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Read books online » Romance » Loving Ali by Shånnon Marie (heaven official's blessing novel english TXT) 📖

Book online «Loving Ali by Shånnon Marie (heaven official's blessing novel english TXT) 📖». Author Shånnon Marie

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his voice echoing the desire inside of me.
"Up the stairs, first door to the right," I answered, nibbling down his neck and clutching at his rock solid chest.
He carried me up the stairs and into my bedroom, caressing me with lips and hands the entire way. He closed the door behind him, and placed me down on my bed. He switched on a lamp, and removed his shirt and draped it over the light, casting the room into a dim glow and creating the ultimate sensual atmosphere. He turned to face me, lust written all over his features. "I thought you didn't do one night stands, Doc," he grinned, situating his flawless body over mine.
"And I thought you didn't dig innocent and inexperienced women," I gasped, wanting him to kiss me again.
"Touche, Doc," his mouth reclaimed mine, and his fingers skillfully began roaming around my body. He nimbly unbuttoned my shirt, kissing the skin on my midsection as he went.
"Where are you from?" I blurted out, blushing at how out-of-place the question sounded.
"Hmm?" he looked up at me, and his hands went around my back to undo my bra.
"Your skin," I moaned in delight as his fingers caressed my breasts. "You're so tan."
"I'm from Saudi Arabia," he replied.
"No accent?" I gasped as his mouth descended on my nipple.
"I've spoken English since a very young age," he said as his fingers ventured lower and undid my jean fastener.
I cried out as his fingers crept down and found the soft flesh that so eagerly awaited his touch.
"Doc, has anyone ever told you you're beautiful?"
"I'll bet you say that to all the girls," I moaned.
"Think again," he murmured. "You've got a fantastic body. I want to be inside of it."
"Then do it!" I pulled his lips down to mine. "Ali, take me! Now! Please!"
He nodded and removed his jeans, casting them aside as I pulled his briefs down to his ankles.
"And I thought naughty girls were tempting!" he chuckled. "I can't remember the last time I had a hard-on this strong."
I thrashed about wildly against the hurricanes in my stomach, and he pinned me in place. "I didn't bring anything, Doc."
"Any what?"
"I'm on the pill," I said.
He grinned. "So you're a virgin?"
I nodded.
"this is gonna hurt a bit, Doc. But not for too long." His lips found mine again, and he entered me. I screamed into his mouth. There was a momentary flash of pain, but it was quickly forgotten as the passion and ecstasy of our lovemaking took over. Our hips moved together in perfect unison as he buried himself so deep inside of me I couldn't tell where I ended and he began. The tension in my stomach built and intensified with every passing second and my body screamed for release.
"Ali!" I cried.
"Just a little bit longer, Claire," he rasped. "Ready? Now!"
My body followed his command, and we exploded together in a beautiful harmony of pure bliss. I buried my face into the corner of his neck, kissing and licking the sweat off of his skin.
He remained motionless for a few moments, then turned over and laid next to me.
"Ali?" I whispered.
He smiled, shook his head, and brought one finger up to his lips in a motion for silence.
I tucked myself up against him and rested my head on his chest. He strong arms wrapped around me, holding me close. The sound of his steady breathing, combined with the energy expended in our lovemaking, I soon drifted off into a beautiful sleep. Chapter 2

I opened my eyes and started to sit up, gasping at the sharp ache between my legs.
"Yeah, you're probably going to be sore for a bit," Ali spoke. "This was your first time, after all."

I turned towards his voice. He stood next to the bed, fully dressed except for his shirt, which he was currently pulling on over his head.
"Are you leaving?" I propped myself up, and pulled the sheets up to cover me.
"Yeah," he rolled his shoulders. "Why?"
"I dunno," I shrugged.
He gave me a strange look. "It's called a one-night stand for a reason, Doc."
"So, it didn't mean anything to you?" I pursed my lips. "Nothing at all?"
"Whoah there, Doc," he chuckled. "I don't do attachments, remember? Last night was great and all, but it was

just sex."
I nodded, and bit the inside of my cheek. "Okay."
"Hey, now, don't be like that," Ali frowned. "You're a real neat lady, Doc. Pretty, smart, and funny. There's bound to me a million men out there in love with you. I'm just not one of them."
I smiled and nodded.
"Tell you what," he sat down on the bed next to me. "If I ever do decide to pursue a relationship, you'll be the first to know, 'kay?"
"Okay," I said.
He kissed me soundly, then stood to leave.
"Do you go to the cafe a lot?"
"Hardly ever," he gave me a wistful smile. "I live downtown, and this is actually the first time I've ever been out here to this little place. Unless you happen to come to my gym, or I have to come to your hospital, it's unlikely I'll ever even see you again. Sorry."
"Oh. Well, then, bye I guess."
"See ya, Doc," he grinned, and then he was gone.

