Read Romance books for free

A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun
.He and she are enjoying each other.
Nowadays we are so lacking in love and romantic deeds. This electronic library will fill our needs with books by different authors.

What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Dreamsicles by Kelli G (good story books to read .TXT) 📖

Book online «Dreamsicles by Kelli G (good story books to read .TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author Kelli G

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his bangs but she stopped short. She didn’t want to annoy Zethro more even in this state. He is not himself but somehow
 he is himself. She doesn’t know. And she didn’t care. All she ever wanted was to love Zethro.

          She flinched a little when he covered her hand with his. Shocked, she blinked a couple of times before gazing into his blue eye. Seeing a message there, she slowly hiked her hand up until she felt she covered his hidden eye. With that hand, she gently swept his bangs away and tucked it over his ear.

          Her breath caught in her throat as she stared at the most beautiful sight she ever saw. She was now looking at Zethro with both of his eyes before her. One a beautiful blue and the other a dazzling red. Both glowed like the silver moon above them and she could never ask for a better moment than this.

          “And I like who I am.” Zethro whispered and closed his eyes before Anna felt his lips on hers. He’s kissing her! He’s really kissing her!

          Finally, her last thought before closing her eyes and absorbed the lovely feeling.


          “What has happened?”

          “Is that okay? I mean, I know it’s night but this is still a part of the school.”

          “A very crucial part of the school, unfortunately.”

          The voices kept on mumbling and Anna was extremely annoyed. Whoever wanted to wake her from this beautiful dream deserves to die. She really wanted to prolong the feeling of Zethro kissing her. How she wished this happen sooner but she really wanted to save her first kiss to him.

          Her breath hitched when she felt something tighten on her waist and she was forced to open her eyes
 Only to find herself gazing into Zethro’s face. His eyes were close and

          She blinked and blinked and blinked but she really is awake and
 and Zethro was really kissing her. Her eyes darted around her and they widened when she saw a lot of people’s heads are gathered around them. What has happened?

          She remembered Zethro charging towards her. That millions of voice that talks around them and the way Zethro talks. Her seeing both of his eyes. Him kissing her—which is still happening now. She already fell for him and he doesn’t need more assurance and—wait
 they were falling a while ago

          “Hmm hmn,” Anna mumbled and Zethro just groaned before hugging her tight again. She fought the feeling of being sucked into his vortex again and patted his shoulder. When it did not work, she patted his cheek. Still not working, she flicked on his forehead and he finally let her go.

          “Ow! What was that for?” Zethro demanded, an arm slid off her waist and his hand rubbed his forehead.

          Anna opened her mouth but she shut them back when she saw the both of them floating a good five feet from the ground. She saw the people around them again and cleared her throat. “W-well, Zeth, as much as I want to do that a-again, I couldn’t. There are people watching us!”

          Zethro looked around them and shrugged. “So what?”

          She widened her eyes at him. “So what? Are you kidding me?”

          He laughed and hugged her and she couldn’t help but smile. He let her go but he draped his arm around her shoulder before raising a hand and lowering them back in the ground. People gasped in shock and horror and that puzzled Anna.

          “What’s the deal?” she whispered toward Zethro and when she faced him, she couldn’t help but smile when he did not cover his other eye and his eyes are not glowing anymore but his whole body.

          “The deal is that we are in front of the principal’s office.” Zethro said calmly and grabbed her hand, pulling her into the building and nodding to the dumbfounded students that are present.

          Anna’s face heated and buried her face in her hands. Principal’s office? How mortifying! And they did PDA there?!

          “Don’t sweat it, Anna.” Zethro suddenly said and Anna whipped her head to look at him. She narrowed her eyes at him and gasped. Did he just—

          “Yes, I did.”

          Her face burned. So, he knows. She was, indeed, happy that he doesn’t hide his other eye anymore but that could only mean—

          “I know.” Zethro quickly kissed her cheek and nodded to Senior Nikolo as they passed him. “Oh, and Nikolo, investigate on the accident, will you? I want to know if it was accidental or not.”

          “Yes, Sir.” With that, he nodded at his group and they all flew away, while the others herd the onlookers away.

          Anna shook her head. Zethro is being addressed as Sir? And he didn’t address Senior Nikolo as a senior! “Zeth—”

          “I know. I should have told you before, Anna. But I want you to love me and know me as the real me.” They both stopped in front of a door and Zethro turned toward her and took her hands in his. “I was scared for you to know the truth and that came to haunt me. That was the part that you witnessed a while ago. And the thing is, while I have you in my arms, I don’t care about anything anymore. I don’t care if you knew and you would be mad. I just know that I told you the truth and I showed you the real me and I am not sorry that you met the ordinary me. Not the Mutant School President-slash-Principal.”

