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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Don't Die Just Yet by Bianca Gray and Friend (classic novels for teens txt) 📖

Book online «Don't Die Just Yet by Bianca Gray and Friend (classic novels for teens txt) 📖». Author Bianca Gray and Friend

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BE NAMED MAX!!?? THAT MAKES EVERYTHING HARDER TO MAKE HER REALIZE THAT I'M MAX!! 'CAUSE TECHNICALLY TO HER I AM MAX!! JUST A DOG THOUGH!! Grrrrr.... She's STILL extremely stupid. DOES NOTHING CHANGE??! I sighed. I jumped on her bed and I looked out the window. I'm a dog. But I'm still Max. How am I supposed to make her see that?


I parked my cherry red beetle and walked into the school. Thank GOD I wasn't late! I ran into my best friend Lily. Behind her was Madelyn, Mickey, and Bella.
"Zera? Are you okay?" asked Lily. I smiled trying to hide the pain that I still felt from my dream.
"I'm fine," I lied. Bella just looked at me and slapped the back of my head.
"Don't lie to us," she said threatenly. I held up my hands in defeat.
"Sorry, sorry. I just had another dream of him," I whispered. Madelyn looked at me in disbelief.
"It's been six years, Zera. Sometimes you just need to move on," she said. I sighed.
"Yeah, I know but today would be-"
"Exactly six years," ended Mickey. I nodded. Mickey was also sort of friends with Max. We both felt the pain of losing him. Lily and Bella moved a year after he...left. Madelyn moved here two years ago, so she really knew nothing of him. She just knew that we were best friends and he died. Lily hugged me.
"I know how hard it is, but Madelyn's right. You have to let go sometime. Or at least think happily whenever you think of him," said Lily making me look into her spring green eyes. I rolled my eyes and nodded.
"I'm always right," joked Madelyn. I nodded.
"You usually are," I said linking arms with her. Bella linked arms with my other arm and smiled.
"Let's stop talking about this. It's getting me down," she said flipping her blondish brownish reddish hair. I looked back at Mickey who was looking out the school window, her blue gray eyes looking sad and were filling up with tears quickly. She blinked quickly and the moisture was gone. Mickey never cried in front of people. Even if she was extremely sad. She put her golden blonde hair up into a ponytail and started following us slowly. Lily and I said bye to the others as we walked into our first block class. We took our seats next to each other.
"So?" she asked as I set my backpack down next to my seat.
"So...what?" I asked.
"What happened in your dream?" she asked excitedly.
"I can't remember some of it. But at the end of it, he said he was running out of time and that I need to find him or he'll leave forever," I said my eyebrows knitted in confusion. If he's always been here for me, wouldn't I be able to see him? Or at least feel him? Lily looked at my scrunched up face.
"Zera, don't worry about it. It's just a dream right?" she asked. I nodded.
"Yeah..." I said. But it felt like he was serious, I thought. I shook the thought out of my head. Lily got out her notebook.
"So, how's Max?" she asked nonchalantly. I just looked at her in disbelief. Seriously? I thought.
"Um, dead..?" I said. She looked at me confused, then she started laughing.
"Zera, I meant your cute puppy!" she exclaimed. I laughed.
"He's not much of a puppy anymore, he's six. But I think I scared him this morning. I did kind of scream his name," I said smiling shyly. Lily laughed. Then the bell rang. A folded up piece of paper landed on my desk. Lily was making hilarious motions telling me to read it. I opened it up.

Justin's been staring at you this whole blooock! ~Lily

I rolled my eyes and looked back at the guy with deep green eyes and golden blonde hair. He was staring at me.

He's probably just staring at the clock.

I placed the note onto Lily's desk.


Yeah, like notes?

I saw Lily roll her eyes when she read that. Then she gave me a look. Suddenly another note was on my desk. I opened it up.

Wanna go out sometime? ~Justin.

..............NO, is what I wanted to say. But I had to get over Max. Maybe Justin could help that. So, even though I knew I would probably regret it, I wrote "yes". I slipped the note back to him. Lily smiled and looked at the two of us. Then she winked and finally starting paying attention to the teacher. I looked out the window. Max, I'm sorry. But maybe this is good for me, I thought....isn't it?


