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Read books online » Romance » Everything That Glitters Ain't Gold by Danielle Martin (sneezy the snowman read aloud .txt) 📖

Book online «Everything That Glitters Ain't Gold by Danielle Martin (sneezy the snowman read aloud .txt) 📖». Author Danielle Martin

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at him.

 â€śDesean, I don’t know what else to do….” Ava could feel herself becoming emotional but she quickly shook those feelings away before continuing. “I wanted to be with you. I wanted to work things out. But I can’t continue going on like this…” Without waiting for his response, Ava turned her back and fell into step towards the closet. “I’m going to go stay at Jade’s house for a while… I need some time to think…” she spit it out before she had time to change her mind. She didn’t know what she was saying but it was too late to take it back. Indeed, Ava had threatened to leave so many times before. But for the first time in 4 years, she wanted to make good on her promise. Desean had proven himself once again and to make matters worse, he didn’t have a sip to drink. There was no alcohol involved in his change of attitude. Clearly, his anger issues went deeper than just alcohol. This was who he really was without any influences and that was an extremely tough pill to swallow.

   â€śYou’re not going anywhere Ava…” his suddenly spoke out eerily as if he were speaking to a wall. There was no emotion in his tone. Ava stopped in place, her breathing quickening as she looked over at him. Desean stared at the ground. Mentally, it appeared as if he checked out.

“I’m not???” she repeated him, making sure she heard him correctly. “And who’s going to stop me???” she quickly asked, secretly nervous to hear his answer.

Desean pressed his lips together, immediately falling quiet. They stared at each other silently for what felt like an eternity. Ava attempted to read his mind. As usual, he was unreadable.

“I don’t have time for this Desean… I’m going to start packing now…” she advised him. Silence. Again he did not respond. Desean was in his own little world. Ava backed away slowly and hesitantly watching him with a close eye. She was fearful he would try to stop her. She was fearful to turn her back to him. So far, he hadn’t moved.

Ava hesitantly turned and stepped inside the spacious walk in close to begin retrieving her things. After the coast was clear, she wasted no time frantically snatching clothes off the hangers and throwing them into a night bag that she had conveniently left beside the closet door. Ava made sure to pack enough to at least last for a week although she had no idea how long she would really be gone. This time, she refused to talk herself out of leaving. This space was long overdue. Desean had crossed the line once and for all…  

In the midst of digging through her clothes, Ava could hear a shuffling noise surfacing on the outside of the closet door. She stopped grabbing clothes and leaned over to listen to the shuffling. Desean was up to something. Ava took a deep breath. She hoped he would make things easy and allow her to leave for the night without putting up a fight, but she knew better. Nothing about Desean was easy. Seconds later, the shuffling nose stopped. Ava raised a curious eyebrow, noticing the bedroom was now extremely quiet. “Desean?” she called out to him. Silence.

“Desean????” she called his name again, more firmly this time. Silence again. Her heart sunk into her stomach after realizing he was not answering her calls. Quickly, Ava dropped the clothes in her hand and turned to walk out of the closet and back into the bedroom.

“Desean what the hell???” she called out to him. Looking around the master bedroom, she noticed immediately the room was now empty.

 â€śI don’t have time for your games!” Ava shouted out loud. She rolled her eyes and quickly decided against chasing after him, knowing that was exactly what he wanted. Ava had made up her mind. She was leaving and there was nothing he could do to change her mind.

Suddenly, Ava froze still as her eyes dropped to the ground next to the door frame leading towards the hallway. Her jaw dropped. “What the fuck???” she cussed. Immediately, Ava’s eyesight fixed on her $100 Louis Vuitton handbag that had been thrown on the floor with all of its contents spilled out.

“Really Desean???” She shouted out, her eyes scanning her personal items that were now a scattered mess all over the ground. Ava knew immediately who was responsible for knocking her purse to the floor. This was no accident. She dropped down to her knees and began scooping up her makeup, her wallet, body sprays and lotion throwing them back into her bag. She cursed to him out loud. “You will never fucking respect me! You won’t respect me until after im gone!!!” She frustratedly threw the last item into her bag, stood to her feet and threw her bag over the shoulder. For a moment, Ava felt as if she were experiencing a life changing moment. Her eyes had been closed for so long, but now, they were open. Desean was going to continue hurting her. He was going to continue making promises without delivering results.

Ava’s eyes rescanned the floor just to make sure she didn’t forget anything. Instantly, she came to the realization that something very valuable was missing… Something she did not recall picking up and putting back inside her purse.

