Genre Religion. Page - 82
„I want to bring the heaven into view on earth, sons, and then to hide it for a few moments, and I will cover you as I covered Abimelech and no one saw him under the sycamore tree, which sheltered him until I raised him as a testimony of the resurrection and of the life within God. I will cover you too for a couple of moments as the cloud also covered Me from the eyes of My disciples ...”
A large selection of quotes for Spiritual Mediation and Guidance from Fr. Henri Nouwen. Fr. Henri was my First Spiritual Director, Fr. Jim Waters, FBS. Chancellor of Sanctus Theological Institute
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Certain materials used in this total website and E-Book are included under the fair use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law and have been prepared according to the educational multimedia fair use guidelines and are restricted from further use.By Sanctus Theological Institute and The Christic Ministry a legally Chartered Church.
„But once with this fulfillment, the antichrist’s servants will appear and they will try to bring this mystery to nothing. He will send his false servants, who will say that they have lived on earth life after life until today. (They would say that they have been reincarnated several times, r.n.) Here is the lie that has been worked out for a long time, ...”