Read Romance books for free

A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
Nowadays we are so lacking in love and romantic deeds. This electronic library will fill our needs with books by different authors.

What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » SERIOUS by Belinda Louis (best romance books of all time TXT) 📖

Book online «SERIOUS by Belinda Louis (best romance books of all time TXT) 📖». Author Belinda Louis

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"Ok so go talk to him" she said turning her chair around relaxing her elbows on the bar

" me not return leaving with you" she shrugged her shoulders and smiled at me

I walked towards him and he looked at me up and down and didn't take his eyes off me. I suddenly felt wanted by him. His gaze just made me want more of him. Which I do, Carren is right I need to loosen up and just have sex. I'm not saying I want to lose my virginity to him. Maybe I just might up end up lucky. Lucky as in I'm not a virgin anymore.

His friend who purchased bags and a perfume set remembered me and introduced himself to me.

"Well hey..remember me?" she smiled really hard shaking my hand

"'re that boy who bought gifts for his girlfriend right?" I asked hoping it was right. But I knew it was, not so sure he would say yes, or something sarcastic. You know?

"Wow..nice too see you again I'm Josh" he said taking a sip of his drink

"Rose...I'm your cashier ha.." I joked around. He started laughing too and he introduced me to everyone else going around.

"That's Ken, John my faternal twin brother, Micheal, Samuel, Chris, and last but not lease David my buddy" he pointed at him with his thumb. He came closer to my ear trying to tell me a secret.

"David is actually my best friend. Wouldn't want to say it in front of everyone or they will get mad" my eyes widen. That would explain why David is his best friend he's so so...

"So hot" I said staring at him again. He smiled and I smiled back and BAM! I already I might end up lucky anyway. HECK YEA WITH DAVID!

"Rose...!?" Yelled Josh. Ihad my focus on David the whole time and maybe he noticed but I don't care.

"Yea sorry" I replied then he started talking about other stuff. Which was boring but it all got interesting when he said his soon to be finace is Jessica Alba. I was drinking a beverage and I automatically spit it out.

"Your girlfriend is Jessica Alba???!???!?!??!" I yelled that he seemed freaked out

"Yes..." he replied slowly

" her she's like my favorite actresses of all time. Your so lucky" He laughed but then I felt bad if I had asked him to get me an autograph. That would just be to much. Way too much.

"So lucky...Can you tell her I'm a huge fan?" I asked desperately

"Yea I'd be happy too....Jessie loves her fans"

"You call her Jessie? How cute" I frowned looking all cute talking to him

"He only gave her that name cause when he fucked her for the first time his first words were Jessie...I'm coming" said David. His friends began to laugh at Josh. He blushed then a smile slowly painted his face and sarcasticly laughed really lame. I looked at him and said

"That's funny" I said giggling. Josh knew something must be up so he and the rest of the boys left our sight and went partying there asses on the dance floor.

"Let's leave these two alone" he winked both at me and David and he giggled at David and David giggled back. Wierd what boys can do to show sign of getting lucky tonight.

David couldn't take his eyes off of me. He started talking about when he and Josh met in the third grade and all that junk. Then led to the part about high school when Josh had a bottle of apple juice and David and John urinated in it. Uhh..Gross!

I started laughing well because his pranks were funny. He offered me a drink which I will not drink because one I don't drink. Well I lied, I just don't trust people. I harely even know David so don't blame me. He asked me if I wanted to dance. Hell yea, I wanna dance. For the first time I'm able to hold him. That's when I really needed I drink. I'm a horrible dancer I need it I can't take it anymore. I grabbed the drink at the table we were sitting at and drunk my surrows away. David held me in between his arms and I just let him do whatever he wanted.

I, on the other hand just being the drunk slut. Danced with him and after 50-minutes of dancing he already wanted to go to his place. I'm drunk what do you expect me to do just go back to Carren and tell her 'I can't do it.' No not like this. I realize how intense things became. David looked at Josh ,and Josh just winked at him with a thumbs up. Yep, of course he was expecting to get some of me tonight. I got in his very nice and handsome car. An Audi, a good sexy looking car.

I came by the passenger side and collasped to the ground. I started laughing. Laughing so evil, you thought I was the wicked witch of the west. He laughed along with and picked me up.

"Ha..come on let's get you up" he lifted me up holding a tight grip on my ass. I'm such a freak

"Yea...tear me apart daddy" his eyes opened wide and he smiled.

"Ha...funny" and that's when I knew I blew it. I'm going to lose it. I got in the passenger seat and squinted my eyes halfway. I watched him walk to the other side. The driver's side. He entered his keys and on went the engine. We zoomed off in no time.

