Read Romance books for free

A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
Nowadays we are so lacking in love and romantic deeds. This electronic library will fill our needs with books by different authors.

What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Arranged by Katy Wong (free ereaders txt) 📖

Book online «Arranged by Katy Wong (free ereaders txt) 📖». Author Katy Wong

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out!" Jason said. I jumped, it was like he could see be through those door. I blushed.

I reluctantly change into the shirt with the black shorts. I really liked the outfit, but the shirt . . . could improve a little. Just a little. 

I opened the door and showed Jason.

"We are buying that." he said, looking at me as he pointed to me. The lady next to him, I assume was one of the worker, was too busy staring at Jason, to probably understand him, she just mindlessly nodded. Jason, on the other hand, didn't see that she was staring him at all.

I rolled me eyes.

"But, this," I said, turning around to show Jason what I was talking about, "is too revealing. You could see me bra and that is not necessary."

"So?" he said, shrugging.

"What do you mean 'so?' I say we don't buy it and there are plenty of clothes in this store to choose from." I said, pointing at all of the clothes around me.

"It's only revealing a little. It's barely anything." he said.

"A little? My whole back is revealed. And let me remind you, who is wearing this outfit?" I asked, smirking at my remark.

"Oh, is that how it is? Than, who is buying you the clothe? I am fine with you wearing the same thing for maybe the pass 10 days." Jason said, smirking as my smirk fell.

"10 days?! I thought you said 4 days." I said.

"Babe, I said 'about'."

I stayed quiet. I didn't want to wear the same thing over and over again. It is beyond gross. I sighed. He won. He always win.

I walked back into the changing room and slammed the door, as he laughed.

I rolled my eyes. If he wasn't rich, royalty and we weren't in public, I would have punch him right there.

I changed into the next outfit and this time, it wasn't that revealing. I liked it.

And, he had to approve it in order for him to buy it. 

I felt like I walked into that changing room for at least a thousand of time and I have changed into a million different outfits.

"Are we done, yet?" I asked.

"Yep, we just have to pay." Jason said.

"Thank the Lord." I mummured, "Even my stylist don't take this long."

"Pardon?" Jason asked, appearing next to me.

I jumped a little and looked at him, "Nothing, nothing. Ok, now I got to change. Ok, yeah, bye."

I quickly changed, I can't wait to get out of this place.

When I finished changing, the clothes were brought and was in a bag. We even have someone holding all of my stuff.

"Wait, aren't you going to buy some clothes too?" I asked.

"I am right now." Jason said, grabbing my hand and pulled me to a store that sells all men stuff.

"Sit here." Jason said, plopping me into a seat as he went into the changing room and change. Trust me, I didn't not enjoy it. The seat was all comfy, but it was horrible. I felt like he took longer on his clothes than my clothes and I was straving. I realized that I didn't eat any breakfast and it was lunch time. My mom would probably me if she found out that I was skipping meals.

"Jason!" I shouted a little bit too loud. Everyone turned to look at me. I blushed.

I'm about to kill myself.


"Are you done, yet?"

"I don't know, almost." 

"Hurry up, please. I am straving!" I said.

"You're not even burning any calories." he said.

"I didn't eat any breakfast!!" I said, breathing deeply.

"Damn, chill!" he said.

"I will if you come out right now." I said.

He didn't answer me.

"Jason?" I asked, "Can you please hurry up? Wait, can I leave and grab my food?"


"Why?" I asked, "I am straving."

"Just hold a second."

"I don't need to, you already have a pile of clothes over here, didn't you forget?" 

"Just wait." he said.

"I am going to leave in 8 minutes if you don't come out." I said firmly.

He sighed and got out of the changing room. He paid for all of the clothes. I grabbed his hand this time.

"Come on! I am going to die of hunger!" I said as I dragged him to the food court.

"Hey, you want to eat at a resturant?" Jason said.

"You know how long I waited for you? You might not be hunger, but I am and if I bet the place that you are thinking is far away, so no!" I said, looking at me.

"I was asking." Jason said, holding up his hand, surrenderring, "And anyways, this are fast food, they aren't healthy and they are gross."

I turned to him, "Great! I need to gain weight anyways. And when did you care about what is healthy and what is not?"

He smirked, 'cause he doesn't.

I dragged him to the nearest fast food store and ordered a large french fries, a large soda and 3 chocolate chip cookies. I paid with Jason's credit.

I sat down on a table with Jason and started eating.

When you are hungry, everything taste good.

Jason reached over grabbed my soda and drank it.

"Hey!" I said, "that is my soda!"

"Sorry," he said, smirking, "I didn't know. Well, i guess it's mine now."

I grabbed the soda from him, "Not anymore."

I took a long drink and swallowed it. The bubble tickling my throat and the hot air on your nose make you feel like a dragon.

Jason grinned, "That kind of like kissing."

"Not technically." I said, rolling my eyes at him as I continued eating.

"Yes, it is - "

"Ok! I got it! I kissed you, I kissed you, ok? Happy?" I said trying to shut him up. I'm just trying to eat my food peacefully.

"Hey, did you order my proportion?" he asked. I stopped eating.

