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Book online «Immortality or Resurrection by William West (dar e dil novel online reading txt) 📖». Author William West

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Testament was past history before the Jews so abhorred the place, Page 385. Was it just a late afterthought with God, which he derived from man's misuse of a valley? He overlooked the fact that "Hell" is in the King James Version before the "Jews so abhorred the place after these horrible sacrifices." He said (1) Hell was unknown in much of the Old Testament and (2) "the concept of Hell is derived" by man. Do you see what he has done? He has taken what Thayer said about the origin of the name of a real valley that is "S. and E. of Jerusalem" then he changed the name of this real valley from Gehenna to Hell, and then applied what was said in the lexicon about the valley of Gehenna to the origin to his Hell, which he says is a place not on this earth. He completely changed what Thayer said about the name of a valley on this earth to make it be proof of what he needed, but did not have. THAYER SAYS WHERE THE NAME OF A VALLEY NEAR JERUSALEM (Gehenna) IS DERIVED FROM, BUT WHERE IS HELL (as we use the word today) DERIVED FROM? EITHER THE NAME OR THE PLACE? The answer is clear that it came from pagan philosophy and was brought into the church by the so-called church fathers. NEITHER A PLACE OF ETERNAL TORMENT NOR IT’S NAME IS IN THE BIBLE.
• First step: Many teach and believe that Gehenna was the valley outside of Jerusalem [the city dump].
• Second step: The name is changed to the name of another place, but not a place near Jerusalem. Changed from "Gehenna" near Jerusalem to "Hell" who knows where it is but not near Jerusalem, not on this earth.
• Third step: Then the place of destruction which is near Jerusalem named Gehenna is changed into a place of torment that is not on this earth and renamed Hell, and the very words (mistranslated words) of Christ are used to make Him be speaking of their Hell. Christ is made to be speaking of a place not of this earth, and not the Gehenna near Jerusalem. With this kind of reasoning anything can be proved. THE VALLEY THAT WAS CALLED "GEHENNA" BY CHRIST IS NOT THE PLACE THAT IS CALLED "HELL" TODAY.
Summary: Major changes must be made to the Bible to teach a person now has an immortal immaterial, invisible part of a person that will be tormented in Hell.
1. Destroy what? Soul [psukee - a living creature] MUST BE CHANGED TO A FORMLESS, NO SUBSTANCE BEING THAT CANNOT DIE THAT ANIMALS DO NOT HAVE. A mortal living being (psukee) must be changed to an immortal being. How did the translators know when it was one and when it was the other? The same word is used four times in Matthew 10:28-39 and is translated soul two times and life two times, and in Matthew 16:25-39 it is used four times and in the King James Version it is also translated soul two times and life two times, but life all four times in the American Standard Version. In verse 39 Christ says, "He that finds his life [psukee-life or soul] shall lose it; and he that loses his life [psukee-life or soul] for my sake shall find it." Although the translators have tried to make it sometimes refer to one part of a person and sometimes to another part of a person, it always refers to the whole person, not just a part of him. When it refers to God, it is referring to all of God, not just an immortal inter part of Him. When both nehphesh in the Old Testament and psukee in the New Testament are used with reference to God, angels, man, or animals, it is always a living being, not just a part of a living being.
2. Destroy where? Gehenna, a place where there was destruction but no torment must be changed to a place where there is torment but no destruction. CHRIST SAID DESTROY IN GEHENNA, BUT THIS MUST BE CHANGED TO TORMENT IN HELL.
3. The name Gehenna must be changed to another name, Hell. The name of the city dump of Jerusalem, a real place, must be changed to the name of another place which those who have made the change say is a place that is not on this earth. Many who say they speak where the Bible speaks and are silent where the Bible is silent make all these changes. IF THEY DID NOT CHANGE THE NAME "GEHENNA" TO "HELL" THEY WOULD HAVE NOTHING ABOUT "HELL" IN THE BIBLE.
4. The fire of Gehenna must be changed to the fire of "Hell" Our earthly bodies cannot be burned forever in a literal fire. Both our bodies and the fire would have to be changed in such a way that it would be something other than the bodies we now have, and it could not literal fire as we know it. Would it not mean God would make something new, then forever burn this new something as if it were our bodies in place of our bodies?
5. Death must be changed to life for the lost to have eternal life in Hell. "The wages of sin is death" [Romans 6:23]. "But for the fearful...their part shall be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone; which is the second death" [Revelation 21:8].
Nowhere does the Bible say there is such a place as Hell, and it is up to those who teach it to prove there is a place in the Bible. This they have not, and cannot prove.
1. Not one passage that says most of mankind will be given to Satan to forever torment for his pleasure.
2. Not one passage that says most of mankind was made by a sadistic and fiendish God who knew before He made them that He would forever torment them.