” She looked into his blue and red eyes and cupped his cheek. “You were the one who sent the mail.”


          “You already know of my powers.”

          “Guilty. But I haven’t really experienced it until a moment ago.”

          “You are Zen Jethro Anubis. Principal-President of the Mutant School. Has the powerful power of transforming things and can control the elements.”

 Yeah. T-that’s me.”

          “You told me he’s your father.”

          “I’m sorry about that.”

          “You disguised your name!” She flicked at his forehead.

          “Ow! Okay, I deserve that. I’m sorry.” he said while rubbing the sore spot.

          “But you’re the one I love.”

          “I’m sorry, that’s—Wait
 You do?”

          Anna laughed. “I thought you said, you knew?”

          Zethro smiled and rubbed his nape. “Well, I was bluffing. I couldn’t read into your mind, Anna. Unless you want me to.”

          “Oh, Zeth—wait, is it okay for me to still call you Zethro? You’re Zen Jethro now.”

          “You can still call me that
” he smoothed the hair from her eyes. “You can also call me, Zen, Jet, Honey, Dear, Darling
 You can call me anything you want.”

          Anna grinned. “I don’t hear a proper question, Zeth.” she teased.

          Zethro rolled his eyes and kneeled on the ground. “Okay, fine, I knew you were not gonna make this easy so I’ll go to the extreme measure already.”

          Gathering her hands in his again, he cleared his throat. “Anna Tennyson, will you be my bride?”

          She smiled. “No.”

          “Hmp. FiancĂ©e?”

          “Ha-ha, no.”


          Anna pulled him up at that. “That
 we can start.” she flicked at his forehead again. “Knucklehead, I still have to go to school or the Principal will terminate my entrance.”

          “Hmm, I think I could talk with the Principal about your case.” He felt for his forehead. “That is, if his brains won’t be turned to mush by a certain new entrĂ©e.”

          She pulled on his collar until their faces are close. “Now you make me sound like food.”

          His eyes flashed. “You are, my love. You are.”

          He kissed her then while pulling her into the building. Anna’s wings fluttered open and were glowing with a colorful kaleidoscope that mimics Zethro’s aura.

Wish Upon A Star


          I am a normal, regular, ordinary girl. But who I landed on, was not some normal, regular, ordinary guy or person. No. He’s a mystic being from the other side of the planet and it’s not that he came here on Earth, thus making him weird. Again, no. I came on his home planet and it makes me an alien
 and weird. But unlike the aliens(which was probably them, anyway), coming on Earth, they have powers and/or abilities that makes them very intriguing, I am the exact opposite of it. If I’m a food, I’m bland. I don’t even know what he sees in me.

          Did I mention how I got here? No, maybe not. Honestly, I don’t know how I got here, either. I somehow wanted to connect what happened to me with Gil Perez’s case on 1593. The only thing that’s different is just a little thing

          I found myself lying with my face flat on soft grass. I opened my eyes and saw a pair of white sneakers with blue streaks. I looked up from the shoes, the blue jogging pants with white lines on each of its side, to the white shirt with blue linings and looking straight up at a handsome face with dark chocolate brown eyes.

          He smiled at me and—I know it sounds crazy—but he told me I was his girl. That we were meant to be and all that stuff. And, still a little confused on my whereabouts, I kind of accepted him even though all I thought about in accepting something from him was his help. It seemed like he comes with the package.

          All I know is that I am in some kind of new planet, lost, alone and downright different. Honestly, I don’t feel as if I’m away from Earth anyway. Nothing became different even if I’m an alien here. I’m still ordinary, plain, unappreciated. I know that the feelings of this guy for me are not that serious. Guys always do that to get the girl. And I never landed on any guy
 Until now. But this is all temporary. I’ll find a way to get home and forget this all happened. Even with a story like this, it won’t sell on Earth if I say it.

          I never talked to him, he never talks to me. He just leads me to different places in the strange planet. It was beautiful. No pollution. No big over-bearing cities. Since I’m an orphan and an exiled rat on Earth, the treatment of this planet is much better than there and it makes me want to stay in here. No matter if I’m ordinary, I could start a new life here.

          He leads me in a mall. Many people—if you could call them that—are milling over minding their own businesses. He went over a store leaving me standing looking at one of the shops displays. He thinks I didn’t know he left me and probably went over to get some new girl. I frowned. I may be ordinary but I am not that ordinary to be useless. I looked at a wooden board. It was blank. I rolled my eyes and looked at it again and saw that red goo—blood maybe, began drawing on the board the shape of an eye with markings written vertically on each of its side. Markings which I saw written on mysterious parchments that

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