"I don't know what you like and I don't know what you allergic to, I don't want to die eating something. And you never asked me to." I said.

"I like soda, chicken nuggets, chips and pizza. I am allergic to nothing, so would you order my food?" he asked, grinning.

"No thanks, I pass." I said, munching on my fries.

"Thank I am going to eat your food and anyways, you can finish that." he said

"Stop being judgemental and I can finish this, watch!" I said, taking a big bite of my chocolate chip cookie.

"Ohh, I am not going to watch you, I am going to eat too!" he said, stealing one of my chocolate chip cookies and shoved it in his mouth.

"My cookie died!" I said, leaning over to smack Jason, "That wasn't for you! That was for me."

"Opps." Jason said, after he swallowed, "Ohh and I am feel thristy now."

My eyes widened as I grabbed my soda away from him. But he wasn't planning on grabbing my soda, again, he stole my cookie. My last cookie.

"Hey! You tricked me! And you ate my last cookie!"

"You didn't say you can't trick."

"I am going to kill you!" I said, putting the soda down.

"Not after I eat some fries!" Jason said, grabbing a handful of fries and held it high.

I got off of my seat and stood up, trying to reach for my fries. But of course he stood up too and he was taller than me by more than 5 inches.

"Give me it!" I said as I tippy - toed in my heels.

Jason laughed, before putting some of my fries into his mouth.

"You are so mean!" I said after I gave up. I plopped down on my seat, pouting.

"I know." he said, as he grabbed my soda and took another sip.

"Could you just buy your own food?" I asked.

"You have to save money."

"Save my ass! I bet you never save money, you lazy butt." I said, as I eat my fries.

"See, you are perfectly fine sharing your food." he said as he continue eating.

"Oh, trust me. I am dying on the inside, you just don't know." I said, as I rolled my eyes.

He laughed. I had to smile because just seeing him laugh, you feel like laughing too. Do you ever have that feeling? You just can't help yourself but just to smile because you know that made someone happy.

I drank you soda and we continued to eat until we were full. I guess he was right, I could finsih it by myself, I finsihed because of him.

We threw the food away and walked out of the mall.

"Great, we speand exactly 2 hours in there." he said, checking his watch.

"I see Tom!" I said. We went and put our shopping bags down.

"Where are we going now?" I asked, Jason when we got into the car.

"We are not riding the car, we are walking around this area." Jason said, holding out a hand to help me out of the car.

I took his hands and got out. I expected him to left go of it when I got out, but he didn't. He held onto it. I wouldn't let go of his hands too. They were warm and welcoming. I liked holding his hand, I love all o f those moments that we held hand.

We walked around the block, looking into windows. It was interesting. This place was almost like New York in the summer. It was busying and everyone seem to know where they are going. It was hot. I really like it here.

"Come in here!" Jason said, pulling me towards a old and small biulding.



The building the dirty and dark and the stairs were uneven. And it smells like wet dog in here. There are big graffitis among the grey and dull yellow walls. What a place that Jason would be going into. I thought as I continued looking around. A really dim light was lit on someone's door. It's kind of weird that people live here.

We continue climbing up the stairs until we reached a big red door, that was graffitied with the word bitch.

"Wow, what a place." I said, looking at Jason.

"Like you said, don't be judgemental. This place is better than it is seemed." Jason said, looking at me.

I nodded and spoke as sarcastically as possible, "Yep, nice place, full of beauties, just love this place."

"Just shut up." he said.

I laughed.

He ignored me, "Are you ready for it?"

Before I even replied, he opened the door and I have to gasp.

Yeah, this place isn't bad at all.

"What did I say?" Jason said.

God, why does he always have to win? Why does he always prove me wrong? I thought as I blushed.

Again, he grabbed my hand and all me to the edge of the biulding to watch the sunset.

"You said that we want to watch more sunsets, right?" he asked.

I died a little bit on the inside.

He remembers . . . he thought about it . . . 

Isn't he the best? Thoughtful? Sweet? Caring?

I blushed, "You still remember?"

He turned around, scratching his head, "I guess."

I hugged him from behind. The heat from his body was warm and it was coming through my dress and onto my skin. My heart beated a little faster and my stomach twisted having him in my amr. It felt nice having him in my arm. 

"Thanks." I said, pulling away.

He cleared his throat, "Your welcome."

I couldn't tell what he was thinking or feeling, his face was so straight with no reable emotions.

"Come." he said, shaking me out of my thoughts.

He sat on the edge of the building. My mouth opened but I couldn't speak.

"I wouldn't fall, trust me. I've been it plenty of time." he said, smirking. With the sun right behind, his beauty was inhuman, my stomach twisted again.

I walked up to him and he helped me sat down.

"What if I fall?" I asked.

"I'll fall with you."

I stared at him for a few moment. I don't know if he was telling the truth or not. He was like a mask. You are never certain what was really underneath his mask.

"Are you serious?" I asked him, staring at his eyes. His eyes draws me in. They are now electric blue with a hint of gold.

"I am serious." he said. I could feel his breath against my skin and I shivered a little.

I looked away, staring at his eyes for a long time, makes me feel

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