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Book online «Intimacy with GOD by Esher Shoshannah (the unexpected everything txt) 📖». Author Esher Shoshannah

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the right path

Lord You are the Holy One, perfect & pure

Your Helmet of Salvation protects my mind

You heal my hurts to Help others in theirs

Jesus May Your Name be Hallowed in my life

You are the Head of the Church, Your body

You are my High Priest interceding for me

You are my High Tower watching the enemy

In great & small things I see Your Handiwork

You are my Holiness to live a separated life

You are the God of Hope coming very soon

You are the Father's Heart to know and love

In my weakness Your embrace Holds me up

You Humbled Yourself, may I walk humbly

Lord You alone are to be Honored at all times

Lord You are Infinite beyond comprehension

You are Inseparable to me, I’m Your bride

You are the Immortal, wise God living in me

May Your Image be seen by others in me

You ever live to make Intercession for me

You Indwell me to fellowship with me Lord

You are Jesus, God the Incarnate One

Lord I'm Your Inheritance and Your portion

You are Intimate with my heart and soul

Lord You must Increase, I must decrease

Lord Your Word is Incorruptible, pure & holy

You alone are Just in all Your decisions

You anoint my head with Your oil of Joy

You are Jealous over me with great love

You are Jesus – my Lord and my God alone

Lord You Justify me by faith in Your blood

Lord You will Judge all humanity one day

You are the King of kings to rule my heart

Lord You are Kind to me that I my be kind

For Thine is the Kingdom, Power & Glory

You’re the treasure of wisdom & Knowledge

Your Love bears all things, thinks no evil

You are Lord of lords, all must bow to You

The fear of the Lord is a fountain of Life

Your Laws are perfect restoring the soul

You poured out Your Love into my heart

Your Love causes me to surrender to You

You are God's spotless, sacrificial Lamb

You Laugh at the plans of the enemy Lord

Your Word is a very bright Lamp to my feet

Your Word is the Light to my path ahead

You are the only Light in this dark World

You, the Father of Lights give good gifts

You are the Lion of Judah to rule forever

You are my Liberator from sin and sorrow

You Lead me in the paths of righteousness

Lord You are my Beloved, Lover of my soul

You Listen to my heart of praise and prayer

You are Longsuffering slowly changing me

You are the Lifter of my head when I’m down

There is no Limit to how far You go to save

My name is written in the Lamb’s book of life

I kneel before the Lord my Maker to worship

Lord You Manifest the future in Your Word

You are Marvelous in all Your works Lord

Lord You alone give true Meaning to my life

You are the Master of my heart to teach me

You are the Mediator between God & man

Lord Yours is the victory and Majesty alone

You are the Mighty God who keeps my heart

You are the Most High and only true God

In You is grace, Mercy & help in time of need

You are my heart's Melody & my life’s song

You give me Your Name to honor in my life

You are always Near to guide & protect me

Lord Jesus – Your Name is above all names

You will Never leave me nor forsake me Lord

You are the Noble One of all that is good

You were Nailed to the cross because of me

Lord You are always Needed daily by me

You supply all my spirit and soul’s Needs

You still have the Nail scars to remind me

Nothing is impossible trusting in Your Word

Lord You Nourish my spirit with Your Word

You are the Narrow way & the only way Lord

You are my Offering to those around me

You bless me as I Obey Your Word Lord

Your Word gives godly Order to my steps

You were totally Obedient, may I be to You

Lord You Observe all that I do as Your child

Lord You Overcame the devil by Your blood

You are the Oracle of God speaking life Lord

You are Abba Father’s Only Begotten Son

You completely Own me & all that I have

Lord You are the Omega of my day to rest in

You are Omniscient, You know all about me

You are Omnipresent in all places at once

Lord Jesus You are Omnipotent, all powerful

Your love Overwhelms me to love & obey

There is only One God and I worship You

Lord You Opened my spiritually blind eyes

Lord Jesus Praising You defeats the enemy

Always are Your thoughts Precious to me

Old things have Past away, new have come

Your Crown of Thorns crushed the curse

Lord You are my Passover from death to life

They Crucified You Lord the Prince of Life

In Your Presence is fullness of joy Lord

You are the Potter to make me like Jesus

The commandment of the Lord is Pure

Your Spirit is a Pledge to my soul Lord

You Prayed for me while nailed to the Cross

Lord You Purchased me at unspeakable cost

Lord You Protect me as I trust and obey You

Your Word is Pure, holy, alive and endures

Lord You bore my sin's filth, Pain and shame

You are Personal knowing all I say and do

You are my heart’s Pleasure to give You joy

Lord You are the only Purpose for living

You are my Provider in my spirit, soul, body

You are the Prince of Peace for my heart

Lord You Purify my thoughts by Your Word

You Prepare me for each day to live for You

