor, and turn towards Allah, good news are for them, so give good news to My servants! Those listen to the word, then comply/follow the best of it; those are the ones who Allah has guided, and those are the ones who have intellect. (On the other hand) one that deserved the word of torment as the truth, are you capable of saving the one who is in fire? But for those who depend on taqwa-refrain from their Lord, shall have dwellings which are built upon dwellings, (where) rivers flow beneath them. The promise of Allah. Allah does not turn back from the promise.

17. Ten Weeks

爻賵乇丞 丕賱賿賮賻噩賿乇賽
亘賽爻賿賲賽 丕賱賱賾賴賽 丕賱乇賾賻丨賿賲賻賳賽 丕賱乇賾賻丨賽賷賲賽
賵賻丕賱賿賮賻噩賿乇賽  賵賻賱賻賷賻丕賱賺 毓賻卮賿乇賺 賵賻丕賱卮賾賻賮賿毓賽 賵賻丕賱賿賵賻鬲賿乇賽 賵賻丕賱賾賻賷賿賱賽 丕賽匕賻丕 賷賻爻賿乇賽 賴賻賱賿 賮郦賷 匕侔賱賽賰賻 賯賻爻賻賲賹 賱賽匕郦賷 丨賽噩賿乇賺

Surah al-fajr (1-5)
Within the name/character of The Most High, Supreme Power (Allah)
Source of infinite mercy / Father of skies-dimensions (Rahmaan)
Source of compassion and love / Fruitful Mother Earth (Raheem)

And (I swear upon) to the dawn/sun-glow,
And the ten nights,
And the even and the odd,
And the night when it flows/departs,
Is there not a section in this for those who have intellect?


Note: Parallel Concepts are given as "Daylight/Morning/Beginning" and "Night/Evening/Ending". It is very clear that the sun and the moon are created at the forth day in Tawrat, so the morning and the evening words are used to define the beginning and the ending of a day/era/loop. Regarding to this concept following explanation is given from Tawrat:


讘专讗砖讬转 驻专拽 讗
讗 讘旨职专值讗砖讈执讬转, 讘旨指专指讗 讗直诇止讛执讬诐, 讗值转 讛址砖旨讈指诪址讬执诐, 讜职讗值转 讛指讗指专侄抓.  讘 讜职讛指讗指专侄抓, 讛指讬职转指讛 转止讛讜旨 讜指讘止讛讜旨, 讜职讞止砖讈侄讱职, 注址诇-驻旨职谞值讬 转职讛讜止诐; 讜职专讜旨讞址 讗直诇止讛执讬诐, 诪职专址讞侄驻侄转 注址诇-驻旨职谞值讬 讛址诪旨指讬执诐.  讙 讜址讬旨止讗诪侄专 讗直诇止讛执讬诐, 讬职讛执讬 讗讜止专; 讜址讬职讛执讬-讗讜止专.  讚 讜址讬旨址专职讗 讗直诇止讛执讬诐 讗侄转-讛指讗讜止专, 讻旨执讬-讟讜止讘; 讜址讬旨址讘职讚旨值诇 讗直诇止讛执讬诐, 讘旨值讬谉 讛指讗讜止专 讜旨讘值讬谉 讛址讞止砖讈侄讱职.  讛 讜址讬旨执拽职专指讗 讗直诇止讛执讬诐 诇指讗讜止专 讬讜止诐, 讜职诇址讞止砖讈侄讱职 拽指专指讗 诇指讬职诇指讛; 讜址讬职讛执讬-注侄专侄讘 讜址讬职讛执讬-讘止拽侄专, 讬讜止诐 讗侄讞指讚
讜 讜址讬旨止讗诪侄专 讗直诇止讛执讬诐, 讬职讛执讬 专指拽执讬注址 讘旨职转讜止讱职 讛址诪旨指讬执诐, 讜执讬讛执讬 诪址讘职讚旨执讬诇, 讘旨值讬谉 诪址讬执诐 诇指诪指讬执诐.  讝 讜址讬旨址注址砖讉 讗直诇止讛执讬诐, 讗侄转-讛指专指拽执讬注址, 讜址讬旨址讘职讚旨值诇 讘旨值讬谉 讛址诪旨址讬执诐 讗植砖讈侄专 诪执转旨址讞址转 诇指专指拽执讬注址, 讜旨讘值讬谉 讛址诪旨址讬执诐 讗植砖讈侄专 诪值注址诇 诇指专指拽执讬注址; 讜址讬职讛执讬-讻值谉.  讞 讜址讬旨执拽职专指讗 讗直诇止讛执讬诐 诇指专指拽执讬注址, 砖讈指诪指讬执诐; 讜址讬职讛执讬-注侄专侄讘 讜址讬职讛执讬-讘止拽侄专, 讬讜止诐 砖讈值谞执讬
讟 讜址讬旨止讗诪侄专 讗直诇止讛执讬诐, 讬执拽旨指讜讜旨 讛址诪旨址讬执诐 诪执转旨址讞址转 讛址砖旨讈指诪址讬执诐 讗侄诇-诪指拽讜止诐 讗侄讞指讚, 讜职转值专指讗侄讛, 讛址讬旨址讘旨指砖讈指讛; 讜址讬职讛执讬-讻值谉.  讬 讜址讬旨执拽职专指讗 讗直诇止讛执讬诐 诇址讬旨址讘旨指砖讈指讛 讗侄专侄抓, 讜旨诇职诪执拽职讜值讛 讛址诪旨址讬执诐 拽指专指讗 讬址诪旨执讬诐; 讜址讬旨址专职讗 讗直诇止讛执讬诐, 讻旨执讬-讟讜止讘.  讬讗 讜址讬旨止讗诪侄专 讗直诇止讛执讬诐,

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