Consumed Or Not Consumed
Fire is always used for destruction, never for preservation. It is never used for torment. Fire always destroys and never preserves anything.
• Burning of unfruitful trees and useless chaff of wheat by John the Baptist [Matthew 3:4-12].
• Burning of trash in the city dump-Gehenna [see chapter four].
• Burning of tares at the end of the age [Matthew 13:24-50].
• Burning of unfruitful branches [John 15:6]. Unfruitful trees [Luke 3:9].
• Land that bears thorns and thistles is to be burned. To get rid of the thorns. Those that fell away are likened or compared too thorns and thistles that are destroyed by fire, not tormented by fire [Hebrews 6:1-7].
• God is a consuming fire. [Hebrews 12:29] See Luke 9:54.
• Sodom-punishment of eternal fire-was forever destroyed by fire, not forever burning [Jude 7; 2 Peter 2:6].
• The heavens shall pass away, be dissolved, and the earth and the works that are therein shall be burned up [2 Peter 3:7-14]. The lost are of the world, which will pass away [1 John 2:16-17].
• 2 Thessalonians 1:7
• Lake of fire, which is the second death (not preserved alive) [Revelation 21:8; 2:11].
Fire is never used by God to torment, but for destruction. "Gather his wheat [the saved] into the garner, but He will burn up the chaff [the lost] with unquenchable fire" Matthew 3:12. Tares and bad fish are burned to get rid of them, NOT TO TORMENT FOREVER, OR AS SOME SAY "TO BURN IN HELL FOREVER" Matthew 13. Theology teaches the exact opposite of the Bible that the chaff will not be burned up but will be tormented forever, but not burned, not consumed and destroyed as the farmer does the chaff.
• Farmer: Burns up chaff to destroy it.
• God: Burns up sinful to destroy them.
• Fisher: Burns bad fish to get rid of them. [There is no parallel if you say, "torment them." It would make God be using very poor metaphors, for the ones God used do not teach torment, and would not make sense.]
o Tares are burned, the wheat is saved [Matthew 13:30]
o Lost are burned, the faithful are saved. Does the farmer burn the tares to torment them or to destroy them?
When tares are cast into a furnace of fire they are burnt. Like the chaff that is totally consumed in the furnace, there is no suggestion of life beyond the burning in the lake of fire.
FURNACE OF FIRE in the Old Testament, destruction not eternal torment or preservation, Psalm 21:9; Malachi 4:1-3; Daniel 3:13-27; Psalm 12:6.
CONSUMED OR NOT CONSUMED: Those who believe a person has a soul that is immortal also believe a person's soul can never be consumed. How is consumed used in the Bible. Is a consuming fire one that burns up (consumes) or one that is forever burning but cannot consume what it is burning? Why would God use "consumed" if a person has a soul that cannot be consumed?
1. Leviticus 10:2: “And fire came out from the presence of the Lord and consumed them, and they died before the Lord.”
2. Exodus 3:2-5: The burning bush was "not consumed." This was so unnatural of fire that Moses said, "I must turn aside now, and see this marvelous sight, why the bush is not burnt up."
3. Exodus 15:7 "You do send forth your burning anger, and it consumes them as chaff." When chaff is consumed by fire the chaff no longer exists.
4. Exodus 32:10: "Now therefore let me alone, that my wrath may wax hot against them, and that I may consume them; and I will make of you a great nation." "Destroy" in New American Standard Version. They would no longer exist.
5. Exodus 32:12: "Wherefore should the Egyptians speak, saying, For evil did he bring them forth, to slay them in the mountains, and to consume them from the face of the earth? Turn from your fierce wrath, and repent of this evil against your people." They would have been completely removed from the face of the earth.
6. Leviticus 9:23-24: The fat was on the altar. Fire comes forth and consumed it. The consumed fat no longer existed.
7. Psalms 37:20: "They shall consume; in smoke shall they consume away."
8. Hebrews 12:29: "For our God is a consuming fire."

Those who teach the sinner will be tormented forever in Hell use:
1. The symbolic language in the parable of the rich man, which must be made literal for it to support their teaching. [Luke 16:23; 24; 25; 28].
2. The symbolic language of Revelation, which must also be made literal, if not neither would it support their teaching.
a. Revelation 9:5: Locusts out of the pit torment those who have not the seal of God tormented for five months. Believers in Hell do not believe the torment in the Hell they believe in will be for only five months.
b. Revelation 11:10: "Tormented them that dwell on the earth." A symbolical picture of something on this earth, not in Hell. "Tormented them that dwell on the earth." must be changed
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