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What is Romance?

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Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » I'm A Gangsta, Ma' by Brea Isome (desktop ebook reader .txt) 📖

Book online «I'm A Gangsta, Ma' by Brea Isome (desktop ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Brea Isome

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were notorious for our road trips. Once, we had gone to Germany for a whole week, told our parents we were on a school trip and there were no more questions. Another time we went to New York City and Casey had gotten so drunk at a party we had to hold her hair as she puked behind the club. Oh, it was funny as hell! I Swear On Baby Jesus



" please, mother?" I jumped up and down and watched her sift through her closet. " there will be adults."


She sighed and turned to face me. " where did you say you wanted to go again?"


" a spa. It's just for girl time. Me, Casey, Marie, and Raven. Look," I pulled out my cell phone and waved it around. " You can even call me whenever you want."


Her brows creased. Her small foot tapped relentlessly on the marble floors. " if you get into any trouble-"


" ah!" I screamed happily. I ran to her and hugged her spinning us around in circles. " thank you, thank you, thank you! "


I hadn't even hit the stairs before my girls rushed me." what did she say?"


" Oh God, did she say no? Your mom is so strict, you should have asked your dad."


" Damnit," Marie nudged the other two. " will you let her talk? She hasn't even said anything yet." Her head snapped to me. " what did she say?"


" She said yes!"We all huddled up in a screaming, giggling mess in the middle of the large hallway.Their mothers had also said yes, which meant, there was no stopping us.




We sat down at a small eating table outside of Starbucks, each discarding our bags next to our chair. Before we even spoke about the party they made me explain in depth who Daniel was and how I knew him.I had explained it the best way I could. " He comes into the hospital all the time, and we talk." I had said hearing oohs and aahs before we got back on subject.


" so, when is the party?" Marie asked.


I pulled out my phone and went to my Facebook account, pulling up Daniel's message. " it's this Friday at 10 pm."


" so, we have five days to plan everything. I say," Raven paused to take a sip from her Frappe. " we take a tour bus. They're so big and spacious, besides, we've never taken one on our trips."


I agreed. " I second that. There will be room for our bags, and places for us to a sleep."


" do those things have a shower? You guys know how I am." Casey complained." it'll probably cost more to get one but I'm down. Let's figure out who's paying for what. "


" I'll pay for the bus." Casey stepped up.


" I'll pay for the hotel once we get there." Said Raven.


" I guess I'll pay for any restaurants we stop at on the way?" Marie more like asked than told.


" no, no, no." I told her. " You pay for a tourist tour on the way there. We can stop a few times, tour a little, and of course shop. And I'll pay for our spa treatments."


" what spa treatments?"


" for us , tomorrow. I told my mother we were going to the spa so we are- just not for the full week. We stop at the spa, then we head off from there. Sound good?" Everybody agreed. " okay, everybody work on your parts tonight, and be sure to pack light. We'll do a lot of shopping on the way."


We split up and I went to the Christian Dior store. There were these yellow pumps with a transparent heel that I had been eyeing for a week or so. I wasn't sure what to wear them with which is why I hadn't picked them up but they were just screaming my name. I had to have them.


" it'll be nine hundred and twenty-three dollars and forty-two cents. will that be cash or credit?" The woman behind the desk asked, skeptically.


Oh, it was such fun screwing with these people. I looked young, younger than eighteen. I looked young enough that they didn't think I had two hundred thousand on a bank card and more credit card than i could count. Oh, the beauty of having wealthy parents. I realized not everyone did so I was grateful for them. who knew where i had came from or where I would have ended up if they hadn't adopted me? I hated to even think about it.


" credit." I pulled a card from my wallet, it was bright pink with my name etched across the front. " this'll do, I guess."I swiped it and after the receipt printed out i signed it. " You have a nice day." I said, smiling at the woman.


" You too, please do come again." The sickly sweet tone in her voice allowed for me to know the she was hoping I wouldn't, but I definitely would be.


