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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Cliche by ninja jinx (best classic novels .TXT) 📖

Book online «Cliche by ninja jinx (best classic novels .TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author ninja jinx

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who sat across from me holding a wash cloth. He looked annoyed.


There was no sympathy in his eyes and he looked pretty pissed off. It looked like he didn’t even want to be there, helping me. In fact he looked like he wanted to strangle me using gummy worms. “What?” he asked as he placed the cloth on my face and sat crouched in front of me. “Is there a reason you keep staring?”


I looked away quickly and sat up slowly, my eyes straying to the clock on the wall. It was 9:00pm, and I was alone with a boy

If mum were here she would be checking him out while dad would try and act like a mafia boss. Jon would just sit there and be sexting, not giving a shit. I cleared my throat and pointed out the obvious, “you’re in my house.”


“No shit” he muttered as he got up and stretched.


Hubba-Hubba, did the temperature just rise? Because that’s one fine babe in front of me. I let my eyes linger on his abs which were outlined by his white shirt. This was probably the only action I would get in my life. I’ll probably grow old with a beard and live with cats and be like those creepy old ladies down the street.


I tore my eyes away before he could see me checking his oh so perfect body and stared blankly ahead. Where was Sarah?

 I felt my tummy rumble and I clutched it. “I’m so hungry” I stressed before I tumbled off the couch and onto the floor. There was a thud as I began rolling towards the kitchen. “Um, what are you doing?” a voice asked. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. “Duh” I replied, “I’m going to the kitchen”. There was a moment of silence as I turned a corner and entered the kitchen.

“You’re so weird” he muttered and I shot back, “no I’m just bizarre.”

“What’s the difference?” he asked as he looked down at me. He was so bloody tall. My god he was like Jesus. Don’t know how that had anything relating to him being tall

“Bizarre is unusual. Weird is suggesting something supernatural”. I looked this shit up people.

“Right” he said, dragging out the ‘r’. Dick.

I stretched out my arm and looked at him expectantly. “Help” I whined. He rolled his eyes and wrapped a hand around my arm, before heaving me up.

“You’re so lazy”

“I know I am, but what are you?”

He frowned and leaned back against the granite counter. I shrugged as I began raiding to the cupboards, my eyes scrounging for something to eat. “Come out, come out wherever you are” I muttered as I stretched and felt the top ride up. Forgot I wasn’t wearing anything but a top and my underwear. I felt a blush rise on my face as I quickly fell on my knees and covered my face. So embarrassing


“Now what” a voice enquired. Hmm, his voice sounds like—No, he’s a dick. His voice sounds like something out of a horror movie.

“It’s nothing” I hissed as I stood up. I didn’t want to turn around; after all I was nearly butt naked.


I glanced back to see him slumped and looking at his phone. “I think I should leave now” he said as he scratched his neck. Ah, he looks so cute. I mean look at the way his hair fell into his eyes and his pursed pink lips. So pink and


Wait! Forget I even thought that. Stupid brain. Must be the hunger. Makes you do crazy shit. Awkwardly I stated, “sure , thanks for your help and all
.” There was a moment between us where we didn’t know what to do, and I turned around and busied myself with trying to find some food.


Then it came to me.  


It was better than the cure to cancer, the first landing, the first making of ice-cream
no scratch that, the making of ice-cream was a world changing event. Cookies and cream, chocolate, vanilla, Black Licorice—the point is my idea was awesome.


Clicking my fingers I began waddling towards the basement door at the side of the hallway. Don’t ask why I was waddling like a penguin, I just felt like it. “Where you going?” I heard a voice ask. Ignoring it I opened the door to the basement and looked down. Shit, it looked like something out of a horror film. With its creaky looking stairs, moldy wood and dim lighting.


I flicked the switch on and the dim light cast around the room. Signing I peered deeper down the stairs and wondered if it was still there. Because back in the day I used to have an old donut maker. I liked my lips at the thought of the donuts and I carefully took a step forward, testing the stairs. So far so good. I took another step forward.


“What are you doing?!” a voice yelled.

“Its fine”, another step, “see—Oh SHIT!” I screamed, and then I was falling.


I opened my eyes and groaned as I slowly sat up. “You idiot” a voice said. I looked up and rolled my eyes. “Thanks for asking, I’m totally fine”. Bastard
though it was my fault




I grabbed my throbbing head and removed my hand quickly when I felt something damp.

“Oh my GOD! Call the police, the Swat team, anyone. I’m dying of freaking blood loss.” Ok, maybe it wasn’t that much blood, but still. I saw the guy above roll his eyes and glare at me. “Whose fault is this?”

