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Read books online » Romance » Darkness and Daylight by Mary J. Holmes (best ereader for manga .txt) 📖

Book online «Darkness and Daylight by Mary J. Holmes (best ereader for manga .txt) 📖». Author Mary J. Holmes

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there before you.”

“He had a key to the back door,” returned Victor, “and I gave him up mine. He wants you to send the others. Shall I take them over?”

“Yes—no—I will go myself,” said Edith, remembering Mr. Griswold, from Worcester, and the message she was to deliver.

“YOU go in this rain! Mr. Harrington won’t let you,” said Victor, and Edith rejoined, “I shan’t ask him. I’ve been out in worse storms than this. Bring up Bedouin.”

Victor was never happier than when obeying Edith, and in an inconceivably short space of time Bedouin stood at the back piazza, where his mistress mounted him and rode away. It was not until she had left the Collingwood grounds and was out upon the main road, that she began to feel any doubts as to the propriety of what she was doing. She had not seen Arthur St. Claire for eight years. She must, of course, introduce herself and would he not marvel to see her there in that rain, when a servant could have brought the keys its well. And the message, too—Victor might have delivered that had she been willing to trust him with it, but she was not. Arthur St. Claire had a secret of some kind; Mr. Griswold was concerned in it, and it was to guard this secret from all curious ears that she was doing what she was. Having thus settled the matter to her mind, Edith rode on, unmindful of the rain, which had partially subsided, but still dripped from her black plumes and glanced off from her velvet habit. A slight nervous trepidation seized her, however, as she drew near to Grassy Spring, and noticed the look of surprise with which a stalwart African, standing by the gate, regarded her. Riding up to him she said, good-naturedly, “How d’ye, uncle?” having learned so much of negro dialect from Rachel, who was a native of Georgia.

Immediately the ivories of the darkie became visible, and with a not ungraceful bow, he answered, “Jest tolable, thankee;” while his eyes wandered up the road, as if in quest of something they evidently did not find, for bending forward helooked curiously behind Edith, saying by way of apology, “I’se huntin’ for yer little black boy; whar is he?”

“Where’s who?” and in her fright, lest some one of the little “Guinea niggers” about whom Victor had told her, might be seated behind her, Edith leaped with on bound form the saddle, nearly upsetting the young man hastening out to meet her.

Southern bred as the negro was he could not conceive of a white lady’s riding without an escort, and failing to see said escort, he fancied it must be some diminutive child perched upon the horse, and was looking to find him, feeling naturally curious to know how the negroes of Yankee land differed from those of Florida. All this Edith understood afterward, but she was too much excited now to thing of any thing except that she had probably made herself ridiculous in the eyes of Arthur St. Claire, who adroitly rescued her from a fall in the mud, by catching her about the waist and clasping one of her hands.

“Miss Hastings, I believe,” he said, when he saw that she had regained her equilibrium, “This is a pleasure I hardly expected in this storm,—but come in. You are drenched with rain;” and still holding her hand, he led her into the library, where a cheerful fire was blazing.

Drawing a chair before it he made her sit down, while he untied and removed her hat, brushing the drops of rain from her hair, and doing it in so quiet, familiar, and withal so womanly a manner that Edith began to feel quite at home with him, and to think she had not done so foolish a thing, after all, in coming there. When sure she was comfortable, he drew a chair opposite to her, and for the first time since they met, she had a chance to see what changes eight years had wrought in one she thought so handsome, as a youth. He was larger, more fully developed than when she parted from him in Albany, and it seemed to her as if he were taller, too. He was certainly manlier in his appearance, and the incipient mustache at which her nose was once contemptuously elevated, was now rich, brown beard, adding, as some would think, to the beauty of his face, the pride of his barber, and the envy of his less fortunate comrades. He was a remarkably fine looking man, handsomer even than Richard Harrington, inasmuch as he had not about him the air of helplessness which characterized the blind man. The same old mischievous twinkle lurked in the soft brown eyes, and the corners of the mouth curved just as they used to do. But his smile was not as frequent or as joyous as of old, while on his brow there was a shadow resting—an expression of sad disquiet, as if thus early he had drank deeply from the cup of sorrow. Amid his wavy hair a line of silver was now and then discernible, and Edith thought how much faster he had grown old than Richard Harrington. And well be might, for Richard, in his blindness was happier far than Arthur St. Claire, blessed with health, and riches, and eyesight, and youth. He had no secret eating to his very heart’s core, and with every succeeding year magnifying itself into a greater evil than it really was, as an error concealed is sure to do. Besides that, Richard had Edith, while Arthur, alas, poor Arthur, he had worse than nothing; and as he looked across the hearth to where Edith sat, he ceased to wonder that one who for eight years had basked in the sunshine of her presence, should be as young, as vigorous and happy as Richard had appeared to him. But he must not think of this. He professed to be a woman-hater, he who, in his early boyhood, had counted his conquests by scores; and even if he were not, beautiful Edith Hastings could never be aught to him; and he must not suffer himself for a single moment to think HOW beautiful she was, still he could not help looking at her, and not a movement of her hand or a bund of her head escaped him. But so skillfully did he manage that the deluded girl fancied he never once glanced at her, while he expressed to her his gratitude for having taken so good care of his house.

