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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » She's Mine by Faith Harper, Faith Harper (red seas under red skies .TXT) 📖

Book online «She's Mine by Faith Harper, Faith Harper (red seas under red skies .TXT) 📖». Author Faith Harper, Faith Harper

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Another subject that I loved was science. So, I guess you can call me a geeky jock but I just love books. I also show that I am a geeky jock and people at this school use that against you. And when I say people, I mean Whitney Jones. And when I say Whitney Jones, I mean the girl I cursed out last year. ( I'll explain what happened on that day later :p)


As if she heard my thoughts, my locker was slammed in my face and I saw Whitney's evil grin. She had her blonde hair in thick curls that was around her olive skin, today, that suprisingly made her brown eyes pop. Also alot of makeup which somehow gets her all of the guys. But, to me, she looks like an unwanted clown.


I just rolled my eyes and tried walking away when she said something. "I saw your brother today. He looks so hot. I'm thinking about asking him on a date. No, maybe we'll skip the date and just get right in bed," she said the  last part slowly and seductivley. I turned on my heel and pointed my finger at her. I started speed walking towards her. "YOU BETTER STAY THE F-," I was about to finish my sentence but felt a hand clasp on my mouth. Then, I was being dragged to a room. When I heard the door close the light was flicked on. I noticed that we were in the janitors closet. I made out the face of the person who dragged me in here. 


"What the hell were you doing!!," Liz said and puched my arm. " What do you mean?", I said trying to act dumb and trying to soothe my arm from the punch Liz gave me. She was also on the volleyball team.

"You know exactly what I mean Talia Wen Stern, you can not get angry that easily. She wants you to not get detention this time, but get expelled. Can't you tell that bitch is doing this on purpose?" she lectured me. I winched when she said my middle name. It was my dad's first name. "I'm sorry, she just gets under my skin," I honestly said.


She sighed. "I know, but we have one more year with these fools," she said we both started laughing. Then, Liz frowned and punched me in my arm even harder. I know Im gonna have a bruse. "What the bloody hell was that for!", I practically yelled at her. "For missing our girl time this morning," she stated and walked out of the closet. I sighed and turned off the light before I left the closet. 

I was for sure gonna be late for class today.




Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter. I made it longer so you can read more and learn more about this book :P So, there is a character in this chapter that I kind of introduced in chapter 2 but didn't show her  because I wanted to wait until this chapter. So now introducing Whitney Jones!!!


                                                             WHITNEY JONES

This is how I envisioned Whitney to look. There was also another character at the begining of the chapter.....Mr. Sexy!!!! We didn't catch his name yet but you will soon! this is how I envisioned Mr. Sexy.....


This how I see Mr. Sexy lol. I'm sorry I got a shirtless picture but the face is how I see Mr. Sexy. Also how I see him shirtless..... Haha sorry guys!

Hope you guys like how he looks! Leave hearts and comments. Spoiler alert! There are more suprises coming yay!!!

Keep reading and you'll see :)




I was running down the halls to get to math class and I took a glimpse at my phone. I was 20 minutes late for class! When I turned the corner I saw RM 110 and ran into it making my converse squeak when I was stopped by the math teacher.


"Young lady, do you realize that you are late?", Mr. Ralis said. "Just a tad," I said putting up my index finger and thumb and squeezing them together. He look at me and turned to the class. "This is an example of what not to do Seniors at the begining of your last year here at Polo High," Mr. Rallis said while gestering at me. I turned toward the class because I felt someone burning holes at the side of my head. I see Mr. Sexy sitting in the back looking at me with a smirk on his face.


I gave him a help me look and he laughed. "Mr. Rallis," he said rising from his seat with the smirk stll on his face. "What do want, Mr. James?", Mr. Rallis said in an annoyed voice. "It's not what I want, it's what you need to know," Mr. Sexy started walking to the front of the class with slow strides. "Ms. Stern was late because she had to do some work in the office for Ms. Hinley," he stopped in front of Mr. Rallis and a growl escaped Mr. Sexy's mouth.


