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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » perfect disaster by Raya Arona (best adventure books to read .txt) 📖

Book online «perfect disaster by Raya Arona (best adventure books to read .txt) 📖». Author Raya Arona

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looked good" Ashton mumbled at the sight of the cookies 

Julia sighed. "Don't worry I have a second plate on the oven"

The words were barely out of her mouth when Dan abruptly changed course and headed towards the kitchen.but not before he glared at Ashton muttering. "You cookie thieving bastard" 

"Well, there was," she said

with that, he also left, and we followed him to the living room where everyone was there waiting, Fox was still oddly silent

"We need to split", everyone shakes his or her head at Fox's statement except me, Fox eyeing me and I think he got that I am totally clueless 

"Because we don't want to be here in case their buddies come back."

I whisper enough for them to hear, "Is it safe to go?" 

"Hell no", Dan answered, while cleaning his hands on the bandana that hanged from Rider's rear pocket

"They have snipers" Fox try to make it clear, but that creeps me out more

they... who?

"So!" now Julia ask

"Snipers can wait for a long fucking time," Rider says "And they have all the advantage since we're locked here"

"So what do we do?" I asked again because they creep me out more and more with this explanation and I feel like I start losing it

"We will split" Fox finally answer like an answer, and my brain suddenly screaming 'no shit'

"Ashton and Rider, we will take Eva as a distraction as Ana" Fox was cut by Eva

"Why should I sacrifice myself for this bitch?"

Fox closed his eyes impatient leaving her comment as everyone else, except Dan he was mocking her silently and stopped hiding behind Julia when Eva catch him and send him a death glare

"Daniel and the others will run to the basement and out"

"We can use the fire escape. Instead of going down, go up to the roof and wait" Dan suggested but fox shakes his with disapproval, and Dan accept that nod and don't ask for any whys

"I thought you said the windows were nailed shut." I scowl at Fox, he smirks

"I lied"

"Now let's move" handing the helmet to Eva

"and you?" the question rolled out with no filter, but he mention what everyone should do but he didn't say what he will do

with  his famous wicked smirk and storm out, and with that everyone moved to do what they told, though these days was enough to tell me that smirk means definitely not good 

Suddenly. I felt a strong grip around my hand and pulled me back to hit something solid. While the others continued to walk, yes I know what that steel wall is. He has been used on more than one occasion to hit him

I turned quickly to face him and It seems that I took that moment by surprise, it was not cold and vague. But the features of pain on his face.

he winces and clutches his ribs again. Then I realize 

Fox's been shot. 


chapter 18 ... Family

"Are you hurt?"


"You are offering to play nurse?" passing his finger on his lower lip, tease look on his face

who can have a decent conversation with Fox?

I had my enough

Then I made something surprised me more than him, I lift his shirt up to check on him

am I crazy?

Check on him

Holy moly

I don't know what I was really thinking to check on him on Fox on my kidnapper he is an ass, strangely he was calm his blue ice was close but he opens them quickly as head gaze turned back to me

He was in a hell of pain and he thinks he is good hiding it, actually he did... all that time

"You forgot this, you don't want to be center of attention" his hand stretched out, and it was full with surfaced thick veins and smooth hair, he handed me a black and white bandana

where the stingy, mean, Fox has gone

What going on

He just messing with my brain, right, he's still criminal, he is Fox

Mentally, I shake my head pushing all these thoughts away, with no more lines I snatch the bandana and shadowed the others.

The squeeze in my chest back again, I don't know what's wrong and right anymore but all I know I won't let down my friends the people who really care form me

"let's move baby fighter" I meet Dan's cheery face, letting him take the lead and I followed him

"yeah, let move" whispering to myself more than him, not long till we met Julia leaning on the door frame

"Shall we" I frowned at her, I don't understand maybe more confused about what all this excitement and enthusiasm, simply she kicked her head back giggling

"Hey, don't worry it will be more fun" winking at me and upraised her bandana from her neck to cover her face

"ladies first" Dan gesture to us to get in

"jerk" Julia commented ready to get in, but this is insane

my ass stuck up on the wall behind me, and Dan back between my brows and Julia stepping on Dan's feet and when she tried to correct the situation she kneeled him in the crotch  

"guys is it just me noticing that we are crammed into a storage closet, it's not like we are going to Narnia"

They stopped watching me like if I had two heads before they both burst to laugh, and I felt more like stupid ...seriously

but I can't understand how we will hide or even what we do between baseball bats, CDs, a lot of boxes even the vacuum cleaner was there too

"How many times I came here and never cross my mind the Narnia shit thing?" Julia commented on her laughs

"Oh god, even me" Dan agreed


Now I feel stupider

"Baby fighter, you are really genius" I crossed my arm over my chest, seriously this no fun

"don't call me that" I'm sure the nickname is to distract me from the fact that we've been dumped in the middle of hell. I still fall for it.

