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or destination. One’s progress is dependent upon the extent of his penance. The Kramic marg is full of penance.


Questioner : Without enduring suffering and hardship, one cannot progress in the Kramic marg, right?


Dadashri : Yes, the Kramic marg is full of internal and external suffering until the very end. It is like purifying gold. You cannot do it without the heat of the fire (suffering).


Questioner : Are there any rules in Akram, as there are in the Kramic path?


Dadashri : No, wherever there is a rule, it is considered to be relative. For example, the rule of sitting in a certain position or posture is relative. In Akram, there are no rules. Alas, even though such an easy path to liberation exists, very few seekers take advantage of it.


Questioner : They refuse to accept that it is possible to achieve moksha without any effort.


Dadashri : Yes. They ask, “How is it possible to achieve something without working for it?” If I ask you to do something, how will you be able to do it when you yourself are bound by anger, lust, greed, pride, raag (attachment) and dwesh (abhorrence)? You are the prisoner of your bondage. How will you get rid of your bondage? Nowadays, nobody has the power to do penance. I am here to give you this new and simple Akram path. I am not only giving you this Akram path, but I am also simplifying the traditional Kramic marg in such a way that heavy penance would not be necessary.


Questioner : Will the Kramic path also become simple?


Dadashri : Yes, we will also simplify the Kramic path. The Akram path is open and available for a limited period of time. This path is very unique. It comes directly from Divine Grace. So many people were directly blessed during the time of the Tirthankars. In those times, when Divine Grace was bestowed upon a person, he or she would set out on the path of their divine calling, whereas nowadays, if such an event were to befall upon someone, that person would make excuses not to go. But this path to liberation is the Akram path, where it is possible to achieve liberation even while fulfilling your worldly duties, (i.e. without devoting your time exclusively towards the attainment of liberation).


This is your ultimate passport. After this, such a passport will no longer be available, because everything will come to an end. Thereafter, only dharma (religion) will continue to remain. Through dharma, one will gain punya (good karma) and fall into the cycle of cause and effect (i.e. having to reap the benefits of the punyas in the next birth and so forth). However, there is also a higher risk that one may regress in spirituality.





Questioner : For this simple path, do we not need to have any qualifications?


Dadashri : Some people ask me, “Am I qualified to receive this Akram Gnan?” I tell them, “Your meeting me is your qualification.” This meeting is due to Scientific Circumstantial Evidence. Therefore, anyone that meets me is qualified. Those who do not meet me are not qualified. What is the reason behind you meeting me? It is because of your qualification, that this meeting takes place. However, after having met me, if one does not achieve Self-Realization, then it is his obstructive karma that prevents him from progressing further.





Questioner : Is this a shortcut of some kind?


Dadashri : Yes, this is definitely a shortcut. It is direct and short.


Questioner : But what is the ultimate goal in all this?


Dadashri : The ultimate goal is to attain permanent happiness, total independence, and freedom from bondage.


Questioner : What is ‘permanent’ happiness? Can you describe it?


Dadashri : It is something that comes to you naturally; you do not have to make an effort for it. It remains permanently. There is no pain or misery.





Dadashri : I was asked to explain the difference between the Kramic and the Akram paths. I explained that in the Kramic path one is asked to stop doing bad deeds and do good deeds. He is essentially told to ‘do’ something in the Kramic path. You are told to get rid of your weaknesses of anger, pride, lust, and greed, and to turn towards good things. Is that not what you have come across so far? Akram on the other hand, means you do not have to ‘do’ anything. Nothing has to be done. Even when someone picks your pocket, in Akram science, the understanding is that, “He has not picked the pocket,” and “It is not my pocket,” whereas according to the Kramic path, the culprit would be blamed and the belief would be, “It is my pocket that he picked.”


Akram Vignan is like the lottery. If you win the lottery, is there any effort on your part? So many people had purchased lottery tickets, yet you are the winner. Similarly, this Akram Vignan gives moksha right away, like ready cash.




Questioner : Does one receive Akram Vignan because of his actions in his previous lives?


