Read Romance books for free

A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Late Last Night (Completed) by Kenzie . (ebook reader for surface pro TXT) 📖

Book online «Late Last Night (Completed) by Kenzie . (ebook reader for surface pro TXT) 📖». Author Kenzie .

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such a boss she knew all along. But I was focused on Lucas. This is the first time I ever heard him say anything about his mother. I wonder why he's living with Marc.

I finally reached for a pizza and realized it was all gone. "You bitches!" They laughed at me. "You ate all the damn pizza."

"I told you to get more than two boxes."

I pouted and looked away from them all. Lucas stopped chewing his pizza and handed it to me.


"Ew!" I said. "This is diseased." I pushed it away. Lucas snorted and turned toward my fridge.

"Do you have any apple juice?" he asked.

"No! Don't touch my apple juice. You posted false pictures of me and you on facebook."

"Were they fake, darling?" he winked. I stood up and punched him in the face again.

"Oh!" Philip yelled. "Virgin got a wicked right hook!"

Lucas laughed with him and rubbed his jaw, "That's going to be a really nasty bruise." He still headed towards my fridge and I pouted and rubbed my hand.

"His face is so hard." I whined.

"That's not the only thing hard about me."

"Ugh ew!" I covered my ears, again causing me to get laughed at.

Ugh, I hate people.

"So your telling me, she has this house all to herself?" Phillip asked again. He had Ronnie on his lap, hands intertwined. They were really, really cute together I wanted to stab them with a damn spoon.

I wish that was me and Marc.

Amy was sitting next to me with Louis on her lap. He said he didn't want her fat ass squishing him. Which was funny because she's like the size of his bicep.

I wasn't sitting on any potential boyfriend. Marc was sitting on the love seat beside me and I was purposely avoiding him.

But he wasn't avoiding me. He whispered into my ear.

"After there gone we can play some board games."

I sucked in a breathe. Was that code for getting down with it? I leaned away from him.



For the first time ever I was glad for Lucas. He held my wine bottle in one hand and his apple juice in the other. I rolled my eyes, this guy was addicted.

"You have wine?" Marc asked surprised.

"You drink?" Philip asked same time.

"Oh yeah." Lucas laughed. "You don't know bout her hidden stash in her underwear draw?" I felt Marc stiffen beside me. He was jealous.

Amy laughed and clapped her hands. "You still have the stash?"

I rolled my eyes. "yeah."

"I'm confused." Phillip said. "I thought you were a goodie two shoes." Ronnie laughed at his new boy friend and patted his head.

"Back in sophmore year, her first year here, this girl was a party animal!"

Louis chuckled, "She was damn good at taking shots."

Amy sighed, "I miss that Nady."

I shook my head and hugged my legs to my chest. "The Nady who couldn't remember anything the next day? Would walk into school drunk?"

"You were free and fun."

"I was a nightmare." I demanded. "I was supposed to get rid of that." I mumbled. Marc looked at me and took my hand.

Philip sighed, "Well you sounded pretty cool to me. Let's drink."

So there they were, drinking and giggling. Amy turned on some music and gave Louis a lap dance. It was actually funny because she kept falling on the ground and getting up to continue.

Ronnie was back to his steamy make out with Philip.

And Lucas was pretending to do a strip tease.

Marc and I were the only sober ones here.

"Oh God." I laughed. Marc smiled with me and snaked his arm around me.

"Come on." he said. Oh no, he wants to do it.

"Well, you se-"

"Marcy!" Lucas yelled. "My favorite cousin. Come here!" Marc ignored him and tried taking me upstairs.

"Marcy!" Lucas called. "Wait up." Lucas stumbled towards us and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Whoa!" he yelled as he tripped. "I have to tell you a secret."

"What?"Marc sighed, obviously annoyed.

"I have a dick." he said. I choked on my own baby barf. Disgusting.

"Oh my-" Marc started to move away.

"Wait don't you want to know what size?" Lucas called.

"I already know, it's smaller than mine," he replied.

Oh, burn.

I looked back at Lucas but he was on his way to Amy, probably going to ask the same question.

Up in my room he closed the door.

"Hey." he said.

"Heey." I said dragging my words out. Marc smiled down at me. I took a step back and he took a step forward.

He took the back of my neck gently and used his other hand to tilt my head up to his.

Holy cheese.

My heart beat erratically and I tried not to fall to deep into those baby blues. He pressed his chest to mine and tilted his head downwards.

This was it.

It's just a kiss right? I mean its not like I'm going to hop into bed with him. Even if the bed is two feet away...

I shook my head. No I'm not ready. I'm not that type of girl.

