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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Serenity by Cassidy Infinity (best free e book reader TXT) 📖

Book online «Serenity by Cassidy Infinity (best free e book reader TXT) 📖». Author Cassidy Infinity

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crisises. She was there to help with my geometry homework when I needed her, soothed my nerves on my first day of high school, and sat with me for hours with a pint of Butter Fingers ice cream while I cried on her shoulder over a boy that broke my heart. She was like my mother, and I knew I would be seeing her, but I was going to miss her motherly advice and friendship. I loved her more than anything.

        I bit my lip, sniffled a bit, and wiped my tears as the train pulled out of the station and began to move down the tracks. I wiped at my nose before I grabbed the bag that Auntie had left for me. I pulled out the tissue paper before pulling out a large, pink circular box. I excitedly tore the top off and my eyes lit up at the contents.

It was a hat, one of the types with the large floppy brims. It was my favorite color too, black. It matched perfectly with my outfit righ now too; a long black dress with a ribbon tied around my waist. The sleeves were flared out a bit at the cuffs and the dress billowed out nicely around my ankles. The neckline was decorated with black lace and I was wearing a pair of lace black gloves that Aunty had bought for me on my last birthday. The hat was perfect. I couldn't help but smile as I placed it on my head. Aunty always knew just what to get for me...


        "Miss?" I was roused from my slumber by a man's voice. I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. We'd been on the train for hours now and I must've fallen asleep.

"Yes, I'm awake." I said alertly, hoping no one was trying to bum money off me while on the train. I looked up and saw an elderly man. The train was almost empty. It was just the two of us, and two families in the back of the car.

"Did you miss your stop sweetheart? We're pretty far out here for you to be getting off. We're way out in the boonies now." he looked to be in his 80's and was dressed in a sweater and loose khakis. I smiled faintly.

"Where are we, sir?" I asked curiously as I looked around at the trees whipping by and saw a few mountains as well.

"We'll be hitting the Westriver station in 5 minutes. Are you getting off there?" he asked me as he took a seat across from me. I pushed the brim of my hat up a bit to get a good look at him.

"No, I'm getting off at the next town, Blackbourne." I said brightly. The man instantly paled and his watery eyes widened.

"'re getting off at... Blackbourne?" he gasped. I looked at him in confusion and slowly nodded.

"I'm moving back in with my grandmother. I'm from Blackbourne, but I'm moving back from New York." I informed him quietly. He shook his head.

"No, no... You can't go there, sweetie." he mumbled urgently. I cocked my head to the side.

"What for? I mean it's a little stran-"

"No!" he cut me off with his wheezy voice. He reached over and grabbed my knee and I could feel the fear and urgency that was coming off of him. "Don't go to Blackbourne. It's cursed! After... After what that town did, it's unspeakable... You can't go back there, sweetheart. That Williams family got the entire town cursed with what they did." he said mournfully, shaking his head. My chocolatey eyes widened.

"The Williams family...? I'm a Williams... My name's Serenity. I'm Serenity Williams. My grandfather just died. That's why I'm going back. What happened in Blackbourne?" I asked in a panicked voice. The station was coming up and I wanted to hear what happened. The elderly man shook his head as he stood to gather his luggage.

"It's unspeakable... You can't stay there, Serenity. Not when you're a Williams... You get out of there, sweetheart. Before it's too late." those were his final omnious words before he stood and gathered his luggage, getting off his train with one more frightened glance back twards me. I watched as he hurried off the train station with a young woman, his daughter probably. At least he had a family...

I looked around and saw I was alone on the train now. No one else was going to Blackbourne. I knew it was a little bit out in the middle of nowhere, and the people were a bit strange, but the old man was crazy. It couldn't be 'cursed'. Curses weren't real. I shook my head as if to fling off the bad thoughts as I settled into my seat. Blackbourne was the next town over from Westriver, but it was a good forty minute trip there. Might as well take another nap...


        I woke up as the train jerked into the station. I quickly got up and grabbed my luggage from the rack over my head. I only had a couple of suitcases with me. Aunty was shipping the rest of my things from New York, promised they'd be here in a week or so. I adjusted my hat once more (I had now decided that it was my new favorite possession) and with the help of the steward, I departed from the station. I looked around and at first thought it was completely abandoned. The station in New York, and even the smaller towns had been buzzing with people. I didn't think there was anyone at the station at first, but then I saw a man. He was tall and very distinguished looking, dressed in a black suit and red tie. His black hair was slicked back and his hands were clasped in front of him. He had a strong defined jaw and dark, almost black eyes. The same eyes I'd just been studying turned towards me and a smile tugged at the corner of his lips. He stepped towards me and I had to wonder who he was. "Serenity Williams, I presume." he spoke cordially and politely, but with a friendly air. He had a king geniuine smile, and it made me relax slightly. I smiled a bit and gave a nod.