“Where the hell are my car keys???” Ava asked out loud. She scanned the area again with her eyes to make sure she did not overlook them. Her stomach twisted into knots. A sickened feeling invaded her body. Her keys were nowhere in sight. Immediately, Ava burst into a silent panic. “Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!” She began to frantically dig through the purse to see if she dropped them inside without noticing. Once again, she turned up empty. “Oh no! Oh No!” Ava continued shouting over and over again. Removing the strap from around her shoulder, she dumped everything back out on the floor, dropped to her knees and began anxiously searching for her keys. They were not there. She had come up empty.

 â€śWhat the fuckkkkk?!” Ava stood to her feet and began to pace the floor. “I always put my keys in my purse!!!” she threw her hands up in the air, frantically looking around the room. Suddenly, Ava halted in place. Her body froze and her eyes widened. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up as she looked towards the door. “Oh my God…” she covered her mouth with her hand. “He didn’t! He didn’t!” Ava shouted. Abruptly, she dashed across the room and ran full speed out of the door. She flew around the corner, ran down the hallway and dashed across the living room towards the front door. She ran quickly, afraid if she moved too slow he would already be gone.

“Desean!!!” Ava screamed his name to the top of her lungs as she ran through the house dodging furniture. Her vision was blinded by her anxiety. He didn’t! He didn’t! He didn’t! Ava continued chanting inside her head. She whipped open the front door and ran outside onto the porch barefoot. “Desean!!!” She shouted his name again while running down to the driveway.

 â€śNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Ava’s loud scream pierced throughout the silence of the night as she reached the end of the curb. Unknowingly, she dropped to her knees, falling to the concrete. “NO! NO! NO!” she shouted out again, caring less who could hear her screams. Her eyesight fixed onto the empty parking space where her car usually sat. “He didn’t!!! He didn’t!!!  I can’t believe he did this!!!” Her body was trembling. For a moment, she felt as if she were about to collapse. “He took my car! He took my fucking car!!!” Ava stared at the empty parking space in complete bewilderment. She felt she were about to throw up, looking up the street hoping to catch sight of him.

“I can’t believe this!” with shaky, buckled knees, Ava stood to her feet. She continued to stare down the street, hoping he would come to his senses and return. So far, nothing.

“What do I doooooo now?” Ava spoke out loud to herself as she grabbed a lock of her hair. Her body was in a state of shock. Desean had done some crazy shit in the past, but she couldn’t believe he had taken taking things this far. He had never done anything this fucking insane.

 â€śI’ve got to get out of here... I’ve got to go before he gets back….”

Ava composed herself after realizing she still had to leave with or without her vehicle. Desean would have done anything in his power to keep her locked away inside his mental prison. Ava refused to give him that power no matter what monkey ranches he threw at her. Including grand theft auto.

   I have to get out of here! I have to leave before this man hurts me! This time is different… This time I cannot come back…. 

Picking her jaw up from the ground, Ava hurriedly dashed back to the house and back inside to finish packing her clothes before Desean returned with a vengeance.




Chapter 7

 Chapter 7.


“Thank you, girl! Thank you so much for bringing me out tonight! I really needed this. I don’t know how I could ever repay you.”

The light breeze brushed Ava’s long silky black hair over her shoulders as she turned to flash a half smile. The night was young and the area was crowded. Ava stood in line waiting at the entrance of Club Whiskeys. It was a Saturday night and the crowd had begun to arrive. The line was long, stretched all the way around the building. Luckily, Ava was able to skip the wait because she was an employee. She stood next to her best friend Jade waiting for the security guard to finish patting the couple down in front in them. Ava smiled over her shoulder. “I told you girl, it’s no problem. It’s the least I could do for you chauffeuring me around while my car is getting repaired. I really appreciate it.” Ava thanked her then turned back around after immediately turning nauseous. Ava hated lying to Jade. Once upon a time, she used to tell that woman everything. But things were different now and after living in secret for so many years, Ava had grown used to putting up a front. She sighed silently. Last night was still a blur. A nightmare that she had yet to wake up from. I don’t know what to do… I feel so misguided… Even though I am not there, I still feel trapped…..

 â€śOf course, Hazel!” Jade spoke excitedly snapping her out of her daze.  â€śWhenever you need me, just call me, you know I’m there. That’s what friends are for!” her tone was bright and chipper. Her mood was upbeat and perky which was a surprise. Jade didn’t appear as if she was going through a break up at all. Her hair was freshly curled spilling in beautiful waves cascading down her back. Her makeup was pressed to perfection and her outfit was new with the price tags still attached. “Tell me the truth, what do you think?” Jade asked while turning to the side, hinting for

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