Before his lips touched mine I mumbled, "I am not a hook up kind of girl."

"I know." he said softly and then pressed his lips to mine.

Good Lord his lips were soft. My body was tingling and I could see fireworks. Then he licked my bottom lip causing me to shudder. I intertwined our tongues together and nearly fainted from the taste of mint. His hands slipped from my neck to my waist and he pulled me closer. I stood on my toes and ran my hand through the soft hair that I loved and pressed my body closer.

"I'm bringing sexy back! Oh sh*t!" Lucas yelled bursting through the door.

I bit down on Marc's tongue causing him to draw back. "You bit me."

I giggled, "Sorry."

"Oh my Gosh guys, Marc is getting laid, come see some see!" Lucas yelled. Everyone was laready behind him ooh ing and ahh ing.

And Louis actually said, "So that's how virgins get in on."

"Who knew?" Phillip cried.

Good Lord.


"Girl!" Amy said. "You lying."

I laughed at her and closed my locker. "Nope."

"You kissed!" Amy yelled. I slapped my hand over her mouth and glared at the little girl. Amy ignored me and licked my hand.

"Ew." I whined.

"Well that's what you get." she giggled. "So... You guys are an item?"

I thought about it. After the kiss, and Lucas barging in, we didn't do it again. Marc carried everyone except Ronnie and Amy home. The goodbye was awkward. It was the kind of moment where we weren't sure if we should kiss or hug.

We settled for a wave.

I told Amy this and she thought with me. "Maybe he wanted to jump your bones so bad that he was so nervous." I snorted.

"Or he really doesn't like me."

"B*tch please!" Amy took up her school bag and waved. As she walked in the direction of the parking lot she called over her shoulder. "Have fun at practice." I winced thinking of Hilary, yeah, so much fun.

I turned in the opposite direction, towards the football field I stopped short at the sight of the devil.

"What do you want?" I glared. Lucas grinned and held his helmet up on his shoulder, one hand behind his back. He was wearing his football uniform with the number 5 on his jersey.

"You actually showing up for practice?" I raised my eyebrows. He gave me a once over also.

"Love the uniform. Thought you could only wear it for games." he smirked as he looked at my bare stomach. I put my duffel bag over myself cursed Hilary for the thousandth time. She convinced Coach that it would be easier to kick in our uniforms.

"I should thank her." he leered.

"Stop being a man whore." I snapped.

"Well if you weren't so damn fine I wouldn't have to be one would I? Lemme ask you, did you get to use those extra large."

"Boy, you know your not extra large," I laughed. Lucas raised his eyebrows.

"Whose to say I was thinking about you and me?"

He took a step forward and I took a step backward. He took another step forward and I took another one back. "Look I just want to ask a question."

"Well you could ask from over there." I pointed to where he stood.

He moved his hand from behind his back and grinned.

"What is that?" I asked.

Lucas squeezed the toy and it squeaked.

"What is that?" I repeated.

Lucas took my hand and stuffed the chew toy there. "This is my apology," he said.

"You gave me a chew toy." I said slowly.

"A bone chew toy." he said excitedly. "You squeeze it and it freaking squeaks."

I slapped him with the bone, "What am I a dog?"

Lucas grinned and I narrowed his eyes, "Watch it."

He rolled his eyes and changed the subject. "What's with you and Marc? Are you guys together or what?"

"You remember?"

Lucas snorted, "No. But Marc told me this morning. Told me to stay away and all that jazz."

"He did?"


"He had no right." We're not going out, who is he to be all high and mighty.

"Calm it Rudolf. I still gotta back off." he said. "Guy code and all." He put up his right hand. "Scouts honor."

"Your going to stop flirting?" He nodded. "Your going to stop trying to seduce me." He snorted but didn't comment any further.

"So we're friends." I actually smiled. He grinned back at me and stuck out his hand.


Friday night rolled around and the two teams were tied. Ronnie and Phillip were trying their best to keep the big ass opponents away from the ball, but of course Ronnie got distracted by Phillip's ass as he bent over.

I cringed as I watched Marc get tackled.

Hilary was being cliche and basically humping the air lke she's in an S&M video. I moved away from her as fast as I could and actually tried to cheer for Marc.

And we were bascically having cheer sex.

Hilary spun around and looked at me. "Stop eye humping Marc, your distracting him."

"Oh and you dry humping isn't having an affect on the guys?" I asked.

Hilary flipped her hair and looked at me, "You mean Marc."

I looked over at the field, where Marc had the ball and was making a b-line to end zone. Ronnie was doing a hip swivel thing cheering him on, and Phillip was tackling an opponent.


"Or your just jealous that
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