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1116. If you stay on God’s Course He will be your Source.
1117. Let the word Abide Inside.
1118. Smile let this be your Style.
1119. Take a Shower in God’s Power.
1120. Get God’s Energy to walk in victory.
1121. Be Alert don’t act like a Jerk.
1122. Take the word and Train your Brain.
1123. Let the word be on your lips and your faith won’t slip.
1124. Believe God’s word not what occurred.
1125. Guard your heart and His won’t depart.
1126. Be alert when you’re doing God’s work.
1127. I am not being a joker when I say that to get rid of that word of God choker.
1128. God will keep you calm when you rest in His Palm.
1129. Don’t be aggravated let God’s love be activated.
1129. When you’re in the presence of the Lord you are definitely never bored.
1130. Let me applaud it is great to be in the house of God.
1131. When your teachable your reachable.
1132. Have no fear in going to God to hear.
1133. Have God’s precision in making a decision.
1134. Go to God’s school and let the word be your tool.
1135. You must acknowledge God’s knowledge.
1136. Your life is under construction and it needs some instruction.
1137. Join God’s Hood and life will be good.
1138. Trust God with everything because He can do anything.
Inspirational Words Given at The Coffee House In East Bridgewater July 15, 2011
1139. It is mod, to Join God’s squad.
1140. It is good, to join God’s hood.
1141. Jesus is your rock, when you join His flock.
1142. It was a happy day, when you made Jesus your way.
1143. This a treat, to have God’s joy in you made complete.
1144. Run and have fun, with the son.
1145. Yes it is true, God will see you through.
1146. Don’t worry, call on God for His glory.
1147. In Jesus name take the word and proclaim
1148. Even in a disaster, let Jesus be your master.
1149. Let the word impart faith, to your heart.
1149. Because God we believe He will never leave.
1150. Praise the Lord and you won’t be bored.
1151. Change your mind and have one of a God kind.
1152. When we praise the Lord we are in one accord.
1153. Take a shower in God’s praise power.
1154. You must decide to come let Jesus live inside.
1155. yes this is true you are human.
1156. Let Jesus be your security and walk in victory.
1157. Get up move up and grow up.
1158. Let the past stay dead and move ahead.
1159. Be a repenter of having bad temper.
1160. Even when you have to wait God is never late.
1161. Let the word be your access to success.
1162. Don’t sputter take the word and mutter.
1163. Pain is not gain in Christ you can say no more in Jesus name.
1164. Study the word on your own and become a Jesus clone.
1165. Have God’s mind and be kind.
1166. open your eyes believe the good repot a don’t be like the ten spies.
1167, It is vital to let God heal those vitals.
1168.It is radical when your sick to go to God’s
1169. Get on God’s plattitude and have His attitude.
1170. Press on in running life’s marathon.
1171. Don’t hesitate to take the spirit of faith and demonstrate.
1172Don’t be shy let your praise go high.
1173. This is a must in God you just must trust.
1174. Even during a trial you can put on a smile.
1175. Even in a valley you can put on a smiley.
1176. With the word you can make your life anew when your brain you renew.
1177. Even during a storm you can remain calm in His palm.
1178. Even during a storm God will give you His hope to cope.
1179. Get radical with your faith overcome any obstacle and get a miracle.
1180. When you sin. Confess, then God will bless.
1181. Because to Christ you belong. This can be your song. I will live Long and Strong.
1182. Even in an emergency, God can give you His energy.
1183. Be a spout that always pours out
1179. Take action and get satisfaction.
1180. This needs to be your position to go to God and listen.
1181. when Jesus is exalted sickness is halted.
1182. Because the word was prophecied you will not be denied.
1183. Let the word impart in your heart.
1184. Have tynasity not prcratonaty.
1185. The word is alive it will help you to survive.
1186. Read what God said and your spirit will be fed.
1187. Take your prayer intention and give it word attention.
1188. This is God’s plan that you put off the old man and put on the new man and then your life will be grand
1189. The Holy Spirit imports comfort.
1190. Hey redeemed wise up rise up get your praise up.
1191. At your midnight hour use praise power
1192. To God raise praise and trouble crumbles
1193. Grab this habit praise God and you will have it.
1194. Be Bold read God’s word it is Gold.
1195. You’re in God’s Camp let His word be you’re Lamp.
1196. When you are in your midnight hour take the word and mutter and you will have faith power.
1197. This is no mystery God wants you to have His Mercy.
1198. yes it is true God you must pursue.
1199. With your Spirit and soul it is well to go to the word and dwell.
1200. With the word you must thrive and you will survive.
1201. Give Pride a Ride.
1202. Be Humble and you will not Stumble.
1203. Gratification comes when you let your soul and mind be on vacation.
1204. let struggling cease and you will feel great peace.
