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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Thieves of the Forsaken by L.M.A. Z.S (read me a book .txt) 📖

Book online «Thieves of the Forsaken by L.M.A. Z.S (read me a book .txt) 📖». Author L.M.A. Z.S

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of her favourite song and then Elzebess voice. “Gentlemen.. It`s time for.. Sexy… Mysterious.. And very cat like girl.. Let`s welcome.. The one and only.. Tamire!”

“Marvin Gaye.. Let's Get It On indeed.” she said to herself and slowly stepped on stage.




Neelah did not have much time. To reach the meeting point at the designated time, she had to steal the girl already this night, so they would be out of populated area and into the woods by the morning.

She quickly checked her stash of potions and found the one she has been searching for. Extract of Blue Pepperflower. That should do the trick. As for any human obstacles - Neelah glanced at her dagger. Hopefully it wont turn from kidnapping to mass murder.

Quickly, the thief bandaged some of the worst bruises, dressed up and took her things. Coin purse? Check. Alchemy bag? Check. Dagger? Bow? Arrows? Check, check, check. Lockpick and other tools? Check. She was good to go.

The sun was already setting, illuminating the city in more warm colours. People scurried through the streets - some to go home, some to go to taverns or clubs. Neelah was one of the second ones and for a moment she felt like a part of the herd, driven by thirst or lust. Quite a few were headed to the same club she was, it was simply the best place, especially with Tamire as the lead dancer. As she turned around the street corner, the destination became visible.

There it is. “The Heat.” Thief took a moment to overlook the building, that had a definite impression of a whore house. And it was not far from truth - these walls definitely have seen things more heated than just a few lap dances. Stalking people inside from the rooftop she had some good times and interesting experiences. Speaking of which, she pretty much had to do that again. Quietly and without attracting attention she slipped to the small alley and, checking her surroundings, climbed on top of the boxes and from there, on the balcony. Then, grasping various broken stones, moved up the wall and lifted herself up on the roof.

“Now,” she thought, “Where was Tamire’s room?”




Last song that Tamire this evening used for her show on stage was Temptation by The Cherries. The song had an excellent flow - not too fast and not too slow, a catchy melody and the singers sweet, rasp voice morphed with the sound, creating a composition that was simply perfect for Tamire’s fiery performance. While this song was on, she went crazy on pole. She showed everyone her new learned moves making everyone know how flexible she actually can be and making them dream about her body even more than before.

After the show she was on her way to her room. She got stopped by one of the other dancers.

“Hey, Tamire.”

“Oh.. Hey..” Tamire looked at girl little confused. “Emm..”

“Victoria.” She replied and smiled timidly.

“Sorry, I..”

“Don`t worry. It`s okay. Really. Just..” She looked behind her then again at Tamire. “Just wanted to let you know.. You were really great tonight.”

“Oh, thank you, Victoria.” Tamire smiled at young girl.

“And.. There is something I wanted to ask you.”

“What is it?” When there wasn't answer for a moment she approached with question again. “Something wrong?”

“No, no. I wanted to ask.. Are you willing to teach me some moves on pole? Elzebess said that I`m pretty much suck at it so..”

“Don`t worry. Of course I will. After week. I will go on vacation so.. See you later, I will teach some things if that`s okay.”

“Of course. Yeah. Thanks. I should be going now. See you after week.” And she slipped by Tamire and went in direction of stage.

“Wait a bit..”


“If Elzebess says you need to improve something, it doesn't mean you suck at it. She just want you to be even more better than you already are. Remember that, okay?”

“Oh.. Thanks you. Really.” Victoria went around corner and Tamire didn’t see her anymore. Tamire stood there for a minute then continued path to her room.

In the room Tamire was packing her stuff when suddenly heard a knock on door. “Probably Elzebess wanted to say goodbye before I go.” she thought before opening the door and put a warm smile on her face. “Hey.. So..” She didn't finish her sentence because of who she saw behind door. “What the fuck do you want?” Tamire asked.

“Don't you dare talk with me like that, bitch. Let me in.” Roxanne replied and pushed herself through door inside.




Thief watched carefully through the window, well hidden to any curious eyes by the darkness that already had fallen upon the city. It was already night and the party in the club had just passed its peak, but Tamire was already in her room. She was arguing with some other girl. Neelah had seen her in the club, but did not pay too much attention - she was pretty average, not really noticeable and plain boring.

Her gaze returned to Tamire and crept over stripper’s figure. As always, Tamire looked simply gorgeous! Her black hair had few red locks and very well complimented her beautiful face and green eyes. Her curved lips sported a lipstick and looked like made out of delicious cherry. Her no less curved figure was clothed in black and red stage outfit that probably made everybody lose their minds and adore Tamire even more. Neelah could not deny that if she let herself, she would probably lose her head too.