STUPID PAWS CAN'T EVEN HOLD A PENCIL!! She couldn't make me a MONKEY FOR GOD'S SAKE??! Stupid lady. All this just looked like scribbles. This wasn't going to help at all. LADY, COME HERE AND FACE ME NOW!!! YOU STUPID LADY!! I thought angrily. There was a flash of light and suddenly that stupid lady was standing in front of me looking bored. I growled. She looked at her polished nails and flashed a smile at me.
"Has your dumb little self figured out that you're the 'dead' Max?" she asked smiling, her piercing black eyes boring holes into me. She put air quotes around dead.
"YOU IDIOT GIRL!! WHY DID YOU MAKE ME SUCH A DUMB DOG??!" I yelled at her. She laughed at my reaction.
"DUUUHHH, I'm evil over here," she said pointing to herself. She looked me up and down.
"You obviously haven't convinced her that you're MAX Max," she said, an amused expression on her face. I growled.
"I haven't figured it out MYSELF until NOW," I growled at her. She looked at me surprised and then she started laughing hysterically.
"WOW, you're a DUMB dog," she said. I looked away angrily.
"Most dogs are DUMB," I retorted and glared at her.
"Yeah, they are," she said snickering. She took a seat on Zera's bed. I narrowed my eyes at her. Then she saw the pencil and the paper with the scribbles and started laughing hysterically.
"!" she cried out during gasps of air because she was laughing so hard. I tried crossing my paws and gave up.
"Yes, but I can't write with these paws," I said standing on my hind legs and looking at them.
"Dogs aren't made so they can write letters," pointed out the lady. Stupid lady, I thought.
"I DON'T KNOW YOUR NAME!!" I yelled at her. She sighed and rolled her eyes.
"I'm Arukas," she said smiling evilly. I waved a paw at her in a dismissive way.
"Whatever, whatever, whatever," I said trying to figure out how I could hold the pencil with my paw. Arukas sighed.
"You're an idiot," she sighed.
"And your stupid," I said immediately without thinking. She pointed at the pencil that I was trying to pick up.
"You could put that in your mouth," she said. I looked at her.
"I knew that," I said. Then I narrowed my eyes at her.
"Why are you helping me?" I asked. She sighed and rolled her eyes.
"This is actually entertaining me," she replied.
"Whatever," I mumbled because the pencil was in my mouth. I moved it around so it could write a letter. I spit out the pencil and tried to smile at it.
"Good," I said. Arukas came over and picked it up and raised an eyebrow. She turned it so I could see it.

"What's wrong with it?" I asked.
"It's hardly readable," she said.
"I'm sure she'll be able to read it," I retorted. She shrugged. Then she pointed to the hearts after my name.
"What's that?" she asked.
"Nothing," I responded quickly.
"Are they supposed to be hearts?" she asked looking at it more closely.
"No, not reeeaaallllyyy," I said. If I wasn't a dog, I would be blushing.
"They ARE hearts!" she exclaimed.
"NO!" I exclaimed. She just laughed and put it back on the desk.
"Well, I know Zera will appreciate it," I mumbled.
"What was that idiot dog?" she asked putting a hand to her ear. That's when we heard the front door slam. I heard Zera's voice yell, "I'M HOME!" I froze. I jumped down from her desk. I looked at Arukas.
"Aren't you going to leave?" I asked. She shook her head no.
"She won't be able to see me unless I want her too, idiot dog," she said getting up and sitting on her swivel chair. Zera's bedroom door opened. She smiled at me.
"MAXXYYY!" she cried out. SHE KNOWS IT'S ME!!
"How's my favorite dog?" she asked hugging my head. Are you kidding me? She STILL doesn't know. She dropped her textbooks on top of the letter on her desk. Dang. Arukas kept giggling.
"You are such an idiot dog," she said laughing. I growled at her. Zera jumped at the noise.
"What's wrong, Maxy? No one's in here. What's wrong with you? Are you sick?" she asked. Even though her big chocolate brown eyes looked concern, there was something in them that was missing. Her usual spark was gone. What caused it to go away? Zera went and sat on her bed and looked out the window as it started to rain. I jumped onto her bed trying to send her telepathic messages. I hate being a stupid dog.


I stroked Max, my dog's, head. It started to thunder.
"Want to hear about my day, Maxy?" I asked him. He started to wag his tail, as if he knew exactly what I was saying to him.
"Well, as you know Maxy, today's the day where it was exactly six years since my best friend, Max died. Mickey almost cried and you know her, she never cries," I said. I looked at Max curiously. His ears pricked up at the sound of Mickey's name. Usually his ears prick up at the sound of food or his name. That's weird.
"Yeah, and then Madelyn was like get over him already! He's DEAD," I shook my head and smiled. Max rolled his eyes... The same way Max did. What was going on with my dog that made him remind me of Max? And he was putting a lot more attention today than usual. I wonder...
"And a boy named Justin asked me out," I said eyeing Max for a reaction. He looked mad. Really mad. Could a dog look mad? I think I even heard a growl come from his mouth.
"I said yes," I whispered. Max looked at me, he looked hurt. He took his head out from under my hand and jumped off the bed. He sat down on the floor and just looked up at me. I looked out the window.
"This will be good for me, Maxy. It'll help me get over Max," I sighed. Max cocked his head to the side.
"Max, I miss you," I whispered. I closed my eyes as tears streaked down my face. I felt Max, my dog, jump back on the bed and felt him lick up my tears. I hugged him and put my chin on his head.
"At least I have one Max," I said opening my eyes and looking into his blue eyes. I saw more emotion in those eyes than I have ever seen in his eyes before. I felt like I
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