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Read books online » Romance » The Autumn's Eve by TheRoost (free ebook reader for android TXT) 📖

Book online «The Autumn's Eve by TheRoost (free ebook reader for android TXT) 📖». Author TheRoost

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and one just as simple from Jacob, but with the hidden message within, where Mathew held no meaning to her. Mathews simple "Goodbye, and may you be well," offered her no interest, but Jacobs "Until we meet again," with his sparkling eyes and playful smile sent shivers to her heart.

So here we are, at the clearing, for everything before is of no interest to the reader. Cecile was in a seductive red dress of the current fashion, because she did not plan on returning to the world her parents had raised her in. She planned to convince Jacob to run with her, as her role model, Juliet, had tried to do with her Romeo.

So when the lanky, strongly built shadow was painted quickly across the meadow in the slippery, clear moonlight, Cecile assumed it was her love to come for her, as her whisper "Jacob," proved.

But the whispered "Hello, dove," was not that of Jacob.

"Why, Mathew, I did not expect you here!" Cecile blurted, blushing that she was caught.

"Ah, but I expected you, darling." He replied, striding over to her.

"What familiarity you speak to me in!"

"As I should. Our parents have consented to our marriage."

"What tales you spin!"

"Yes, I have just left them discussing the date. I thought you should know before you do anything..." At this point, he paused deviously, "rash."

"Whom I choose to love is not something that can be discussed with my elders!" Cecile cried, shaking with rage.

"Ah, but it is not love they are discussing, it is marriage; and within marriage, I am sure you can learn to love, can you not?"

"No!" She cried, backing away.

"Yes," Mathew took a daring step closer to her.

The romance of the evening had taken a drastic turn; the meadow suddenly seemed vicious, the moon cold sneering. Cecile now realized she was utterly alone, that no one knew where she was, and the public road was empty this time of night.

She was at his mercy.

"Leave her be, brother!" Jacob yelled, bursting into the clearing. Cecile could just see the glimmer of his hand revolver. "Go now before any trouble stirs!"

Mathew growled, shoving Cecile to the ground. Her delicate head smacked the hard fall ground, and Mathew winced at her small cry. Jacob gave her a concerned look, but his gun was trained on his brother.

"Jacob, she is my bride-to-be! I love her!" Mathew yelled, anger rippling through his body.

"I do not care! Our love has bound us! You cannot take her from me!" Jacob screamed back, taking quick, easy steps to his brother.

"Stop this!" Cecile screamed. "You will hurt yourselves!"

"For you, my love, I will give my soul to Satan himself," Jacob yelled. His eyes were blazing with a fierce and sudden anger that it touched her heart.

She began to run, as a wise girl should.

As her tears streamed behind her, a gun shot echoed behind her, and the obvious thump

of a body hit the floor.

The only question Cecile could even begin to think was Which one?

Chapter 9

-Chapter Nine-

"Happy anniversary, Master Asher!"

"Thank you, Jacques."

"Where is your wife?"

"Upstairs, getting ready. Do not bother her today; it is the day my brother died as well. We had to marry the same day, the poor dear."

"I am so sorry, sir."

"Call her, will you?"

"Of course. Madam Cecile?"

"Yes, Jacques?"

"Are you well?"

"Yes, quite."

"Are you coming down?"

"Not for a long while. Tell my husband."

"Yes madame. Master?"


"She says she will not be down for a long while."

"A shame. You know, Jacques, in your old age, ask me what happened that night."

"It is none of my business, sir."

"Oh, I will tell you anyway. You see, she was going to run away, and you know how I love my wife. I couldn't bear it. So I went to talk sense to her, and my idiot brother got ahold of a gun to stop me. It mis-fired, and killed him. Cecile has never been the same; very laid back, like I am."

"Yes sir, I have noticed."


"What was that?"

"I believe it was a gunshot, sir."

"Don't just stand there! Check on my dear Cecile!"

"Yes, of course, my apologizes."

"Oh, shut up, will you! I shall come!"

"Of course sir. Shall we start off?"

"Yes, yes!"

"Be careful of that step, sir, it's slick."

"Thank you Jac-"

"My lord, sir. This is quite gruesome."

"Indeed, indeed. Ring up the police."

"Of course, sir. Was it a suicide, sir?"

"Looks like it; and we were married only a year. God, I never knew she was this depressed."

"The police are on their way, sir. If there no chance at saving her?"

"Not at all, old man, straight through the head."

"Is there a note, sir?"

"I don't see one near her, Jacques. Look, will you?"

"Sir, theres a note by her jeweled comb!"

"Read it!"

"Jacques, I know my husband could not bear to read this, but it must be said. He is a blasted murderer. He killed the man who shared my heart, and so he slowly killed me. And then, last night, I heard my first and only love calling me to him, I heard sweet Jacob's loving words, and I must join him. I loved him, and never Mathew. Goodbye, forever.

I am so sorry, sir."

"Blast. Get me a cup of tea, will you?"

"Yes sir."


And our story ends with that, dear reader. Mathew killed Jacob for Cecile, Cecile killed herself for Jacob, and Mathew killed himself so he could still forever have claim to her. A tragic end to a kiss, a passion, a love that started it all.



Text: Me
Editing: Me
Publication Date: 10-07-2011

All Rights Reserved

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