"Mmmmmmm...were are we going?" I asked slapping him slowly on the cheek. He ignored me so I stared out the window. We reached a place what seem to be a hotel. He swipped his what seemed to be an ID card. He picked me up bridal style up the stairs. We reached a door. He swipped his ID card again making sure the system allows him into his suite. I fell on the floor again. He picked me up again of course. How clumzy can I be. Oh gosh there it was, Puke. My vomit. It's coming right up.

I quickly ran to a near room. I ran into a bathroom. How did I know were that was? Anyway, I lifted the toilet seat and out came my horribe smell of shame. My surrows came ot like 5 times. David heard me releasing the ugly side of me so he helped me hold my hair. After I let my evil side out of me I hugged him. Why did I hugg him? He pulled away from me and gave me a tooth brush, and a colgate toothpaste.

"Really?" I asked squinting my eyes at him again

"Yea....bad breathe is a major turn off" he grinned. He exited the bathroom and I brushed my teeth making sure the bad smell of vomit was out. I goggled Listerine down my mouth and I actually felt better. So much better that I actually noticed I was in his hotel suite. I splashed warm water all over my face. Luckly my make up is waterproof. I slowly walked into his room and sat on his bed. I face-palmed myself and noticed a picture of David with a soccer ball in his hands and the other around an old man's neck happily smiling. He walked into the room, I knew he had his shirt off. Well I can see him from the corner of my eye.

"You like pictures?" He asked coming towards my way. He sat next to me lying down on the bed looking at me from behind

"Is this your dad?"

"Ah yea, he's actually not on this planet anymore"

"Awww...when did you lose him?"

"When I was 7...that is the last picture we ever took that year before he passed away"

"What happened too him?"

"Mobster; messed with the wrong people. Got himself invovled with money. Drug- Abuse and ended up in a casket" He sighed

" Your Italian?"

"Yes...I am. But now I wish I wasn't because of my dad. I miss him so much. He's like my best friend and I lost the most important person in my life" He looked at me in my eyes and leaned forward.

"Now the only people I have in life is my mom, my two older brothers, Josh and You" I was shocked. How can I be important to him we just met.

"Me?" I aksed confused

"Yes you are" Our lips met. We bonded for the first time and the picture frame fell out my hand and on the floor. Luckly it didn't break. It's plastic.

"You're beatiful" And next thing I knew we began making out. I granted him access to enter my mouth and tongue's danced together. He bit my bottom lip staring into my eyes

"You're so pretty" he kissed me again. I started to feel nervous. But I didn't let it show because I was into to it. BUT I WAS STILL DRUNK. All I remember after that was making out with David halfway naked without his shirt on.

~The next morning~


"Going some where?" he asked leaning on the door

"Ummm...I have work" the bed sheets were around my body then I looked down at myself. Noticing I was naked. I looked at my body then David, then my at myself again. Crap David and I must have had

"Sex last night?" he giggled to my question

"Is that a bad thing?" with his index finger on his chin looking suspicious.

I gasped and thought. I MUST HAVE BEEN DRUNK. I don't know if he fought with me or I went along with it. I did see a bruise on my wrist. He told me to get dressed, while his friends are taking their time to come over.

I later got myself dressed. I was in a laced sheer dress that you can almost see my body parts. He gave me some black shiny platforms.

"Damn...If I had known you were this sexy, the things I would do to you" I turned around figuring out he was grilling me down with a creepy look on his face. He was dressed himself in a suite, black of course. Metallic Black suite by Mark Jacobs. Read the tag in the plastic bag it was in.

A knock scared the door. David went to open it and there was Samuel, Chris, Micheal, John (Josh's faternal twin brother, Ken and Josh, his girlfriend Jessica Alba. Her brown flowing and glowing hair smacked me in the face while she walked in. Well not really, her hair just caught my attention.

"No way" I gasped. David's hands slapped my ass and whispered in my ear

"Don't embarrass me" he said agressively. What does he mean? I'm surrounded by a bunch of strangers I barely even know. They were talking a bunch of bull sipping on champane.

I stood there staring at my reflection on the glossy counter until Jessica looked my direction taking her breathe from alughing so hard

"What about you pretty?"

"Me...?" I knew she was talking to me just still couldn't believe she was here

"Of course your the only one over there?"

"Right...I'm good" I smiled

"So how's everything with you and David going ?" then it hit me what happened last night. I was drunk. I ended up in his bed naked. With bruises over my body. David could've raped me and I don't even know...He rapped me. Then I looked at Jessica and replied

"HE RAPED ME!" I shouted then I
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