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Read books online » Romance » Eternal love Book 1 by Sami.leigh (pocket ebook reader TXT) 📖

Book online «Eternal love Book 1 by Sami.leigh (pocket ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Sami.leigh

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dangling in front of my eyes behind by ears, then attempted again. ‘’Failing quite badly here’’ I thought to myself.

While I was lost in my own thoughts thinking of a way to tell James he could load the car without admitting defeat, I heard a noise, sounding like someone was choking, Instantly thinking the worse, I dropped the wood almost sending the others flying, and rushing to the driver’s side, only to see that the noise was James gasping for air, clutching his side, with tears streaming down his face with laughter.

Worry turned into anger as I realised he was laughing at me. It didn’t last long however, as his laugh was contagious, and before I knew it I was laughing at myself and my awful attempt. I could only imagine what I looked like, trying to picture me looking rather seriously straining to pick up this piece of wood which was bigger than me.

‘’ I’ll do it then shall I ‘’ he wheezed through the laugher walking over to the pile.

My mouth involuntary hung open as I stood watching him move them as if they were as light as a feather, seeing his muscles flexing sending tingles down my spine and into other areas that they shouldn’t. Feeling the blood rush up to my face I climbed over into the passenger seat, fastening my seat belt, ready to go.

Sitting down on the tree’s stump, I was taking a 2 minute break, tired from unloading the car on my drive and hauling them to the other side of my garden, I call it my garden, but in reality it’s the field at the side of the house’s landscaped garden, previously belonging to my granddad, passed down to my dad.

Not able to afford for it being landscaped and maintained, my parents let me and James as children play there, as we couldn’t damage any expensive plants and garden ornaments.

It was our special place, and as children it seemed like a jungle to us back then, playing hide and seek, finding places to be hidden behind the giant trees and in the long, overgrown grass.


I heard him shout my name clicking his fingers impatiently in my face.
Snapping out of my daydream and getting to my feet, I manoeuvred my way around the things we had brought, and climbed up the make shift ladders to what was soon to be out tree house.
It still sounded ridiculous in my head, ‘twenty one years old and building a
tree house’.

‘’Perfect’’ he said with a smile walking around the large bent tree branches, showing off his monkey climbing skills.

‘’show off’’ I muttered though I knew he still heard me seeing he had that grin on his face.

Walking cautiously across the long twisted branches I came to a branch that was chunky and looked more stable than the rest, leaning back on it taking in my surroundings for just a moment, losing myself in the magical beauty of the field.

Looking down from the giant tree I could see across the private untended land, where the little pink wild flowers grew delicately, dandelions and daisies scattered everywhere, it looked like a multi coloured carpet covering the floor.

‘’ look over there’’ he pointed, I almost jumped at hearing his voice, being totally engrossed in my own thoughts.

He was stood so close to me I felt my heart being faster, my breath getting shallower, the tingles across my body spread to the forbidden places.

Following his finger, I saw he was showing me a family of rabbits hopping around together, making the place seem more enchanted than ever. Smiling, I stepped towards the edge further making a grab for another branch, hoping to get a closer look, I felt my hand slip.

It happened so fast. Trying to keep my balance I moved my foot, stepping too far I missed the branch altogether, I could feel myself falling, and then a floating feeling engulfed me. I couldn’t scream I couldn’t say anything. I knew something was wrong. Nothing hurt, I had hit the floor but I couldn’t feel pain, everything felt peaceful.

‘’Lyssa… lyssa open your eyes’’

I could hear a soft voice calling out to me from afar, concentrating on the voice it got louder and more clearly, James, it was him that was calling out to me.

‘’ Please, open your eyes’’

I could hear impatience in his voice, making me nervous, but my eyes were glued shut.

Mustering up as much strength as I could, I manage to slowly open my eyes.

The first thing I saw took my breath away, James was looking down at me, tears running down his cheeks, it was that moment I knew it was much worse than I thought.

I felt a smooth coldness run down my cheek, smiling as I realised it was his hand soothing me,

‘’ can you hear me?’’ his voice sounded quiet and timid.

My chest tightened restricting my airway, my breaths became shallow, and I knew I didn’t have long. I wasn’t panicking all I knew was everything felt peaceful; it wasn’t something to be afraid of.

I loved him and I regretted never telling him, it wasn’t too late,

‘’ I love you’’ I said, sounding barely louder than a whisper.

He just looked at me, tears streaming down his cheeks, his eyes staring into mine. Deep blue eyes, shining with unshed tears big enough to swim in,

‘’what?’’ he chocked.