Mr. Rallis drew a shaking hand through his short, now fading brown, hair. "Oh, w-well, if that's the case. You two m-may take your seats," Mr. Rallis finally said. While I was walking to an empty desk in the middle row I heard a growl. I turned around and saw Mr. sexy, who's last name is James which sound familiar to me, growling and staring down one of the senior guys in my class for staring at me. The guy looked scared and quickly looked to the front of the class. Weird.


When we both sat down, I looked at the clock and noticed that we only had five more minutes until 1st period was over. Those five minutes went by fast because next thing I knew, the bell rung. Everybody ran out the class and almost ran into eachother and falling over. When I finally made it to the hallway, there were still students running out of the classroom and one of them bumped into me and I went to the floor. Before my hands even had contact to the floor, strong arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me to them. 


The arms around me felt familiar. I turned around so fast that i thought I broke my neck. Mr. Sexy was smirking at me with a lustful look in his eyes. His grip got even tighter on my waist and I heard him growl again. As soon as I blushed, I tried pushing away from his chest and he only held on to me tighter. I pushed away again he loosened his grip and let go of me. Then, he chuckled.


I started to walk away but I turned back toward him. "Thanks for helping me back there. That could have been the most embarrasing thing ever," I said to him. He scratched the back of his neck, "No problem," he said.


I turned around, not even walking yet when he said something to me. "Austin," Mr. Sexy said. One again, I turned toward him and saw him looking at the ground with his hands in his pockets. I smiled. "See you later, Austin." How did his know my name in Mr. Rallis' class? I turned back around and ran so I can atleast make it to 2nd period. Before I bolted, I feel like I heard Mr. Sexy, who's name turns out to be Austin, say, "You will be mine,". 



Hey guys!!!! I feel like I made this chapter a little longer, but I hope you enjoyed it. Since I kept bringing up Ms. Hinley, I might as well show you guys how she looks!


                                                                MS. HINLEY


I just thought you guys wanted to see what see looked like. Leave hearts and comments!!! Chapter 5 is coming out soon!!!!




 The rest of the day went by really quickly. I couldn't wait to get home so I could go back to my comfortable bed. Then, I remembered that my ride home was from my brother who had football practice today. When I got outside, I texted Deven that I would walk home or catch a ride.



I had a shortcut to get home quicker and it was through the woods. So, I started walking into when my phone buzzed. When i saw it was Deven, his text read,"Are you sure? I can just leave practice early,". Deven could be nice when he wanted to. "Yeah, it's fine," I texted him back. "Well get home safe dork," he replied. Old Deven was back.



I was in the middle of the woods when I got of my phone. I felt like someone was watching me. I quickly turned to see who it was and found a black wolf with a little white on its' side. My eyes widened when I saw it. Then, the wolf ran away. I picked up the pace so I could get home and still be alive. Then, I started running and my house was ahead. When I made it to the door, I took out my keys and opened the door. I quickly shut it when I was inside.


My mom wan't home so she probably left early to work at the diner to get extra money.I made my way upstairs to my room and plopped down on my bed. At least the teachers didn't give us homework. Of course they wouldn't it's the first day.


But, the main question on my mind was, "How did Austin know my name?". Also, whenever I take the shortcut home, I've never seen a wolf. Why did I see one now?


While I was over thinking myself, my phone started ringing. I checked the caller ID and noticed it was Liz. Answering on the fourth ring on purpose, I got a screaming Elizabeth coming out of my phone. "WHAT? YOU CAN'T ANSWER YOUR PHONE ANYMORE? I'M THINKING YOU ARE NOT MY FRIEND ANYMORE!!!!", she screeched through the phone. All I could do was laugh.


"I really don't like you. But, the whole reason why I called is to have our girl time now. Now get your ass up and come outside because I am outside already," she said. My friend is a

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