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7:53: Who have received the law by the disposition of angels, and have not kept it. Also The LORD showed me the times Moses was distressed, and where he wanted to give up, crying when the Israelites made the golden calf and worshipped it. Then also I heard how GOD used to talk to him. I heard The LORD call him from Heaven, and HE said, “Moses, Moses.” HE said it twice, and it was the Most Powerful Voice I ever heard. It echoed all over the forest and could be heard from afar. Hebrews 12:21: And so terrible was the sight, that Moses said, I exceedingly fear and quake.



The Glorious Angel


I was just busy in the Field of The LORD: ‘Facebook Ministry’ when The HOLY SPIRIT spoke to me, “I want to show you an angel,” Then I got into prayer and went to bed to wait for the angel!

As I closed my eyes, almost immediately I was caught up in a vision, I saw a large ball of fire and light, magnificent color, just very clear, came from the west. It started to dart to and fro while floating in the air. It went at an amazing speed and made a huge swing then it just shot straight towards me. I was so puzzled and I asked myself a question, “What is this that I am seeing?” I was so amazed and as it was about to touch me it then disappeared.

I saw a golden fan, with spiral plates, it was just pure golden and gleaming, I saw it began to fan a pure golden oil, the plates were just turning round and round, causing the a large measure of oil to spin in a spiral mode. The LORD showed me other visions, but those are the ones I can share. Maranatha!



Feminine Angels of Heaven [Wednesday, April 10, 2013]


The LORD had shown me many visions today, but I will share what I am instructed to utter today! I will start with a vision, and then I will make some explanations.

In a vision, I was with one of my sisters in The LORD. We were just in an open space, sitting down on some chairs talking about The LORD, when all of a sudden, we saw four feminine looking angels coming to us. They were all wrapped up with purest white robes, from shoulder to the feet. They were glistening, very beautiful, with no blemish or imperfection! They came and sat next to us, they were highly involved in a conversation, and we could see them and hear them clearly. I told my Sister in The LORD, “GOD has answered your request, now look at them. You have been praying about seeing angels.” The angels were with us all the time; our gaze was just on them, stunned by these unique angels. Later they disappeared, then we left that place, walking and talking, then as we crossed the road, these four angels appeared at the end of the road. We were walking towards them, as we reached them. The visions fled away!

I know that there are lots of Pharisees and religious people in the world today: people who like to argue even if they have not seen anything. So let me explain this: in Heaven there are both masculine and feminine angels, plenty of them and they have different roles! Also by the term ‘feminine angels,’ I do not mean they are women, female or of any gender. It just refers to body structure and other things! Galatians 3:28: There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in CHRIST JESUS.

Angels have spiritual bodies that can take up physical form and shape. Hebrews 1:7: And of the angels HE saith, WHO maketh HIS angels spirits, and HIS ministers a flame of fire. Genesis 2:21: And The LORD GOD caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which The LORD GOD had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. Proverbs 1:20: Wisdom crieth without; she uttereth her voice in the streets and we know The Bible calls CHRIST the Wisdom of GOD. 1 Corinthians 1:24: But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, CHRIST the power of GOD, and the wisdom of GOD. You just need the insight from The HOLY SPIRIT to understand my point.



The Angel of the LORD [Monday, June 10, 2013]


The LORD took me into a vision and as I was in prayer, I heard GOD Speak to me audibly in my right ear. HE said, “An angel is coming to see you.”

Then very far from me, I saw a creature. He looked transparent and was coming towards me. As he approached me, then he took the form of a man and the most beautiful angel stood before me. I could see him clearly, and he was in the absolute purest white which looked like the whitest snow. It was glowing. His eyes were fashioned like a pearl, clear blue in color. I was looking into his beautiful eyes, and I remember I was very intrigued by this being, then immediately he began to speak to me. He talked to me about my life, and he also mentioned we once met when I was very young and some other issues. He came to strengthen me as I was going through a rough time.

Then, I was walking with him and there was a point he was walking before me. As I looked at his back, just extremely the purest white, like glowing snow, the kind I have never seen, we walked a long time. I saw him just vanish. Then, I came unto a place where there were death angels or demons, and I saw the judgment that was set for them. Matthew 25:41: Then shall HE say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from ME, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. After seeing that place, I was taken into another place, where there was huge angelic activity, and a scene like what is written in the Book of Revelation. I saw angels of all kinds and types: young men in the purest white, others wearing golden robes with glowing red in the hand parts of their garments. I saw altar angels, serving angels, cooking angels and I saw just numerous numbers of them, just beautiful creatures of GOD. I spent some time there, just observing them. I am just writing a summary of what I saw.