1205. God will be pleased when you let your mind be at ease.
1206. Even when you struggle God wants to deliver you from your trouble.
1207. Be consisstant in being rsisstant.
1208. It is well to get ou of your shell.
1209. Let the word be applied and magnified.
1210. Let the word have dominion not your opinion
1211. Let the word be your mindset and your needs will be met.
1212. When you have stability you have great possibility.
1213. No matter how things seem Faith power and Healing Power are a unbeatable Dream Team.
1214. The Word is God’s Way you Say and Obey.
1215. Let this be your fate the fire you can escape.
1216. Live to Forgive.
1217. Let me make this appeal Jesus is the Lord of the way I feel
1218. Be a Tirher and God will be your provider.
1219. To God be set apart let grace in your heart impart.
1220. The Spirit and the Word. Use both get Spiritual Growth.
1221. Never give up, let your praise go up and your joy will go up.
1222. Practicality brings stability.
1223. To sickness say no. It is a defeated Foe.
1224. The word is like a sweet treat you eat
1225. Word power gives your faith power.
1226. Tis is agreed it is a go d deed to go to the word and feed.
1227. To you my healing power I bestow Speak my word and let it flow then sickness will have to go.
1228, Wow the blessing is now.
1229. The world forsake then the blessing will
1230. You were hung on the tree so we could be free.
1231. Have a desire to aquire God’s fire and let this be your attire.
1232. Let the fire in your heart be burning then your life will be turning.
1233. With the Holy Spirit you need to be clothed and betrothed.
1234. Take a Holy Spirit Power Shower.
1235. You will never be the same when you get the Holy Spirit’s flame.
1236. Be God’s torch to go to every porch.
1237. You can have fun singing in tongues.
1238. Get the most ou of the Holy Ghost.
1239. Have a desire to aquire the Holy Spirit’s wildfire.
1240. When your in school it’s cool for Christ to be a fool
1241. Get God’s faith measure and you get a good treasure.
1242. Be a Leader and be a word feeder.
1243. This a Fact Never Look Back.
1244. Put Your faith in action and you will get satisfaction.
1245. Put sin aside let the word abide.
1246. This I assure God’s correction you can endure.
1247. It does’nt matter what the world hs got God changes not.
1248. From sin run away instead read the word and pray.
1249. The word is God’s provision to make any decision.
1250. To the word you must let yourself be exposed the doubts you can dispose,
1251. You don’t have to have a hunch God’s word does pact a punch.
1252. Don’t let your mind be so busiy then God you can hear easy.
1253. God’s light will overcome any dark night.
1254. Are you good wood to aquire God’s fire.
1255. If the Holy Spirit in you is burning then everything around you will be turning.
1256. Put the world assunder and have Holy Spirit hunger.
1257. You are a Holy Spirit carrier and in Him there is no barrier.
1258. The Holy Ghost never leaves. This you must believe.
1259. Do you desire to be a Holy Spirit Bombfire.
1260. When you speak the word with assurance you get faith in abundance.
1261. Even when you make a mistake God will never forsake.
1262. Do not waver in your faith behavior.
1263. In your faith don’t let it be tossed to and fro no go to the word and let your faith grow.
1264. Don’t enhance your circumstance. Put doubt to flight and walk by faith not by sight.
1265. Even when life is frail, God’s love prevails,it never fails.
1266. Jonah’s life was frail when He was in the whale, but God’s love prevailed, it did not fail.
1267. With God always stay in love, and you will stay above.
1268. Let your heart be a spout of God’s love, that keeps pouring out.
1269. Let fear disappear, and grace appear.
1270. Oh wow you can shine now.
1271. If you tithe God will always be alshadai.
1272. From the word don’t ne hiding. In the word you must be abiding.
1273. Even during a hurricane God’s word is always the same.
1274. Obey what God has to say.
1275. When God calls don’t refuse. He will with His power infuse.
1276. Even in bad weather, it is good to come together.
1277. God says in His kingdom get off that fence rail even if your life seems frail His love does not fail.
1278. Even when you think you have come to the end Know this Jesus will be your best friend until the end.
1279. God’s word will clean you up like soap and it gives you hope.
1280. Together the word spoken and the Holy Spirit is a rope that can’t be broken.
1281. This to you I want to exhort don’t believe the bad report take the word and import.
1282. Don’t have any confusion let God’s wod be your infusion.
1283. In this I want to encourage you can have courage.
1284. On this I am sold In Christ you can be bold.
1285. Put this on your finish line. These are the best of times Things are mighty fine Don’t go by the world’s signs What is in the word is already mine. You will always be in first place when you cross the finish lin
1286. Having God’s fire should always be your desire.
1287. We are a group that won’t quit and we will not be whipped.
1288. When you are God’s runner everything will be funner.
1289. You need god’s grace to run in
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