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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Enemies with Benefits by KiKi XoXo (cool books to read .txt) 📖

Book online «Enemies with Benefits by KiKi XoXo (cool books to read .txt) 📖». Author KiKi XoXo

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sure. Everyone once  in a while Robbie, Carmen, and I go off campous on Monday's and obviously Friday's are off limits who wants to waste time being tutored on a Friday? Shoving all of that aside I open my computer, and fire up my email. Sending Jake the idea of Wednesdays and Thursdays right after school, I close out of it reaching for my text book for French class.  Chapter 2- Wednesday Already

Paige's POV


Carmen and Robbie are bickering like normal as the three of us make our way into the school. I've tried my hardest but the two of them just can't seem to get along, they don't really hangout unless they're both with me though so they hopefully don't spend to much time together. The dumb thing is tht they argue about whats for lunch and make it seem like it's World War III! Once we're actually in the buuilding where other students start watching, I elbow each other them in the gut. 


"You  can knock it off now." I say, "I have to stop at the office, so I'll see you guys later." I excuse myself from their madness. I do have to sto pat the office to get stuff for later. Later as in Jake's tutoring lesson, which I haven't figured out yet if I'm scared or worried or anything. It will be a new expirience I know for sure, the last time Jake even talked to me let own looked at me was back in middle school. We had to work together on a science project, in which he actually was nice to me and he did do the same ammount of work I did. I wonder what changed. Puberty. That's what happened. In middle school he was still Jake Lincoln the cute jock. But in the year between eighth grade and ninth, puberrty struck him and oh hot damn. Freshman year he wasn't known for being a player or a manwhore as I call it, but Sophmore year it started. Now it's the third quarter in our junior year and he just keeps on going.  Why I know all of this I don't know. It must be from Carmen. I'm not crushing on him, I'm one of th rare girls here who could careless.  I see him for who he is a manwhore.


Once I have everything from Mr. Wilson, I bring it all back to my locker and head to French class. I hate having foreign language first period, but it has its pluses. The teach, Mrs. Jack, pronounced shjock, understand we aren't fully ready to learn such hard things, so she goes slow and records the lessons to let us bring home if needed. The first bell rings indicating class is ready, so everyone that's hear quiets down and listens to the start of the lesson. Once she is done with the lesson she hands out homework and I get to work. I hate homework, I often times don't have any because I finish it in class or in study halls. Switching to second period when the bell goes off for it I stop by my locker to put away my french book, and grab my waterbottle for speech.  I tend to need a lot of water in this class even though I don't get nervous or anything. I just like being hydrated, it keeps me focused I guess. Sitting through, my other class mates speeches make me tired though. I not interested in public speaking, but it counts for a college credit so I though I should take it. 


Moving on through out the day, I get more and more anxious for the tutoring session. I guess I am worried. When the bell rings in my seventh period study hall I nearly fall out of my chair. I was really off into my thoughts. Running to my locker to grab my history book, I notice the locker next to me is already opened, and filled with a bunch of stuff. From the looks of it though it's not a new kid. I snoop for a second, trying to see if I can see a name anywhere. 


"Can I help you?" a boy asks behind me, I turn my face turning pink. Oh shit, gosh great start Paige. It's Jake. The pink fades and I turn white.  "You knew here or something?" he asks, looking me up and down the way his kind does. I shake off what just happened, and turn to my locker closing it. 


"No. I'm not new here, Jake." I speak, "Paige.. Easton.. we've gone to the same schools since middle school." I inform him, and he shakes his head as if I'm not ringing any bells. What ever at the moment I could care less, I'm late for class.  I walk off steaming with anger about the new locker situation. Why would they move his locker? That's dumb! Why did you have to move Connie? Sliding into my seat, a  minute late, Mr. Parker doesn't right me up. I've never been late before, so I'm happy he is letting this time slide. Class goes by way to fast, and when the bell rings I take my sweet time gathering my things. Maybe he didn't get my email, and that's why he didn't recognize my name at all. If he didn't get my email though then he might not show up. 


"Hey I told Jake to meet you in the library." Mr. Parker says, handing me over so more papers for him. 


"You said Paige and everything?" I ask, scratching my eyebrow, he gives me a weird look. "Well we kind f bumped into each other in the hall. He has no idea who I am..." 