But that sort of thoughts had to be put aside now. Thief had a beauty to steal and a witness to kill. She pulled out a piece of cloth and poured the extract on it. Then she quickly calculated the best course of actions. There was no other alternatives. She had to come through the window. Luckily, the other girl was standing with her back to the glass. The thief had to act quickly. Neelah jumped on the roof that was just across the window and took a running start.

She jumped through the window loudly smashing it into tiny pieces knocking the witness of her feet and face planting her into the ground. While the girl was trying to pull herself up, Neelah, leaving no room for hesitation, jumped onto Tamire.

The prearranged cloth with potion on it found its way onto strippers face covering mouth and nose. Tamire violently kicked and scratched fighting the attacker. She tried to pry Neelah`s hands off of her using everything she could think off. She fought so hard that soon she exhausted herself completely which only accelerated the effect of potion.

When Tamire was finally unconscious, thief dropped her on the floor and quickly turned to the witness. She was behind her holding some statue taken from the room and ready to meet attackers head.

Neelah was faster - she dodged the hit.

She pulled out her dagger and with one clean sweep cut the girls throat.

Witness grabbed her throat in fear, gawking at her killer and trying to hold her blood from spilling.

Needless to say, she didn’t succeed. Neelah watched her die in a pool of her own blood, twisted expression of terror still decorating her face.

Thief put away the dagger and the cloth, then picked up Tamire and slumped over the shoulder. She winced at the sudden pain and realized that one of her cheeks had three strokes of bleeding scratches. It must have happened while she fought the stripper. It was time to go, as her loud entrance surely attracted at least some attention. She climbed out of the window and onto the roof, then jumped down on the other side. A drunk guy sat on the ground and exercised his vocal “talents”. Also, here was a few horses. Neelah picked the one that seemed the strongest and laid Tamires body on its back. Then, climbed up herself and took off in the night.


Chapter 2

Tamire slowly came to her senses. She felt dizzy and extremely uncomfortable. And cold. She wanted to rub her eyes and look where the fuck did her blanket go, but suddenly she realized - she can’t move.

Now her eyes flew wide open. First thing she saw, was the moving ground and legs of a horse. She wanted to move. To break free and beat up whoever it was, that sat on the horse in front of her, but she couldn't move a muscle.

Neelah noticed her movements and glanced back: “Stop moving, or you just might fall off the horse.”

All that came in response was angry, muffled noises and more movement.

“As you may have noticed, your mouth is tied and you yourself are tied, you will not succeed, so, please, stop this!” the thief said.

The girls attempts to break free didn’t stop. Neelah just decided to ignore it for the time being.

Tamire couldn’t believe it! She was captured! And right now she was being ignored! She tried to glare at her captor. Not much could be seen from her position. Tamire`s hair fell over her head and hid view of captor - only thing that could be seen, apart from the black cape with the hood, were a few strands of blue hair.


“I can't understand you. You know that.” Neelah coldly replied to Tamire`s struggle.


Thief sighed. “Okay, okay.. Jeez.. I will loosen your mouth.”

As soon as her mouth was free, a shower of loud curses and threats rained down upon Neelah. Thief arched her brow: “Got to give it to you, you are very vocal.”

“Why, thank you, CUNT!” Tamire spit out, before her vocal cords finally gave in and she ceased to resist her fate.

Minutes passed by and tension grew, until Tamire finally broke the silence: “So.. Why are you doing this? Where exactly are you taking me?”

“Well.. It`s none of your business.” replied Neelah.

“I think that it is, considering that I'm tied, you stole me from my room and now I'm cold wearing what I`m wearing. Don`t you think?”

“No.” Neelah said and smiled quietly to herself.

“Damn.. When are we going to stop? My stomach is hurting from riding like this, i want something to eat and I need some clothes.”

“End this squeaking.”

“I`m just saying - if you need me alive then better feed me soon.”

Neelah exhaled and silently admitted her defeat. Tamire was right, they had to stop at some time in the near future.

Thief frowned: “All right. There should be a settlement not far from here, I’ll see what I can steal.”

“Gee, thanks! I’m actually surprised you didn’t think this throught! What did you expect, that we will be able to live without food? And let me sit, damn it! At this rate it won’t be long until I puke my guts out!”

Thief frowned and glanced over her shoulder, stopping the horse. “Well I don’t need to eat as frequent and I did not expect you to wake up during our trip at all.”

“Why the fuck not? What did you think I am, some sleep deprived hooker?” asked Tamire, while Neelah flipped her over and put in a sitting position.

“No. I used extract of Blue Pepperflower,” thief answered and they resumed riding.

“A what?”

“An Extract of Blue Pepperflower. Rare stuff, puts the user in deep sleep for four days approximately. You on the other hand slept off the effect in

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