Read Romance books for free

A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
Nowadays we are so lacking in love and romantic deeds. This electronic library will fill our needs with books by different authors.

What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Arranged by Katy Wong (free ereaders txt) 📖

Book online «Arranged by Katy Wong (free ereaders txt) 📖». Author Katy Wong

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want to thank Jason . . .” she said, turning to me.

Her eyes drifted from my eyes to her feet. I wanted to hold her chin so that she could look in my eyes forever. She nervously rubbed her thumb with her index finger.

“For being there for me when I needed him and creating many great memories with me. . . Yeah, and also, I want to thank everyone that I know and I meet. Thank you.” She said, turning back to the audience.

Everyone clapped and Vanessa passed the microphone without looking up.

"What about you, Jason?" mom asked.

I tolld the mircophone and smirked, feelings everyone's attention on me.

“I want to thank everyone for everything they have done for me. I am very graceful for having all of you by my side. I want you guys have a have a great time here.”

Everyone clapped.

We got off the stage.

I looked at Vanessa from the corner of my eyes.

We took a seat and mom made the final speech.

Vanessa figet with the dress.

“Vanessa,” I said, breaking the silence between us.

She didn’t enough.

“Umm, listen, about yesterday’s night, I just want to say that I – I, ummmm, - ”

"Look, Jason, I want to tell you along that I am sorry, I really didn't mean it and now I want to take back all of the words that I said to you. Jason I really don't want to fight anymore. But . . . But I get it. I am just not your type of girl. It's ok if you don't feel the same way. I get it if you don't want to apologize." she said, looking in my eyes. There was sadness in her eyes. I want to wipe away the tear that was about to come out and kiss her. I want to do whatever it take to make her happy.

"Vanessa, I -"

"Jason can you just leave it like that? I really don't want to talk about it. - "

“Vanessa!” one of her designers exclaimed.

I made a fist.

How dare she interrupt my conversation when I am talking to Vanessa?

“Come here!” she exclaimed, dragging Vanessa away.

When she was out of sight, I sighed and rubbed my temple.

Most of the night passed by and Vanessa was being introduced to many people.

I walked over to the drink table and grabbed a whiskey.

I poured the whole thing in my mouth. I grabbed 2 more cups.

“Is there any water?” Vanessa asked, suddenly appearing by my side.

I looked at her, before realizing that it was her. I smiled, before chuckling.

“Water?” I asked, “When have you ever heard of water at a Night of Engagement party?”

“Hey! I never drank wine or beer or whatever there is before.” She said, blushing.

I grinned, “There is beer, wine, whiskey and liquor here.”

“What am I suppose to drink?”

“Whatever you want to drink from this table.”

"Fine, is there any juice here?" she asked, peeking at all of the cups.

I smirked, "No, but there's alcohol."

“What is this?” she asked, pointing at the liquors.


She took a cup and took a sip.

She made a face and her face became to have a light shade of pink.

I smiled.

“What about this?” she asked, pointing to the wine.


Again, she grabbed a cup and took a sip.

“Gross! It taste FAKE! It tastes like metal!” she said, when the cup was put down.

I laughed. "That why you don't drink wine, you drink other things."

She smiled a little.

“What is this?” She pointed to sakes.

“Japanese sakes,”

She grabbed it and drinks it.

“It taste weird,” she said.

I studied her carefully.

“Are you sure you want to continue drinking?” I asked her.

“Yeah, I like it; all of the weird taste and unique type in my mouth – I like it.” She said, while nodding.

I raised my eyebrows.

“What is this?” she said, pointing at the Vodka.


She smiled.

"I've always wanted to try a Vodka!" she said.

She grabbed it and took a sip before she pours the whole thing in her mouth.

I chuckled, “Damn, you drink a lot.”

She laughed, “But I am not an alcohol addict and this is my first time.”

“You drink a lot for a beginner.” I said.

“That’s ‘cause I like it!” she said, grabbing for another cup of Vodka.

I raised my eyebrows.

She put one of her hand on my shoulder and drank the whole thing.

I chuckled.

“What’s this?” she asked, pointing to a glass cup.


“Ooooh, cocktail, I’ve always dreamt of drinking cocktails too!” she said, grabbing it and pour the whole thing in her mouth.

"That tastes really good!" she said, grabbing another cup and drank everything.

“You don’t know how to drink alcohols.” I laughing, shaking my head.

“Than how do you drink it?” she said.

“You don’t need to pour the whole thing in your mouth - it makes you dizzy faster.” I said.

“Who cares?” she said, waving her hand, grabbed a Vodka and drank everything.

I grinned.

“What’s that?” she asked.

“Spirits,” I said.

“Spirits?” she asked. She grabbed the cup and poured everything in her mouth.

She knitted her eyebrow and made a face.

She grabbed another cup of Vodka and drank everything.

“So, how was the night?” I asked, trying to get her attention from drinking too much.

“Boring! It was so boring!” she said.

I chuckled and than, there was an awkward silence.

She grabbed her 5th cup of Vodka and drank the whole thing.

"Vanessa I think you are drinking too much." I said.

She shrugged.

I shoved my hands in my pocket and looked around.

“Look, Vanessa,” I said and she nodded, looking into my eyes. I notice that she was trying a bit pink.