"That'd be me. How'd you guess?" I asked him curiously. He gave a short little laugh.

"No one's gotten off at this station for years now, ma'am. When Madame told me you were coming, I knew you wouldn't be hard to find. The whole town knows you're coming." he informed me. I raised my brow as I walked towards him, dragging my luggage with me.

"Can I ask who you are? And just who Madame might be?" I asked him curiously, cocking my head to the side. He smiled at me and gave a little bow.

"My name is Baudelaire, ma'am. I work for your family. I mostly just tend to Madame, -I'm sorry, your grandmother- but I am now also to work for you." he informed me kindly. I looked a bit startled.

"You work for my family? The Williams?"

"Well I believe that's your last name now isn't it, ma'am?" he commented sarcastically. I couldn't help but laugh a bit and nod. "Let me take your luggage to the car. Madame has been eagerly awaiting you. She may be elderly but she's still got quite a mouth on her." he gave a light laugh as he moved to take my suitcases away. I nodded my thanks to him before I followed him, having to jog a bit to keep up, my dress flowing out behind me.

"So you say the whole town knows that I'm coming?" I asked him curiously as Baudelaire led me towards a sleek, fancy car. As we got closer, I was shocked to see how nice it was. "Holy shit!" I gasp before he can answer me. "What type of car is this? Is this your car?" I blabbered as Baudelaire loaded my things into the trunk. He looked amused at my shock.

"Oh no, this is not my car. It's Madame's. I use it to drive her to and from wherever she needs, run errands, etc." he said nonchalantly as he shut the trunk and opened the back seat door for me. Baudelaire was proving to be quite good at his job. He even helped me into the back before shutting the door. I admired the smooth leather seats and wood finish in the car. It must've cost a pretty penny. I remembered Grandma and Grandpa being well off, but not this wealthy. To be honest, I really didn't have too many memories of Blackbourne. It was all vague, glimpses and flashes. Whenever I tried to focus on a consistent memory of the town, it would fad away. I remembered my grandfather and my grandmother, but everything else was like a fuzzy blur.

"Ma'am?" Baudelaire's calm voice broke through my suddenly confused thoughts. I looked up and saw him watching me through the rear view.

"Sorry, did you say something?" I asked him, blushing a bit at my own stupidity. "I zoned out a bit." I apologized as I absentmindedly picked at the lace gloves I was wearing. He smiled a bit.

"I wanted to know if you wanted an answer to your earlier question. About the town." I smiled a bit when I remembered how off track I'd gotten.

"Yes, you said at the station that everyone in town knew I was coming. Our family, are they well known?" I asked curiously. Baudelaire let out a laugh at my words.

"Well known? Oh, ma'am, your family is the very root of this town. Blackbourne was started by the Williams. My family's worked for your family since the beginning. It's a tradition." he informed me with a faint smirk at my naivety about my family past.

"So... people know us...?" I asked in shock. I had been much younger the last time I was here, and Grandma never let me out into town much. I was unaware that we were so influential on the town. Baudelaire smiled and nodded at me.

"Correct. The entire town knows you're coming." he informed me. "The Williams heiress, finally returned to Blackbourne. Everyone's buzzing about it." I watched as the town came into view. It was all gray and rather dilapidated. I saw people on their porches stiffen as we came into view. People on the street straightened up when they saw the car. Everything looked rather shabby compared to the sleek, shiny car that we were driving in. I felt my heart sink a bit as the townspeople began to look at us, some in fear, some in awe, some in disgust, some in hatred. I felt sick to my stomach. What was going on...?

My eyes were drawn to a large hilll that we were approaching. At the top I could see a huge mansion. Just from here I could tell how elaborate and elegant it was. I leaned forward in my seat and my brown eyes widened as we started up the hill. Baudelaire's eyes darted to me and I could see him smiling. "Welcome to Blackbourne, ma'am. Welcome to Blackbourne..."

A/N: Yaaay chapter twooo :D please vote comment, like whatever. ILY guyzzz!

Teaser: Serenity reunites with her grandmother and begins to explore the family estate where she runs into a strange boy. Baudelaire hints as to why Serenity may not remember much of her childhood in Blackbourne.

Chapter Three: The Williams Graveyard
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