Read Romance books for free

A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » shadow pleasure by vino M.HAPPYFACE (ebook reader for pc and android TXT) 📖

Book online «shadow pleasure by vino M.HAPPYFACE (ebook reader for pc and android TXT) 📖». Author vino M.HAPPYFACE

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Chapter Seven

 Through out history class I felt a burning sensation at the back of my head.

Evertime I felt it I kept looking back to find Neon staring at me.

So I just gave up and let him stare. Untill I felt really wet in my woohoo zone.

"Do you mind?" I aked in a anoyed tone.

He cocked one eyebrow up in question. "do you mind? I mean can you stop staring at me?" I ask again with a more bitter voice. Which makes me feel bad.

his lip lifted into a smile that showed some of his pearly teath. "Now why would I do that?" and he continues staring, so I just decide on ignoring it.

class is finally over! I collect my history book and head towards the door.

"Livian sternell could you come over here quick?" asked mr.ashton.

I stood by his desk waiting for what he wanted to say. He grinned widely and stood up.

he was a okay looking guy in his thirtees.

mr ashtons hand rested on my forarm which made me really uncomfortable. His other hand reached to move a strand of hair away from my face. It made me want to run away right now. what is he doing?

"my, Livian how good you look...." he licks his lips. and I try to step away from him but his grip on me tightens.

"um-m si-ir , I need t-to go" his hand on my arm starts to move downward until ir sets on my hip.

he leans in towards me and I start moving away but he doesn't release his grip on me.

The door swings open and next thing I know is that mr. ashton is flung over the tables and into the far wall. I feel two strong, warm hands grab me and pull me towards their hard built chest.

I look up to see that it was Neon.

"It's okay, your okay now" he started to soothe me. and I realised I was staining his shirt with mt tears. wait i'm crying? I step out of his embrace and opolagise and rush out the classroom towards the washroom. Inside I felt better I sat on the ground thinking about how my teacher was just about to- I was interupted from my thoughts by Neon, "huh-?" I couldn't finish what I was about to say because my lips were covered by his soft luciouse lips. I was too stunned to regester what was happening until I felt his tongue tease my bottom lip for me to open up for him. I didn't respond so he placed both his hands on my hips. He teased my bottom lip and I couldn't resist, so I opened up for him. He was exploring my mouth with his toungue and it felt right. This is my first kiss! I start kissing him back and thats when the kiss become rough. His hands started moving upwards until they cupped my breasts. my hands went up towards his hair. tugging his hair made him more rough with the kiss, which I liked. our tongues were dancing with each other while his hands were massaging my breasts. Neon lifted me up until my legs were wraped around his waist.  He broke the kiss so he and I could breath, with me still wraped around him, he walked towards the door and locked it.

"wha-" I was cutt off once again with him kissing me. My back hit the marble wall of the bathroom. I could feel a hard bump between my legs.

Neons hands traveled to the hem of my crop top and he pulled it up only breaking our kiss foor him to remove my shirt, he did the same with his. we kep removing clothing until I was left with my undies and bra and him in his boxers.

I reached to feel his abs while he reached to unclasp my bra. without a strugle he removed it.

his lips left mine so he could kiss down my neck. They started off with just small kisses until his tongue joined and his teeth aswell. his lips were on my neck bone and then they were on my breast. he opened his mouth and sucked on my hardened nipple. a moan left my lips and I could feel him smile on my skin. And thats what brings me back to reality. I push him away and cover myself with my hands.

"I'm sorry Livian, I got carried away." I reached for my bra and put it back on then got dressed quickly.

"please Livian forgive me, it's just that I really like you and I didn-" I poke my hand put in a stop it motion.

"don;t, this never happened." he looks angry now.

"yes this did happen. That was something amazing and you know it, you can't just pretend you didn't feel anything there." he's got a point, it did feel special. but im not telling him that.

"no" was all I said before I left the bathroom with him still in his boxors.

"Livian!" I looked behind me to find him right there fully dressed. how? I give him a confused look and keep walking to my locker. I open it and- the door slams shut and it almost ripped my hand off!

"Hey! you almost removed my arm!" I turn around to find him a couple inches away from me with both his arms cagging me at either side. "Be my girlfriend" I am stunned speachless.

did he just ask me to be his girlfriend?! "u-u....."

"come on please just try it, if you don't like it you can brake up with me but if you do then you'll stay."

"how am I suposed to know you wont ditch me for some whore?" his lips tilt up again which makes me all gooey again.

"oh trust me I won't be leavin you" I let out a heavy sigh and nod. just like that and his lips are on mine again. The bell rings singnaling that its lunch now but we don't break apart. his tongue is so moist it makes me wanna know how it will feel some place else. A phew whistles were heard and some "get a room"'s .but we had to break apart when I heard my brother.

"Livy...what?" I look at my brother and turn a bright red. he has a confused look mixed with anger.

"oh uh j-jason, this is Neon.....m-my boyfriend....." his mouth drops lower if thats eveen possible.

Neons hand tightens around my waist and he leens down to kiss my temple.

Chapter eight

The last couple of days were amazing. Jason gets along with Neon and so does my mother.

Neon and I have been having a great time together.

we've only kissed a couple times. but they were all amazing and each time they keep getting better.

im still a virgin though so don't worry you didn't miss anything.

quick speach

 hiya guys! this is the author of this book.

I just wanted to thank you for giving my book a chance and that I really apprieciate it.

Also I wanted to apolagise for taking long to update this book, I will try to update every day if I can.


kind regards,


Chapter Nine

 My brother didn't take the news very well, Infact the whole school didn't as well.

All the girls are either threatining me to stay away from him or they just give me the look of disgust.

The whole school is talking about Neon and I, and how we just met and poof  we're the celebrity couple.

It's just weird.

After the school bell rang, I ran out of the building towards Jason's car to find his car gone.

Oh god. how could he do this to me?

I felt two large hands grab me from my waist and ppull me toward them. I reacted just as quick and slaped the person who decided that hey why not just go up to this person and wrap my arms around her it's not creepy at all.

"ow! what was that for?" I recognised from his voice that it was Neon. uh oh.

I turn around quickly to face him and find that there is a red mark on his left cheek.

I remove his hand from his face and replace it with mine, rubbing the place I slapped him.

"oh gosh I am truely sorry! I didn't mean to-" I was cut off by him once he placed his lips over mine softly.

I was too taken  aback to respond, and this is all new to me as well.

His hands went up to the sides of my face to keep me in place. His soft toungue massaged my bottom lip so I opened my mouth for him. His toungue entered softly and our tongues started dancing together for a while. I felt his hands leave my face to travel around my stomache to my back.

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