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Read books online » Romance » advertising-for-love by Rakhibul hasan (fb2 epub reader .TXT) 📖

Book online «advertising-for-love by Rakhibul hasan (fb2 epub reader .TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author Rakhibul hasan

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“What for?” Grant queried, knowing it was none of his business anyway.

“Because I love Tizzy and..” Branson was cut short when Grant did not let him complete his sentence

“Love! For heaven’s sake Branson, you barely know each other.” Grant fumed.

“What has time got to do with the kind of love I have for Tizzy? I loved her from the moment I saw her. And I am sorry if it displeases you, but now that I have found her, I am not letting her go. Not for anybody.” Branson said

“It’s talk like this that has frightened her off. Don’t tell me you have already told her all this rubbish” Grant was wild

“That, young man, is none of your business. Tizzy and my life is not your concern.” Branson tried to sound as irate as Grant.

“Are you making this a fight Branson?” Grant knew he was being insane. He was jeopardizing not only his relationship with Branson, his commercial dealings with him, but he could also be putting T & G Mallaby on the line. And for whom? Tizzy? Hell for all he knew Tizzy might be leaving because she did not like working with him.

“We are not fighting for the same thing Mallaby. I do not want Tizzy as an employee.”

Branson stressed on the last word.

“Oh come on Branson, are you trying to tell me that you really love Tizzy?”

“Why is that so hard to believe?” Branson sounded hurt “Tizzy is a wonderful woman, talented, and ”

“And she has wonderful children.” Grant cut it hoping this news would scare Peter off.

“That would make no difference to my feelings for Tizzy.” Peter cool reply irritated Grant further.

This was not the reaction that Grant had hoped for. When his ploy did not work, he told himself, ‘if I could fall in love with her knowing about them, why shouldn’t Peter?’

“Peter you barely know her. What less than a week, how can what you feel be love? You admitted to being lonely. I can understand your wanting a companion, but Tizzy is not like other women. She is not one who will just walk a few steps and leave.”

“Grant, if I can help it, Tizzy will never leave. I have asked her to move into my home. It’s too big for one old man.”

“I don’t know what sort of game you are playing Branson, but Tizzy better not get hurt.” Mallaby’s rage was almost uncontrollable. Tizzy, move into Branson’s home? Branson comfort her during her nightmares. No he could not bear the thought of that. Tizzy belonged by his side, in his arms, as his wife. Wife! Did he just think of her as his wife?

He smirked at the contradiction in his own remark about knowing Tizzy for less than a week. Didn’t he know from experience, a day was all he had needed to fall in love with her himself. ‘Tizzy, why can’t you feel the same way about me, as I feel about you, he screamed within himself. ‘Branson is all wrong for you’.

“Mallaby, explain this. Why are you worrying about Tizzy getting hurt, when Trisha should be your concern at the moment?” Branson watched closely for Grant’s reaction.

“What has Trisha got to do with any of this?” Grant exploded.

“If I was having a dinner with a lady, so were you” Peter continued

“Trisha is an old friend, though why I have to explain that to you is beyond me. My relationships are none of your concern.”

“Well said, Mallaby. My sentiments exactly.” Branson hit back

“Except that Tizzy is my employee and you are my client” Grant put forward his justification

“Soon to be ex-employee, and if you ask it of me, I can terminate our contract too.” Branson knew their game of words was now heading towards dangerous grounds.

“Let’s just put it this way, Branson, if Tizzy goes, as far as I am concerned, so do you.”

Grant no longer cared if the Branson account was lost. If Tizzy went with Branson, he did not want to meet Branson ever again.

Grant walked out of Branson’s office, without a nod. Just then his mobile phone rang. Becky was waiting in his office for the meeting. He needed sometime alone. He had come to ask Branson to leave Tizzy alone for a while, instead had ended up party to a caveman approach to a simple matter. He should have enforced his unwritten rule, ‘no socialising between employee and clients’. It was too late to enforce that rule now. Tizzy would leave even sooner, if he took that step. No, he would have to ensure, he inundated her with so much work, that dinner dates would be out of question while she was employed at T & G Mallaby.

He drove around for a while then stopped and had a Cappuccino at the local café. After that he head back to work. When he reached, it was 3 pm. He had missed two important meetings, he had missed lunch and he had missed Tizzy. She had gone home early complaining of a headache. So much for keeping her back with extra work he thought before turning his attention to the messages on his desk.

He called Becky in at 4 pm and asked her to bring in all her files. Then with her he went through each and every one, and transferred almost all of them to Tizzy. He told Becky he wanted her to take it easy.

“But Grant, with Tizzy leaving, wouldn’t you be better off transferring her files to me, instead of the other way around?” Becky was surprised by his move

“No I intend to recruit new staff for that section. I want you to concentrate on training and helping them. With three on the team we won’t face this problem ever again. And Becky, let me know what you decide about returning to work. Your place will be secure, no matter how many people we finally recruit.”