“I wanted to tell you this, but you know . . . we were interrupted . . . so what I want to say is that I am – ” Vanessa unconsciously fell into my arms and I sighed.

“Vanessa?” I asked.

She groaned.

Someone gasped and I looked up; mom.

“Quickly, take her upstairs – I knew it, I should have gotten water too!” she said, started getting mad at herself.

I lifted Vanessa and carried her bride style up the stairs and I could hear the guest downstairs cheering.

I rolled my eyes.

I opened the door and laid Vanessa down.

I was about to pull away when an arm went around my neck.

“Jason,” Vanessa whispered. I could smell the alcohol in her breath, but her smell was fainted.

“I . . . want you to stay with me tonight.” She whispered.

“Vanessa, sorry, I can’t. I have to go back down stairs/” I said, untangling her arm from my neck.

She quickly fastened her arms and said, “But I want you . . . I want you to sleep with me, for once.”

I sighed, “ . . . Fine,”

She smiled.

I pulled away and took off everything except for my boxers.

I lay down next to her. The bed felt weird. It wasn't like the couch or the guest room bed.

Vanessa turned her face to face me. She slowly found my hand and hold my hand.

I smiled. The sparks of course was coming crazy. I really want to do it with her, but I know I couldn't.

A few moments later, she quickly let go of my hand and sat up and said, “My head hurts like crazy.”

I got up.

“You want a pill?” I asked her.

She stared at my chest.

“Shut up.” she whispered, “ . . . Are you still mad at me?”

"I don't want you to be mad at me . . ." Vanessa said. She wrapped an arm around my neck and started to play with the hair on my back of my neck.

I smirked.

“Jason?” Vanessa whispered. Vanessa ran her hand over my 8 packs. Her fingers were cool and it felt beautiful when she touches me like that.

“Yeah?” I asked, smirking.

“Be honest with me, ok?” she said.

I waited for her to speak.

“Than, tell me . . . Tell me, how much girls have you slept with . . . in you whole life?” she asked.

I hesitated.

“Tell me.” She said.

“Three.” I lied.

“ . . . Lair. Fat Lair." she said, whispered, smirking, "I said, 'tell me the truth.'”

“Fine . . . I’m going to be honest this time, I slept with eleven.” I said.

She studied me for a second, "Would you sleep with me?"

My eyes widened, not expecting her to ask that, "Yes."

She leaned in and rested her head on the crook of my neck.

I smirked when I notice that she was inhaling my scent.

Having her being this close to me made my wolf go wild. If she does anything more, my wolf would take over control and would do things that I don't dare do, yet. 

“You know I really like your eyes; they are so beautiful – that shade of green.” She said, lifting her head and putting her hand on the side of my neck.

I smirked at her as she took her other hand and run her hand over my cheekbone. 

She leaned in - she was so close to me, my wolf went crazier. I pushed the uncontrolling feeling down, hoping that it could last a little longer.

“And I love your hair. The way they fall over your eyes when you sleep . . . Remember once you sleep on my shoulders in the car, when we were coming home from the hospital?” she asked, grinning.

She took her hand off of my neck and played with my hair.

My smirked grew just by hearing Vanessa admire what she thinks is perfect about me. I knew that when she isn't drunk, she would never say all of this.

“And you know what I love the most about you?” she asked, rhetorically.

I waited for her answer.

“I really like . . . your lips.” She said, smiling, before her eyes closed a little, leaning in closer to me.

I could feel my heart tug from her words.

She put an arm around my neck and my heart started to pick up.

She leaned in and kissed me. My stomach twist feeling her lips agasint mine. I mined her lips along with mine. I can feel my wolf taking control of me. I couldn't stop myself from what I was doing. What Vanessa was hypnotizing. My arm went around her neck and my hand ran up her thigh. I can feel her smile on my lips. My wolf was about to be let free until my mind snapped back to reality and I gently pushed Vanessa away from me.

I didn't know who was more shocked, me or Vanessa.

“Ummm, Vanessa . . . why don’t you sleep for now, you’re probably – ”

She pulled back and she opened her eyes.

What is your fucking problem? I was so close to marking her as ours! My wolf exclaimed, getting furious.

She studied me before she leaned in again, about to kiss me.

I turned my head so she kissed my cheeks.

She pulled away an inch, before reluctantly sit on the bed.

“Why didn't you want to kiss me?” she said, turning my head to look at her in the eye. I can see that she was hurt, but I can't do it or else I would lose it.

“Vanessa, why don’t you sleep – ”

“Jason . . . Kiss me, don't you?"

I shook my head, "Look, Vanesa, I can do this - "

"Am I not pretty enough?" Vanessa asked, loudly.

"No, Vanessa you are beauti -"

"Than why can't you love me like you love those girls on your bed?" she said even louder.

"Vanessa, listen, that was not - "

"Or is it because you didn't sleep with me before? Well, now I want to sleep with you. I want to do it with you! . . . Am I not as sexy as . . . what’s her face, oh yeah, Brittany?” she asked and she pulled down the zipper from the side of her dress and let it fall to the bed.

I could feel my crotch grow in my boxers as my eyes roamed over her whole body. She was just in her black strapless bra with a black lacy panties – this was the first time I have seen Vanessa half naked.

She moved closer to me, but I held her back. She wasn't even nake and I already feel hard.

“Do you want me to be like a slut? Everyone says that she

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