You are absolutely Preeminent to be obeyed

Lord One day, no more Pain, sorrow or death

Lord You Pardon my sin freely as I repent

You are Patient with me so I can learn Lord

You are Precious to me and I am to You

Lord You Possess me by Your Holy Spirit

I'll never Perish for I’m in Your strong hand

You Prosper me to give to Your kingdom

Your Plans are to make me a blessing Lord

All Your Promises are yes and amen Lord

You made me a holy Priest to worship You

Lord You are Quick to bless in faithfulness

You Quiet my storms with Your Holy Word

You Quench my thirst with Your living water

You never Quit on me, may I not quit on You

You alone are my Robe of Righteousness

You are my glorious, victorious Redeemer

You Root me in the fullness of Your love

You Lord Resist the proud, keep me humble

Lord You are my Rock of safety to rest upon

You are Lord and Ruler of my daily walk

Lord You are my Refuge in all my storms

You are the Rewarder of an obedient servant

You created and Reign over the universe

You Lord, perform Righteous deeds alone

You give my soul Rest in Your promises

Only in You Lord is the Resurrection & life

May I experience daily the resurrected life

You Rescue me from the enemy by the Word

Jesus You are the Radiance of God’s glory

You Ransomed me to make me Your own

You are the Rejoicing and joy of my soul

You Revive my life to live for You only Lord

Only You Restore my soul & spiritual vigor

You Renew me by confession & repentance

You Refresh me in Your glorious presence

You Relieve my burdens daily by holding me

Lord You Release me to love You and others

You Reconciled me to God to be Your child

You Regenerated me by Your Holy Spirit

You are Returning for me to take me home

Lord You are the Refiner's fire to purify me

You became poor that I might be Rich Lord

Lord I am Rich in Your grace, glory and truth

You are Risen from the dead to rule over me

Your Word is the eternal Seed for true life

Lord Your Words are Spirit and they are life

You Lord are my Shield of Faith for battle

You taught us how to be a bond Servant

You Secure my path to follow Your ways

You bore all my soul’s Sorrows and Shame

You alone are Supreme and just in judgment

You Settle my quarrels and calm my heart

Your Word is Settled in Heaven and in me

Jesus You were mocked, taunted and spit on

You're the Good Shepherd who died for me

You’re the Great Shepherd who equips me

You are the Chief Shepherd who rewards

Lord You Sanctified me to live for You alone

Your rod and Staff they comfort me Lord

You give me Your Strength through praise

You’re the Same, yesterday, today, forever

You Serve & help hurting people through me

You Sow good Seed in me thru Your Word

Lord You are my Shield of faith against evil

Lord Jesus Only You truly Satisfy my heart

You’re the Shoes of the Gospel of Peace

You carried my Sorrows and bore my griefs

Dear Lord Jesus You are Sovereign over all

You Search my heart to cleanse it thank You

Lord You Still the raging waters in Your time

You are my Salvation – my deliverance Lord

Lord You Sustain me every minute of the day

Your bride is to be Pure, Holy & Spotless

Lord You keep me Safe by Your power alone

On the Cross You Suffered the Lake of fire

I'm Seated with You Lord in the heavenlies

You are the love Song of my heart and soul

I'm Sealed by Your Spirit to have His fruit

My Bridegroom is the Song of all songs

Lord, I'm Sheltered in Your arm’s embrace

Your Scriptures are life & health to me

Your Shadow and wings protect me Lord

You are the Secret keeper in whom I trust

Lord You are Slow to anger filled with mercy

Lord You Sought me when I was dead in sin

I offer You a Sacrifice of praise & thanks

Your grace Spared me to live for You alone

Abba, You Spared not Your Son for me

To sin against others is to Sin against You

Thank You for cleansing me of those Sins

You give Spiritual gifts according to Your will

Lord You are my Strength in my weakness

You cried out in Tears on the Cross for me

Lord You & Your words are True and faithful

Lord You Transform my life to be seen in me

Calvary's Tree became my Tree of life Lord

Lord You are the Tree of life that bears fruit

You have a Tender heart in correcting me

Spirit led godly sorrow brings repentance

I'm the Holy Spirit's Temple to shine for You

You’re the Truth from Genesis to Revelation

You are the Triumphant One over all evil

You lead me not into Temptation thank You

You are my guiding Teacher in Your Word

You are the Treasure in my earthen vessel

You are the Trustworthy One to lean upon

The Tribulation will come & you will Triumph

You Thirst for my obedience and my will

You Talk to me in the voice of Your Word

Your Word Tames my attitude and tongue

Troubles that come become Your victories

Lord You Touch my life daily to touch others

You alone bring true Unity to Your body

You Unveil Your beautiful heart to me Lord

You are the true Understanding to guide me

You Undergird me to protect me from falling

You’re the Ultimate & only purpose for living

You Uphold me by filling me with Your Spirit

Your blessed thoughts are Unsearchable

You are Unparalleled greatness & goodness

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