Read Romance books for free

A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
Nowadays we are so lacking in love and romantic deeds. This electronic library will fill our needs with books by different authors.

What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Forever together by Stephanie Hutchinson (english love story books TXT) 📖

Book online «Forever together by Stephanie Hutchinson (english love story books TXT) 📖». Author Stephanie Hutchinson

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and rubbing my back.
"Sorry, one more thing i can think of the place you took me to first time i meet-"
"Claire you didn't meet me that first time.....but that place is called Loveland there more than one of them and you can make one to your style but only when you get mad at you one true love."
"And how do i tell that i fighting with my one true love."
"Everything freezes then a bright white light comes."
"Did that ever happen to you?"
"Um did."
"So who your one true love."
"She is sitting right next to me."
"What i....i just meet you like yesterday."
"No you didn't we meet in 1990 you don't remember."
"No i was just born in 1990."
"Here take my hand and close your eyes and listen to me." I take his hand close my eyes then it was like i was watching a movie and it was me and Eli in a castle in love land with the purple dress and how we went outside and kissed and danced the night away and the fight that made him have his own world.
"Eli i didn't......I didn't know."
"Its fine.” he came over and place both hand softly on my back.
"Why are you always doing that?"
"Doing what."
"Being all careful when you put your hands one me."
"Right now your weak that’s why you have this,” He picked up the blue juice. "Right now I’m strong and one bad move can hurt you I’m just looking out for you. But there is something i need to tell you. You know how Damien looks at you."
"No i only watch you."
"Don't be made at me but i have to show you this."
He takes my hand and shows me that i go to his house and i lay with him until he falls asleep and i got in the room with Damien. "No that’s not me i would never."
"That’s why we had are fight i woke up in the middle of the night and you were not there and i walk to Damien to see if he seen you and there you were asleep in his arms."
"No i would never do that now you have no reason to fear." i kissed him "i should get home I’ll miss you."
"Here at 12:00 sit in your room quite listen to make sure your dad asleep and try to meet me in love land but make it me and you dress us nice ok. My love."
"I'll try."
When i get home peter is watching TV and holding a beer. “Did you do a lot of studying?"
"Yes dad."
"Ok I’m going to head up stair I’m tired.” he said kissing me on my forehead.
"Night dad."
I head upstairs and get my homework done and sit on my bed and listen to peter fall into his deep sleep. "Eli my dad turned in early i can go now if you want."
"Anytime you want I’m there now."
"Ok I’ll meet you there."
I did everything he told me to do and next thing I’m in a nice short purple dress and Eli in nice night clothes and a beach in front of us. "A beach setting that’s romance."
"I didn't think of this i just couldn't wait to see you again." we sat on the towel and started kissing
"Ok you to really need to get your on room." I turn and there Damien. I and Eli stand up and there a little space between us then a wall comes between us and Eli is trapped in a box and he can get out of.
"Damien what are you doing get him out of there."
"Fine." then now I'm replaced with Eli I'm in the box. “If i can't have you no one can."
"Damien that was 20 years ago i never really loved-" there was tape put over my mouth and next thing i know the necklace Eli gave me came off and right in Damien hands and he did it without touching me. And i screamed under the tape.
"Oh shut up you."
"Damien what is your problem everything was fine then you took her from me and we fought and she was gone this is....might be my fate to get my one true love back in my life. Why do you always got to take thing from me Damien."
they went back and forth talking about thing i have no clue happened at all the next thing i know a hand came across my mouth to take the tape of it was this little girl and pulled me out of the box and took me into this house that came out of nowhere, "Don't look out the window or Damien will see you or if they fight you don't want to see that."
"Who are you look like someone i know?"
"Yes i was Eli’s little step Sister Alice, But i died."
"That why. Eli had me come here with him and Damien came and started to fight over you cause Eli wanted you to meet me and i got in the middle and Damien hit me and i smashed into a wall and it took my breath away and they were fighting to much to know and i stopped gasping and death came to me.But don't tell Eli he hates he's self for it he think it’s his fault."
"And what about Damien."
"Damien never cared he always hopped i died because i always wanted to go with Eli and i didn't want to hang with him."