Taking in a large gulp of air not caring how much of a struggle it caused me,

‘’ I love you’’ I breathed a bit louder, ‘’Im sorry ‘’ I managed to say as my air became scarce.

His face was frozen like a statue, perfect. This is how I’d always remember him, the last image in this world being the most beautiful.
My vision became hazy and my heartbeat slowed down, my body was ready to close up my eyes and give into eternal rest, but my mind was clutching onto consciousness with a vice like grip.

I wanted just a few more moments with him taking in as much as I could; I wanted to remember him forever, was that even possible when I was dead? I hoped so. I didn’t want to let him go, but I knew I had to. No-one lived forever, but at that moment I felt hurt that my time here with him had become so short.

‘’don’t leave me Alyssa, I love you, I always have.’’

I tried to smile but it’s like my body had started to shut down, I was just able to make the corners of my lips move marginally.

‘’ I love you ‘’ I could hear him sob feeling his tears flow from his face onto mine.

He loved me, he really loved me.

Although I was trying to hold on I was rapidly losing consciousness, my eyelids became like lead trying to force them shut.

‘’love y….’’ I whispered before my voice failed to finish.

I tried to say I love you, just one last time, but my mind became defeated, it took the remainder of my strength to whisper them important words, words that meant the whole world.

My eyes finally gave in and closed.

‘’ you’re not gunna die’’ I heard his voice echo faintly.

My eyes were firmly shut, feeling warm as it seemed I was floating through the air on a warm summer’s night, but I could hear him. I could feel him. It felt so gentle, so light it was hardly there. But I knew it was.

‘’I’m not going to let you die.’’

I felt warmth touch my lips. Was he kissing me? My questions soon got answered when my lips parted and a velvet hot substance ran down my throat. it wasn’t anything like I had tasted before, something thick and smooth exotic and delicious. I My body reacted to it instantaneously; every part of me was tingling.

A pain throbbed in my neck, lasting only a second, then an intense rush of emotions rushed through me. It was like a dream. James was with me, smiling, no tears, just happiness; I could feel it, as real as I felt my own.

With that, I stopped holding on, stopped fighting, and fell into a great slumber.

Heaven really was spectacular. No pain, no sufferings, just peace filled with love, filling your whole soul making you feel complete.

Awaking in a cold sweat, I immediately sat up, pain tore through my temple, forcing me to lay back down.

‘’What the hell…’’ I thought worriedly

Instinctively my hand went to my head, checking for any indication to why the pain was so immense.

After a few moments of examination, I was satisfied that there wasn’t anything physically wrong with me.

It hurt so much.

Taking several deep breaths, I re-attempted to sit up. My head throbbed, magnifying each heart beat by a thousand, making me feel nauseated.

Letting my sense’s come back to me and my eyes adjust to the darkness of the room, panic suddelnly washed over me like a bucket of cold water. I wasn’t at home.

‘Where the hell was i?’

‘’think!’’ I was pleading with myself, ’’how did I get here?’’

My memory was all over the place, I couldn’t put together the pieces.

‘’don’t panic’’ I could hear my dad’s voice in my mind.

I could feel the words calming me down.

‘’don’t panic’’

It was something he had always told me. Whenever id be stressed or scared, he always said, ‘’ don’t panic, calm down, then you have a clear head, whatever your situation’’. He used to be in the army, so I always took his advice knowing he knew best in this sort of situation.

After I felt calm enough, I clumsily climbed out of the huge bed I was in, and started for the door. Taking in my surroundings as I made my way across the room, my instincts telling my body to move softly as not to make a noise, reaching the doorway, I heard footsteps.

Quickly hiding at the side of the door so that it would conceal me once opened, I groped around hopelessly for something to grab, never taking my eyes of the door.

My hand reached nothing but air, so all I could do was wait. Scrunching up my fist I was ready as I could be, for whoever had brought me here.

After what seemed like eternity the door handle turned slowly and light flooded into the room, casting a shadowed silhouette moving into the room.

Not having time to think about dangers, gathered as much strength is I could, ignoring the blinding pain that shot through my head, I leaped onto the man’s back, arms flying everywhere as I tried to hit him with all my might.

Within seconds I was pinned to the floor with strong muscular arms. I scolded myself mentally for not having more strength to protect myself, as I struggled to loosen his vice like hold.

‘’ Calm down ‘’ he said, something about his voice soothed me. I recognised that id heard his voice before but couldn’t place it.

‘’Alyssa, I’m not
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