Read Romance books for free

A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
Nowadays we are so lacking in love and romantic deeds. This electronic library will fill our needs with books by different authors.

What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » First lie by Mush . (books successful people read txt) 📖

Book online «First lie by Mush . (books successful people read txt) 📖». Author Mush .

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this is changing from bad to worse, "this will be amazing when Mykel go and tell her that our friend her is interested in her but he is too shy to ask you out" martin said. "Shut the fuck up martin" I said sharply. Martin ghallender he is the forth and the last person in our little group. I do want to tell you about this ass but I need to get out from this situation first.

"Okay, how about we change roles, I will go and tell her that you are the random guy" I said pointing directly at martin, getting Mykel out of the equation and teaching that ass a lesson. "Why me? " he said shocked. Don't be shy man, plus she is too hot, isn't she?" I said, "Hell ya" Mykel said. "So why not then, but for the record someone like her definitely has a boyfriend or not, but we won't ever know until we ask her, so let the fun began" I said, standing up and going directly at her,  giving that a ass a devilish smirk.

I heard martin saying "stop..." I turned and told him "too late bruh".

Actually, I don't want to talk to her, not now, not here. While getting close she noticed me and I could see the effect change in the way her body react .
At that moment, I heard the sound I needed much, the sound of the bill ringing informing me that the lunch break was over. Long live the bill. I turned to face my friends showing them my victory smile and my middle finger. Do not play with the devil ass wholes.

I went to my next class that was ...., oh shit I don't know what I have right now because I was lazy looking at the whole schedule this morning , I went to my locker to see the next class that was French .

French is a subject for girls, why is that? Well, There small, calm voice fits the pronounce of the words, so for me it is just another bad class, actually I am very good at it but that doesn't change the fact that I don't like it. Lucky for me, I went to the class just on time.

Je ma appele oliver , je suis 18 , je suis an asshole forever trying practicing the pronounce of this subject. Duh I am going suffer from this class all day and every day for the rest of this pathetic year. "Is there anything bothering you mr/Wilson" the teacher asked me out of nowhere. Actually yes, all of this class is bothering me was what I wanted to say but there are sometimes we shouldn't say what we think of but what is the right to be said so. "No nothing at all " I replied . I am such a hypocrite I know, but not all the time plus that isn't considered to kiss his ass, I don't do that. "Okay I hope you like it when the exams cum " he said, huh the motherfucker want to make fun of me. "Don't worry it is my specialty " I hit back, bingo he was shut and the rest of the class went silent. while leaving, I saw that girl who was walking with mrs/styles looking at me. she waved, so I waited for her.

She walked towards me, her body was shaped perfectly, her blond her fitted with her brown skin and also with her perfect shaped lips. "hey" she said, I replied "hi". She then said "so you hate French", which surprised me. "Is it obvious?" I asked, "Nop" she replied. "Then, how?" I asked again. "Because I hate it too" she said smiling. Her smile was bright and her white teeth made it brighter. "oh great, I am not the only one, I guess we should make a pack" I said with smirk, "then who would be the alpha?" she asked. Wow this girl has a sense of humor, unlike her friend "that's easy, we shall make a competition and the winner shall have his reward." she smiled and said "I like the idea so when will discuss the arrangements?" I was going to say now but I remembered my appointment, as I was going to say later. "I guess not now ,you have an appointment "

she said reading my mind.  "Yeah, kind of " I said casually running my hand through my hair. 
. " oh, how rude of me, I didn't introduce myself earlier, 
Oliver Wilson " I said like an innocent child. She smiled and said, "Ledya wiles and I hope that you enjoy your appointment"
"I will, see you later then" I said with a smile. now Yeah mrs/ styles whom I am going to meet.