I innocently looked up, “pardon?” I got up, the wood crunching underneath as I looked around. I nearly shit my plants when I looked around. The place was exactly like out of a horror flick.


“You!” I whisper-yelled. “Get me out of here”. I cast doubtful looks around the dark corners. Did something move over there?


“Na, I think I like seeing you panic”. I laughed without humor as I walked closer towards the hole and looked at him. “Not funny” I said. He shrugged and I jumped up, trying to reach the jagged edges to heave myself up.


He rolled his eyes again and laid on his tummy, his hands reaching down and wrapping around my hands. They were so big and I shivered at the warmth. He heaved me up and I swung my legs awkwardly to the side, latching onto the side.


When we were both away from the door and back into the hallway, we just stared at each other. “Sup” I said. He shook his head and his hair flew into his eyes. “What’s your name anyway?” I asked as I titled my head to the side. Bits of wood and plaster falling into my face and eyes. Ow, that hurts.


“Hunter” he replied.


“Well my names Isabel” I said.


“So, I don’t care”. Jerk.




He shrugged and began walking away. “Bye” he said, and I looked at his back stupidly. “Aren’t you curious why I went to the basement?”

“Don’t give a shit” and then the front door was slammed shut.


What just happened?


Chapter 9: The underwear of embarrassment.

Chapter 9: The underwear of embarrassment.

My parents called.

They called the next day and said that they won’t be home because Jon caught a serious case of constipation. That he was suffering and it was like he was shitting bricks. They even said that they had to stock up on air fresheners.


I told Sarah and she began laughing her ass off, and then she wouldn’t shut up after 10 minutes, so I decided to tape her mouth. She got so pissed that she chased me around the house with a loaf of bread and a fork. After our little cat and mouse chase we both collapsed onto the floor like a sack of potatoes.


“Where were you yesterday?” I asked. Because after Hunter left, Sarah never returned till latter the next day. I was worried sick and could barely sleep. I even thought about camping outside so I would see her if she returned.


She shrugged her shoulders and looked towards the roof, her eyes going glassy as if she was remembering something. Something was up

 â€œI went to the principle to tell him

I was shocked. I didn’t know she would actually tell someone, let alone the principle. “He told me to piss off and slammed the door onto my face”. That was not the reaction I was expecting.


“I plan to tell my mum and dad soon,” she continued, her fingers playing nervously with her top. “I think I’m going to need their help and support to get through this”. Hell you would.


I nodded my head and laid my hands gently on her tummy. “It’s going to be fine Sarah. If you want I could go with you”. She cast her eyes towards me and smiled gratefully.




We sat in silence, just enjoying each other’s company. “I don’t know how to take care of it”, she said, breaking the silence. I stared at her and replied, “We can always look it up”.


It wasn’t long before I got up and stretched lazily. I began making my way towards the kitchen and paused at the door towards the basement. Memories flashing through my mind as I blushed crazily. “I know that look!” Sarah said as she paused behind me. “That’s the look of someone who’s in L.O.V.E”


“WHAT! No way” I yelled as I waved my hands around. I mean, how can I even like that jerk of a boy. He has the ego of a football field and the attitude of squidward. Even though his eyes were a beautiful blue and his lips were the most—NO! Stop it you stupid brain.


I stomped forward and into the kitchen where I grabbed a glass of water and poured it on my face. I only did that because I felt like my cheeks were on fire and my brain was overheating.


Sarah came in and stared at me strangely as I placed the cup down and picked up an apple. Biting into it I let the juices drip down my face and said “sup?”

She shook her head and turned around, throwing a comment behind her. “I’m going to the library”, before I heard the slam of the front door. What is it and people slamming the door?


I began cleaning up the mess I made, my hair sticking damply to my face and my faded top clinging to my body. I ran my hands across my face and threw the apple core into the bin. After the water had been wiped up, I made my way towards my room. And that’s when I saw it.


Remember that demonic demon that Sarah calls a ‘dog’? Well it was in my room and it was going through my underwear drawer. Ripping them to shreds and destroying it.


no not that one—drop the underwear and step back” I yelled as I inched forward. “Do not touch that—actually you can destroy that one” I said as I saw him snatch the pink frilly underwear. I hated that one. Dad picked it out when he saw it on sale for half price.

I swear I saw the ‘thing’ smile, and it was that oh-I-have-a-epic-and-evil-mastermind-plan smile.


I saw him walk forward, coming towards me. That thing was grinning
.and I don’t like when it grins

Then it was launching towards me and I fell backwards as the air was knocked out of

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