"Well, no I didn't actually mention you. I just reminded him to be there." He sighs, and we walk out of his room together. "How about super?" He asks, as I start making my way to the library. "On me at the dinner." He adds. 


"If you're buying." I smile, and wave. We often times have super together, I feel bad for him. With school being an on campous thing he hasn't really been able to go out and meet people. He has friends, but I've noticed he doesn't have any girlfriends. It's not my place to say anything though, it's his life. He is Pat's friend though, so it's not weird for me to go out with him. Not date go out or anything but as friends. We are friends. I still remember when I first meet him. That would've been back in middle school too, I had a crush on most of Pat's friends. Austin AKA Mr. Parker, and Jason are the only two I really remember ever really liking though. I remember Ky and David though, and they were alright. I haven't seen and heard anything about Jason in a while though.  The last thing I remembering hearing about him was that his parents pulled him from college and sent him somewhere better. He came from a rich family I asssume. Jason also happens to be my first kiss, and I remember that night clear as day. I almost walk into the door to the librbary, and that tells me I need to drop the subject in my head.


I take my seat, and get everything ready. Checking my phone while waiting, I reply to Robbie telling him I'll have to rain check on the movie marathon tonight. I don't often times go out with Mr. Parker, but I can't not say yes when he asks. He is a lot of fun when he isn't teaching. He is still that party animal he was in college, but he has tamed it down a lot since, with being a teacher. 


"I'm sorry I'm late... I wanted to grab food fir- Paige?" Jake walks in fifteen minutes late. It seems he remembers me from an hour and half ago.  "You're my tutor?" He laughs, grabing a fry from his to go container from the dinner. 


"Why is that funny?" I sit back, stuffing my phone in my front jeans pocket. Me being his tutor caught him off guard, I can tell. He is trying to play with me though. I'm on his list of girls to screw. I wonder where I fall on his numbers though. 


"You're hot." He says flatly, "Hot girls aren't smart." He says leaning forward still checking me out. 


"That's a horrible stereotype." I yawn, opening up the history book. Flipping to the section in chapter 5 he needs to read, I slide the book to him. He is still munching his fries and watching me. "What?" I ask, not liking the whole starring thing. 


"Are you seriously my tutor? Cause I highly doubt it, don't you have like a boyfriend to be with or something?" He asks, and his eyes narrow. Is this him trying to pull me in? I can't tell, it's not working though. It's actually pissing me off. He shows up late, and he wont start his work. 


"No, no boyfriend." I admit, and he smirks. "Would you read please. I do have plans." I lean back, pulling out my phone again. I open up my kindle app,. 


"With a guy?" He keeps interogating me. I kick him under the table tired of him already. "She is fiesty too." I role my eyes, pulling my headphones from my bookbag. After a couple minutes, I peek up at him and he is looking down at the history book. I watch him, and I can see he is having a hard time focusing. He isn't jittery though, so it's not ADD or ADHD. "I'm not getting this." He sighs, pushing the book forward slightly.


"Are you not getting it or just not focusing enough?" I mumble, as he grabs a couple more fries. "Do I need to read it to you?" I joke around. He rubs his forehead. "Do you have a reading disorder of some kind or something?" I ask, wondering whats going on.


"No, I just don't like history." He smiles, "How about we blow this off and we go swimming or something." He brings out his smolder. 


"Do you really think skipping is a good idea?" I ask, pulling out his two papers and showing him I've seen them. I watch as his face drops, and he looks completely miserable.  "Besides, if I did skip I wouldn't skip with you."  I say.  "Now, are you going to do the work, or do I need to read it to you?" He is quiet, thinking about my question. 


"Could you play music or something? I hate reading in silence." He asks, pulling the book back in. I nod happily, pulling out my headphones and playing my playlist. After that the next thirty minutes pass swiftly as he reads. Then I go through a the worksheet with him, helping him but not giving him the answers. "Well, that was easier then I thought. I was just gonna throw it away." he smiles, at me. I stand up from the chair, I moved over closer to him to help. 


"Yeah, if you actually read it." I sigh, gathering my things. "Alright so... same time next week.. is that okay?" I say pulling my bag over my shoulder. 


"How about you give me your number?" He

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