Read books online » Religion » The Exodus (Afrikaans version) by Deborah Melissa Möller (free ebooks for android txt) 📖

Book online «The Exodus (Afrikaans version) by Deborah Melissa Möller (free ebooks for android txt) 📖». Author Deborah Melissa Möller

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U alleen lewe en wil ek gereed wees as U weer kom om my te kom haal.


Vader, ek staan skuldig voor U en teenoor my naaste vir my lewenswyse en verkeerde handelinge. Ek erken my sonde en tekortkominge. As U kind kom buig ek nou voor U met ‘n berouvolle hart en vra om vergifnis. Was my skoon met die bloed van die Lam, Jesus Christus en ek sal witter as sneeu wees en geen sonde sal meer teen my gereken word nie. Ek dank U daarvoor.

Ek vergewe nou elkeen wat my kwaad of leed aangedoen het.

Bewaar my teen die listigheid van die verleier.


Heilige Gees, openbaar aan my al die dinge wat my verhinder om die wil van die Vader in my lewe ten volle uit te leef.


Wek in my ‘n gewillige gees, en rus my toe, o Here, om te alle tye gehoorsaam te wees aan U roepstem. Gebruik my in U Koninkryk en betoon aan my U genade. AMEN



Publication Date: 02-29-2016

All Rights Reserved

AUTHOR’S ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I want to thank God the Father, Jesus Christ His Son and His Holy Spirit for entrusting me with this task to do the will of the Father. Thank You for calling me before the foundation of the world to help call forth Your precious Bride. Thank you for Your grace and mercy. Thank you for being my God, for being my Father, for being my King, for being my Helper for You inspire and bless me daily. I love You, my Lord! I want to thank those who pray for me daily and always loving me and accepting me for being me. I especially want to thank my family and friends. I want to thank Adri Malan and Ellie Landman for their help in editing this book. Glory to the Father! Glory to the Son! Glory to the Spirit! These Three are One!

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