I found my silver Toyota right where I left her in front of Starbucks, sped my bags in the trunk, and started back for my home. It was only a Thirty minute drive but traffic tacked on another fifteen minutes to that.


As soon as I stepped through the large oak double doors of our house my father began his interrogation. I knew it was coming!" where is it that you want to go for a week, Sophia?"


" just the spa dad. It's a girl's week. You know, we'll be in college in a few months and-"


He shrugged. " aren't you all going to college at the same school?"


" yes, but-"


" so why do you need a spa week?"


" it's five days! But for relaxation and fun!"


My dad raised a dark eyebrow as he looked down at the shopping bags in my hand. " You already have plenty of fun. I think you should say."


" but, daddy! please? I'll stay out of trouble, I'll call everyday, and I'll send pictures!" I widened my big Brown eyes and poked out my lip. " please? The other families already said yes."Please let this work, please let this work.


" if I find out your anywhere but the spa-"


" ah!" I jumped on him. " thank you, so much daddy."He wouldn't find out that I was anywhere but the spa. His work kept him so busy that even if he heard something he wouldn't have time to check.Just as I thought that, his beeper went off, and he was off to the Mercy John's Hospital.

Late Night Fantasies



Dinner was over by eight o'clock.


Janie cooked for me and I ate alone which I wasn't too worried about on this night because I was able to make the spa reservations. Two thousand dollars, gone.


My father was at the hospital still, and my mother was at the office. She was a plastic surgeon with her own private practice. But when she wasn't lifting, pulling, and tucking, she was writing magazine articles and best sellers.


Work came first in my family, clearly.


By ten o'clock I was showered and in my very large, and very pink, canopy bed. My television was playing re-runs of Spongebob and my cell phone was glued to my hand and I found Daniel's Facebook profile. We weren't friends, so of course what i could see was limited but I was able to access him pictures.


I flipped through picture after picture, watching as different faces passed, girls and boys alike. There were so many. There was one face in particular that I was fascinated by; the face of Daniel's brother. Every time I saw him in a picture I would stop and stare at that one picture a few minutes. I learned from the comments of one picture that had Daniel's brother in it that his name was Spade.


" Spade." I whispered. That lined up with what Daniel was trying to tell me at the hospital before his brother began to scream at me.Spade was a nice name, but It couldn't be his real one. Did his real name start with and 'S'? Maybe it was Steven, or Shawn, maybe Stefan. I liked Steven.Steven, Spade, it's all the same!


I didn't want to admit it but i was intrigued.


Daniel and Spade were so different. While Daniel seemed soft in some ways, Spade seemed like there wasn't a soft bone in his body.I wondered if his penis was soft.At that thought, I flipped over. I had encountered my fair share of people, but never someone who looked so rough around the edges but still so sexually appealing.


Would he be at the party? I hoped so, then I could meet him and finally take my foot out of my mouth and tell him how much of an ass he was for yelling me at the hospital. He was intimidating, and I had let that run me off. But if he thought he could pull the same shit twice then he would be sadly mistaken.


I had stared death right in the face plenty of times. On one of my trips with the girls there was a pimp in Vegas and that's all I'm going to say about that.


He looked so dangerous though. A lot more dangerous than that pimp did.I wondered how he looked during sex. There was absolutely no way he looked like my ex boyfriend Chase did, snarling and curling his lip , coming in his condom before he hadn't actually even broken through my hymen.


The beloved Chase, in his polo shirts and beige slacks was almost impossible to hate. He was sweet alright, too sweet. That's why we had broken up. He was a completely pushover.


If I said something he went above and beyond the call of duty which sounds lovely, but 24-7? No. It was annoying.Spade couldn't be a pushover, not being so big, I mean. He looked like he pushed back.


So back to the million dollar question: was he good in bed? It would be a shame if he wasn't- not that I was trying to find out! I was just curious. By no means would I throw myself into the bed of a man I didn't know. I definitely was not like so many girls I had met.

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