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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Animal I have become by me (books suggested by elon musk .txt) 📖
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Book online «Animal I have become by me (books suggested by elon musk .txt) 📖». Author me

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darkness. Warming me up.
As it got closer to me, I heard a single voice. It seemed quite urgent, and a little frantic. I could only catch bits and peices of what it said. "Please...need...wake up."
I don't know how it happened, but the voice started to pull me back. Back to the world of the living. Soon i was engulfed in nothing but light.
I sat up coughing. So that was just a dream. Or was it?
The pounding in my head was gone, but my whole body ached. It felt as if I had been beaten. Then I remembered I had been beaten.
As I tried to look around I could tell I wasn't in that stinky old apartment. I was in a darkened room. I just couldn't tell where I was.
I got up and put my hands out in front of me. I bumped into something, then into something else.
As my hand followed the never ending wall, I sat down frustrated. "God Where am I?"
"It's about time you woke up. You've been out for a while."
I jumped up into fightning position. "Who's there?"
"I'm surprised that you don't know, all things considered."
"Sorry I'm just having a hard time remembering things since I was half beaten."
"If you promise not to fight me, I'll turn on the lights."
"I don't make promises to people I can't see."
"You're choice. I'm the one who can see in the dark."
For the longest time neither of us spoke. I relaxed my stance. But stayed on guard. "Fine I won't attack. Just don't come near me."
"I knew you would come around," the lights flicked on. "Eventually."
I was stuck in a mini crypt, something you would see in a horror movie. I finally noticed a person in the corner. "Great, my day keeps getting better and better."
"Do you really think I would do this to you?"
"Of course. Your Ash, you live to make mylife nothing but hell."
"I'm not the guy I'm at school."
"You could have fooled me. Just show me the way out of here. I need to get home."
He looked at me intensly. "You're not even going to thank me?"
"I would. But you're the last person the earth I would ever thank."
"I deserved that."
Then a thought popped into my mind. "First of all, how did I end up here with the likes of you? And why would someone like you help someone like me?"
"That's a story for another day. And lets just say I was hungry."
"Well I hope you got you're meal. But I'm ready to leave."
He sighed deeply. "Fine just let me give you a ride home."
I thought about it carefully. "Considering that I have no idea where I'm at, I'll take you upon that offer."
"Good. Just follow me." He turned around and left.
We walked down a dark hallway. I was to bust thinking about how I got here, than to notice where I was.
When we exited, I was met with a blinding light. "At least its still day time."I muttered. "Can you tell me what time it is?"
"It's three-thirty-six."
That means I lost eight hourse of the day. "Did you happen to see my backpack?"
"Yeah, its in my car." We walked down a stone pathway and up to a shiny black mustang. "You don't have to worry, I didn't touch anything."
"That's not what I'm worried about." I hopped into the car, savoring the smell of the warm leather.
I grabbed my bag going through it looking for my credit card. Of course, it was at the very bottom. "I was wondering if you could stop by a army surplus store. I need to get a few things."
"That's fine. But what do you need to get?"
I smiled. "Nothing much. Just a camping backpack, and a few other things."
Ash just nodded his head. As we drove in silence, I got this wierd feeling that we were being watched.
He stopped in front of a store. "You go in. I'll be waiting here."
I just shrugged and got out.
I immediately went to the backpacks. I picked out one that looked like it could hold several days worth of clothes and provisions. I then went and got a rope, a stove, matches, a fold up tent, and several knives.
I paid for my items and left.
Ash wasn't in the car, so I put my things in the trunk and got in.
I decided to wait for ten minutes. When that time was up, he hadn't returned. And I was tired of waiting.
I grabbed my stuff an left. I had no idea were I was at, but that wouldn't stop me from getting home.
I was walking down the road. Cars were coming and going. None bothering to stop and help. Not that I would accept a ride. I felt my phone vibrate. I pulled it out and it said one new message.
Were are you?
Who is this?
Ash. tell me where you are so i can come get you.
No thanks. I don't want your help.