I went to my locker to put my books, bring a pen and a paper and leave to our appointment. This time I came early even that the teacher himself was surprised. "You are early mr/Wilson how strange, what had happened?" well a lot actually and that was because of her not you Mr/Watson . She entered late but at the right time, perfect. "Well mr/ Watson I just decided to behave and mrs/ styles could confirm that," I said noticing the surprise in their faces specially her. 
She was raising both of her eyebrows in disagreement but she knew well that she can't protest to make any discount for our punishment. Oh god I like who I am

"really, is that true mrs/ styles??" He asked. Now it is your turn to play with me lady I looked at her smiling. "Oh I cannot deny that, he is working hard at it, but he still needs some practice , I could help him if you want mr/ Wilson". she teased and now the cat had showed her clowns . " okay I don't mind, maybe you can help him to get over it" he said and as I was going to protest she cut me and said " gladly " oh oh the cat can bite too okay, "Is this time, you are chatting in, includes our punishment pill or not? " I sighed , " does it matter ? " he replied with a question , " off course it does coz if not , I will have to interrupt your little chat , I don't have all day for this " take this one Watson , " okay , your time starts now " he said .

We went to sit next to each other "are you happy now after extending our time, mr/ busy" she sighed irritated. "mr/ busy, this sounds cool" I didn't noticed that I said it loud. "Silence" the teacher said, I had a plan, remember that pen and paper. "We aren't in a library or the court" I wrote in the paper and passed it to her. She smiled and looked at me. Now I was sure that she looks hot and cute from close. I said "Your turn" without making any sound passing her the pen too. She got it and wrote, "we aren't supposed to be even here but thanks to you, we are" and passed it to me. "But I am glad that we are, because joining a lady like you is priceless, specially having the chance to annoy her, isn't it?" I moved it back. "drop your sweet talk I am not a fall" she answered harshly. However, I will make her soften "well, what makes you think that?" I asked.

"isn't it obvious?, you have been acting like an ass, since you saw me even though you don't know me" she attacked harshly.

"will, you were the one who started it, eye for an eye, so you are the ass not me and yes, I don't know you and I don't want to know you but here I am talking to you to know you, see the irony." I attacked back.

"Huh, am I the one to blame then?" she asked amazed and irritated from my responses

"Obviously, it's not me to be blamed, but since I am not the bad guy after all, I will take full responsibility for what had happened" I acted gently and smoothly with her

When she read it, it was like magic but as she said, she is not an easy one. "And what makes me believe that, you will do as you say, maybe you are just lying" she sighed. "What makes me not to or lie to you? Believe me its too hard for me to lie looking at you, lady and I don't step back on doing what I say" I replied with both a question and a statement, now she does not have many options. Indeed the magic worked this time. "Okay" was the one word she said with her mouth this time, saying it perfectly. It was soft and quite both sexy and seducing me to kiss those lips, taste them, push her to this small disk, put my arms around her, trap her, keep her from falling or running because the only thing, which would fall is my body on her repeatedly over and over.

OH MY GOD , I am not this , I don't think like this and I don't act like this so, why the hell am I doing all of this with this one girl?. I wonder what would be the end of this. Oh why am I ... sitting near her, looking at her and I am aroused, damn it, she started to blush when I kept staring at he, I grabbed the paper and the pen from her hand, touching her was different, "I am Oliver,

Oliver Wilson nice to meet you" I wrote it, drawing a smile in the end. She read it and smiled but this smile was different, not a sarcastic one, it was like, she is actually enjoying this. "I think that, you want my first name" she teased. "I do, very much actually" I answered fast and direct "and why is that? " she teased again, but this time I will hit back "just to make fun of It" I passed with a drawing a devilish smile, she read it, she raised an eyebrow " I would like to see you trying

Alia styles nice to meet you too"

Oh, this is going to be fantastic.

** tell me what you think about this chapter and if u enhoy it please let me know **

a  close descrition for ledya

chapter 3



OMG I am going to throw that phone throw that window because of this annoying alarm that will not stop until I grab my phone and take a 25 meters walk in the house "such an annoying efficient way to wake any person up"

Each morning I say "oliver don't forget to unset the damn thing" and guess what I remember doing it first thing in the next morning after remembering that I forget I didn't do it .

Anyway there is 7. 8 billion human being in earth 90% percent of them want to smash their alarms but they sit it anyway, call it a necessary evil.

Speaking of which it took over 2000 years of human history for the world population to reach one billion and only *just only* 200 years more to reach 7 billion, see how numbers rapidly grow it proves an astonishing fact that as humans we have this instinct to flourish, to

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