I checked my clipboard, and turned to Nancy. "Has Ollie improved at all since this morning?"
The nurse grimaced, and shook her head. "He's still running a high fever, and he can't keep any food down. Kip's gonna take him in for an Ultrasound."
"Poor kid," I murmured. Ollie had come in earlier this morning with a bad stomach pain. We put him on pain meds, but as soon as they'd worn off, the aches had returned. "How's Danni?"
Nancy grinned. "She's great! Kip might even let her go home today!"
Kip Brighton was the head doctor of the pediatric ward, where I was temporarily stationed. I usually worked in the ER, but one of the other pediatric doctors had left on maternity leave, so I'd stepped in, since the ER staff could handle without me.
"Claire, you've been a naughty, naughty girl," came Kip's voice from behind me.
I shrieked and spun around to face him. "I swear, Kip, it wasn't my idea! It was just for a glass of wine, and then he-"
"Claire?" Kip tried to interrupt, but I had to lay out my defense.
"Plus, it was almost two weeks ago, Kip! I swear it won't happen again!"
"Claire, what the devil are you talking about?"
"You mean we weren't talking about Ali?" I chuckled nervously.
"Ali? Who's Ali?" Nancy asked, always eager for gossip.
"Nevermind Ali, whoever the hell he is," Kip crossed his eyes and made a face, "although Nancy might explode if you don't tell her. What I came here to say was that I was going over your hours for this past week, Claire, and you've been working overtime like crazy! You need to take some time off, love."
"Kip, I'm fine, really, I-"
"No, I insist," he smiled. "And in fact, I have two passes here to go to La Reve tonight. I'm sending you and Nancy home immediately so you can get ready. She's already promised me she'll watch you and make sure you enjoy yourself."
Nancy shrieked. "Omg, La Reve? I didn't know you were sending us there

, Kip! Oh, you're the best boss in the whole entire world!"
He chuckled. "Here," he said, handing me the two passes. "Now you behave, Claire. Actually, scratch that. Nancy, see to it that Claire misbehaves herself all night long."
Nancy giggled and bobbed her head furiously. "I promise, Kip! Come on, Claire! Let's go!"

"La Reve!" Nancy squealed for what must have been the trillionth time. "We get to go to La Reve! Can you believe it, Claire?!"
"Nancy, please, it's just a club!" I laughed.
"It's only the

most exclusive nightclub in all of New York!" she beamed. "Almost every celebrity has been there, from Bon Jovi to Heath Ledger!"
"Whatever," I rolled my eyes and slipped into the skimpy blue dress Nancy had insisted I buy for tonight.
"Oh, come on, Claire!" Nancy applied a fresh coat of dark lipstick. "Live a little, would you? I promised Kip we'd enjoy ourselves!"
"I'll try," I smiled.
"That's the spirit!" she grinned and pulled on her heels. "You ready?"
I nodded, and she gave a small frown. "You sure you won't let me give you a makeover?"
"Positive," I chuckled. "Well, we might as well get this over with, then. Let's go!"

"Passes?" the security guard prompted us.
Nancy shoved the passes into his hand, and dragged me through the doors. "Oh my God, Claire, look! It's Avril Lavigne! And Colin Firth! Can you believe it?!"
"I think I just might die," I responded dryly. "How could I ever resist Colin Firth?"
Nancy hit my arm and frowned. "Claire, you promised you'd enjoy yourself! Come on, I think you nedd a couple drinks to put you in the mood." She started to pull me towards the bar, but I resisted.
"I'd rather not get hosed, Nancy. I get the worst

migraines afterwards."
"Claire! Claire! Ohmigodohmigodohmigod I cannot BELIEVE

who's here!" Nancy looked like she was on the verge of exploding.
"Who?" I glanced around, expecting to see Brad Pitt or someone like that.
"It's Ali-Akim Hassan Dashkir Abdul-Aziz, one of the princes of Saudi Arabia! He was on the cover of GQ a few weeks ago, and the Clavin Klein magazine voted him one of the top 25 hottest men in the world! Oh my God, Claire, he's so sexy I think I might die! Can you believe it??!!! Saudi Arabian royalty!!"
I strained to see where she was pointing, which was difficult since it was dark and everyone was dancing and moving around. Suddenly, my jaw dropped. "You mean that guy in orange?"
"Yeah!" Nancy clapped her hands and smiled dreamily. "Isn't he gorgeous?"
"Nancy?...I know him." I looked over at the man again, to make sure it wasn't an illusion or something. It was Ali, alright.
"You know

"Nancy, I slept with him!" I leaned against the bar, not trusting my legs to hold me up.
"Nuh-uh! No way, Claire, I don't believe you! You're so uptight all the way! I'm gonna go ask him!"
"Oh God, Nancy, no please I don't want to talk to him. It'll be so embarassing! It was a one-night stand, please-!" but she had already taken off across the floor towards him.
I had to get out of here. There was no way I could face Ali, I'd die of embarassment. Especially

if Nancy asked him if I'd fucked him.
I began to make my way towards the door, but a hand grabbed my arm and spun me around. "I didn't know you were into the club life, Doc," Ali grinned. "You been holding out on me?"
"Wait, so you do

know her?!"

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