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the one above the other, and on account of the outlay they make from their substance for them. Virtuous women are obedient, careful, during the husband's absence, because God hath of them been careful.9 But chide those for whose refractoriness ye have cause to fear; remove them into beds apart, and scourage them: but if they are obedient to you, then seek not occasion against them: verily, God is High, Great!

And if ye fear a breach between man and wife, then send a judge chosen from his family, and a judge chosen from her family: if they are desirous of agreement, God will effect a reconciliation between them; verily, God is knowing, apprised of all!

Worship God, and join not aught with Him in worship. Be good to parents,10 and to kindred, and to orphans, and to the poor, and to a neighbour, whether kinsman or new-comer, and to a fellow traveller, and to the wayfarer, and to the slaves whom your right hands hold; verily, God loveth not the proud, the vain boaster,

Who are niggardly themselves, and bid others be niggards, and hide away what God of his bounty hath given them. We have made ready a shameful chastisement for the unbelievers,

And for those who bestow their substance in alms to be seen of men, and believe not in God and in the last day. Whoever hath Satan for his companion, an evil companion hath he!

But what blessedness would be theirs, if they should believe in God and in the last day, and bestow alms out of what God hath vouchsafed them; for God taketh knowledge of them!

God truly will not wrong any one of the weight of a mote; and if there be any good deed, he will repay it doubly; and from his presence shall be given a great recompense.

How! when we shall bring up against them witnesses from all peoples, and when we shall bring thee up as witness against these? On that day they who were Infidels and rebelled against the prophet, shall wish that the earth were levelled with them! But nothing shall they hide from God.

O ye true believers,11 come not to prayer when ye are drunken, but wait till ye can understand what ye utter; nor when ye are polluted, unless ye be travelling on the road, until ye have washed you. If ye be sick, or on a journey, or have come from the unclean place, or have touched a woman, and ye find not water, then rub pure sand, and bathe your face and your hands with it: verily, God is Lenient, Merciful.

Hast thou not remarked those12 to whom a part of the Scriptures hath been given? Vendors are they of error, and are desirous that ye go astray from the way. But God knoweth your enemies; and God is a sufficient patron, and God is a sufficient helper!

Among the Jews are those who displace the words of their Scriptures, and say, "We have heard, and we have not obeyed. Hear thou, but as one that heareth not; and LOOK AT US;"13 perplexing with their tongues, and wounding the Faith by their revilings.

But if they would say, "We have heard, and we obey; hear thou, and REGARD US;" it were better for them, and more right. But God hath cursed them for their unbelief. Few only of them are believers!

O ye to whom the Scriptures have been given! believe in what we have sent down confirmatory of the Scripture which is in your hands, ere we efface your features, and twist your head round backward, or curse you as we cursed the sabbath-breakers:14 and the command of God was carried into effect.

Verily, God will not forgive the union of other gods with Himself! But other than this will forgive to whom He pleaseth. And He who uniteth gods with God hath devised a great wickedness.

Hast thou not marked those who hold themselves to be righteous? But God holdeth righteous whom He will; and they shall not be wronged the husk of a date stone.

Behold how they devise a lie of God! Therein is wickedness manifest enough!

Hast thou not observed those to whom a part of the Scriptures hath been given?15 They believe in Djibt and Thagout, and say of the infidels, "These are guided in a batter path than those who hold the faith."

These are they whom God hath cursed: and for him whom God hath cursed, thou shalt by on means find a helper.

Shall they have a share in the kingdom who would not bestow on their fellow men even the speck in a date stone?

Envy they other men what God of his bounty hath given them? We gave of old the Scriptures and wisdom to the line of Abraham, and we gave them a grand kingdom:

-Some of them believe on the prophet and some turn aside from him:-the flame of Hell is their sufficing punishment!

Those who disbelieve our signs we will in the end cast into the fire: so oft as their skins shall be well burnt,16 we will change them for fresh skins, that they may taste the torment. Verily God is Mighty, Wise!

But as for those who have believed, and done the things that are right, we will bring being them into gardens 'neath which the rivers flow therein to abide eternally;-therein shall they have wives of stainless purity: and we will bring them into aye-shadowing shades.

Verily, God enjoineth you to give back your trusts to their owners, and when ye judge between men, to judge with fairness. Excellent is the practice to which God exhorteth you. God Heareth, Beholdeth!

O ye who believe! obey God and obey the apostle, and those among you invested with authority; and if in aught ye differ, bring it before God and the apostle, if ye believe in God and in the latter day. This is the best and fairest way of settlement.

Hast thou not marked those who profess that they believe in what hath been sent down to thee, and what hath been sent down before thee? Fain would they be judged before Thagout, though commanded not to believe in him; and fain would Satan make them wander with wanderings wide of truth.