I said to myself, these are my friends, who I spend the most time with, and I loved being there in their presence, when GOD decided I saw as much as I needed and then the vision lifted up.



Angels in a Meeting [Tuesday, February 5, 2014]


The LORD gave me a vision in which I was ministering, many souls came to JESUS, the presence of GOD came down, healing breakout and many souls were slain by The SPIRIT of GOD. Then in the morning, The LORD showed me the service, I saw my brethren from BFM and many others. The Mighty Power of The HOLY SPIRIT fell. We were consumed by HIS Presence. I heard the audible voice of JESUS CHRIST, speaking to me clearly.

As people were crying, falling, screaming, while I was preaching, at the corner I saw three angels from Heaven. Their names were written in the air and they appeared to be robed in green, blue light robes, their faces were like blue translucent glass. I saw a beautiful aura of light around them, very handsome, youthful, perfect forms. They were so real, clear and beautiful, they were not talking to me, there were just standing there. I said, “Look at these angels, they are so real,” people around them could see them too. We even thought to take phones, to take pictures. A Brother and I came close to them, looking at their wonderful bodies, Glory! Wonderful encounter and The Presence of GOD was awesome. The LORD told me, “You are also called to reveal the reality of angels to people on the earth.”

In the afternoon as I was meditating, all of a sudden I felt the tangible fire of The HOLY SPIRIT burning in my whole body, my spiritual eyes got opened. I began to see into the Spirit realm, as clear as I would see you in real life. GOD by his infinite mercy has granted me these incredible experiences that I may share with you, to encourage you to see intimacy with The HOLY SPIRIT. The purpose for supernatural experiences is intimacy with GOD.

John 17:3: And this is life eternal, that they might know THEE, the Only True GOD, and JESUS CHRIST, WHOM THOU hast sent.



Visions of Christians’ Guardian Angels [Sunday, May 11, 2014]


In the evening, The HOLY SPIRIT kept speaking to me, that HE wants to show me something important. I did not know what it was, so I just prayed, prepared.

In the morning around 4 am, as I laid on my bed, my spiritual eyes got opened, I began to observe my room from the spirit realm, I began to see many angels, in white robes, they had two white wings, these angels were flying just about my room, the air was full of them. Then I was told be ready as I am going to be taken and shown something.

Then I was taken somewhere, I began to see the born again Christians on earth, some were seated, some walking, some just busy with their own things. In the spiritual realm, I saw at least two angels accompanying each child of GOD. These were their guardian angels. I saw a particular male Christian, sitting on a sofa, reading a book. Two angels stood next to him, one on another side, one of another side, and the wings of the angels were opened and covered the Christian. These angels were in pure white, and they had two of the whitest wings. The angels were in near in proximity to the Christian, very close. When I looked at the angels, they were so lovely, adorable, and their wings made some kind of covering or shield around the Christian, in an affectionate manner. It is like the angels really cared for that Christian they were guarding, their wings are like birds’ wings but pure, white and large. When the wings were outstretched, I could see the white feathers, it was so beautiful.

It was made known to me by revelation, that the children of GOD have guardian angels, which accompany them, guard and defend them.


Coordinating Scriptures


Hebrews 1:7: And of the angels HE saith, WHO maketh HIS angels spirits, and HIS ministers a flame of fire. 14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?


Psalms 34:7: The angel of The LORD encampeth round about them that fear HIM, and delivereth them.


Psalms 91:11: For HE shall give HIS angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.


Psalms 91:4: HE shall cover thee with HIS feathers, and under HIS wings shalt thou trust: HIS Truth shall be thy shield and buckler.



Tour with the Holy Spirit


Today in the evening around 8pm, The LORD took me into the spiritual realm, WE circled the globe of the earth, I saw many places, the Holy Spirit carried me on some kind of chariot, open roof, my hands swung on the air, I had put on some kind of spiritual shoes, I could feel the awesome wind of GOD blowing so much. I saw deserts, the rising of the sun, I saw the city of Gaborone, Botswana from above, then other modern cities, there was some place we passed, it was

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