"Oh, you don't like it" he paused glancing at the space diving deep into his mind and scratching his hair like a lost monkey

"Find it" 

suddenly he screamed make me and Julia jump, I don't even know why we waited for him with open mouths, I know he will never get something good

"What about baby doll" giving us happy and victorious face

"What" both I and Julia screamed, thanks, good she is on my side

"Babydoll? Are you for real?" his face fall, staring at her with dah

"You know what going to happen to you if Fox hears you calling her that name" 

that impossible, I looked at her in disbelieve, Do these people have any brains? In addition, even if they do I don't know how it works

"What? We must be rational" she defends herself and I rolled my eyes and throw my arms in the air, I'm done with this people

"Uh, guys you are impossible"

"don't be sad I will find a better one" now I want to cry

"Excuse me ladies" taking few steps inside the tight room, he starts putting away the CDs, the boxes, I was just stood watching curiously what he was doing

When he finished removing everything in front of him, he stood staring at the wall in front of him, the curiosity almost wiped me out, but I caught my tongue waiting and being alert like a child waiting for a surprise

He starts drumming his fingers giving the wall few taps, now I can't hold on anymore

"What are you doing" he turned his head looking at me with Look at me with eyes radiated with excitement

"Its magic show time" I didn't understand what he meant, but all clarified when a door opened from the wall

So this is our door to Narnia

"Be careful," he commanded reaching to take my hand in his guiding me down, it was dark old scary stairs

after a long long way down to the basement as they say, in fact, I'd rather call it a hole, I feel like I was traveling to the Earth's center

Now I knew why Fox always showed up in my face whenever I tried to open the holy door

This place is full of secrets, just like his owner, when he jumped into my brain the incident of the book that he took from my hand and was angry with me then

Don't find it strange that Fox is full of secrets, he doesn't talk too much I rather call it commanding I don't see him all the day and at night he will make sure to lock the door behind him and open it in the early morning

"Here put that on, and give me yours" Julia pulled me back to her, she was behind me and I was in the middle and Dan taking the lead

It takes me a moment to understand what she was talking about when I looked at the jacket her black leather jacket handed it to me

"Why I already have one" tugging my jacket as proof, but she shook her head

"No we need to make you unidentifiable as much as we can" she paused looking at the black bandana 

"wow, His bandana ... omg, I mean no one wants you to be in the center of attention in situations like this but ... his precious bandana !!!that's a big hit"

"now, I look like you," I told her, "That's the point, If someone is out there watching, then I'll be the one in danger. They won't recognize you." she replied, handing me a bag. "Here, now put these on."

For a moment I stare down at the bulletproof vest  in her hand confused why are they care and protect me; she takes the risk by being me and put herself in danger for a stranger

"Why you do this, putting yourself in jeopardy for a foreigner" my voice holds much annoyance than rage

"Who said you are stranger" quoting her fingers in the air

"Ana you are family now" giving my shoulder little squeeze with a warm face

"Why" I paused 

"why now" 

that true, everyone hated me and now she says I'm family, and by the way, no one locks family prisoner, besides I'm tired thinking tired confused, this queries perish me

"I don't know why but you are the first one that Fox didn't put on  for sale, instead he keeps you which is rare, which mean you are someone important, a family"

I was stunned, I don't know what to say, should I be flattered or be shocked that Fox works for what ... slave trading, he sells girls, he works on human trafficking

Silently, I took the jacket from her and put it on as she did the same

the silence was higher

I didn't take long when shooting enters the show, Bodies were falling on the ground. I don't really know what's going on, all I can see is the brains of people scattered on the ground

"what's going on" I can't form any logical or even illogical question. This was worse than my worst nightmares, Dan's voice came over the noise "that's  was Fox watching" 

before I have the time to absorb anything, a deafening boom sounds from the back of the house, and I see a flash of blinding white light before an unseen force throws me back to the ground 

The house shakes. The fixtures rattle. The furniture moves. My heart slams into my chest. I'm winded from the fall. Shaking, I hold my hands over my ears and watch in horror, a foot away

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