Dadashri : Yes, that is the only way one is able to encounter me. It is because of his collective punyas of millions of lifetimes that he finds such a path.


All the other paths are called ‘kramic’. The Kramic path is a relative path. ‘Relative’ means that it provides worldly benefits, taking you very slowly towards liberation, one step at a time. In this path, one has to purify his ego through renunciation and penance. Once the ego is pure, it is at the threshold of moksha. The ego has to be purified from the weaknesses of anger, pride, illusion, lust, and greed. The Kramic path is a very difficult one. In the Akram path, the Gnani Purush purifies your ego for you. He takes away both your ego and your attachment. Then, you attain the experience of the pure Self. Only after you experience your Self, your work is done.





The Kramic path is synonymous to a ‘comma’ and the Akram path is synonymous to a ‘full stop.’ This Akram path manifests itself rarely. The main path to moksha is the Kramic path. It is a step-by-step path. Sometimes when confusion prevails in the traditional Kramic path, and if people are ready for liberation, they will find salvation through a Gnani Purush.


Many teachers and gurus have asked me why the Akram path manifested through me. I have told them that the Kramic path has broken down. The entire foundation of the Kramic path has decayed. They wanted proof of this, so I told them that the Kramic path is viable only when thoughts, speech, and actions are in unison with each other, (i.e. when you say exactly that which is in your mind, and your conduct is in agreement with your mind and speech). They agreed that at that present time, there was no oneness of thought, speech, and action. That is why the Kramic path is fractured.


If you chew a whole stalk of sugarcane you may get two segments with good sugarcane juice. But if the entire stalk were rotten would you try to chew it or return it?


Questioner : Return it.


Dadashri : We tell the vendor to take it back. “Please give it to somebody else. I have eaten a lot of sugarcane,” we say. This Kramic path has become like the rotten sugarcane, but what can one do? People have become puzzled and confused. They do not even care anymore. They only care about enjoying worldly pleasures.


If one has unity of his thought, speech, and action, then he can progress in the Kramic path, otherwise the Kramic path is closed.





At the present time, the entire foundation of the Kramic path is decayed, and therefore, the Akram path has manifested. The Akram path does not manifest independently and it will take up to three thousand years for the Kramic path to repair itself. Until the Kkramic path is repaired, the Akram path will exist, after which it will no longer be required. This Akram Vignan will not last too long. It has appeared in place of the Kramic path.


Questioner : Are you constructing an elevator?


Dadashri : Yes indeed it is an elevator. If I tell the people to climb the steps, it will take them forever to do so. Therefore, I invite them to sit in Dada’s elevator. Even these wealthy people who live in luxury and comforts, do not leave me.





Akram Vignan is a wonder. After receiving this Gnan, one feels a significant change immediately. People upon hearing this experience, are attracted to this path. I have instructed all these people to write about their experiences. What they were before they met Dada, and the changes they have experienced after meeting Dada.

When the world reads these experiences, it will be amazed. How can a person change so suddenly? Thousands have experienced these significant changes in their lives. These changes are permanent. After Gnan, these people see only the faults within, and do not see any faults of others. They do not harbor even the slightest intention to harm any being.





This event is of momentous significance. It has not happened anywhere. Only Dada has been able to accomplish this.


Questioner : And what happens after you Dada?


Dadashri : It will continue. It is my wish that someone qualified will continue the work. Is there not a need for someone to continue this path?


Questioner : Yes there is a need.


Dadashri : My desire will be fulfilled.


Questioner : If this Akram path is to continue, will it be on account of another nimit?


Dadashri : Akram Vignan only will continue. There will be an extensive and beneficial spread of the Akram Vignan. If things continue the way they are for a year or two, the whole world will be talking about it. If there is a right thing and a wrong thing, it takes longer for the right thing to be implemented, while the wrong thing will be implemented immediately.





People say that only men can acquire moksha and that there is no moksha for women. I say that there is moksha for women also; why would there not be liberation for women? It has been said that because attachment and deceit (kapat) dominate a woman’s nature, there is no moksha for women. However, the same weakness is found in men too. The only difference is that in women, it is to a much greater degree.

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