Next thing the door blew open, "Claire why are you in this.........Alice..What..But how."
"Eli can see me you never saw me before.....Claire you did this."
"What did i do i can't do anything." i said backing up to the wall.
"ALICE DON'T-" Next thing i know she throwing her little fist at me and a flash from where Eli was then me flying across the room landing on my feet and Eli body was in the wall.
"EIL WHAT DO YOU DO." i yealled
"I'm fine Claire. Alice I’m going to count to ten and you better be gone or you’re going to wish you were really dead." i see Alice running out the door and Eli stood up coming over and hugging me.
"Why did you say wish you were really dead."
"She told you about the fight with me and Damien but she didn't die she alive but i can't have her back on earth cause what was about to happen so she lives here but she never going to be older than 5 years old she wanted to kill you before i even new it and when she yelled at me and Damien to stop fight over you because you are nothing Damien hit her before i did and that was a good thing cause you are the love of my life look." He place his hand down, "Who can't i live without." When he said that smoke came and appeared with my name in it. "You see."
"Oh can i try."
"Yes do what you saw me do."
So i put out my hand, "Who can't i live without." and the smoked appeared and there was no name, "YOU HAVE NO LOVE THAT YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT TRY AGAIN LATER." I just stood there, "How is that possible."
"Claire you haven’t been around guys to tell give it time." he said kissing me. "Last time i checked we have a date."
"It’s getting early we have to get ready for school and i need time to think right now." i run out of the house.
I picture my room and next thing i knew there i was sitting in my room holding a picture of me and Eli in my dress and his suit. I heard Peter get up and i ran down stair and made him a bowl of cereal and got ready for school and went to pick Eli up. But when i got there he was driving with Danielle, "What’s going on." so i just drove to school and when i got there Eli was holding hands with her they were giggling.
"What’s going on with Eli and Danielle don't he know were going out." Adam said coming up be hide me.
"I have no clue maybe he's just Mad." i said walking in the building.
"And why would he be mad if he was mad he would have taken the necklace there and not put.....He knew something was going on he put a new charm on it." I looked at my necklace and saw the new charm it was a sword.
"It wasn't there when i woke up."
"Did you go to his house.”
“yea i and said I’m outside and he walked out with her and didnt answer me."
"No not this again that’s to protect you from anything here talk my hand and act like were together."
"Damien is after you and put something over Eli."
"And we have to act like were dating why."
"So he doesn’t think he can try to go out with me see Damien put a spell that you can't talk to him but i can and Eli in there mentally but he's just Damien toy on the Outside."
"Explain why he's giggling with her and not paying me no mind but how do we fix this."
"Only a kiss from his one true love but it has to be i put this he showed you the true love smoke,” I nod. "And you did it to and Damien listen to Eli thought when Eli said he can't believe that and the Eli smoke has to say your name and it dose and yours-"
"Mind need to say Eli which it doesn’t."
"Cause you never stand with him you in between Damien and him."
"Ewe Damien but i don't love him I’m in love with Eli i can feel it." I walk in to math and Eli in his sit right next to mine but i have no clue how to react i can't talk to him and he under Damien spell.
"Becalm do you want to talk to him."
"Yes i would love to talk to the guy i love." Then Damien Eli turned his head.
"I love you to."
"I can talking to Adam but its ok i trust Adam and not laugh at what we talking."
"What is going on how do we fix this?"
"Adam told you."
"But if i can't be with you how do i get the smoke to say you’re my true love."
"Sorry but you have to kiss Damien and feel nothing and then see if that works."
"Ewe no i would ever."
"Then we can't be together."
"Eli....Eli. Dame sorry Claire I’m weak Damien took all my drinks from me so it’s hard to work that way."
"Look up and get the drink." I want in my bag and pulled out my other drink and throw it to him.
"Now drink and rest i know what i have to do not going to like it but when i see Damien I’ll do it."
The bell ring and i see Damien and call him out." Damien."
"Aw Claire i been waiting for you."
"Why did you have to do this?"
"It’s not fun that you know it now."
"I'm just going to get this over with." I kiss him and didn't feel anything hit him in his face and ran. I went into the bathroom and locked the door laid my hand out straight, "Who can i not live without." The smoked
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