“Thanks Grant. I have to admit, I hate the thought of giving up the work I love. Can I take another couple of days to decide?" Becky was elated that Grant valued her so much.

“Take all the time you want” Grant said. A minute’s silence followed then Grant spoke again.

“Becky, do you have any idea why Tizzy decided to leave?” Grant knew that if anyone knew the real reason it would be Becky.

“No Grant I don’t, but I for one am not going to believe the reason she gave. There is something that is worrying me. Tizzy was tied up this afternoon and Branson left seven messages for her in about half an hour. Maybe she is leaving the company, so that she can pursue her relationship with him, or maybe she is running because of him.” Becky thought out aloud.

Then she looked at Grant and wished that she had not said a word. His eyes burnt with amber flecks that made his look almost fierce. His hand was clenched in a ball with the knuckles shining white. Lately Grant was exhibiting a lot more emotions that he ever had in the past. He was known for his cool professionalism. Nothing had ever frazzled him in the past. Cool was not the word that would apply to him at this moment.

“In either case, I am the one who will lose her.” Becky somehow knew he was no longer talking of Tizzy as an employee. She had to have that chat with Tizzy. I must be crazy; I have to be crazy to even think it. But could it be possible? Was it possible that Grant was in love with Tizzy himself? She would have to watch the two of them more closely but this evening she would grill Tizzy till she had her answers. All of them!

Becky could not wait until 5 pm. She took the files she wanted to work on at home and drove to Tizzy’s place, stopping to pick up Pizza for the two of them.

At 5.30 pm she was ringing the doorbell and happily welcomed by the barking dogs. Tizzy had a pressure band around her forehead. ‘So at least the headache was real’ she reflected.

“I thought I would bring dinner. Roger is working back tonight, and I could not face dinner alone, but if your headache is bad, I’ll go” Becky felt guilty now that she was here.

“No don’t go, I am glad you came. The pizza smells lovely. Let’s eat it while it is hot.”

Tizzy said as she moved indoors.

Becky got the drinks while Tizzy laid the table. They ate in silence until their first slice had disappeared from their plates. Becky took another piece but Tizzy refused to have another slice. “You are eating for two, so don’t look guilty. Enjoy it,” she told Becky

Then Tizzy laughed when Becky looked at a third slice. “Maybe you are eating for three” she joked.

“Heaven forbid.” laughed Becky, then sobering down she continued. “For someone who loves Italian food, you didn’t have much.”

Tizzy looked straight into Becky eyes and said “Becky, was that comment going somewhere?”

Becky did not bother to beat around the bush any longer.

“Tizzy, you know the office grapevine. What’s this about you seeing someone?”

“Seeing someone, who?” Tizzy was intrigued

“Branson of course! He has made his interest in you apparent. And you have gone out with him too.” Becky was direct

“Becky have you gone mad. Peter is a very nice person and I like him a lot, but there is no such thing between us. He is lonely after his daughter’s death. He is looking for that daughter in me. And besides, he is Grant’s client. I would never do that to Grant.” Tizzy replied surprised by Becky’s words. And then she pursued another line of thought. “Becky, who else thinks this? Don’t tell me the whole office believes this gossip?”

The look on Becky’s face told her that she had guessed correctly.

“Oh no Becky, what is Grant going to say? What’s Peter going to think? Oh shivers, what will this do to their dealings. I better clear this up.” Tizzy mumbled.

“I should never let men enter my life. It always ends up in a mess,” Tizzy continued in a whisper.

“Tizzy if Branson is not the reason you are leaving, what is? Don’t give me the bit about meetings etc. You know Grant would work things around so that you will not be in this situation again”. Becky continued.

While Tizzy thought of an answer, Becky found another piece to fit into the puzzle. Only this morning, Grant had spoken of having at least three staff in the department. Grant was working the situation around so that ‘Tizzy’ would not be in this situation again.

Branson may love you Tizzy, but it’s Grant, who is in love with you. Now I have to know what you really feel about Grant. Thank God you are not in love with Branson. That’s one less complication to sort out.

She told Tizzy about Grant’s plans for the department, but Tizzy remained expressionless. “With three staff, you won’t need to worry about presentations. Won’t you think again about your resignation?”

“No, Becky I have to leave.” Tizzy remained adamant.

“What will you do? Find another job?” Becky questioned

“No I am going to start my own business. I can work from home. Use the internet. That way I won’t have to have contact, and yet be able to run my business successfully.”

Becky admitted the idea was brilliant and suited Tizzy’s situation, solving all her problems.

“Why don’t you talk to Grant, maybe he can set the same thing up for you there” Becky added

“No! Please Becky,

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