“There is one room, however, you did not open,” and the eyes of brown met now the eyes of black, but were quickly withdrawn, as he continued, “I mean the one at the head of the stairs, leading from my private sitting-room.”

“How do you know?” asked Edith, a suspicion of the truth flashing upon her. “Did Blue Beard lay a snare in which to catch Fatima?”

“He did,” Arthur answered, “but was nearly as certain then as now that she would not fall into it. Miss Hastings, it gives me more pleasure than I can well express to find one female who is worthy to be trusted—who has no curiosity.”

“But I have a heap of curiosity,” returned Edith, laughingly. “I’m half crazy to know what that room is for and why you are so particular about it.”

“Then you deserve more credit than I have given you,” he replied, a dark shadow stealing over his handsome face.

Edith was about to ask him of the portrait in the drawing room, when he prevented her by making some playful allusion to the circumstances of their first acquaintance.

“I began to think you had forgotten me,” said Edith, “though I knew you could not well forget the theft unjustly charged to me.”

She hoped he would now speak of Nina, but he did not, and as she for the first time remembered Mr. Griswold, she said, after a moment’s pause,

“I came near forgetting my principal errand here. I could have sent your keys, but I would rather deliver Mr. Griswold’s message myself.”

She expected Arthur to start, but she was not prepared for him to spring from his chair as suddenly as he did.

“Mr. Griswold!” he repeated. “Where did you see him? Has HE been here? What did he say? Tell me, Edith—Miss Hastings—I beg your pardon—tell me his errand.”

He stood close to her now, and his eyes did not leave her face for an instant while she repeated the particulars of her interview with the stranger.

“And this is all—you’ve told me all that passed between you?” he asked, eagerly.

“Yes, all,” she answered, pitying him, he looked so frightened, so disturbed.

Consulting his watch, he continued, “There’s time, I see, if I am expeditious, I must take the next train east though I would so much rather stay and talk with you. I shall see you again, Miss Hastings. You’ll come often to Grassy Spring, won’t you? I need the sight of a face like yours to keep me from going MAD.”

He wrung her hand and stepped into the hall just as one of the black women he had brought from Florida appeared.

“Aunt Phillis,” he said, “I wish to speak with you,” and going with her to the extremity of the hall, they conversed together in low, earnest tones, as if talking of some great sorrow in which both were interested.

Once Edith heard Aunt Phillis say, “Blessed lamb, that I’ve done toted so many tunes in these old arms. Go, Marser Arthur; never you mind old Phillis, she’ll get on somehow. Mebby the young lady in thar kin show me the things and tell me the names of yer Yankee gimcracks.”

“I have no doubt she will,” returned Arthur, adding something in a whisper which Edith could not hear.

A moment more and Arthur passed the door, equipped with overcoat and umbrella, and she heard his rapid steps upon the back piazza as he went towards the carriage house. Aunt Phillis now re-entered the library, curtesying low to Edith, who saw upon her old black face the trace of recent tears.

“Is Mr. St. Claire’s friend very sick?” Edith ventured to ask, and instantly the round bright eyes shot at her a glance of alarm, while the negress replied, “Dunno, misses. He keeps his ‘fars mostly to hisself, and Phillis has done larnt not to pry.”

Thus rebuked, Edith arose and began to tie on her hat preparatory to leaving.

“Come in dis way a minute, Miss,” said Phillis. “We’re from Floridy, and dunno more’n the dead what to do in such a shiny kitchen as Marster St. Claire done keeps.”

Edith followed her to the kitchen, in which she found several dusky forms crouched before the fire, and gazing about them with a wondering look. To Edith they were exceedingly polite, and taking a seat in their midst she soon learned from a loquacious old lady, who seemed to be superannuated, that “they were all one family, she being the grandmother, Ike and Phillis the father and mother, and ‘tothers the children. We’re all Ber-NARDS,” she said, “case that was ole marster’s name, but now I dunno who we does ‘long to. Some says to Marster St. Claire and some says to Miss–”

“Mother!” and Phillis bustled up to the old lady, who, uttering a loud outcry, exclaimed,

“The Lord, Phillis; you needn’t done trod on my fetched corns. I warn’t a gwine to tell,” and she loudly bewailed her aching foot, encased in a shoe of most wonderful make.

When the pain had partially subsided, the talkative Judy continued,

“There wasn’t no sense, so I tole ‘em, in ‘totin’ us way off here in the dead o’ winter. I’se kotched a misery in my back, and got the shivers all over

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