I turned off my phone and stuck it back into my backpack.
I walked off the road, into the woods.
I walked until i couldn't hear the sounds of the highway behind me.
I cleared away leaves, sticks, branches, anything that would mess up my tent. Once that was done I actually set up my tent. It wasn't that hard, thank god. It provided the shelter I wanted and needed.
I then went looking for dead branches to make a fire. All the while looking for places that would be good for snares.
I set the fire wood down. I got out the rope and cut them into even peices.
I went back into the woods and set up the snares. I made sure they were all well hidden. Then I went back to my campsite.
For a little while I just sat in my tent. I wondered what Ash was doing. Not that I really cared. But still.
After a while I got up and went to check my snares. Only one caught something. A fluffy white bunny.
I took it off and held it by the ears, my knife ready to slit its throat.
I couldn't do it. I dropped the rabbit, and it quickly jumped away.
The thought of killing another creature like that left a cile taste in my mouth.
I could go without a meal.
I slowly made my way back to my campsite. I sat down on the ground outside of my tent. Breathing in and out deeply, letting my whole body relax.
The little white rabbit from before appeared. It looked at me with its to human eyes.
Then it hoppedd closer, and closer. All until I could lift my hand and pet it. I put it on my lap and petted it.
"I'm sorry little rabbit. I didn't mean for you to get caught in the trap. I hope you can forgive me."
It just looked at me. "Do you want something to eat?" It bobbed its head. "Good . I found some wild carrots back in the forest. I'll go get them." I set the rabbit down.
It took a few minutes to find the carrots. When I did, I filled my arms with as much as I could carry.
I walked back to my campsite. "I was thinking little rabbit-"
I stopped were I was standing. Where I had left the little rabbit were two large foot prints. To large to be mine. I dropped the carrots, and lunged for my knife.
I held it in attack position. "I know your out there. So come out and face me."
I heard the cracking of a branch. I didn't wait to see if anyone was there. I threw my knife and took off running in the other direction.
I ran as fast as my feet could carry me. Branches and bushes snagged at my clothes. Thorns got caught in my hair. None of that stopped me, I kept going.
Then I came to a giant lake. On the far side was land. In between that was water. Water that could be holding anything.
I heard footsteps behind me. I took off towards a cliff.
I stood on a high cliff. My back facing the water. "If you try to hurt me, I'll jump."
For a moment I wanted to think that I just made it up in my head. But then a person stepped out from the trees.
He was about six feet tall with a lean build, tan skin, and black eyes.He stepped forward, and I stepped back. "Who are you?"
"Somebody that you'll end up loving." Then he was at me faster than I thought possible. "As long as you don't struggle, I'll make this quick for you." Then he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me towards him.
I tried kicking him in the shin, but that wouldn't work. he just tightened his grip on me.
He pushed my hair aside, then did the strangest thing. He bit down into m neck, hard. Hard enough to break the skin. After a moment it started to hurt. I tried to scream, but I was paralized. None of my body wanted to work.
I could feel the blood slowly pooring out of my body, and into his mouth. What kind of psycho was this? Suddenly he dropped me to the ground. And laughed at me. "You really made this to easy. Where is your protector when you need him?" He picked me up again, this time caressing my head. "To bad I have to kill you, to make you like me. You were such a beautiful creature."
He moved his head to where he could bit me again. Just as he brought his head down, he went flying backwards. I crumpled to the ground in a heap.
I heard another voice, but couldn't see who it belonged to. "How dare you attack her?"
"What do you care? She's just some random witch. Plus theres not much you can do to stop the change. She's already going through the first stage."
I heard a roar. Then what sounded like someone being tackled to the ground.
Then I was picked up again. By the same person before, then I saw who the other person was. Ash. I tried to call out, but I couldn't get the words out. "Choose who you want the most. Me or the girl." Ash just stood there staring, and waiting. "Fine. You won't choose, then I'll make you." He turned to the water and dropped me.
I was falling through the air faster than I would have thought possible. My head hit the edge of a out stretched rock. I heard the distinct sound of my head being crushed against the stone. Pain racked through my body.
Then I hit the water. It was just like in the movies. But it hurt a hell of alot worse. It was like doing a belly flop on my back.
My lungs began to fill with water from the lake. What was left of my blood floted in the water around me.
The last thought I had was, "Great job for letting a psycho kill you."

I had a split second to choose. This vampire, or Tess. I chose Tess.
I dived off the cliff into the water. I hit it at a force that would have killed a normal human being. I wasn't normal, nor was I human.
I swam deeper, searching, but not finding what I was looking for.
Then I saw a single arm sticking out from some sea grass. I swam to that spot and found Tess. I dragged her to the surface.
I could feel a heart beat, but only faintly. I swam
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