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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Billionaires Madness by Marwa M (books to read for teens TXT) 📖

Book online «Billionaires Madness by Marwa M (books to read for teens TXT) 📖». Author Marwa M

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A Step Left To Get Ruined

Author Pov.

Luna was sitting in her room. She was looking at the papers in her hands. It was the legal documents of her orphanage. She can't believe. She really can't believe that she's really going to take that step. She's really going to give up.

She has gone through more serious and dangerous circumstances in the past after her family's death. But what now. She can't believe that God has made her so helpless. So vulnerable.

She can't even do something to save both. Her dignity and her brother's orphanage. She's helpless. She has to choose one of them but both me and everything to her. But now. She's feeling like she's standing between a valley and a deep-sea.

Both of the choices will save her from one thing but will ruin her from other. How ironic is this. How she used to live without having any problems but now everything had destroyed. Everything is destroyed. and now her dignity or her brother only memory gonna get destroy.

How pitiful she is. And how devilish he is. She helped him. Saved him. But what he did. Always degrade her. And now asking her to come to her own funeral. Is this how she deserves to get repaid by saving him. Is this what she's getting by giving him. His almost lost life.

She doesn't regret saving him. She never did. The only regret she has was. She met him in the first place. Only if he wasn't here maybe just maybe it wouldn't so hard for her to let her brothers orphanage go. But what now.

She's confused. He made her confused. Miserable. Devastated. She doesn't know what to do. If she chose her dignity she felt like betraying her brother and being selfish.

But if she chose her brothers orphanage. She felt losing herself.. Disgusted and scared to even think of him. The person who she doesn't love touching her. Hell she doesn't even like him in that way.

She sighed and closed the documents."Forgive me brother. Your sister has to do this or I will never be able to live. I am sorry" She wiped her tears and stood up.


Maxwell Pov.

I sighed standing in front of the door of her house. Dylan is really digging his own grave. I don't want him to regret afterward but I can't stop him anymore. He's the one who wants to regret then let him be.

I straightened myself hearing the voice of door opening. I was stunned to see the girl. She wasn't looking like the first time I have seen her. She was looking like she was crying for God knows how long.

I cleared my throat "Hello Ms. Michael. I am Maxwell. Mr. Mathews has." Before I could complete my words she interrupted me.

"No need to tell me. I already know." she said in emotionless tone."So. Are you. I mean."

"No" I was stunned to hear her. I couldn't believe my ears. She is really denying this offer. "Are you sure. I mean you know Dylan. One way or other he always gets what he wants. And this time he's giving you something that you're in need of."

She completely ignored my words "Can you do me a favor." She said making me frown but still I nodded. I don't know what she's planning to ask but I hope it's something that I could give her.

Author Pov.

Dylan was waiting patiently for Max to come. He immediately looked at the door when it cracked open. Dylan's expressions fell a little hearing Max's sigh.

Somehow he had a confidant that she wouldn't let his offer down. Because she's really in need of it right now. And he also aware of the fact that he's taking advantage of her miserable situation.

"Well." Dylan broke the silence and asked Max." She said no. I even tried to convince her but she declined to come with me here." Max's reply made Dylan clenched his jaw and fists. He can't believe she once again rejected him. His golden offer.

In anger he took the vase on the table and broke it."That girl. What is it that she wants. Why can't she understand. Just why can't she accept me. It's not like I am asking something new from her. If she can give herself to others so easily then why not me. Why.''

He picked the table and broke it in anger. Max didn't flinch. He already knew Dylan's temper. Dylan is really of short temper man. He doesn't hurt others in anger but himself.

Without thinking twice he walked out of his office and went to her house. He reached her house and started to bang it.

"Open it. I SAID OPEN THIS FREAKING DOOR LUNA MICHAEL." But no response came.

He kicked the door and banged it in anger many times. But he got no response. Not even a slightest voice was heard.

This time it wasn't his ego. But it was his heart that was on fire. He just can't believe that why she kept on rejecting him. If she can give herself to others and not him. It's not like he's asking this in free...

After a while of banging and letting his anger out he came back to his house. He slammed the door of his bedroom and plopped on the bed. He banged his hands on the bed multiple times.


Luna was sitting staring at the grave in front of her. She placed the flowers on the grave and took a deep breath.

" Look brother your favorite flowers lily" She softly caressed her brothers grave and gulped trying to control her tears. She can't cry because her brother never liked to see her cry.

"Your sister isn't that strong to handle all of this. All of this problems alone brother. How much. How much I wanted you to be here.. Why you left me. Why." At last, she broke down. Tears started to stream down like a pool. She clutched her chest trying not to stop her breathing.

After a while of trying crying and wishing her brothers embrace in which she used to cry her problems out. She stood and once again looked at the grave.

"I am sorry brother. Please forgive me."It was dark. Night has fallen. But no one knows that.

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