And when it is said to them, "Accede to that which God hath sent down, and to the apostle," thou seest the hypocrites avert them from thee with utter aversion.

But how, when some misfortune shall fortune them, for their previous handywork? Then will they come to thee, swearing by God, "We desire nothing but to promote good and concord!"

These are they whose hearts God knoweth. Therefore break off from them, and warn them, speak words that may penetrate their souls.

We have not sent any apostle but to be obeyed, it God so will: but if they, after they have sinned to their own hurt by unbelief, come to thee and ask pardon of God, and the apostle ask pardon for them, they shall surely find that God is He who turneth unto man, Merciful.

And they will not-I swear by thy Lord-they will not believe, until they have set thee up as judge between them on points where they differ. Then shall they not find in their own minds any difficulty in thy decisions, and shall submit with entire submission.

Had we laid down such a law for them as "Kill yourselves, or abandon your dwellings," but few of them would have done it. But had they done that to which they were exhorted, better and it been for them, and stronger for the confirmation of their faith.

In that case we had surely given them from ourself a great recompense, and on the straight path should we surely have guided them.

And whoever shall obey God and the Apostle, these shall be with those of the
Prophets, and of the Sincere, and of the Martyrs, and of the Just, to whom
God hath been gracious. These are a goodly band!

This is the bounty of God; and in knowledge doth God suffice.

O ye who believe! make use of precautions; and advance in detachments, or , advance in a body.

There is of you who will be a laggard: and if a reverse befall you he saith, "Now hath God dealt graciously with me, since I was not with you in the fight:"

But if a success from God betide you, he will say, as if there had never been any friendship between you and him, "Would I had been with them! a rich prize should I have won!"

Let those then fight on the path of God, who barter this present life for that which is to come; for whoever fighteth on God's path, whether he be slain or conquer, we will in the end give him a great reward.

But what hath come to you that ye fight not on the path of God, and for the weak among men, women and children, who say, "O our Lord! bring us forth from this city17 whose inhabitants are oppressors; give us a champion from thy presence; and give us from thy presence a defender."

They who believe, fight on the path of God; and they who believe not, fight on the path of Thagout: Fight therefore against the friends of Satan. Verily craft of Satan shall be powerless!

Hast thou not marked those to whom it was said, "Withhold your hands awhile from war; and observe prayer, and pay the stated alms." But when war is commanded them, lo! a portion of them fear men as with the fear of God, or with a yet greater fear, and say: "O our Lord! why hast thou commanded us war? Couldst thou not have given us respite till our not distant end?" SAY: Small the fruition of this world; but the next life is the true good for him who feareth God! and ye shall not be wronged so much as the skin of a date stone.

Wherever ye be, death will overtake you-although ye be in lofty towers! If good fortune betide them, they say, "This is from God;" and if evil betide them, they say, "This is from thee." SAY: All is from God: But what hath come to these people that they are not near to understanding what is told them?

Whatever good betideth thee is from God, and whatever betideth thee of evil is from thyself; and we have sent thee to mankind as an apostle: God is thy sufficing witness.

Whoso obeyeth the Apostle, in so doing obeyeth God: and as to those who turn back from thee, we have not sent thee to be their keeper.

Moreover, they say: "Obedience!" but when they come forth from thy presence, a party of them brood by night over other than thy words; but God writeth down what they brood over: therefore separate thyself from them, and put thou thy trust in God. is a sufficient protector!

Can they not consider the Koran? Were it from any other than God, they would surely have found in it many contradictions.

And when tidings, either of security or alarm, reach them, they tell them abroad; but if they would report them to the apostle, and to those who are in authority among them, those who desire information would learn it from them. But for the goodness and mercy of God towards you, ye would have followed Satan except a few!

Fight, therefore, on God's path: lay not burdens on any but thyself; and stir up the faithful. The might of the infidels haply will god restrain, for God is the stronger in prowess, and the stronger to punish.

He who shall mediate between men for a good purpose shall be the gainer by it. But he who shall mediate with an evil mediation shall reap the fruit of it. And God keepeth watch over everything.

If ye are greeted with a greeting, then greet ye with a better greeting, or at least return it: God taketh count of all things.

God! there is no god but He! He will certainly assemble you on the day of resurrection. There is no doubt of it. And whose word is more true than God's?

Why are ye two parties on the subject of the hypocrites, when God hath cast them off for their doings? Desire ye to guide those whom god hath led astray? But for him whom God leadeth astray, thou shalt by no means find a pathway.

They desire that ye should be infidels as they are infidels, and that ye should be

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