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The genies who came to know one god of time is human The genies who came to know one god of time is human The genies who came to know one god of time is human The genies who came to know one god of time is human 

How judaism and torah genies of current sucked private part of others and why and why they were terminated How judaism and torah genies of current sucked private part of others and why and why they were terminated How judaism and torah genies of current sucked private part of others and why and why they were terminated How judaism and torah genies of current sucked private part of others and why and why they were terminated How judaism and torah genies of current sucked private part of others and why and why they were terminated

Prepare the way for The LORD. This is a collection of divine letters from our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. These are letters of warning for all the children of GOD. To prepare for the kingdom of GOD is at hand, HE wants us to understand HIS requirements to be under HIS good grace. To have a garment that is free from stains, spots, and wrinkles.

„Oh, My people, the work of My word is felt by the heart, not by the mind, for God is the Spirit Who dwells in man, inside of man, and there He glorifies Himself with His things, ...”

„I announce Myself with My love for man over the whole Romanian people, My newly chosen people, for I have chosen again a people for Me, to have a country and to have a people in it for My coming, and I have done this because this was written to for Me do and to choose again a Jerusalem, and behold, I have chosen and fulfilled this word. Amen.”

„I am the Lord of the saints, and I feed the saints on earth and in heaven, for when I speak to those on the earth, the saints eat My entire word ...”

„I am the man’s comfort. I am his happiness as well. Whoever has God in him, that one does not make much of anything: either joys, or pains, or wealth or shortcoming, but on-ly the Lord is enough for him, and he who cannot do so, that one is condemned on earth, he is his own slave, not released from his bonds.”

„I have caused to spring so much love by this trumpet of My coming, that all those in the graves have moved rejoicing over My coming as word on earth, because all have been waiting for this time which I announced two thousand years ago that it would come, ...”